copypaste needs to be redone, not ported (see issue #479).
creaturemanager is obsolete due to the manipulator plugin, vjeck's
scripts for the cheaty bits, and changes to DF itself.
dfbauxtite - simply disable temperature, if the many more magma-safe
materials aren't helping. itemdesignator is replaced by enhanced stocks
screen, excpet for settings things on fire for which other tools exist.
Removed obsolete plugins. Started hotkeys port. Mostly-finished
position port. Corrected dwarfmonitor date display. Documented
putontable.lua in readme.
replaced magic numbers in dfstatus script with `df.item_type.TOKEN`;
added dfstatus to readme and init_example; myself to contributors list,
updated needs_porting notes and removed script
The new dfstatus script needs some work on magic numbers before it moves
to the scripts folder; the notes file contains my notes on further
things to delete.