Added more doc comments

noah metz 2023-07-10 22:31:43 -06:00
parent fb7fb5938d
commit 743569e088
5 changed files with 134 additions and 120 deletions

@ -7,15 +7,10 @@ import (
// For persistance, each node needs the following functions(* is a placeholder for the node/state type):
// Load*State - StateLoadFunc that returns the NodeState interface to attach to the node
// Load* - NodeLoadFunc that returns the GraphNode restored from it's loaded state
// For convenience, the following functions are a good idea to define for composability:
// Restore*State - takes in the nodes serialized data to allow for easier nesting of inherited Load*State functions
// Save*State - serialize the node into it's json counterpart to be included as part of a larger json
// NodeLoadFunc is the footprint of the function used to create a new node in memory from persisted bytes
type NodeLoadFunc func(*Context, NodeID, []byte, NodeMap)(Node, error)
// A NodeDef is a description of a node that can be added to a Context
type NodeDef struct {
Load NodeLoadFunc
Type NodeType
@ -23,6 +18,7 @@ type NodeDef struct {
Reflect reflect.Type
// Create a new Node def, extracting the Type and Reflect from example
func NewNodeDef(example Node, load_func NodeLoadFunc, gql_type *graphql.Object) NodeDef {
return NodeDef{
Type: example.Type(),
@ -32,13 +28,19 @@ func NewNodeDef(example Node, load_func NodeLoadFunc, gql_type *graphql.Object)
// A Context is all the data needed to run a graphvent
type Context struct {
// DB is the database connection used to load and write nodes
DB * badger.DB
// Log is an interface used to record events happening
Log Logger
// A mapping between type hashes and their corresponding node definitions
Types map[uint64]NodeDef
// GQL substructure
GQL GQLContext
// Recreate the GQL schema after making changes
func (ctx * Context) RebuildSchema() error {
schemaConfig := graphql.SchemaConfig{
Types: ctx.GQL.TypeList,
@ -56,10 +58,12 @@ func (ctx * Context) RebuildSchema() error {
return nil
// Add a non-node type to the gql context
func (ctx * Context) AddGQLType(gql_type graphql.Type) {
ctx.GQL.TypeList = append(ctx.GQL.TypeList, gql_type)
// Add a node to a context, returns an error if the def is invalid or already exists in the context
func (ctx * Context) RegisterNodeType(def NodeDef) error {
if def.Load == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot register a node without a load function: %s", def.Type)
@ -95,19 +99,23 @@ func (ctx * Context) RegisterNodeType(def NodeDef) error {
return nil
type TypeList []graphql.Type
// Map of go types to graphql types
type ObjTypeMap map[reflect.Type]*graphql.Object
type FieldMap map[string]*graphql.Field
// GQL Specific Context information
type GQLContext struct {
// Generated GQL schema
Schema graphql.Schema
// Interface types to compare against
NodeType reflect.Type
LockableType reflect.Type
ThreadType reflect.Type
TypeList TypeList
// List of GQL types
TypeList []graphql.Type
// Interface type maps to map go types of specific interfaces to gql types
ValidNodes ObjTypeMap
ValidLockables ObjTypeMap
ValidThreads ObjTypeMap
@ -117,6 +125,7 @@ type GQLContext struct {
Subscription *graphql.Object
// Create a new GQL context without any content
func NewGQLContext() GQLContext {
query := graphql.NewObject(graphql.ObjectConfig{
Name: "Query",
@ -135,7 +144,7 @@ func NewGQLContext() GQLContext {
ctx := GQLContext{
Schema: graphql.Schema{},
TypeList: TypeList{},
TypeList: []graphql.Type{},
ValidNodes: ObjTypeMap{},
NodeType: reflect.TypeOf((*Node)(nil)).Elem(),
ValidThreads: ObjTypeMap{},
@ -150,6 +159,7 @@ func NewGQLContext() GQLContext {
return ctx
// Create a new Context with all the library content added
func NewContext(db * badger.DB, log Logger) * Context {
ctx := &Context{
GQL: NewGQLContext(),

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ func TestGQLDBLoad(t * testing.T) {
gql := &gql_r
info := NewGQLThreadInfo(true, "start", "restore")
err := UpdateStates(ctx, []Node{gql, t1}, func(nodes NodeMap) error {
err := UpdateStates(ctx, []Node{gql, t1, l1}, func(nodes NodeMap) error {
err := LinkLockables(ctx, gql, []Lockable{l1}, nodes)
if err != nil {
return err

