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1 | #notes label(help) run me for the dreamfort walkthrough |
2 | Welcome to the Dreamfort Walkthrough! |
3 | It can be difficult to apply a set of blueprints that you did not write yourself. This walkthrough will guide you through the high-level steps of building Dreamfort. Run the /checklist blueprint for a compact list of all commands you need to run, in order. Each level has its own mini-walkthrough with details on *when* to run each command. |
4 | |
5 | The final fort will have a walled-in area on the surface for livestock, trading, surface farming, and military. One z-level down is the farming level, with related workshops and vents up to the surface for miasma control. The farming level also has a miniature dining hall and dormitory for use until you get the services and housing levels set up. |
6 | |
7 | Beyond those two, the other layers can be built in any order, at any z-level, according to your preference and the layout peculiarities of your embark site: |
8 | - The industry level has a compact, but complete set of workshops and stockpiles (minus what is already provided on the farming level). |
9 | - The services level has dining, hospital, barracks, and justice services, plus a well system. Services is 4 z-levels deep. |
10 | - The guildhall level has many empty rooms for building libraries, temples, and guildhalls. |
11 | - The suites level has fancy rooms for your nobles. |
12 | - The apartments levels have small but well-furnished bedrooms for your other dwarves. |
13 | |
14 | Run each level's "help" blueprint (e.g. /surface_help) for more details. |
15 | |
16 | Dreamfort has a central ramp-based design. For all Dreamfort levels, place the cursor on the center tile of the 3x3 ramp area when you apply the blueprints. The first surface blueprint will designate a column of ramps that you can use as a guide. If you need to extend the ramps down further to lower levels, run "quickfort run library/dreamfort.csv -n /central_ramp" with the cursor on the bottom z-level where there are only up ramps. |
17 | |
18 | Dreamfort blueprints take care of everything to get the fort up and running. You don't need to clear any extra trees or create any extra buildings/stockpiles (though of course you are free to do so). Blueprints that do require manual steps (like 'assign minecart to hauling route') will leave a message telling you so when you run them. Blueprints will also leave messages with hints when you might want to run "quickfort orders" to start manufacturing needed items, like blocks or tables. Make sure you appoint a manager to handle all the incoming work orders! |
19 | |
20 | Dreamfort works best at an embark site that is flat and has at least one soil layer. New players should also avoid aquifers if they are not prepared to deal with them. Bring picks for mining, an axe for woodcutting, and an anvil for a forge. Bring a few blocks to speed up initial workshop construction as well. |
21 | |
22 | Other DFHack scripts and plugins also work very well with Dreamfort, in particular autofarm, automelt, autonestbox, burial, seedwatch, tailor, and, of course, buildingplan. You can download an onMapLoad.init file that configures all these plugins here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16JX21nSe0_t84BgoL7DJX1OVD2E6pJgH |
23 | Put that file in your Dwarf Fortress directory -- the same directory that has dfhack.init. |
24 | |
25 | Once you have your starting workshops up and running, you might want to configure buildingplan (in its global settings, accessible from any building placement screen, e.g.: b-a-G) to only use blocks for constructions so it won't use your precious wood, boulders, and bars to build floors and walls. If you bring at least 4 blocks with you on embark, you can even set this in your onMapLoad.init file like this: |
26 | on-new-fortress buildingplan set boulders false; buildingplan set logs false |
27 | |
28 | Directly after embark, apply /surface1 on the surface (see /surface_help for how to select a good spot) and /industry1 in a rock layer at least two z-levels underground (the z-level immediately below the surface is reserved for the farming level). The walkthroughs for those levels will guide you. Once you channel out the miasma vents and clear the trees on the surface, you can start the farming sequence on the z-level below the surface with /farming1. You should wait to start farming unitl after you clear the trees because if you clear trees later over a hollow underground, you'll be left with holes in the surface where the trunks were. You can start the services, guildhall, suites, and apartments sequences as your fort needs those levels. |
