- `gui/control-panel`: new preference for whether filters in lists search for substrings in the middle of words (e.g. if set to true, then "ee" will match "steel")
- Core: For debugging purposes, you can now pass ``--disable-dfhack`` on the Dwarf Fortress commandline or specify ``DFHACK_DISABLE=1`` in the environment to disable DFHack for the current session.
- ``overlay.reload()``: has been renamed to ``overlay.rescan()`` so as not to conflict with the global ``reload()`` function. If you are developing an overlay, please take note of the new function name for reloading your overlay during development.
- ``gui``: changed frame naming scheme to ``FRAME_X`` rather than ``X_FRAME``, and added aliases for backwards compatibility. (for example ``BOLD_FRAME`` is now called ``FRAME_BOLD``)
- `orders`: ``library/military_include_artifact_materials`` library file removed since recent research indicates that platinum blunt weapons and silver crossbows are not more effective than standard steel. the alternate military orders file was also causing unneeded confusion.
- ``Dwarf Therapist``: add a warning to the Labors screen when Dwarf Therapist is active so players know that changes they make to that screen will have no effect. If you're starting a new embark and nobody seems to be doing anything, check your Labors tab for this warning to see if Dwarf Therapist thinks it is in control (even if it's not running).
-@ `buildingplan`: items in the item selection dialog should now use the same item quality symbols as the base game
-@ `buildingplan`: hide planner overlay while the DF tutorial is active so that it can detect when you have placed the carpenter's workshop and bed and allow you to finish the tutorial
-@ Mods: scripts in mods that are only in the steam workshop directory are now accessible. this means that a script-only mod that you never mark as "active" when generating a world will still receive automatic updates and be usable from in-game
-@ Mods: scripts from only the most recent version of an installed mod are added to the script path
-@ Mods: give active mods a chance to reattach their load hooks when a world is reloaded
- added two new window borders: ``gui.BOLD_FRAME`` for accented elements and ``gui.INTERIOR_MEDIUM_FRAME`` for a signature-less frame that's thicker than the existing ``gui.INTERIOR_FRAME``
- `buildingplan`: filters and global settings are now ignored when manually choosing items for a building, allowing you to make custom choices independently of the filters that would otherwise be used
- `buildingplan`: if `suspendmanager` is running, then planned buildings will be left suspended when their items are all attached. `suspendmanager` will unsuspsend them for construction when it is safe to do so.
- `stockpiles`: support applying stockpile configurations with fully enabled categories to stockpiles in worlds other than the one where the configuration was exported from
- `stockpiles`: support partial application of a saved config based on dynamic filtering (e.g. disable all tallow in a food stockpile, even tallow from world-specific generated creatures)
- `stockpiles`: additive and subtractive modes when applying a second stockpile configuration on top of a first
- `stockpiles`: write player-exported stockpile configurations to the ``dfhack-config/stockpiles`` folder. If you have any stockpile configs in other directories, please move them to that folder.
- `stockpiles`: now includes a library of useful stockpile configs (see docs for details)
- `orders`: add minimize button to overlay panel so you can get it out of the way to read long statue descriptions when choosing a subject in the details screen
- Mods: scripts in mods are now automatically added to the DFHack script path. DFHack recognizes two directories in a mod's folder: ``scripts_modinstalled/`` and ``scripts_modactive/``. ``scripts_modinstalled/`` folders will always be added the script path, regardless of whether the mod is active in a world. ``scripts_modactive/`` folders will only be added to the script path when the mod is active in the current loaded world.
- `modding-guide`: guide updated to include information for 3rd party script developers
- the ``untested`` tag has been renamed to ``unavailable`` to better reflect the status of the remaining unavaialable tools. most of the simply "untested" tools have now been tested and marked as working. the remaining tools are known to need development work before they are available again.
- ``widgets.Label``: tokens can now specify a ``htile`` property to indicate the tile that should be shown when the Label is hovered over with the mouse
- ``widgets.Label``: click handlers no longer get the label itself as the first param to the click handler
- ``widgets.CycleHotkeyLabel``: options that are bare integers will no longer be interpreted as the pen color in addition to being the label and value
- ``widgets.CycleHotkeyLabel``: option labels and pens can now be functions that return a label or pen
-@ `buildingplan`: add "minimize" button to temporarily get the planner overlay out of the way if you would rather use the vanilla UI for placing the current building
- `blueprint-library-guide`: player-created blueprints should now go in the ``dfhack-config/blueprints`` folder. please move your existing blueprints from ``blueprints`` to ``dfhack-config/blueprints``. you don't need to move the library blueprints -- those can be safely deleted from the old ``blueprints`` directory.
