38f50f4a46More 31.13 offsets - bits of the Maps module, many offsets are bad.
Petr Mrázek
2010-09-17 13:49:49 +0200
3dfbc5fb21update widows getPath to only output the path, not the path and exe filename, to correspond with the linux versions
2010-09-16 21:44:38 -0400
6661d7e1f7added getPath() for all linux versions as well, should work fine
2010-09-16 18:21:41 -0700
760e6444d0Merge remote branch 'upstream/master' into dotnet
2010-09-16 09:05:31 -0500
3592748a50Bits and pieces
Petr Mrázek
2010-09-16 15:09:42 +0200
4959499009Fun and games of the offset kind. Most of Linux support for 31.13. Weather is wrong.
Petr Mrázek
2010-09-16 03:53:32 +0200
76ace6834fMerge remote branch 'upstream/master' into dotnet
2010-09-15 12:47:02 -0500
d2db7524a1Keeping the current working directory addition, but reverting the current tileset and color stuff, as the tileset was just an initializer, not the actual current one, just going to have to read the init.txt file myself
2010-09-13 09:45:53 -0400
040f8f7b7aAdd function to get the current working directory of the DF process, as well as offsets for the relative paths of the current tileset and color file, also created a simple program to dump those three things out
2010-09-12 21:36:31 -0400
294888f84aRemove usleep() from reveal, replaced by normal sleep().
Petr Mrázek
2010-09-09 03:36:11 +0200
d041ed21f7Jobs turned into <Job /> tags (by Japa)
Petr Mrázek
2010-09-08 18:03:24 +0200
53930c673bFix for veinlook - it wasn't reading the creature races.
Petr Mrázek
2010-09-08 12:36:22 +0200
ac550c8a7aFix for the build system. Don't install veinlook when it's not built due to missing dependencies.
Petr Mrázek
2010-09-08 00:06:30 +0200
f6b137230aFixed pause state offset in 31.12 linux version, dfreveal pauses and has improved usability.
Petr Mrázek
2010-09-04 07:43:39 +0200
315aab0d57added registration functions for callbacks, since some languages can't directly access DLL data exports (*cough*P/Invoke*cough*)
2010-09-03 10:31:06 -0500
813b771cd6Correct creature position offset on linux
Petr Mrázek
2010-09-03 03:17:03 +0200
5a5745590aMore Creatures rework, this time with more memset
Petr Mrázek
2010-09-03 03:01:37 +0200
dc6aa19083Creature rework
Petr Mrázek
2010-09-03 02:15:09 +0200
ece423a611Weather tool
Petr Mrázek
2010-09-01 21:09:45 +0200
0702960731Fix problems with CMAKE names, weather tool skeleton
Petr Mrázek
2010-09-01 20:51:12 +0200
84b417cf1aMemory-ng.xml should be consistent now. Offset dumper doesn't complain.
Petr Mrázek
2010-08-28 06:31:44 +0200
e762f1caeaMerge branch 'master' of git://bigbox.banquise.net/dfhack
Petr Mrázek
2010-08-28 04:39:03 +0200
f2dea86819Seemingly working VersionInfo loading parts. The offset names are now all wrong in the modules. DO NOT USE
Petr Mrázek
2010-08-28 03:57:56 +0200
764ad323d1Fix offset to something that appears more static.
Mikko Juola
2010-08-27 23:38:05 +0300
543480201cAdd screen tiles pointer for Linux DF 0.31.12
Mikko Juola
2010-08-27 22:59:11 +0300
37ac6f0744Remove final dfveinlook installing command from tools/supported/CMakeLists.txt.
Mikko Juola
2010-08-27 18:48:54 +0300
2df6433fefFix map reading for dfcopypaste, add simple console application to do the copy/pasting.
2010-08-27 14:56:38 -0400
afdc91265dRevert "Add a dirty hack to stop flickering on non-synchronizing DF processes."
Mikko Juola
2010-08-27 18:26:53 +0300
4197ad064fAdd a dirty hack to stop flickering on non-synchronizing DF processes.
Mikko Juola
2010-08-16 16:35:58 +0300
35a58cdf0cAdd screen_tiles_pointer for Memory.xml and fix reading screen tiles in Position module.
Mikko Juola
2010-08-16 14:50:12 +0300
ac78452228Update .gitignore
Mikko Juola
2010-08-16 10:46:07 +0300
4d4e895878Modify root CMakeLists.txt some more to behave as submodule.
Mikko Juola
2010-08-16 10:45:17 +0300
b87752a954Some changes to make CMake behave when dfhack is used as a submodule.
Mikko Juola
2010-08-16 10:09:33 +0300
60bfc1d420added the new callbacks to the list
2010-08-27 09:31:08 -0500
c7f37b697cadded include for Position.h
2010-08-27 09:30:15 -0500
33cd5fb1b4added ReadHotkeys and getScreenTiles
2010-08-27 09:20:16 -0500
Petr Mrázek
2010-08-23 01:29:55 +0200
1bceac2343Rename memory_info and its factory class.
Petr Mrázek
2010-08-20 14:10:05 +0200
a08258e36b"import pydftypes" changed to "import dftypes" buildings now using custom workshop callback creatures now using material callback fixed return value for civ and race index getters
2010-08-19 12:48:24 -0500
a508542d7cadded material and custom workshop buffer callback updated Creature class definition with new members fixed field size in Skill class
2010-08-19 12:47:45 -0500
464919635ffixed bug where reading en empty job list played with a null pointer
2010-08-19 12:45:43 -0500
fd872922a5updated to match C++ additions
2010-08-18 16:00:49 -0500