29 | |
30 | This .csv file is generated from source .xlsx files. If you want to look at how these blueprints are put together, it is easier to look at the online spreadsheets than this giant .csv. You can view them at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iS90EEVqUkxTeZiiukVj1pLloZqabKuP |
31 | You are welcome to copy those spreadsheets and make your own modifications! |
32 | # dreamfort.csv is generated with the following command: for fname in dreamfort*.xlsx; do xlsx2csv -a -p '' $fname; done | sed 's/,*$//' |
33 | #notes label(checklist) command checklist |
34 | Here is the recommended order for Dreamfort commands. You can copy/paste the quickfort commands directly into the DFHack terminal. See the level walkthroughs for context and details. Also remember to read the messages the blueprints print out after you run them so you don't miss any important manual steps. |
35 | -- Preparation -- |
36 | download onMapLoad.init and put in your DF directory: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16JX21nSe0_t84BgoL7DJX1OVD2E6pJgH |
37 | download automation.json and put in dfhack-config/orders: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17WcN5mK-rnADOm2B_JFpPnByYgkYjxhb |
38 | -- Find a good starting spot on the surface -- |
39 | quickfort undo library/dreamfort.csv -n /perimeter |
40 | -- Dig and preload important orders -- |
41 | quickfort run library/dreamfort.csv -n /services1 |
42 | quickfort run library/dreamfort.csv -n /guildhall1 |
43 | quickfort run library/dreamfort.csv -n /suites1 |
44 | quickfort run library/dreamfort.csv -n /apartments1_stack |
45 | quickfort orders library/dreamfort.csv -n /surface3 |
46 | quickfort orders library/dreamfort.csv -n /industry2 |
47 | quickfort orders library/dreamfort.csv -n /services2 |
48 | -- Core fort (should finish at about the third migration wave) -- |
49 | quickfort orders library/dreamfort.csv -n /surface4 |
50 | quickfort orders library/dreamfort.csv -n /surface5 |
51 | quickfort orders library/dreamfort.csv -n /services3 |
52 | quickfort orders library/dreamfort.csv -n /surface6 |
53 | quickfort orders library/dreamfort.csv -n /surface7 |
54 | -- Mature fort (third migration wave onward) -- |
55 | quickfort orders library/dreamfort.csv -n /guildhall2 |
56 | quickfort orders library/dreamfort.csv -n /suites2 |
57 | quickfort orders library/dreamfort.csv -n /surface8 |
58 | quickfort orders library/dreamfort.csv -n /services4 |
59 | -- Repeat for each apartments level -- |
60 | quickfort orders library/dreamfort.csv -n /apartments2 |
61 | quickfort orders library/dreamfort.csv -n /apartments3 |
62 | See this checklist online at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13PVZ2h3Mm3x_G1OXQvwKd7oIR2lK4A1Ahf6Om1kFigw/edit#gid=1459509569 |
63 | #meta label(dig_all_underground) start(central ramp on industry level) hidden() dig industry, services, guildhall, suites, and apartments levels |
64 | # Note that this blueprint will only work for the unified dreamfort.csv. It won't work for the individual .xlsx files (since #meta blueprints can't cross file boundaries). |
65 | |
66 | /industry1 |
67 | #> |
68 | /services1 |
69 | #> |
70 | #> |
71 | #> |
72 | #> |
73 | /guildhall1 |
74 | #> |
75 | /suites1 |
76 | #> |
77 | /apartments1_stack |
78 | #ignore |
79 | Here are the minimal skills needed for essential tasks in getting Dreamfort up and running, along with suggestions for which dwarves to assign them to. You can enable additional skills as you wish. Skills with an asterisk (*) are worth putting points into on the embark preparation screen. |
80 | The most time-comsuming tasks in Dreamfort are: mining, chopping down trees, and making blocks. Assuming your embark has trees, having at least two miners, two woodcutters, and two masons is essential to keeping the fort from stalling. |
81 | Moreover, it is important to have one more mason than you have Mason's Workshops so other buildings that require masonry can get built (like bridges). Give the masons Beekeeping for the same reason -- it is a low-priority task, but it's important to have someone free to do it since otherwise the surface set of blueprints can stall. |
82 | We suggest bringing at least: |
83 | #notes label(surface_help) |
84 | Sets up a protected entrance to your fort in a flat area on the surface. |
85 | |
86 | Features: |
87 | - A starting set of workshops and stockpiles (which you can later remove once you establish your permanent workshops and storage) |
88 | - Protected trade depot |
89 | - Walls, roof, and lever-controlled gates for security |