-@ `nestboxes`: fixed bug causing nestboxes themselves to be forbidden, which prevented citizens from using them to lay eggs. Now only eggs are forbidden.
-@ `autobutcher`: implemented work-around for Dwarf Fortress not setting nicknames properly, so that nicknames created in the in-game interface are detected & protect animals from being butchered properly. Note that nicknames for unnamed units are not currently saved by dwarf fortress - use ``enable fix/protect-nicks`` to fix any nicknames created/removed within dwarf fortress so they can be saved/reloaded when you reload the game.
- DFHack tool windows that capture mouse clicks (and therefore prevent you from clicking on the "pause" button) now unconditionally pause the game when they open (but you can still unpause with the keyboard if you want to). Examples of this behavior: `gui/quickfort`, `gui/blueprint`, `gui/liquids`
- `showmood`: now shows the number of items needed for cloth and bars in addition to the technically correct but always confusing "total dimension" (150 per bar or 10,000 per cloth)
-@ `hotkeys`: DFHack logo is now hidden on screens where it covers important information when in the default position (e.g. when choosing an embark site)
- `autobutcher`: changed defaults from 5 females / 1 male to 4 females / 2 males so a single unfortunate accident doesn't leave players without a mating pair
- `autobutcher`: now immediately loads races available at game start into the watchlist
-@ `orders`: recipe for silver crossbows removed from ``library/military`` as it is not a vanilla recipe, but is available in ``library/military_include_artifact_materials``
- `overlay`: overlay widgets can now specify focus paths for the viewscreens they attach to so they only appear in specific contexts. see `overlay-dev-guide` for details.
-@ DF screens can no longer get "stuck" on transitions when DFHack tool windows are visible. Instead, those DF screens are force-paused while DFHack windows are visible so the player can close them first and not corrupt the screen sequence. The "PAUSE FORCED" indicator will appear on these DFHack windows to indicate what is happening.
-@ allow launcher tools to launch themselves without hanging the game
-@ fix issues with clicks "passing through" some DFHack window elements to the screen below
-@ `orders`: fix orders in library/basic that create bags
- `orders`: library/military now sticks to vanilla rules and does not add orders for normally-mood-only platinum weapons. A new library orders file ``library/military_include_artifact_materials`` is now offered as an alternate ``library/military`` set of orders that still includes the platinum weapons.
- `autochop`: fixed a crash when processing trees with corrupt data structures (e.g. when a trunk tile fails to fall when the rest of the tree is chopped down)
-@ DFHack windows can now be "defocused" by clicking somewhere not over the tool window. This has the same effect as pinning previously did, but without the extra clicking.
- `seedwatch`: now persists enabled state in the savegame, automatically loads useful defaults, and respects reachability when counting available seeds
- ``Buildings::containsTile()``: no longer takes a ``room`` parameter since that's not how rooms work anymore. If the building has extents, the extents will be checked. otherwise, the result just depends on whether the tile is within the building's bounding box.
- `helpdb`: new function: ``helpdb.refresh()`` to force a refresh of the database. Call if you are a developer adding new scripts, loading new plugins, or changing help text during play
- `helpdb`: changed from auto-refreshing every 60 seconds to only refreshing on explicit call to ``helpdb.refresh()``. docs very rarely change during a play session, and the automatic database refreshes were slowing down the startup of `gui/launcher` and anything else that displays help text.
-@ `orders`: allow the orders library to be listed and imported properly (if you previously copied the orders library into your ``dfhack-config/orders`` directory to work around this bug, you can remove those files now)
- `script-paths`: removed "raw" directories from default script paths. now the default locations to search for scripts are ``dfhack-config/scripts``, ``save/*/scripts``, and ``hack/scripts``
- ``init.d``: directories have moved from the ``raw`` subfolder (which no longer exists) to the root of the main DF folder or a savegame folder
- ``gui.ZScreen``: Screen subclass that implements window raising, multi-viewscreen input handling, and viewscreen event pass-through so the underlying map can be interacted with and dragged around while DFHack screens are visible
- `overlay`: plugin is transformed from a single line of text that runs `gui/launcher` on click to a fully-featured overlay injection framework. It now houses a popup menu for keybindings relevant to the current DF screen, all the widgets previously provided by `dwarfmonitor` (e.g. the current date and number of happy/unhappy dwarves), the overlay that highlights suspended buildings when you pause, and others. See `overlay-dev-guide` for details.