@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ func (lockable * SimpleLockable) CanUnlock(new_owner Lockable) error {
return nil
// lockable must already be locked for read
// Lockable.Signal sends the update to the owner, requirements, and dependencies before updating listeners
func (lockable * SimpleLockable) Signal(ctx *Context, signal GraphSignal, nodes NodeMap) error {
err := lockable.GraphNode.Signal(ctx, signal, nodes)
if err != nil {
@ -261,7 +261,8 @@ func (lockable * SimpleLockable) Signal(ctx *Context, signal GraphSignal, nodes
return nil
// Requires lockable and requirement's states to be locked for write
// Removes requirement as a requirement from lockable
// Requires lockable and requirement be locked for write
func UnlinkLockables(ctx * Context, lockable Lockable, requirement Lockable) error {
var found Node = nil
for _, req := range(lockable.Requirements()) {
@ -281,6 +282,7 @@ func UnlinkLockables(ctx * Context, lockable Lockable, requirement Lockable) err
return nil
// Link requirements as requirements to lockable
// Requires lockable and requirements to be locked for write, nodes passed because requirement check recursively locks
func LinkLockables(ctx * Context, lockable Lockable, requirements []Lockable, nodes NodeMap) error {
if lockable == nil {
@ -369,6 +371,8 @@ func checkIfRequirement(ctx * Context, r Lockable, cur Lockable, nodes NodeMap)
return false
// Lock nodes in the to_lock slice with new_owner, does not modify any states if returning an error
// Requires that all the nodes in to_lock and new_owner are locked for write
func LockLockables(ctx * Context, to_lock []Lockable, new_owner Lockable, nodes NodeMap) error {
if to_lock == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("LOCKABLE_LOCK_ERR: no list provided")
@ -390,66 +394,65 @@ func LockLockables(ctx * Context, to_lock []Lockable, new_owner Lockable, nodes
return nil
err := UpdateMoreStates(ctx, node_list, nodes, func(nodes NodeMap) error {
// First loop is to check that the states can be locked, and locks all requirements
for _, req := range(to_lock) {
ctx.Log.Logf("lockable", "LOCKABLE_LOCKING: %s from %s", req.ID(), new_owner.ID())
// First loop is to check that the states can be locked, and locks all requirements
for _, req := range(to_lock) {
ctx.Log.Logf("lockable", "LOCKABLE_LOCKING: %s from %s", req.ID(), new_owner.ID())
// Check custom lock conditions
err := req.CanLock(new_owner)
if err != nil {
return err
// Check custom lock conditions
err := req.CanLock(new_owner)
if err != nil {
return err
// If req is alreay locked, check that we can pass the lock
if req.Owner() != nil {
owner := req.Owner()
if owner.ID() == new_owner.ID() {
return fmt.Errorf("LOCKABLE_LOCK_ERR: %s already owns %s, cannot lock again", new_owner.ID(), req.ID())
} else if owner.ID() == req.ID() {
if req.AllowedToTakeLock(new_owner, req) == false {
// If req is alreay locked, check that we can pass the lock
if req.Owner() != nil {
owner := req.Owner()
if owner.ID() == new_owner.ID() {
return fmt.Errorf("LOCKABLE_LOCK_ERR: %s already owns %s, cannot lock again", new_owner.ID(), req.ID())
} else if owner.ID() == req.ID() {
if req.AllowedToTakeLock(new_owner, req) == false {
return fmt.Errorf("LOCKABLE_LOCK_ERR: %s is not allowed to take %s's lock from %s", new_owner.ID(), req.ID(), owner.ID())
err := LockLockables(ctx, req.Requirements(), req, nodes)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
err := UpdateMoreStates(ctx, []Node{owner}, nodes, func(nodes NodeMap)(error){
if owner.AllowedToTakeLock(new_owner, req) == false {
return fmt.Errorf("LOCKABLE_LOCK_ERR: %s is not allowed to take %s's lock from %s", new_owner.ID(), req.ID(), owner.ID())
err := LockLockables(ctx, req.Requirements(), req, nodes)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
err := UpdateMoreStates(ctx, []Node{owner}, nodes, func(nodes NodeMap)(error){
if owner.AllowedToTakeLock(new_owner, req) == false {
return fmt.Errorf("LOCKABLE_LOCK_ERR: %s is not allowed to take %s's lock from %s", new_owner.ID(), req.ID(), owner.ID())
err := LockLockables(ctx, req.Requirements(), req, nodes)
return err
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
err := LockLockables(ctx, req.Requirements(), req, nodes)