90 | - Trap-filled hallways for invaders |
91 | - Optional barracks and extended trap hallways (for extra security) |
92 | - Livestock grazing area with nestbox zones and beehives |
93 | - A grid of 1x1 farm plots (meant to be managed with DFHack autofarm) |
94 | - Miasma vent covers for the farming level that is intended to be built in the layer directly beneath the surface |
95 | |
96 | Manual steps you have to take: |
97 | - Assign grazing livestock to the large pasture and dogs to the pasture over the central ramp (DFHack's autonestbox can manage the nestbox zones) |
98 | - Connect levers to the gates that match the names of the levers |
99 | |
100 | Be sure to choose an embark site that has an area flat enough to use these blueprints! |
101 | |
102 | Surface Walkthrough: |
103 | 1) Choose a center tile for your central fortress ramp. The terrain around that tile should be perfectly flat. Trees are ok, but no slopes, rivers, or lakes. To be sure that the tile you've chosen is in a good spot, set the cursor over that tile and run "quickfort run library/dreamfort.csv -n /perimeter". This will show you the eventual boundaries of the fort. Some wall segments might be missing due to existing trees, but that's ok. Make sure the area within the exterior wall is flat. Run "quickfort undo library/dreamfort.csv -n /perimeter" to clean up. |
104 | |
105 | 2) With the cursor on the chosen tile, run /surface1 to clear surrounding trees and set up your pastures. Deconstruct your wagon to get it out of the way of our upcoming walls and floors. Remember to assign your dogs to the pasture around the staircase and your grazing animals to the large pasture. You can let your cats roam free. Run "quickfort orders" for /surface3 to get a head start in manufacturing. |
106 | |
107 | 3) Once the marked trees have been cleared, run /surface2 to set up starting workshops/stockpiles, channel out the miasma vents for the farming level, and start clearing trees from a larger area. Run "quickfort orders" for /surface3. Make sure you have appointed a manager so the orders get fulfilled! If you haven't done it already, now is a good time to configure buildingplan to only build buildings with blocks, not logs or raw boulders. Do this by entering buildingplan's global configuration ("baG") and ensuring the only generic building material allowed is "blocks". |
108 | |
109 | 4) Once the channels are dug out and the trees are cleared, continue with /surface3 to cover the vents and build an enclosure around your central ramp. Although the vents will be covered with flooring, they will still work to prevent miasma on the farming level. |
110 | |
111 | 5) Once all marked trees are chopped down and walls and floors have been constructed, run /surface4 to build floors and walls to support upcoming buildings and furniture. Run "quickfort orders" for /surface4. You can also start digging out the sub-surface farming level (/farming1) at this point. |
112 | |
113 | 6) Once walls and floors have been constructed (including the small roof segment one z-level up over the barracks), run /surface5 to build furniture, gates, and the permanent trade depot. Remember to deconstruct the temporary trade depot once nobody is using it. Run "quickfort orders" for /surface5. |
114 | |
115 | 7) Once at least the beehives and weapon rack are built, run /surface6 to configure the rooms and build the remaining walls and floors. Run "quickfort orders" for /surface6. |
116 | |
117 | 8) Once you have enough dwarves to do a lot of building without starving other important tasks, run /surface7 to build the roof. Run "quickfort orders" for /surface7. |
118 | |
119 | 9) For extra security, you can run /surface8 any time after /surface7 to extend the trap corridors. Run "quickfort orders" for /surface8. |
120 | |
121 | 10) Once your industry and farming levels are set up and running, you can disassemble the surface workshops and remove the surface stockpiles. Disassembling a workshop scatters the items stored within it and cancels any pending jobs that happen to use those items. In order to avoid job cancellations, first set the surface workshops to not accept general work orders. Do this by entering query mode ("q"), selecting a workshop, entering the workshop profile ("P"), moving to work orders (right arrow), and hitting Enter. Then enter view mode ("t") and check to see if any items in a workshop are marked with "TSK". Once no items in the workshop have that marker, you are free to disassemble that workshop. |
122 | #meta label(perimeter) start(central ramp) message(Run quickfort undo on this blueprint to clean up.) show the eventual perimeter of the surface fort |
