Add a script to automatically generate both changelogs from a single file

This avoids the need to manually copy entries between NEWS.rst and NEWS-dev.rst,
and also helps fix some inconsistencies automatically.

Pre-0.44.07 changelogs have not been converted yet.
lethosor 2018-04-02 13:43:32 -04:00
parent 573fcb4bd0
commit 476483adb3
7 changed files with 245 additions and 1426 deletions


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ import re
import shlex # pylint:disable=unused-import
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'docs'))
from gen_changelog import generate_changelog
# -- Support :dfhack-keybind:`command` ------------------------------------
# this is a custom directive that pulls info from dfhack.init-example
@ -179,6 +181,7 @@ def all_keybinds_documented():
# Actually call the docs generator and run test
@ -264,6 +267,7 @@ exclude_patterns = [
# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all

@ -1,32 +1,6 @@
.. comment
This is the development changelog file for DFHack. If you add or change
anything, note it here under the heading "DFHack Future", in the appropriate
section. Items within each section are listed in alphabetical order to
minimise merge conflicts. Try to match the style and level of detail of the
other entries.
This file contains changes that are relevant to users of prereleases. These
changes should include changes from just the previous release, whether that
release was stable or not. For instance, a feature added in 0.43.05-alpha1
should go under "0.43.05-alpha1" here *and* "0.43.05-r1" (or "future") in
NEWS.rst. A fix in one prerelease for an issue in the previous prerelease
should just go here in the appropriate section, not in NEWS.rst.
Sections for each release are added as required, and consist solely of the
following in order as subheadings::
API Changes
Other Changes
When referring to a script, plugin, or command, use backticks (```) to
create a link to the relevant documentation - and check that the docs are
still up to date!
When adding a new release, change "DFHack future" to the appropriate title
before releasing, and then add a new "DFHack future" section after releasing.
This is the changelog for development releases. Entries are included from
.. _dev-changelog:
@ -37,370 +11,4 @@ Development Changelog
.. contents::
:depth: 2
DFHack 0.44.09-alpha1
- `digtype`: stopped designating non-vein tiles (open space, trees, etc.)
- `labormanager`: fixed crash due to dig jobs targeting some unrevealed map blocks
DFHack 0.44.08-alpha1
- `fix/dead-units`: fixed a bug that could remove some arriving (not dead) units
DFHack 0.44.07-beta1
- Added symbols for Toady's `0.44.07 Linux test build <>`_ to fix :bug:`10615`
- ``world_site``: fixed alignment
Other Changes
- `modtools/item-trigger`: added the ability to specify inventory mode(s) to trigger on
DFHack 0.44.07-alpha1
- `embark-assistant`: fixed detection of reanimating biomes
- Several new names in instrument raw structures
- ``identity``: identified ``profession``, ``civ``
- ``manager_order_template``: fixed last field type
- ``viewscreen_createquotast``: fixed layout
- ``world.language``: moved ``colors``, ``shapes``, ``patterns`` to ``world.descriptors``
- ``world.reactions``, ``world.reaction_categories``: moved to new compound, ``world.reactions``. Requires renaming:
- ``world.reactions`` to ``world.reactions.reactions``
- ``world.reaction_categories`` to ``world.reactions.reaction_categories``
Other Changes
- `embark-assistant`:
- Added search for adamantine
- Now supports saving/loading profiles
- `fillneeds`: added ``-all`` option to apply to all units
- `remotefortressreader`: added flows, instruments, tool names, campfires, ocean waves, spiderwebs
DFHack 0.44.05-alpha1
- ``incident``: re-aligned again to match disassembly
Other Changes
- `gui/liquids`: added more keybindings: 0-7 to change liquid level, P/B to cycle backwards
