@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ struct Maps::Private
bool Inited;
bool Started;
//uint32_t biome_stuffs;
//vector<uint16_t> v_geology[eBiomeCount];
vector<uint16_t> v_geology[eBiomeCount];
Maps::Maps(APIPrivate* _d)
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Maps::Maps(APIPrivate* _d)
off.z_count_offset = mem->getAddress ("z_count_block");
off.tile_type_offset = mem->getOffset ("type");
off.designation_offset = mem->getOffset ("designation");
//d->biome_stuffs = d->offset_descriptor->getOffset ("biome_stuffs");
off.biome_stuffs = mem->getOffset ("biome_stuffs");
off.veinvector = mem->getOffset ("v_vein");
// these can fail and will be found when looking at the actual veins later
@ -312,18 +312,18 @@ bool Maps::WriteDesignations (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, designations40
// FIXME: this is bad. determine the real size!
//16 of them? IDK... there's probably just 7. Reading more doesn't cause errors as it's an array nested inside a block
// 16 * sizeof(uint8_t)
bool Maps::ReadRegionOffsets (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, biome_indices40d *buffer)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if (addr)
g_pProcess->read (addr + d->biome_stuffs, sizeof (biome_indices40d), (uint8_t *) buffer);
g_pProcess->read (addr + d->offsets.biome_stuffs, sizeof (biome_indices40d), (uint8_t *) buffer);
return true;
return false;
// veins of a block, expects empty vein vectors
bool Maps::ReadVeins(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, vector <t_vein> & veins, vector <t_frozenliquidvein>& ices)
@ -391,23 +391,80 @@ void Maps::getSize (uint32_t& x, uint32_t& y, uint32_t& z)
__int16 __userpurge GetGeologicalRegion<ax>(__int16 block_X<cx>, int X<ebx>, __int16 block_Y<di>, int block_addr<esi>, int Y)
char bio_off; // al@1
int tile_designation; // ecx@1
__int64 corrected_x; // qax@1
__int64 corrected_y; // qax@1
int difY; // eax@9
int difX; // edx@9
signed __int64 bio_off_2; // qax@9
signed __int64 bio_off_2_; // qtt@9
__int16 result; // ax@23
corrected_x = reg_off_x + (block_X + (signed int)*(_WORD *)(block_addr + 0x90)) / 48;
*(_WORD *)X = ((BYTE4(corrected_x) & 0xF) + (_DWORD)corrected_x) >> 4;
corrected_y = reg_off_y + (block_Y + (signed int)*(_WORD *)(block_addr + 0x92)) / 48;
*(_WORD *)Y = ((BYTE4(corrected_y) & 0xF) + (_DWORD)corrected_y) >> 4;
tile_designation = *(_DWORD *)(block_addr + 4 * (block_Y + 16 * block_X) + 0x29C);
bio_off = 0;
if ( tile_designation & 0x20000 )
bio_off = 1;
if ( tile_designation & 0x40000 )
bio_off |= 2u;
if ( tile_designation & 0x80000 )
bio_off |= 4u;
if ( tile_designation & 0x100000 )
bio_off |= 8u;
bio_off_2 = *(_BYTE *)(bio_off + block_addr + 0x1D9C);
bio_off_2_ = bio_off_2;
difY = bio_off_2 / 3;
difX = bio_off_2_ % 3;
if ( !difX )
--*(_WORD *)X;
if ( difX == 2 )
++*(_WORD *)X;
if ( !difY )
--*(_WORD *)Y;
if ( difY == 2 )
++*(_WORD *)Y;
if ( *(_WORD *)X < 0 )
*(_WORD *)X = 0;
if ( *(_WORD *)Y < 0 )
*(_WORD *)Y = 0;
if ( *(_WORD *)X >= (_WORD)World_size )
*(_WORD *)X = World_size - 1;
result = HIWORD(World_size);
if ( *(_WORD *)Y >= HIWORD(World_size) )
result = HIWORD(World_size) - 1;
*(_WORD *)Y = HIWORD(World_size) - 1;
return result;
//vector<uint16_t> v_geology[eBiomeCount];
bool API::ReadGeology (vector < vector <uint16_t> >& assign)
bool Maps::ReadGeology (vector < vector <uint16_t> >& assign)
memory_info * minfo = d->offset_descriptor;
memory_info * minfo = d->d->offset_descriptor;
// get needed addresses and offsets. Now this is what I call crazy.