123 | walls/surface_walls |
124 | corridor/surface_corridor |
125 | |
126 | #meta label(surface1) start(central ramp) message(Once the central ramp is mined out deeply enough, you should start digging the industry level in a non-aquifer rock layer. You'll need the boulders from the digging to make blocks. If your wagon is within the fort perimeter, deconstruct it to get it out of the way. Enqueue manager orders for /surface3 to get a head start on building required materials. Once the marked trees are all chopped down (if any), continue with /surface2.) clear trees and set up pastures |
127 | central_ramp/central_ramp |
128 | clear_small/surface_clear_small |
129 | zones/surface_zones |
130 | name_zones/surface_name_zones |
131 | |
132 | #meta label(surface2) start(central ramp) message(Once the channels are dug out and the marked trees are cleared, continue with /surface3.) set up starting workshops/stockpiles, channel miasma vents, and clear more trees |
133 | build_start/surface_build_start |
134 | place_start/surface_place_start |
135 | query_start/surface_query_start |
136 | channel/surface_channel |
137 | clear_ramp/surface_clear_ramp |
138 | |
139 | #meta label(surface3) start(central ramp) message(Once the marked trees are cleared and walls and floors have been constructed, continue with /surface4.) Cover vents and protect the central ramp. |
140 | cover_vents/surface_cover_vents |
141 | cover_ramp/surface_cover_ramp |
142 | clear/surface_clear |
143 | |
144 | #meta label(surface4) start(central ramp) message(Remember to enqueue manager orders for this blueprint. Once the walls and floors have been constructed, continue with /surface5. Be sure to check one z-level above the surface to ensure the roof segment above the future barracks has been finished.) build walls and flooring to support upcoming buildings and furniture |
145 | ramp_doors/surface_ramp_doors |
146 | pre_building/surface_pre_building |
147 | |
148 | #meta label(surface5) start(central ramp) message(Remember to enqueue manager orders for this blueprint. Disassemble the temporary trade depot in the pasture once the new one is constructed (and no merchants are using the old one). Once the marked trees are cleared and at least the beehives and the weapon rack have been constructed, continue with /surface6.) build gates, furniture, and trade stockpile/depot |
149 | place/surface_place |
150 | build/surface_build |
151 | query/surface_query |
152 | clear_large/surface_clear_large |
153 | |
154 | #meta label(surface6) start(central ramp) message(Remember to enqueue manager orders for this blueprint. Continue with /surface7 whenever you have enough dwarves to build the roof without starving other important construction tasks.) configure hives and barracks, build remaining walls and floors |
155 | query2/surface_query2 |
156 | walls/surface_walls |
157 | floors/surface_floors |
158 | clear_large/surface_clear_large |
159 | |
160 | #meta label(surface7) start(central ramp (on ground level)) message(Remember to enqueue manager orders for this blueprint. For extra security, you can run /surface8 at any time to extend the trap corridors.) build roof |
161 | #< |
162 | roof/surface_roof |
163 | roof2/surface_roof2 |
164 | |
165 | #meta label(surface8) start(central ramp) message(Remember to enqueue manager orders for this blueprint.) build extended trap corridors |
166 | corridor/surface_corridor |
167 | corridor_traps/surface_corridor_traps |
168 | query_corridor/surface_query_corridor |
169 | #dig label(central_ramp) start(2;2) hidden() ramp that goes down 20 levels |
170 | #> |
171 | #> |
172 | #> |
173 | #> |
174 | #> |
175 | #> |
176 | #> |
177 | #> |
178 | #> |
179 | #> |
180 | #> |
181 | #> |
182 | #> |
183 | #> |
184 | #> |
185 | #> |
186 | #> |
187 | #> |
188 | #> |
189 | #dig label(surface_clear_small) start(23; 25) hidden() clear trees for starting workshops and stockpiles |
190 | #zone label(surface_zones) start(23; 25) hidden() message(Remember to assign your dogs to the pasture surrounding the central ramp and your grazing animals to the large pasture. Feel free to assign an unimportant animal to the pasture in the main entranceway to use as bait during sieges.) pastures and training areas |
191 | #query label(surface_name_zones) start(23; 25) hidden() |
192 | #build label(surface_build_start) start(23; 25) hidden() message(There is room to the left of the carpenter's workshop to build one more workshop of any type if you need it.) starting workshops |