return err
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
err := LockLockables(ctx, req.Requirements(), req, nodes)
if err != nil {
return err
// At this point state modification will be started, so no errors can be returned
for _, req := range(to_lock) {
old_owner := req.Owner()
new_owner.RecordLock(req, old_owner)
if old_owner == nil {
ctx.Log.Logf("lockable", "LOCKABLE_LOCK: %s locked %s", new_owner.ID(), req.ID())
} else {
ctx.Log.Logf("lockable", "LOCKABLE_LOCK: %s took lock of %s from %s", new_owner.ID(), req.ID(), old_owner.ID())
// At this point state modification will be started, so no errors can be returned
for _, req := range(to_lock) {
old_owner := req.Owner()
new_owner.RecordLock(req, old_owner)
if old_owner == nil {
ctx.Log.Logf("lockable", "LOCKABLE_LOCK: %s locked %s", new_owner.ID(), req.ID())
} else {
ctx.Log.Logf("lockable", "LOCKABLE_LOCK: %s took lock of %s from %s", new_owner.ID(), req.ID(), old_owner.ID())
return nil
return err
return nil
// Unlock nodes in the to_unlock slice with old_owner, does not modify any states if returning an error
// Requires that all the nodes in to_unlock and old_owner are locked for write
func UnlockLockables(ctx * Context, to_unlock []Lockable, old_owner Lockable, nodes NodeMap) error {
if to_unlock == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("LOCKABLE_UNLOCK_ERR: no list provided")
@ -473,48 +476,45 @@ func UnlockLockables(ctx * Context, to_unlock []Lockable, old_owner Lockable, no
node_list[i] = l
err := UpdateMoreStates(ctx, node_list, nodes, func(nodes NodeMap) error {
// First loop is to check that the states can be locked, and locks all requirements
for _, req := range(to_unlock) {
ctx.Log.Logf("lockable", "LOCKABLE_UNLOCKING: %s from %s", req.ID(), old_owner.ID())
// First loop is to check that the states can be locked, and locks all requirements
for _, req := range(to_unlock) {
ctx.Log.Logf("lockable", "LOCKABLE_UNLOCKING: %s from %s", req.ID(), old_owner.ID())
// Check if the owner is correct
if req.Owner() != nil {
if req.Owner().ID() != old_owner.ID() {
return fmt.Errorf("LOCKABLE_UNLOCK_ERR: %s is not locked by %s", req.ID(), old_owner.ID())
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("LOCKABLE_UNLOCK_ERR: %s is not locked", req.ID())
// Check if the owner is correct
if req.Owner() != nil {
if req.Owner().ID() != old_owner.ID() {
return fmt.Errorf("LOCKABLE_UNLOCK_ERR: %s is not locked by %s", req.ID(), old_owner.ID())
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("LOCKABLE_UNLOCK_ERR: %s is not locked", req.ID())
// Check custom unlock conditions
err := req.CanUnlock(old_owner)
if err != nil {
return err
// Check custom unlock conditions
err := req.CanUnlock(old_owner)
if err != nil {
return err
err = UnlockLockables(ctx, req.Requirements(), req, nodes)
if err != nil {
return err
err = UnlockLockables(ctx, req.Requirements(), req, nodes)
if err != nil {
return err
// At this point state modification will be started, so no errors can be returned
for _, req := range(to_unlock) {
new_owner := old_owner.RecordUnlock(req)
if new_owner == nil {
ctx.Log.Logf("lockable", "LOCKABLE_UNLOCK: %s unlocked %s", old_owner.ID(), req.ID())
} else {
ctx.Log.Logf("lockable", "LOCKABLE_UNLOCK: %s passed lock of %s back to %s", old_owner.ID(), req.ID(), new_owner.ID())
// At this point state modification will be started, so no errors can be returned
for _, req := range(to_unlock) {
new_owner := old_owner.RecordUnlock(req)
if new_owner == nil {
ctx.Log.Logf("lockable", "LOCKABLE_UNLOCK: %s unlocked %s", old_owner.ID(), req.ID())
} else {
ctx.Log.Logf("lockable", "LOCKABLE_UNLOCK: %s passed lock of %s back to %s", old_owner.ID(), req.ID(), new_owner.ID())
return nil
return err
return nil
// Load function for SimpleLockable
func LoadSimpleLockable(ctx *Context, id NodeID, data []byte, nodes NodeMap) (Node, error) {
var j SimpleLockableJSON
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &j)
@ -533,7 +533,6 @@ func LoadSimpleLockable(ctx *Context, id NodeID, data []byte, nodes NodeMap) (No
return &lockable, nil
func NewSimpleLockable(id NodeID, name string) SimpleLockable {
return SimpleLockable{
GraphNode: NewGraphNode(id),