- `buildingplan`: fix crash when canceling out of placement mode for a building with planning mode enabled and subsequently attempting to place a building that does not have planning mode enabled and that has no pertinent materials available
- `dwarfmonitor`: widgets have been ported to the overlay framework and can be enabled and configured via the `gui/overlay` UI
- `ls`: indent tag listings and wrap them in the rightmost column for better readability
- `ls`: new ``--exclude`` option for hiding matched scripts from the output. this can be especially useful for modders who don't want their mod scripts to be included in ``ls`` output.
- `hotkeys`: hotkey screen has been transformed into an interactive `overlay` widget that you can bring up by moving the mouse cursor over the hotspot (in the upper left corner of the screen by default). Enable/disable/reposition the hotspot in the `gui/overlay` UI. Even if the hotspot is disabled, the menu can be brought up at any time with the Ctrl-Shift-C hotkey.
- UX: You can now drag the scrollbar up and down to scroll to a specific spot
- `orders`: replace shell craft orders in the standard orders list you get with ``orders import library/basic`` with orders for shell leggings. They have a slightly higher trade price. Also, "shleggings" is just hilarious.
- `gui/cp437-table`: new global keybinding for the clickable on-screen keyboard for players with keyboard layouts that prevent them from using certain keys: Ctrl-Shift-K
- `overlay-dev-guide`: documentation and guide for injecting functionality into DF viewscreens from Lua scripts and creating interactive overlay widgets
- ``dfhack.gui.revealInDwarfmodeMap``: document ``center`` bool for Lua API
- MiscUtils: added the following string transformation functions (refactored from ``uicommon.h``): ``int_to_string``, ``ltrim``, ``rtrim``, and ``trim``; added ``string_to_int``
- ``widgets.Scrollbar``: new scrollbar widget that can be paired with an associated scrollable widget. Integrated with ``widgets.Label`` and ``widgets.List``.
- ``widgets.List``: new ``getIdxUnderMouse()`` function for detecting the list index under the active mouse cursor. this allows for "selection follows mouse" behavior
- ``gui.Screen.show()``: now returns ``self`` as a convenience
- ``gui.View.getMousePos()`` now takes an optional ``ViewRect`` parameter in case the caller wants to get the mouse pos relative to a rect that is not the frame_body (such as the frame_rect that includes the frame itself)
- Lua mouse events now conform to documented behavior in `lua-api` -- ``_MOUSE_L_DOWN`` will be sent exactly once per mouse click and ``_MOUSE_L`` will be sent repeatedly as long as the button is held down. Similarly for right mouse button events.
- `autonestbox`: split off from `zone` into its own plugin. Note that to enable, the command has changed from ``autonestbox start`` to ``enable autonestbox``.
- `autobutcher`: split off from `zone` into its own plugin. Note that to enable, the command has changed from ``autobutcher start`` to ``enable autobutcher``.
- `overlay`: display a "DFHack" button in the lower left corner that you can click to start the new GUI command launcher. The `dwarfmonitor` weather display had to be moved to make room for the button. If you are seeing the weather indicator rendered over the overlay button, please remove the ``dfhack-config/dwarfmonitor.json`` file to fix the weather indicator display offset.
- `tags`: new built-in command to list the tool category tags and their definitions. tags associated with each tool are visible in the tool help and in the output of `ls`.
- ``dfhack.run_script``: ensure the arguments passed to scripts are always strings. This allows other scripts to call ``run_script`` with numeric args and it won't break parameter parsing.
- `quickfort`: `Dreamfort <quickfort-blueprint-guide>` blueprint set: declare the hospital zone before building the coffer; otherwise DF fails to stock the hospital with materials
- Init scripts: ``dfhack.init`` and other init scripts have moved to ``dfhack-config/init/``. If you have customized your ``dfhack.init`` file and want to keep your changes, please move the part that you have customized to the new location at ``dfhack-config/init/dfhack.init``. If you do not have changes that you want to keep, do not copy anything, and the new defaults will be used automatically.