193 | #place label(surface_place_start) start(23; 25) hidden() message(if you haven't already, now is a good time to deconstruct the wagon) starting stockpiles |
194 | #query label(surface_query_start) start(23; 25) hidden() config stockpiles |
195 | #dig label(surface_channel) start(23; 25) hidden() channel miasma vents |
196 | #dig label(surface_clear_ramp) start(23; 25) hidden() clear trees for starting workshops and stockpiles |
197 | #build label(surface_cover_vents) start(23; 25) hidden() cover the miasma vents |
198 | #build label(surface_cover_ramp) start(23; 25) hidden() protect the central ramp |
199 | #< |
200 | #dig label(surface_clear) start(23; 25) hidden() clear trees so the farming level can be dug without fear of generating surface holes |
201 | #build label(surface_ramp_doors) start(23; 25) hidden() |
202 | #build label(surface_pre_building) start(23; 25) hidden() flooring and anchoring walls for future buildings/doors |
203 | #< |
204 | #place label(surface_place) start(23; 25) hidden() remaining surface stockpiles |
205 | #build label(surface_build) start(23; 25) hidden() message(Use autofarm to manage farm crop selection. Remember to connect the levers to the gates once they are built.) gates, traps, barracks, farm area, and trade area |
206 | #query label(surface_query) start(23; 25) hidden() message(Remember to assign a minecart to the trade goods quantum stockpile. Feel free to adjust the configuration of the "trade goods" feeder stockpile so it accepts the item types you want to trade away. If those items types are also accepted by other stockpiles, configure those stockpiles to give to the "trade goods" stockpile. You might also want to set the "trade goods quantum" stockpile to Auto Trade if you have the autotrade DFHack plugin enabled.) |
207 | #dig label(surface_clear_large) start(23; 25) hidden() clear wider area of trees |
208 | #query label(surface_query2) start(23; 25) hidden() |
209 | #build label(surface_walls) start(23; 25) hidden() build remaining walls |
210 | #build label(surface_floors) start(23; 25) hidden() build remaining flooring |
211 | #build label(surface_roof) start(23; 25) hidden() lower half of the roof |
212 | #build label(surface_roof2) start(23; 25) hidden() upper half of the roof |
213 | #build label(surface_corridor) start(23; 25) hidden() trap hallway walls |
214 | #< |
215 | #build label(surface_corridor_traps) start(23; 25) hidden() barracks, longer trap hallways, and outer levers/gates |
216 | #query label(surface_query_corridor) start(23; 25) hidden() (Remember to connect the levers to the new external trap gates.) configure barracks and name outer levers/gates |
217 | #notes label(farming_help) |
218 | Sets up farming, food storage, and related industries. Also provides post-embark necessities that can later be disassembed. |
219 | |
220 | Features: |
221 | - Pairs with the surface blueprints to provide miasma vents |
222 | - Farm plots (intended to be managed by DFHack autofarm) |
223 | - Plentiful food storage |
224 | - Refuse/corpse quantum stockpile |
225 | - Small dormitory and dining room for post-embark needs |
226 | - Small offices for your manager and bookkeeper |
227 | |
228 | Workshops: |
229 | - Kitchen |
230 | - Brewery |
231 | - Butcher |
232 | - Fishery |
233 | - Tannery |
234 | - Farmer's Workshop |
235 | - Quern |
236 | - Screw Press |
237 | |
238 | Manual steps you have to take: |
239 | - Assign the lower office to your manager and the upper office to your bookkeeper (if different from your manager) |
240 | - Assign a minecart to your refuse quantum stockpile hauling route |
241 | - If the industry level is already built, configure the jugs, pots, and bags stockpiles to take from the "Goods" quantum stockpile on the industry level |
242 | |
243 | Farming Walkthough: |
244 | 1) Wait until you have channeled the miasma vents and cleared trees on the surface before digging out the farming level on the z-level below the surface, otherwise you will end up with extra ramps on the farming level and unprotected holes through the surface when you later chop down trees growing above empty space. |
245 | |
246 | 2) Start digging with /farming1 and get started on manufacturing furniture by running "quickfort orders" on /farming2. |
247 | |
248 | 3) Once the level is dug out, run /farming2 to build workshops and build and configure stockpiles. Remember to assign a minecart to the newly-designated quantum refuse dump. There are also jugs, pots, and bags stockpiles on this level that should be configured to "take" from the industry level stockpiles once we get the industry level built. |
249 | |