@ -545,6 +544,7 @@ func NewSimpleLockable(id NodeID, name string) SimpleLockable {
// Helper function to load links when loading a struct that embeds SimpleLockable
func RestoreSimpleLockable(ctx * Context, lockable Lockable, j SimpleLockableJSON, nodes NodeMap) error {
if j.Owner != nil {
o, err := LoadNodeRecurse(ctx, *j.Owner, nodes)

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import (
// IDs are how nodes are uniquely identified, and can be serialized for the database
type NodeID string
func (id NodeID) Serialize() []byte {
return []byte(id)
@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ func (node_type NodeType) Hash() uint64 {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(bytes[(len(bytes)-9):(len(bytes)-1)])
// Generate a random id
// Generate a random NodeID
func RandID() NodeID {
uuid_str := uuid.New().String()
return NodeID(uuid_str)
@ -38,11 +37,15 @@ type Node interface {
// Serialize the Node for the database
Serialize() ([]byte, error)
ID() NodeID
Type() NodeType
// Send a GraphSignal to the node, requires that the node is locked for read so that it can propagate
Signal(ctx *Context, signal GraphSignal, nodes NodeMap) error
// Register a channel to receive updates sent to the node
RegisterChannel(id NodeID, listener chan GraphSignal)
// Unregister a channel from receiving updates sent to the node
UnregisterChannel(id NodeID)
@ -76,6 +79,8 @@ func (node * GraphNode) Type() NodeType {
return NodeType("graph_node")
// Propagate the signal to registered listeners, if a listener isn't ready to receive the update
// send it a notification that it was closed and then close it
func (node * GraphNode) Signal(ctx *Context, signal GraphSignal, nodes NodeMap) error {
ctx.Log.Logf("signal", "SIGNAL: %s - %s", node.ID(), signal.String())
@ -129,8 +134,11 @@ func NewGraphNode(id NodeID) GraphNode {
// Magic first four bytes of serialized DB content, stored big endian
const NODE_DB_MAGIC = 0x2491df14
// Total length of the node database header, has magic to verify and type_hash to map to load function
// A DBHeader is parsed from the first NODE_DB_HEADER_LEN bytes of a serialized DB node
type DBHeader struct {
Magic uint32
TypeHash uint64
@ -154,7 +162,8 @@ func NewDBHeader(node_type NodeType) DBHeader {
func getNodeBytes(ctx * Context, node Node) ([]byte, error) {
// Internal function to serialize a node and wrap it with the DB Header
func getNodeBytes(node Node) ([]byte, error) {
if node == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("DB_SERIALIZE_ERROR: cannot serialize nil node")
@ -170,25 +179,6 @@ func getNodeBytes(ctx * Context, node Node) ([]byte, error) {
return db_data, nil
// Write a node to the database
func WriteNode(ctx * Context, node Node) error {
ctx.Log.Logf("db", "DB_WRITE: %+v", node)
node_bytes, err := getNodeBytes(ctx, node)
if err != nil {
return err
id_ser := node.ID().Serialize()
err = ctx.DB.Update(func(txn *badger.Txn) error {
err := txn.Set(id_ser, node_bytes)
return err
return err
// Write multiple nodes to the database in a single transaction
func WriteNodes(ctx * Context, nodes NodeMap) error {
ctx.Log.Logf("db", "DB_WRITES: %d", len(nodes))
@ -200,7 +190,7 @@ func WriteNodes(ctx * Context, nodes NodeMap) error {
serialized_ids := make([][]byte, len(nodes))
i := 0
for _, node := range(nodes) {
node_bytes, err := getNodeBytes(ctx, node)
node_bytes, err := getNodeBytes(node)
ctx.Log.Logf("db", "DB_WRITE: %+v", node)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -227,7 +217,7 @@ func WriteNodes(ctx * Context, nodes NodeMap) error {
return err
// Get the bytes associates with `id` in the database, or error
// Get the bytes associates with `id` from the database after unwrapping the header, or error
func readNodeBytes(ctx * Context, id NodeID) (uint64, []byte, error) {
var bytes []byte
err := ctx.DB.View(func(txn *badger.Txn) error {
@ -267,11 +257,15 @@ func readNodeBytes(ctx * Context, id NodeID) (uint64, []byte, error) {
return header.TypeHash, node_bytes, nil
// Load a Node from the database by ID
func LoadNode(ctx * Context, id NodeID) (Node, error) {
nodes := NodeMap{}
return LoadNodeRecurse(ctx, id, nodes)
// Recursively load a node from the database.