- History files: ``dfhack.history``, ``tiletypes.history``, ``lua.history``, and ``liquids.history`` have moved to the ``dfhack-config`` directory. If you'd like to keep the contents of your current history files, please move them to ``dfhack-config``.
- `manipulator`: add a library of useful default professions
- `manipulator`: move professions configuration from ``professions/`` to ``dfhack-config/professions/`` to keep it together with other dfhack configuration. If you have saved professions that you would like to keep, please manually move them to the new folder.
- ``materials.ItemTraitsDialog``: added a default ``on_select``-handler which toggles the traits.
- `prospect`: add new ``--show`` option to give the player control over which report sections are shown. e.g. ``prospect all --show ores`` will just show information on ores.
- UX: You can now move the cursor around in DFHack text fields in ``gui/`` scripts (e.g. `gui/blueprint`, `gui/quickfort`, or `gui/gm-editor`). You can move the cursor by clicking where you want it to go with the mouse or using the Left/Right arrow keys. Ctrl+Left/Right will move one word at a time, and Alt+Left/Right will move to the beginning/end of the text.
- UX: You can now click on the hotkey hint text in many ``gui/`` script windows to activate the hotkey, like a button. Not all scripts have been updated to use the clickable widget yet, but you can try it in `gui/blueprint` or `gui/quickfort`.
- UX: Label widget scroll icons are replaced with scrollbars that represent the percentage of text on the screen and move with the position of the visible text, just like web browser scrollbars.
- `quickfort`: `Dreamfort <quickfort-blueprint-guide>` blueprint set improvements: set traffic designations to encourage dwarves to eat cooked food instead of raw ingredients
- Removed "egg" ("eggy") hook support (Linux only). The only remaining method of hooking into DF is by interposing SDL calls, which has been the method used by all binary releases of DFHack.
- ``Units::teleport()``: now sets ``unit.idle_area`` to discourage units from walking back to their original location (or teleporting back, if using `fastdwarf`)
- History: added ``dfhack.getCommandHistory(history_id, history_filename)`` and ``dfhack.addCommandToHistory(history_id, history_filename, command)`` so gui scripts can access a commandline history without requiring a terminal.
- ``tile-material``: fix the order of declarations. The ``GetTileMat`` function now returns the material as intended (always returned nil before). Also changed the license info, with permission of the original author.
- ``widgets.Label``: ``scroll`` function now interprets the keywords ``+page``, ``-page``, ``+halfpage``, and ``-halfpage`` in addition to simple positive and negative numbers.
- ``widgets.HotkeyLabel``: clicking on the widget will now call ``on_activate()``.
- ``widgets.CycleHotkeyLabel``: clicking on the widget will now cycle the options and trigger ``on_change()``. This also applies to the ``ToggleHotkeyLabel`` subclass.
- ``job.removeJob()``: fixes regression in DFHack 0.47.05-r5 where items/buildings associated with the job were not getting disassociated when the job is removed. Now `build-now` can build buildings and `gui/mass-remove` can cancel building deconstruction again
- `dfhack-examples-guide`: refine food preparation orders so meal types are chosen intelligently according to the amount of meals that exist and the number of aviailable items to cook with
- `dfhack-examples-guide`: reduce required stock of dye for "Dye cloth" orders
- `dfhack-examples-guide`: fix material conditions for making jugs and pots
- `dfhack-examples-guide`: make wooden jugs by default to differentiate them from other stone tools. this allows players to more easily select jugs out with a properly-configured stockpile (i.e. the new ``woodentools`` alias)
- `quickfort-alias-guide`: new aliases: ``forbidsearch``, ``permitsearch``, and ``togglesearch`` use the `search-plugin` plugin to alter the settings for a filtered list of item types when configuring stockpiles
- `quickfort-alias-guide`: new aliases: ``stonetools`` and ``woodentools``. the ``jugs`` alias is deprecated. please use ``stonetools`` instead, which is the same as the old ``jugs`` alias.
- `quickfort-alias-guide`: new aliases: ``usablehair``, ``permitusablehair``, and ``forbidusablehair`` alter settings for the types of hair/wool that can be made into cloth: sheep, llama, alpaca, and troll. The ``craftrefuse`` aliases have been altered to use this alias as well.