250 | 4) When the furniture is in place and the farm plots have been constructed, run /farming3 to enable seasonal plot fertilization and designate your starter dining room and dormitory. The blueprint also attempts to assign the lower office to your manager, but double-check this assignment in case your dwarves are in an unexpected order. Run "quickfort orders" for /farming3. |
251 | |
252 | 5) You can disassemble the dining room and dormitory once the services and apartments levels are up and running, if you like. |
253 | #dig label(farming1) start(23; 25; central ramp) message(This would be a good time to queue up manager orders for /farming2. Once the area is dug out, continue with /farming2.) |
254 | # this level is dug at priority 3 since it is dug in soil. it's worth the miner's time to stop digging the industry level and |
255 | # quickly dig out this one. |
256 | #meta label(farming2) start(central ramp) message(Once furniture has been placed and the farm plots have been constructed, continue with /farming3.) workshops, stockpiles, and important furniture |
257 | build/farming_build |
258 | place/farming_place |
259 | query_stockpiles/farming_query_stockpiles |
260 | |
261 | #meta label(farming3) start(central ramp) configure rooms and build remaining furniture |
262 | build2/farming_build2 |
263 | query_rooms/farming_rooms |
264 | #build label(farming_build) start(23; 25) hidden() workshops and important furniture |
265 | #place label(farming_place) start(23; 25) hidden() stockpiles |
266 | #query label(farming_query_stockpiles) start(23; 25) hidden() message(remember to: - assign a minecart to the refuse quantum stockpile - if the industry level is already built, configure the jugs, pots, and bags stockpiles to take from the "Goods" quantum stockpile on the industry level) config stockpiles |
267 | #build label(farming_build2) start(23; 25) hidden() remaining furniture |
268 | #query label(farming_rooms) start(23; 25) hidden() message(Check to ensure the lower office got assigned to your manager and assign the upper office to your bookkeeper (if different from your manager).) configure rooms |
269 | #notes label(industry_help) |
270 | Sets up workshops for all non-farming industries |
271 | |
272 | Features: |
273 | - Quantum stockpiles for infinite storage |
274 | - Space-efficient layout for all workshops |
275 | with separate stockpiles for: |
276 | - A reserve of uncut gems for strange moods that the jeweler's workshop cannot take from |
277 | - Steel bars and coal so you can see at a glance if you're low on either |
278 | - Liquids that cannot be quantum stockpiled (e.g. lye) |
279 | - Meltable weapons and armor |
280 | |
281 | Workshops: |
282 | - 3x Mason |
283 | - 4x Craftsdwarf |
284 | - 1x Jeweler |
285 | - 1x Mechanic |
286 | - 4x Smelter |
287 | - 1x Forge |
288 | - 1x Glassmaker |
289 | - 1x Kiln |
290 | - 4x Wood furnace |
291 | - 1x Ashery |
292 | - 1x Soap maker |
293 | - 1x Carpenter |
294 | - 1x Siege workshop |
295 | - 1x Bowyer |
296 | - 1x Dyer |
297 | - 1x Loom |
298 | - 1x Clothier |
299 | |
300 | |
301 | Manual steps you have to take: |
302 | - Assign minecarts to your quantum stockpile hauling routes |
303 | - Give from the "Goods" quantum stockpile to the jugs, pots, and bags stockpiles on the farming level |
304 | - If desired, set the stockpiles in the bottom right to auto-melt. This results in melting all weapons and armor that are not masterwork steel. This is great for upgrading your military, but it takes a *lot* of fuel. If you enable this, be sure you're in a heavily forested area, enable auto-chop, and keep your coal stocks high. |
305 | - Download automation.json from https://drive.google.com/file/d/17WcN5mK-rnADOm2B_JFpPnByYgkYjxhb/view and put it in your dfhack-config/orders/ directory. |
306 | |
307 | Industry Walkthrough: |
308 | 1) You can start digging out /industry1 immediately after embark. It is best to choose a stone layer at least two layers underground so the boulders can be used by your starting workshops. Note that even if you dig the services level immediately below this one, there is space to route magma underneath your furnaces so you can replace the furnaces on this level with magma-powered equivalents. |
309 | |
310 | 2) Queue up manufacturing by running "quickfort orders" on /industry2. If you brought an anvil, feel free to remove the anvil work order from the manager orders screen. |
311 | |
312 | 3) Once the area is dug out, run /industry2. Remember to assign minecarts to to your quantum stockpile hauling routes, and if the farming level is already built, give from the "Goods" quantum stockpile to the jugs, pots, and bags stockpiles on the farming level. |
313 | |