DFHack 0.44.04-alpha1
- `devel/inject-raws`: now recognizes spaces in reaction names
- `exportlegends`: fixed an error that could occur when exporting empty lists
- ``artifact_record``: fixed layout (changed in 0.44.04)
- ``incident``: fixed layout (changed in 0.44.01) - note that many fields have moved
DFHack 0.44.03-beta1
- `autolabor`, `autohauler`, `labormanager`: added support for "put item on
display" jobs and building/destroying display furniture
- `gui/gm-editor`: fixed an error when editing primitives in Lua tables
- Added 7 new globals from DF: ``version``, ``min_load_version``,
``movie_version``, ``basic_seed``, ``title``, ``title_spaced``,
- Added ``twbt_render_map`` code offset on x64
- Fixed an issue preventing ``enabler`` from being allocated by DFHack
- Added ``job_type.PutItemOnDisplay``
- Found ``renderer`` vtable on osx64
- ``adventure_movement_optionst``, ``adventure_movement_hold_tilest``,
``adventure_movement_climbst``: named coordinate fields
- ``mission``: added type
- ``unit``: added 3 new vmethods: ``getCreatureTile``, ``getCorpseTile``, ``getGlowTile``
- ``viewscreen_assign_display_itemst``: fixed layout on x64 and identified many fields
- ``viewscreen_reportlistst``: fixed layout, added ``mission_id`` vector
- ``world.status``: named ``missions`` vector
Other Changes
- `devel/dump-offsets`: now ignores ``index`` globals
- `gui/pathable`: added tile types to sidebar
- `modtools/skill-change`:
- now updates skill levels appropriately
- only prints output if ``-loud`` is passed
DFHack 0.44.03-alpha1
Other Changes
- Lua: Improved ``json`` I/O error messages
- Lua: Stopped a crash when trying to create instances of classes whose vtable
addresses are not available
DFHack 0.44.02-beta1
- Fixed issues with the console output color affecting the prompt on Windows
- `createitem`: stopped items from teleporting away in some forts
- `gui/gm-unit`: can now edit mining skill
- `gui/quickcmd`: stopped error from adding too many commands
- `modtools/create-unit`: fixed error when domesticating units
- Located ``start_dwarf_count`` offset for all builds except 64-bit Linux;
`startdwarf` should work now
- Added ``buildings_other_id.DISPLAY_CASE``
- Fixed ``viewscreen_titlest.start_savegames`` alignment
- Fixed ``unit`` alignment
- Identified ``historical_entity.unknown1b.deities`` (deity IDs)
API Changes
- Lua; Exposed ``get_vector()`` (from C++) for all types that support
``find()``, e.g. ``df.unit.get_vector() ==``
- Added `devel/check-other-ids`: Checks the validity of "other" vectors in the
``world`` global
- Added `gui/cp437-table`: An in-game CP437 table
- Removed `warn-stuck-trees`: the corresponding DF bug was fixed in 0.44.01
Other Changes
- The console now provides suggestions for built-in commands
- `devel/export-dt-ini`: avoid hardcoding flags
- `exportlegends`:
- reordered some tags to match DF's order
- added progress indicators for exporting long lists
- `gui/gm-editor`: added enum names to enum edit dialogs
- `gui/gm-unit`: made skill search case-insensitive
- `gui/rename`: added "clear" and "special characters" options
- `remotefortressreader`: includes item stack sizes and some performance improvements
DFHack 0.44.02-alpha1
- Fixed a crash that could occur if a symbol table in symbols.xml had no content
- The Lua API can now wrap functions with 12 or 13 parameters
- The ``ui_menu_width`` global is now a 2-byte array; the second item is the
former ``ui_area_map_width`` global, which is now removed
- The former ``announcements`` global is now a field in ``d_init``
- ``world`` fields formerly beginning with ``job_`` are now fields of
````, e.g. ``world.job_list`` is now ````
API Changes
- Lua: Added a new ``dfhack.console`` API
DFHack 0.43.05-beta2
- Fixed Buildings::updateBuildings(), along with building creation/deletion events
- Fixed ``plug`` output alignment for plugins with long names
- Fixed a crash that happened when a ``LUA_PATH`` environment variable was set