- `quickfort-alias-guide`: new aliases: ``forbidthread``, ``permitthread``, ``forbidadamantinethread``, ``permitadamantinethread``, ``forbidcloth``, ``permitcloth``, ``forbidadamantinecloth``, and ``permitadamantinecloth`` give you more control how adamantine-derived items are stored
- `quickfort`: `Dreamfort <quickfort-blueprint-guide>` blueprint set improvements: automatically create tavern, library, and temple locations (restricted to residents only by default), automatically associate the rented rooms with the tavern
- `quickfort`: `Dreamfort <quickfort-blueprint-guide>` blueprint set improvements: new design for the services level, including were-bitten hospital recovery rooms and an appropriately-themed interrogation room next to the jail! Also fits better in a 1x1 embark for minimalist players.
- ``gui.View``: all ``View`` subclasses (including all ``Widgets``) can now acquire keyboard focus with the new ``View:setFocus()`` function. See docs for details.
- ``materials.ItemTraitsDialog``: new dialog to edit item traits (where "item" is part of a job or work order or similar). The list of traits is the same as in vanilla work order conditions "``t`` change traits".
- ``widgets.EditField``: views that have an ``EditField`` subview no longer need to manually manage the ``EditField`` activation state and input routing. This is now handled automatically by the new ``gui.View`` keyboard focus subsystem.
- `autochop`: only designate the amount of trees required to reach ``max_logs``
- `autochop`: preferably designate larger trees over smaller ones
- `blueprint`: ``track`` phase renamed to ``carve``
- `blueprint`: carved fortifications and (optionally) engravings are now captured in generated blueprints
- `cursecheck`: new option, ``--ids`` prints creature and race IDs of the cursed creature
- `debug`: DFHack log messages now have configurable headers (e.g. timestamp, origin plugin name, etc.) via the ``debugfilter`` command of the `debug` plugin
- `debug`: script execution log messages (e.g. "Loading script: dfhack_extras.init" can now be controlled with the ``debugfilter`` command. To hide the messages, add this line to your ``dfhack.init`` file: ``debugfilter set Warning core script``
- `dfhack-examples-guide`: add mugs to ``basic`` manager orders
- `dfhack-examples-guide`: ``onMapLoad_dreamfort.init`` remove "cheaty" commands and new tweaks that are now in the default ``dfhack.init-example`` file
- ``dfhack.init-example``: recently-added tweaks added to example ``dfhack.init`` file
- ``Job::removeJob()``: use the job cancel vmethod graciously provided by The Toady One in place of a synthetic method derived from reverse engineering
- `custom-raw-tokens`: library for accessing tokens added to raws by mods
- ``dfhack.units``: Lua wrappers for functions reverse-engineered from ambushing unit code: ``isHidden(unit)``, ``isFortControlled(unit)``, ``getOuterContainerRef(unit)``, ``getOuterContainerRef(item)``
- ``dwarfmode.enterSidebarMode()``: passing ``df.ui_sidebar_mode.DesignateMine`` now always results in you entering ``DesignateMine`` mode and not ``DesignateChopTrees``, even when you looking at the surface (where the default designation mode is ``DesignateChopTrees``)
- ``dwarfmode.MenuOverlay``: if ``sidebar_mode`` attribute is set, automatically manage entering a specific sidebar mode on show and restoring the previous sidebar mode on dismiss
- ``dwarfmode.MenuOverlay``: new class function ``renderMapOverlay`` to assist with painting tiles over the visible map
- ``safe_index``: now properly handles lua sparse tables that are indexed by numbers
- ``string``: new function ``escape_pattern()`` escapes regex special characters within a string
- ``widgets``: unset values in ``frame_inset`` table default to ``0``
- ``widgets``: ``FilteredList`` class now allows all punctuation to be typed into the filter and can match search keys that start with punctuation
- ``widgets``: minimum height of ``ListBox`` dialog is now calculated correctly when there are no items in the list (e.g. when a filter doesn't match anything)
- ``widgets``: if ``autoarrange_subviews`` is set, ``Panel``\s will now automatically lay out widgets vertically according to their current height. This allows you to have widgets dynamically change height or become visible/hidden and you don't have to worry about recalculating frame layouts
- ``widgets``: new class ``ResizingPanel`` (subclass of ``Panel``) automatically recalculates its own frame height based on the size, position, and visibility of its subviews
- ``widgets``: new class ``HotkeyLabel`` (subclass of ``Label``) that displays and reacts to hotkeys