314 | 4) If you want to automatically melt goblinite and other low-quality weapons and armor, mark the south-east stockpiles for auto-melt. |
315 | |
316 | 5) Run "orders import automation" to use the provided automation.json to take care of your fort's basic needs, such as food, booze, military supplies, and raw material processing. If you get job cancelation spam about not being able to make soap, manually queue up a few "Make lye" jobs at your ashery. That should get the soap-making jobs back on track. |
317 | #dig label(industry1) start(18; 18; central ramp) message(This would be a good time to queue manager orders for /industry2. Once the area is dug out, continue with /industry2.) |
318 | #meta label(industry2) start(central ramp) build workshops and stockpiles, configure stockpiles |
319 | build/industry_build |
320 | place/industry_place |
321 | query/industry_query |
322 | #build label(industry_build) start(18; 18) hidden() |
323 | #place label(industry_place) start(18; 18) hidden() |
324 | #query label(industry_query) start(18; 18) hidden() message(remember to: - assign minecarts to to your quantum stockpile hauling routes - if the farming level is already built, give from the "Goods" quantum stockpile to the jugs, pots, and bags stockpiles on the farming level - if you want to automatically melt goblinite and other low-quality weapons and armor, mark the south-east stockpiles for auto-melt - now that your industry is set up, run "orders import automation" to automate your fort's basic needs (download automation.json from https://drive.google.com/file/d/17WcN5mK-rnADOm2B_JFpPnByYgkYjxhb/view?usp=sharing and put it in your dfhack-config/orders/ directory)) |
325 | #notes label(services_help) |
326 | Sets up public services (dining, hospital, etc.) |
327 | |
328 | Features: |
329 | - Spacious dining room (also usable as a tavern) |
330 | - Prepared food and drink stockpiles |
331 | - Well cistern system (bring your own water) |
332 | - Four well-appointed jail cells |
333 | - Hospital with a well for washing |
334 | - Garbage dump |
335 | |
336 | Manual steps you have to take: |
337 | - If you want to declare the dining room as a tavern, the bedrooms at the top can be assigned to the tavern as rented rooms. |
338 | - Fill the cisterns with water, either with a bucket brigade or by plumbing flowing water. Fill so that there are two z-levels of 7-depth water to prevent muddiness. If you want to fill with buckets, designate a pond zone on the level below the main floor. If you feel adventurous and are experienced with water pressure, you can instead route (depressurized!) water to the second-to-bottom level (the one above the up staircases). |
339 | |
340 | Services Walkthough: |
341 | 1) Start this level before your fort grows beyond around 50 dwarves so everyone has a place to eat. |
342 | |
343 | 2) Start digging with /services1. Note that this digs out the main level and three levels below for the well plumbing. Start manufacturing with "quickfort orders" on /services2. |
344 | |
345 | 3) Once the area is dug out, set up important furniture, stockpiles, hospital zone and garbage dump zone with /services2. |
346 | |
347 | 4) When the table and chair have been placed in the dining room, run /services3 to build the rest of the furniture and configure your dining room. Run "quickfort orders" for /services3. |
348 | |
349 | 5) Fill the wells with either bucket brigades or by carefully routing flowing water. |
350 | |
351 | 6) When your fort is mature enough to need a jail and/or an extra barracks, run /services4 to set those rooms up. You also get some decorative statues to increase the value of your dining hall. Run "quickfort orders" for /services4. |
352 | #dig label(services1) start(23; 22; central ramp) message(This would be a good time to queue manager orders for /services2 and /services3. Once the area is dug out, continue with /services2.) |
353 | #> |
354 | #> |
355 | #> |
356 | #meta label(services2) start(central ramp) message(Once furniture has been placed, continue with /services3.) dining hall anchors, stockpiles, hospital, garbage dump |
357 | build/services_build |
358 | place/services_place |
359 | zones/services_zones |
360 | name_zones/services_name_zones |
361 | query_stockpiles/services_query_stockpiles |
362 | |
363 | #meta label(services3) start(central ramp) configure dining room, build dining hall and hospital furniture |
364 | query_dining/services_query_dining |
365 | build2/services_build2 |
366 | |
367 | #meta label(services4) start(central ramp) complete jail and build decorative furniture |
368 | build3/services_build3 |