- `add-thought`: fixed number conversion
- `gui/workflow`: fixed range editing producing the wrong results for certain numbers
- `modtools/create-unit`: now uses non-English names
- `modtools/item-trigger`: fixed errors with plant growths
- `remotefortressreader`: fixed a crash when serializing the local map
- `stockflow`: fixed an issue with non-integer manager order limits
- `title-folder`: fixed compatibility issues with certain SDL libraries on macOS
- Added some missing renderer VTable addresses on macOS
- ````: identified ``parchment``
- ``entity_sell_category``: added ``Parchment`` and ``CupsMugsGoblets``
- ``ui_advmode_menu``: added ``Build``
- ``ui_unit_view_mode``: added ``PrefOccupation``
- ``unit_skill``: identified ``natural_skill_lvl`` (was ``unk_1c``)
- ``viewscreen_jobmanagementst``: identified ``max_workshops``
- ``viewscreen_overallstatusst``: made ``visible_pages`` an enum
- ``viewscreen_pricest``: identified fields
- ``viewscreen_workquota_conditionst``: gave some fields ``unk`` names
API Changes
- Allowed the Lua API to accept integer-like floats and strings when expecting an integer
- Lua: New ``Painter:key_string()`` method
- Lua: Added ``dfhack.getArchitecture()`` and ``dfhack.getArchitectureName()``
- Added `adv-rumors` script: improves the "Bring up specific incident or rumor" menu in adventure mode
- Added `install-info` script for basic troubleshooting
- Added `tweak condition-material <tweak>`: fixes a crash in the work order condition material list
- Added `tweak hotkey-clear <tweak>`: adds an option to clear bindings from DF hotkeys
- `autofarm`: reverted local biome detection (from 0.43.05-alpha3)
Other Changes
- Added a DOWNLOAD_RUBY CMake option, to allow use of a system/external ruby library
- Added the ability to download files manually before building
- `gui/extended-status`: added a feature to queue beds
- `remotefortressreader`: added building items, DF version info
- `stonesense`: Added support for 64-bit macOS and Linux
DFHack 0.43.05-beta1
- Fixed various crashes on 64-bit Windows related to DFHack screens, notably `manipulator`
- Fixed addresses of next_id globals on 64-bit Linux (fixes an `automaterial`/box-select crash)
- ``ls`` now lists scripts in folders other than ``hack/scripts``, when applicable
- `modtools/create-unit`: stopped permanently overwriting the creature creation
menu in arena mode
- `season-palette`: fixed an issue where only part of the screen was redrawn
after changing the color scheme
- `title-version`: now hidden when loading an arena
- ``file_compressorst``: fixed field sizes on x64
- ``historical_entity``: fixed alignment on x64
- ``ui_sidebar_menus.command_line``: fixed field sizes on x64
- ``viewscreen_choose_start_sitest``: added 3 missing fields, renamed ``in_embark_only_warning``
- ``viewscreen_layer_arena_creaturest``: identified more fields
- ``world.math``: identified
- ``world.murky_pools``: identified
- `generated-creature-renamer`: Renames generated creature IDs for use with graphics packs
Other Changes
- `title-version`: Added a prerelease indicator
DFHack 0.43.05-alpha4
- Fixed an issue with uninitialized bitfields that was causing several issues
(disappearing buildings in `buildingplan`'s planning mode, strange behavior in
the extended `stocks` screen, and likely other problems). This issue was
introduced in 0.43.05-alpha3.
- `stockflow`: Fixed an "integer expected" error
- Located several globals on 64-bit Linux: flows, timed_events, ui_advmode,
ui_building_assign_type, ui_building_assign_is_marked,
ui_building_assign_units, ui_building_assign_items, and ui_look_list. This
fixes `search-plugin`, `zone`, and `force`, among others.
- ``ui_sidebar_menus``: Fixed some x64 alignment issues
- Added `fix/tile-occupancy`: Clears bad occupancy flags on the selected tile.
Useful for fixing blocked tiles introduced by the above buildingplan issue.