- ``widgets``: new class ``CycleHotkeyLabel`` (subclass of ``Label``) allows users to cycle through a list of options by pressing a hotkey
- ``widgets``: new class ``ToggleHotkeyLabel`` (subclass of ``CycleHotkeyLabel``) toggles between ``On`` and ``Off`` states
- ``widgets``: new class ``WrappedLabel`` (subclass of ``Label``) provides autowrapping of text
- ``widgets``: new class ``TooltipLabel`` (subclass of ``WrappedLabel``) provides tooltip-like behavior
- `blueprint`: all blueprint phases are now written to a single file, using `quickfort` multi-blueprint file syntax. to get the old behavior of each phase in its own file, pass the ``--splitby=phase`` parameter to ``blueprint``
- `blueprint`: you can now specify the position where the cursor should be when the blueprint is played back with `quickfort` by passing the ``--playback-start`` parameter
- `blueprint`: blueprints are no longer generated for phases that have nothing to do (unless those phases are explicitly enabled on the commandline or gui)
- `quickfort`, `dfhack-examples-guide`: Dreamfort blueprint set improvements based on playtesting and feedback. includes updated profession definitions.
- `quickfort`: Dreamfort blueprint set improvements: added iron and flux stock level indicators on the industry level and a prisoner processing quantum stockpile in the surface barracks. also added help text for how to manage sieges and how to manage prisoners after a siege.
- ``argparse.processArgsGetopt()``: you can now have long form parameters that are not an alias for a short form parameter. For example, you can now have a parameter like ``--longparam`` without needing to have an equivalent one-letter ``-l`` param.
- Core: ``alt`` keydown state is now cleared when DF loses and regains focus, ensuring the ``alt`` modifier state is not stuck on for systems that don't send standard keyup events in response to ``alt-tab`` window manager events
- `orders`: new ``sort`` command. sorts orders according to their repeat frequency. this prevents daily orders from blocking other orders for simlar items from ever getting completed.
- `quickfort`: Dreamfort blueprint set improvements: extensive revision based on playtesting and feedback. includes updated ``onMapLoad_dreamfort.init`` settings file, enhanced automation orders, and premade profession definitions. see full changelog at https://github.com/DFHack/dfhack/pull/1921 and https://github.com/DFHack/dfhack/pull/1925
- new global function: ``safe_pairs(iterable[, iterator_fn])`` will iterate over the ``iterable`` (a table or iterable userdata) with the ``iterator_fn`` (``pairs`` if not otherwise specified) if iteration is possible. If iteration is not possible or would throw an error, for example if ``nil`` is passed as the ``iterable``, the iteration is just silently skipped.
- `buildingplan`: fixed an issue preventing other plugins like `automaterial` from planning constructions if the "enable all" buildingplan setting was turned on
- `command-prompt`: fixed issues where overlays created by running certain commands (e.g. `gui/liquids`, `gui/teleport`) would not update the parent screen correctly
- Added adjectives to item selection dialogs, used in tools like `gui/create-item` - this makes it possible to differentiate between different types of high/low boots, shields, etc. (some of which are procedurally generated)
- `blueprint`: made ``depth`` and ``name`` parameters optional. ``depth`` now defaults to ``1`` (current level only) and ``name`` defaults to "blueprint"
- `blueprint`: ``depth`` can now be negative, which will result in the blueprints being written from the highest z-level to the lowest. Before, blueprints were always written from the lowest z-level to the highest.
- `blueprint`: added the ``--cursor`` option to set the starting coordinate for the generated blueprints. A game cursor is no longer necessary if this option is used.
- ``string:wrap(width)`` wraps a string at space-separated word boundaries
- ``string:trim()`` removes whitespace characters from the beginning and end of the string
- ``string:split(delimiter, plain)`` splits a string with the given delimiter and returns a table of substrings. if ``plain`` is specified and set to ``true``, ``delimiter`` is interpreted as a literal string instead of as a pattern (the default)
- ``gui.dwarfmode``: new function: ``enterSidebarMode(sidebar_mode, max_esc)`` which uses keypresses to get into the specified sidebar mode from whatever the current screen is
- The DFHack test harness is now much easier to use for iterative development. Configuration can now be specified on the commandline, there are more test filter options, and the test harness can now easily rerun tests that have been run before.