369 | place_jail/services_place_jail |
370 | query_jail/services_query_jail |
371 | #build label(services_build) start(23; 22) hidden() build dining room anchor |
372 | #place label(services_place) start(23; 22) hidden() |
373 | #zone label(services_zones) start(23; 22) hidden() hospital and garbage dump |
374 | #query label(services_name_zones) start(23; 22) hidden() |
375 | #query label(services_query_stockpiles) start(23; 22) hidden() configure stockpiles |
376 | #query label(services_query_dining) start(23; 22) message(the bedrooms above the tavern are left unconfigured so you can add them as rented rooms) set up dining room and jail |
377 | #build label(services_build2) start(23; 22) hidden() build dining room and hospital furniture, doors, prep for jail |
378 | #> |
379 | #build label(services_build3) start(23; 22) hidden() barracks, jail, statues |
380 | #place label(services_place_jail) start(23; 22) hidden() |
381 | #query label(services_query_jail) start(23; 22) set up barracks and jail |
382 | #notes label(guildhall_help) |
383 | Sixteen 7x7 rooms for guildhalls, temples, libraries, etc. |
384 | |
385 | Features: |
386 | - Big empty rooms. Double-thick walls to ensure engravings add value to the "correct" side. Fill with furniture and assign as needed. |
387 | |
388 | Guildhall Walkthrough: |
389 | 1) Dig out the rooms with /guildhall1. |
390 | |
391 | 2) Once the area is dug out, add in generic furniture with /guildhall2. Run "quickfort orders" for /guildhall2. |
392 | |
393 | 3) Furnish individual rooms manually as you need specific guildhalls, libraries, and temples. |
394 | #dig label(guildhall1) start(25; 25; central ramp) message(This would be a good time to queue manager orders for /guildhall2. Once the area is dug out, continue with /guildhall2.) |
395 | #build label(guildhall2) start(25; 25; central ramp) message(Smooth tiles and furnish/declare locations as required.) build basic furniture |
396 | #notes label(beds_help) |
397 | Suites for nobles and apartments for the teeming masses |
398 | |
399 | Features: |
400 | - Well-appointed suites to satisfy most nobles |
401 | - Apartments with beds and storage to keep dwarves happy |
402 | - Apartments also serve as burial chambers since dwarves like looking at coffins |
403 | - Meta blueprint included for designating 6 levels of apartments for a full 200+ dwarves |
404 | |
405 | Suites Walkthrough: |
406 | 1) Dig out the suites layer with /suites1. |
407 | |
408 | 2) Once the area is dug out, furnish the suites with /suites2. The rooms are left unconfigured so you can assign them to specific nobles. Each room can serve as a bedroom, a dining hall, an office, and/or a tomb. Run "quickfort orders" for /suites2. |
409 | |
410 | Apartments Walkthrough: |
411 | 1) Dig out one layer of apartments with /apartments1, or 6 layers at once (enough for 200 dwarves) with /apartments1_stack. |
412 | |
413 | 2) Once a layer is dug out, build beds with /apartments2. Run "quickfort orders" for /apartments2. |
414 | |
415 | 3) Once the beds are built, configure the rooms and build the remaining furniture with /apartments3. Run "quickfort orders" for /apartments3. Once the coffins are all in place, run "burial -pets" to set them all to accept burials. |
416 | #dig label(suites1) start(18; 18; central ramp) message(This would be a good time to queue manager orders for /suites2. Once the area is dug out, run /suites2) noble suites |
417 | #build label(suites2) start(18; 18; central ramp) message(bedrooms are left unconfigured so you can assign them to specific nobles) |
418 | #meta label(apartments1_stack) start(central ramp) digs 6 layers of apartments - enough for 200 dwarves |
419 | /apartments1 |
420 | #> |
421 | /apartments1 |
422 | #> |
423 | /apartments1 |
424 | #> |
425 | /apartments1 |
426 | #> |
427 | /apartments1 |
428 | #> |
429 | /apartments1 |
430 | #dig label(apartments1) start(18; 18; central ramp) message(This would be a good time to enqueue manager orders for /apartments2 and /apartments3. Once the area is dug out, continue with /apartments2.) apartment complex |
431 | #build label(apartments2) start(18; 18; central ramp) message(Once beds have been placed, continue with /apartments3.) build beds |
432 | #meta label(apartments3) start(central ramp) configure rooms and build remaining furniture |
433 | query_apartments/apartments_rooms |
434 | build2_apartments/apartments_build2 |
435 | #query label(apartments_rooms) start(18; 18) hidden() configure rooms |
436 | #build label(apartments_build2) start(18; 18) hidden() message(Coffins should be configured with DFHack burial script) build remaining furniture |