int region_x_offset = minfo->getAddress ("region_x");
int region_y_offset = minfo->getAddress ("region_y");
int region_z_offset = minfo->getAddress ("region_z");
int world_offset = minfo->getAddress ("world");
int world_regions_offset = minfo->getOffset ("w_regions_arr");
/* <Address name="geoblock_vector">0x16AF52C</Address>
<Address name="ptr2_region_array">0x16AF574</Address>*/
int world_regions = minfo->getAddress ("ptr2_region_array");
int region_size = minfo->getHexValue ("region_size");
int region_geo_index_offset = minfo->getOffset ("region_geo_index_off");
int world_geoblocks_offset = minfo->getOffset ("w_geoblocks");
int world_size_x = minfo->getOffset ("world_size_x");
int world_size_y = minfo->getOffset ("world_size_y");
int world_geoblocks_vector = minfo->getAddress ("geoblock_vector");
int world_size_x = minfo->getAddress ("world_size_x");
int world_size_y = minfo->getAddress ("world_size_y");
int geolayer_geoblock_offset = minfo->getOffset ("geolayer_geoblock_offset");
int type_inside_geolayer = minfo->getOffset ("type_inside_geolayer");
uint32_t regionX, regionY, regionZ;
uint16_t worldSizeX, worldSizeY;
@ -417,14 +474,14 @@ bool API::ReadGeology (vector < vector <uint16_t> >& assign)
g_pProcess->readDWord (region_z_offset, regionZ);
// get world size
g_pProcess->readWord (world_offset + world_size_x, worldSizeX);
g_pProcess->readWord (world_offset + world_size_y, worldSizeY);
g_pProcess->readWord (world_size_x, worldSizeX);
g_pProcess->readWord (world_size_y, worldSizeY);
// get pointer to first part of 2d array of regions
uint32_t regions = g_pProcess->readDWord (world_offset + world_regions_offset);
uint32_t regions = g_pProcess->readDWord (world_regions);
// read the geoblock vector
DfVector geoblocks (d->p, world_offset + world_geoblocks_offset, 4);
DfVector geoblocks (d->d->p, world_geoblocks_vector, 4);
// iterate over 8 surrounding regions + local region
for (int i = eNorthWest; i < eBiomeCount; i++)
@ -450,7 +507,7 @@ bool API::ReadGeology (vector < vector <uint16_t> >& assign)
uint32_t geoblock_off = * (uint32_t *) geoblocks[geoindex];
// get the vector with pointer to layers
DfVector geolayers (d->p, geoblock_off + geolayer_geoblock_offset , 4); // let's hope
DfVector geolayers (d->d->p, geoblock_off + geolayer_geoblock_offset , 4); // let's hope
// make sure we don't load crap
assert (geolayers.getSize() > 0 && geolayers.getSize() <= 16);
@ -461,7 +518,7 @@ bool API::ReadGeology (vector < vector <uint16_t> >& assign)
// read pointer to a layer
uint32_t geol_offset = * (uint32_t *) geolayers[j];
// read word at pointer + 2, store in our geology vectors
d->v_geology[i].push_back (g_pProcess->readWord (geol_offset + 2));
d->v_geology[i].push_back (g_pProcess->readWord (geol_offset + type_inside_geolayer));
@ -473,4 +530,3 @@ bool API::ReadGeology (vector < vector <uint16_t> >& assign)
return true;