- Unit tests must now match any output expected to be printed via ``dfhack.printerr()``
- Unit tests now support fortress mode (allowing tests that require a fortress map to be loaded) - note that these tests are skipped by continuous integration for now, pending a suitable test fortress
- `autohauler`: allowed the ``Alchemist`` labor to be enabled in `manipulator` and other labor screens so it can be used for its intended purpose of flagging that no hauling labors should be assigned to a dwarf. Before, the only way to set the flag was to use an external program like Dwarf Therapist.
- `quickfort`: Dreamfort blueprint set improvements: `significant <http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=176889.msg8239017#msg8239017>`_ refinements across the entire blueprint set. Dreamfort is now much faster, much more efficient, and much easier to use. The `checklist <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13PVZ2h3Mm3x_G1OXQvwKd7oIR2lK4A1Ahf6Om1kFigw/edit#gid=1459509569>`__ now includes a mini-walkthrough for quick reference. The spreadsheet now also includes `embark profile suggestions <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13PVZ2h3Mm3x_G1OXQvwKd7oIR2lK4A1Ahf6Om1kFigw/edit#gid=149144025>`__
- `quickfort`: added aliases for configuring masterwork and artifact core quality for all stockpile categories that have them; made it possible to take from multiple stockpiles in the ``quantumstop`` alias
- `buildingplan`: added ability to set global settings from the console, e.g. ``buildingplan set boulders false``
- `buildingplan`: added "enable all" option for buildingplan (so you don't have to enable all building types individually). This setting is not persisted (just like quickfort_mode is not persisted), but it can be set from onMapLoad.init
- `buildingplan`: modified ``Planning Mode`` status in the UI to show whether the plugin is in quickfort mode, "enable all" mode, or whether just the building type is enabled.
- `quickfort`: Dreamfort blueprint set improvements: added a streamlined checklist for all required dreamfort commands and gave names to stockpiles, levers, bridges, and zones
- `quickfort`: added aliases for bronze weapons and armor
- ``dfhack.run_command()``: changed to interface directly with the console when possible, which allows interactive commands and commands that detect the console encoding to work properly
- ``processArgsGetopt()`` added to utils.lua, providing a callback interface for parameter parsing and getopt-like flexibility for parameter ordering and combination (see docs in ``library/lua/utils.lua`` and ``library/lua/3rdparty/alt_getopt.lua`` for details).
- Fixed an issue on some Linux systems where DFHack installed through a package manager would attempt to write files to a non-writable folder (notably when running `exportlegends` or `gui/autogems`)
- `embark-assistant`: fixed an issue causing incursion resource matching (e.g. sand/clay) to skip some tiles if those resources were provided only through incursions
- `buildingplan`: added support for all buildings, furniture, and constructions (except for instruments)
- `buildingplan`: added support for respecting building job_item filters when matching items, so you can set your own programmatic filters for buildings before submitting them to buildingplan
- `buildingplan`: changed default filter setting for max quality from ``artifact`` to ``masterwork``
- `buildingplan`: changed min quality adjustment hotkeys from 'qw' to 'QW' to avoid conflict with existing hotkeys for setting roller speed - also changed max quality adjustment hotkeys from 'QW' to 'AS' to make room for the min quality hotkey changes
- `buildingplan`: added a new global settings page accessible via the ``G`` hotkey when on any building build screen; ``Quickfort Mode`` toggle for legacy Python Quickfort has been moved to this page
- `buildingplan`: added new global settings for whether generic building materials should match blocks, boulders, logs, and/or bars - defaults are everything but bars
- `embark-assistant`: split the lair types displayed on the local map into mound, burrow, and lair
- `quickfort`: The Dreamfort sample blueprints now have complete walkthroughs for each fort level and importable orders that automate basic fort stock management
- `quickfort`: added more blueprints to the blueprints library: several bedroom layouts, the Saracen Crypts, and the complete fortress example from Python Quickfort: TheQuickFortress
- ``dfhack.job.isSuitableMaterial()``: added an item type parameter so the ``non_economic`` flag can be properly handled (it was being matched for all item types instead of just boulders)