- Added a Lua ``tile-material`` module
Other Changes
- `labormanager`: Add support for shell crafts
- `manipulator`: Custom professions are now sorted alphabetically more reliably
DFHack 0.43.05-alpha3
- `add-thought`: fixed support for emotion names
- `autofarm`: Made surface farms detect local biome
- `devel/export-dt-ini`: fixed squad_schedule_entry size
- `labormanager`:
- Now accounts for unit attributes
- Made instrument-building jobs work (constructed instruments)
- Fixed deconstructing constructed instruments
- Fixed jobs in bowyer's shops
- Fixed trap component jobs
- Fixed multi-material construction jobs
- Fixed deconstruction of buildings containing items
- Fixed interference caused by "store item in vehicle" jobs
- `manipulator`: Fixed crash when selecting a profession from an empty list
- `ruby`:
- Fixed crash on Win64 due to truncated global addresses
- Fixed compilation on Win64
- Use correct raw string length with encodings
- Changed many ``comment`` XML attributes with version numbers to use new
``since`` attribute instead
- ``activity_event_conflictst.sides``: named many fields
- ``building_def.build_key``: fixed size on 64-bit Linux and OS X
- ``historical_kills``:
- ``unk_30`` -> ``killed_underground_region``
- ``unk_40`` -> ``killed_region``
- ``historical_kills.killed_undead``: removed ``skeletal`` flag
- ``ui_advmode``: aligned enough so that it doesn't crash (64-bit OS X/Linux)
- ``ui_advmode.show_menu``: changed from bool to enum
- ``unit_personality.emotions.flags``: now a bitfield
API Changes
- Added ``DFHack::Job::removeJob()`` function
- C++: Removed bitfield constructors that take an initial value. These kept
bitfields from being used in unions. Set ``bitfield.whole`` directly instead.
- Lua: ``bitfield.whole`` now returns an integer, not a decimal
- Removed source for treefarm plugin (wasn't built)
- Added `modtools/change-build-menu`: Edit the build mode sidebar menus
- Added `modtools/if-entity`: Run a command if the current entity matches a
given ID
- Added `season-palette`: Swap color palettes with the changes of the seasons
Other changes
- Changed minimum GCC version to 4.8 on OS X and Linux (earlier versions
wouldn't have worked on Linux anyway)
- Updated TinyXML from 2.5.3 to 2.6.2
.. include:: /docs/_auto/news-dev.rst

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
.. comment
This is the changelog for stable releases. Entries are included from
.. _changelog:
.. contents::
:depth: 2
.. include:: /docs/_auto/news.rst

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# Future
# 0.44.09-alpha1
## Fixes
- `digtype`: stopped designating non-vein tiles (open space, trees, etc.)
- `labormanager`: fixed crash due to dig jobs targeting some unrevealed map blocks
# 0.44.08-alpha1
## Fixes
- `fix/dead-units`: fixed a bug that could remove some arriving (not dead) units
# 0.44.07-beta1
## Structures
-@ Added symbols for Toady's `0.44.07 Linux test build <>`_ to fix :bug:`10615`
-@ ``world_site``: fixed alignment
## Misc improvements
- `modtools/item-trigger`: added the ability to specify inventory mode(s) to trigger on
# 0.44.07-alpha1
## Fixes
- `embark-assistant`: fixed detection of reanimating biomes
## Structures
- Several new names in instrument raw structures
- ``identity``: identified ``profession``, ``civ``
- ``manager_order_template``: fixed last field type
- ``viewscreen_createquotast``: fixed layout
- ``world.language``: moved ``colors``, ``shapes``, ``patterns`` to ``world.descriptors``
- ``world.reactions``, ``world.reaction_categories``:\ moved to new compound, ``world.reactions``. Requires renaming
- ``world.reactions`` to ``world.reactions.reactions``
- ``world.reaction_categories`` to ``world.reactions.reaction_categories``

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
import collections
import copy
import itertools
import os
'New Plugins',
'New Scripts',
'New Tweaks',
'New Features',
'New Internal Commands',
'Misc Improvements',