// It's expected that node_type.Load adds the newly loaded node to nodes before calling LoadNodeRecurse again.
func LoadNodeRecurse(ctx * Context, id NodeID, nodes NodeMap) (Node, error) {
node, exists := nodes[id]
if exists == false {
@ -299,6 +293,7 @@ func LoadNodeRecurse(ctx * Context, id NodeID, nodes NodeMap) (Node, error) {
return node, nil
// Internal function to check for a duplicate node in a slice by ID
func checkForDuplicate(nodes []Node) error {
found := map[NodeID]bool{}
for _, node := range(nodes) {
@ -315,6 +310,7 @@ func checkForDuplicate(nodes []Node) error {
return nil
// Convert any slice of types that implement Node to a []Node
func NodeList[K Node](list []K) []Node {
nodes := make([]Node, len(list))
for i, node := range(list) {
@ -325,10 +321,14 @@ func NodeList[K Node](list []K) []Node {
type NodeMap map[NodeID]Node
type NodesFn func(nodes NodeMap) error
// Initiate a read context for nodes and call nodes_fn with init_nodes locked for read
func UseStates(ctx * Context, init_nodes []Node, nodes_fn NodesFn) error {
nodes := NodeMap{}
return UseMoreStates(ctx, init_nodes, nodes, nodes_fn)
// Add nodes to an existing read context and call nodes_fn with new_nodes locked for read
func UseMoreStates(ctx * Context, new_nodes []Node, nodes NodeMap, nodes_fn NodesFn) error {
err := checkForDuplicate(new_nodes)
if err != nil {
@ -355,6 +355,7 @@ func UseMoreStates(ctx * Context, new_nodes []Node, nodes NodeMap, nodes_fn Node
return err
// Initiate a write context for nodes and call nodes_fn with nodes locked for read
func UpdateStates(ctx * Context, nodes []Node, nodes_fn NodesFn) error {
locked_nodes := NodeMap{}
err := UpdateMoreStates(ctx, nodes, locked_nodes, nodes_fn)
@ -367,6 +368,8 @@ func UpdateStates(ctx * Context, nodes []Node, nodes_fn NodesFn) error {
return err
// Add nodes to an existing write context and call nodes_fn with nodes locked for read
func UpdateMoreStates(ctx * Context, nodes []Node, locked_nodes NodeMap, nodes_fn NodesFn) error {
for _, node := range(nodes) {
_, locked := locked_nodes[node.ID()]
@ -379,6 +382,7 @@ func UpdateMoreStates(ctx * Context, nodes []Node, locked_nodes NodeMap, nodes_f
return nodes_fn(locked_nodes)
// Create a new channel with a buffer the size of buffer, and register it to node with the id
func UpdateChannel(node Node, buffer int, id NodeID) chan GraphSignal {
if node == nil {
panic("Cannot get an update channel to nil")

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import (
// Update the threads listeners, and notify the parent to do the same
// SimpleThread.Signal updates the parent and children, and sends the signal to an internal channel
func (thread * SimpleThread) Signal(ctx * Context, signal GraphSignal, nodes NodeMap) error {
err := thread.SimpleLockable.Signal(ctx, signal, nodes)
if err != nil {