- ``Buildings::setSize()``: changed to reuse existing extents when possible
- `createitem`: added an ``inspect`` subcommand to print the item and material tokens of existing items, which can be used to create additional matching items
- Fixed syntax highlighting of most code blocks to use the appropriate language (or no language) instead of Python
## API
- Added ``DFHack::to_search_normalized()`` (Lua: ``dfhack.toSearchNormalized()``) to convert non-ASCII alphabetic characters to their ASCII equivalents
- Linux: fixed ``dfhack.getDFPath()`` (Lua) and ``Process::getPath()`` (C++) to always return the DF root path, even if the working directory has changed
- Fixed ``Units::isEggLayer``, ``Units::isGrazer``, ``Units::isMilkable``, ``Units::isTrainableHunting``, ``Units::isTrainableWar``, and ``Units::isTamable`` ignoring the unit's caste
- `RemoteFortressReader`: fixed a couple crashes that could result from decoding invalid enum items (``site_realization_building_type`` and ``improvement_type``)
- `blueprint`: now writes blueprints to the ``blueprints/`` subfolder instead of the df root folder
- `blueprint`: now automatically creates folder trees when organizing blueprints into subfolders (e.g. ``blueprint 30 30 1 rooms/dining dig`` will create the file ``blueprints/rooms/dining-dig.csv``); previously it would fail if the ``blueprints/rooms/`` directory didn't already exist
- changed waterfall detection to look for level drop rather than just presence
- changed matching to take incursions, i.e. parts of other biomes, into consideration when evaluating tiles. This allows for e.g. finding multiple biomes on single tile embarks.
- changed overlay display to show when incursion surveying is incomplete
- added check for units' current jobs when calculating the direction they are facing
## API
- Added ``Maps::GetBiomeType`` and ``Maps::GetBiomeTypeByRef`` to infer biome types properly
- Added ``Units::getPhysicalDescription`` (note that this depends on the ``unit_get_physical_description`` offset, which is not yet available for all DF builds)
- Added new ``plugin_load_data`` and ``plugin_save_data`` events for plugins to load/save persistent data
- `prospector`: (also affected `embark-tools`) - fixed a crash when prospecting an unusable site (ocean, mountains, etc.) with a large default embark size in d_init.txt (e.g. 16x16)
- Fixed many tools passing incorrect arguments to printf-style functions, including a few possible crashes (`changelayer`, `follow`, `forceequip`, `generated-creature-renamer`)
- `autochop`, `autodump`, `autogems`, `automelt`, `autotrade`, `buildingplan`, `dwarfmonitor`, `fix-unit-occupancy`, `fortplan`, `stockflow`: fix issues with periodic tasks not working for some time after save/load cycles
- changed region interaction matching to search for evil rain, syndrome rain, and reanimation rather than interaction presence (misleadingly called evil weather), reanimation, and thralling
- gave syndrome rain and reanimation wider ranges of criterion values
- `fix/dead-units`: added a delay of around 1 month before removing units
- `tweak` block-labors: fixed two causes of crashes related in the v-p-l menu
- `full-heal`:
- units no longer have a tendency to melt after being healed
- healed units are no longer treated as patients by hospital staff
- healed units no longer attempt to clean themselves unsuccessfully
- wounded fliers now regain the ability to fly upon being healing
- now heals suffocation, numbness, infection, spilled guts and gelding
- `modtools/create-unit`:
- creatures of the appropriate age are now spawned as babies or children where applicable
- fix: civ_id is now properly assigned to historical_figure, resolving several hostility issues (spawned pets are no longer attacked by fortress military!)
- fix: unnamed creatures are no longer spawned with a string of numbers as a first name
- `exterminate`: fixed documentation of ``this`` option
## Misc Improvements
- `blueprint`: added a basic Lua API
- `devel/export-dt-ini`: added tool offsets for DT 40
-@ Added symbols for Toady's `0.44.07 Linux test build <http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=169839.msg7720111#msg7720111>`_ to fix :bug:`10615`
-@ ``world_site``: fixed alignment
## Misc improvements
- `modtools/item-trigger`: added the ability to specify inventory mode(s) to trigger on
- With ``PRINT_MODE:TEXT``, setting the ``DFHACK_HEADLESS`` environment variable will hide DF's display and allow the console to be used normally. (Note that this is intended for testing and is not very useful for actual gameplay.)