class ChangelogEntry(object):
def __init__(self, text, section, stable_version, dev_version):
text = text.lstrip('- ')
# normalize section to title case
self.section = ' '.join(word[0].upper() + word[1:].lower()
for word in section.strip().split())
self.stable_version = stable_version
self.dev_version = dev_version
self.dev_only = text.startswith('@')
text = text.lstrip('@ ')
self.children = []
split_index = text.find(': ')
if split_index != -1:
self.feature, description = text[:split_index], text[split_index+1:]
if description.strip():
self.children.insert(0, description.strip())
self.feature = text
self.feature = self.feature.replace(':\\', ':')
self.sort_key = self.feature.upper()
def __repr__(self):
return 'ChangelogEntry(%r, %r)' % (self.feature, self.children)
def parse_changelog():
cur_stable = None
cur_dev = None
cur_section = None
last_entry = None
entries = []
with open('docs/changelog.txt') as f:
for line_id, line in enumerate(f.readlines()):
line_id += 1
if not line.strip() or line.startswith('==='):
if line.startswith('##'):
cur_section = line.lstrip('#').strip()
elif line.startswith('#'):
cur_dev = line.lstrip('#').strip().lower()
if ('alpha' not in cur_dev and 'beta' not in cur_dev and
'rc' not in cur_dev):
cur_stable = cur_dev
elif line.startswith('-'):
if not cur_stable or not cur_dev or not cur_section:
raise ValueError(
'changelog.txt:%i: Entry without section' % line_id)
last_entry = ChangelogEntry(line.strip(), cur_section,
cur_stable, cur_dev)
# entries.setdefault(cur_stable, []).append(last_entry)
# entries.setdefault(cur_dev, []).append(last_entry)
elif line.lstrip().startswith('-'):
if not cur_stable or not cur_dev:
raise ValueError(
'changelog.txt:%i: Sub-entry without section' % line_id)
if not last_entry:
raise ValueError(
'changelog.txt:%i: Sub-entry without parent' % line_id)
last_entry.children.append(line.strip('- \n'))
raise ValueError('Invalid line: ' + line)
return entries
def consolidate_changelog(all_entries):
for sections in all_entries.values():
for section, entries in sections.items():
# sort() is stable, so reverse entries so that older entries for the
# same feature are on top
entries.sort(key=lambda entry: entry.sort_key)
new_entries = []
for feature, group in itertools.groupby(entries,
lambda e: e.feature):
old_entries = list(group)
children = list(itertools.chain(*[entry.children
for entry in old_entries]))
new_entry = copy.deepcopy(old_entries[0])
new_entry.children = children
entries[:] = new_entries
def print_changelog(versions, all_entries, path):
# all_entries: version -> section -> entry
with open(path, 'w') as f:
write = lambda s: f.write(s + '\n')
for version in versions:
sections = all_entries[version]
if not sections:
version = 'DFHack ' + version
write('=' * len(version))
for section in CHANGELOG_SECTIONS:
entries = sections[section]
if not entries:
write('-' * len(section))
for entry in entries:
if len(entry.children) == 1:
write('- ' + entry.feature + ': ' +
entry.children[0].strip('- '))
elif entry.children:
write('- ' + entry.feature + ':')
for child in entry.children:
write(' - ' + child)
write('- ' + entry.feature)
def generate_changelog():
entries = parse_changelog()
# scan for unrecognized sections
for entry in entries:
if entry.section not in CHANGELOG_SECTIONS:
raise RuntimeWarning('Unknown section: ' + entry.section)
# ordered versions
versions = ['future']
# map versions to stable versions
stable_version_map = {}
# version -> section -> entry
stable_entries = collections.defaultdict(lambda:
dev_entries = collections.defaultdict(lambda:
for entry in entries:
if entry.dev_version not in versions:
stable_version_map.setdefault(entry.dev_version, entry.stable_version)
if not entry.dev_only:
print_changelog(versions, stable_entries, 'docs/_auto/news.rst')
print_changelog(versions, dev_entries, 'docs/_auto/news-dev.rst')
if __name__ == '__main__':

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Other Contents
For Developers