The presence of syndrome data in generates corresponding wound data in unit.body.wounds. This wound data acts to produce all of the syndrome's actual effects, including but not limited to flag changes, interaction abilities, body transformation and display name alterations. Wound data persists when syndrome data is cleared from Since syndrome-util did not touch wound data at all, the erase function was completely ineffective at actually removing syndromes.
Note that syndromes also generate a bunch of data in the historical figure information of units. I have observed that this historical data is sufficient to restore the syndrome in a unit following map reload (at least in adventure mode), so its clearance (which needs to also include any corresponding interaction effects) will have to be addressed in a future update. As is, syndrome erasure remains incomplete.
There is a lot more errors in this file, mostly called unk variables... I bet they have names, I've tried to figure out what they were renamed too, but I'm not fully understanding the xml.
Now, a pointer to NULL is cast to the type in question, avoiding the need to
call new() or delete() with potentially-misaligned types. Also,
virtual_identity::find has been tweaked to prevent it from crashing on NULL
vtable pointers.
This was suggested by Angavrilov.
ui_build_selector is a virtual class as of 0.42.06, so reinterpret_cast-ing it
with bad addresses will crash. '' works just fine.
Widget positions and a few other options (e.g. date formats) can be
specified in dfhack-config/dwarfmonitor.json on a per-instance basis.
Related changes:
* Fixed an issue loading JSON files from Lua
* JSON files in dfhack-config (only dwarfmonitor.json currently) are
no longer copied into the DF directory when building DFHack. This
keeps developers' personal settings intact, but will require
copying over changes made to DFHack's copies manually.
* Fixed incorrect config path in dwarfmonitor help