@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#include <cstdio>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
using std::vector;
using std::string;
using std::stack;
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ DFhackCExport command_result digcircle (Core * c, vector <string> & parameters)
static bool filled = false;
static circle_what what = circle_set;
static e_designation type = designation_default;
static int r = 0;
auto saved_r = r;
static int diameter = 0;
auto saved_d = diameter;
bool force_help = false;
for(int i = 0; i < parameters.size();i++)
@ -112,14 +112,14 @@ DFhackCExport command_result digcircle (Core * c, vector <string> & parameters)
type = designation_channel;
else if (!from_string(r,parameters[i], std::dec))
else if (!from_string(diameter,parameters[i], std::dec))
r = saved_r;
diameter = saved_d;
if(r < 0)
r = -r;
if(force_help || r == 0)
if(diameter < 0)
diameter = -diameter;
if(force_help || diameter == 0)
c->con.print( "A command for easy designation of filled and hollow circles.\n"
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ DFhackCExport command_result digcircle (Core * c, vector <string> & parameters)
" xstair = staircase up/down\n"
" chan = dig channel\n"
" # = radius in tiles (default = 0)\n"
" # = diameter in tiles (default = 0)\n"
"After you have set the options, the command called with no options\n"
"repeats with the last selected parameters:\n"
@ -173,10 +173,16 @@ DFhackCExport command_result digcircle (Core * c, vector <string> & parameters)
auto b = MCache.BlockAt(at/16);
if(!b || !b->valid)
return false;
if(x == 0 || x == x_max - 1)
if(x == 0 || x == x_max * 16 - 1)
//c->con.print("not digging map border\n");
return false;
if(y == 0 || y == y_max - 1)
if(y == 0 || y == y_max * 16 - 1)
//c->con.print("not digging map border\n");
return false;
uint16_t tt = MCache.tiletypeAt(at);
t_designation des = MCache.designationAt(at);
// could be potentially used to locate hidden constructions?
@ -242,53 +248,71 @@ DFhackCExport command_result digcircle (Core * c, vector <string> & parameters)
return true;
int f = 1 - r;
int ddF_x = 1;
int ddF_y = -2 * r;
int x = 0;
int y = r;
dig(cx, cy + r, cz);
dig(cx, cy - r, cz);
dig(cx + r, cy, cz);
dig(cx - r, cy, cz);
int r = diameter / 2;
int iter;
bool adjust;
if(diameter % 2)
// paint center
lineY(cx - r, cx + r, cy, cz);
dig(cx - r, cy, cz);
dig(cx + r, cy, cz);
adjust = false;
iter = 2;
lineX(cy-r, cy+r, cx, cz);
lineY(cx-r, cx+r, cy, cz);
adjust = true;
iter = 1;
while(x < y)
if(f >= 0)
ddF_y += 2;
f += ddF_y;
int lastwhole = r;
for(; iter <= diameter - 1; iter +=2)
// top, bottom coords
int top = cy - ((iter + 1) / 2) + adjust;
int bottom = cy + ((iter + 1) / 2);
// see where the current 'line' intersects the circle
double val = std::sqrt(diameter*diameter - iter*iter);
// adjust for circles with odd diameter
val -= 1;
// map the found value to the DF grid
double whole;
double fraction = std::modf(val / 2.0, & whole);
if (fraction > 0.5)
whole += 1.0;
int right = cx + whole;
int left = cx - whole + adjust;
int diff = lastwhole - whole;
// paint
if(filled || iter == diameter - 1)
lineY(left, right, top , cz);
lineY(left, right, bottom , cz);
ddF_x += 2;
f += ddF_x;
dig(cx + x, cy + y, cz);
dig(cx - x, cy + y, cz);
dig(cx + x, cy - y, cz);
dig(cx - x, cy - y, cz);
dig(cx + y, cy + x, cz);
dig(cx - y, cy + x, cz);
dig(cx + y, cy - x, cz);
dig(cx - y, cy - x, cz);
dig(left, top, cz);
dig(left, bottom, cz);
dig(right, top, cz);
dig(right, bottom, cz);
if(!filled && diff > 1)
lineY(cx-x, cx+x, cy+y, cz);
lineY(cx-x, cx+x, cy-y, cz);
lineY(cx-y, cx+y, cy+x, cz);
lineY(cx-y, cx+y, cy-x, cz);
int lright = cx + lastwhole;
int lleft = cx - lastwhole + adjust;
lineY(lleft + 1, left - 1, top + 1 , cz);
lineY(right + 1, lright - 1, top + 1 , cz);
lineY(lleft + 1, left - 1, bottom - 1 , cz);
lineY(right + 1, lright - 1, bottom - 1 , cz);
lastwhole = whole;