- shift seventh dwarf from craftsdwarf to farmer
- give starting miners some skill in engraving to make smoothing the
cistern go faster
- update embark suggestions and sample profile accordingly
- widen clearcutting area for surface fort so trees don't overhang the
- move wax from the cookables stockpile to the industry goods pile
- move coins from goods to metal
- move sheets from goods to textiles
- allow empty cages and traps on the surface animal stockpile
- remove animals from the industry quantum stockpile
- split furniture from the goods feeder stockpile so it can have
wheelbarrows assigned to it
- move orders for /services2 down to where we run /services2
- plan the roof over the surface barracks before the surface flooring to
encourage the easily-missed-but-important-for-the-next-blueprint roof
to get built first
- add a fourth craftsdwarf's workshop to the industry level, move some
workshops around to compensate
- add tip for how to configure mason's workshops
- forbid goblets in the goods feeder stockpile
- use dig priorities to get the guildhall tiles underneath the cistern
tiles dug quickly before the cistern gets wet
- move the first apartments level up in the checklist. it's usually needed before some of the "frills" blueprints
- remove unreliable `addcloak` alias from the `/setup` blueprint and replace it with a message that suggests manually adding leather cloaks to uniforms. We'll find a way to automate this someday.
- add instructions for expanding the `Inside` burrow as the fort is built
- add two craftsdwarf's workshops to the industry level, for a total of three. add suggestions for setting their profiles to restrict them individually to wood, stone, and bones
- add suggestion for restricting the mechanic's workshop to only be used by skilled dwarves
- widen the 1-wide corridor in the apartments level to 2-wide. the blueprint still fits within the footprint of the suites level, so we still fit fine in a 1x1 embark.
also set farming dig to priority 2 instead of 3 so the player can use 3
for other higher-than-default-but lower-than-farming tasks
and make the roughgems stockpile find the newly-moved gems QSP properly
make hospital and dining room more useful in the first build blueprint
separate out construction of the surface roof into a new stage so
dwarves aren't building too much at once
- move the alias syntax and usage docs from dfhack-config/quickfort/aliases.txt to a proper guide written in RST. Add examples and more details.
- move the alias library docs from data/quickfort/aliases-common.txt to the new guide
- reorder aliases in aliases-common to match the order in the docs
- factor out the character used to enter the stockpile config screen so we can use the same aliases for stockpiles and hauling routes (use 's' for stockpiles and '{Enter}' for hauling routes)
- reference the new guide in the quickfort user guide
- do an editorial pass of the quickfort user guide
- change name to "Quickfort Blueprint Guide", but only in the text, not the filename, so we don't change the URL
- add `quickfort-blueprint-guide` as a label, in addition to the existing `quickfort-user-guide`
- changed table-like lists to actual tables
- changed "grid" tables into "simple" tables where possible
- used ':kbd:' markers whenever we refer to a single character
- turned Meta blueprints and Notes blueprints sections into subsections of a new "Other blueprint modes" section, in preparation for a few new modes coming in -r5.
- updated out-of date caveat about bookcases, display furniture, and offering places not being supported
- some bugs fixed, especially in the query blueprints
- repackaged into a single file for easier distribution
- all blueprints given labels for addressing
- meta blueprints added for blueprints that could be applied as a group
- use #notes blueprints instead of "invisible" "Notes" sheets
- remove smoothing guildhall blueprint
- rearrange statues in guildhall so no pre-smoothing is required
- update dreamfort to use the new hauling route naming aliases
- add strategic whitespace to csv files to make them easier to read
- group related library files into subdirectories
- better filenames for exploratory-mining files
- add set of marker-mode layout helpers (inspired by Salford Sal's DF
tutorial videos