@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ distribution.
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ struct Creatures::Private
bool Inited;
bool Started;
bool Ft_basic;
bool Ft_advanced;
bool Ft_jobs;
@ -111,12 +113,13 @@ struct Creatures::Private
int32_t job_material_flags_o;
// creature job material stuff
} creatures;
uint32_t creature_module;
uint32_t dwarf_race_index_addr;
uint32_t dwarf_civ_id_addr;
bool IdMapReady;
std::map<int32_t, int32_t> IdMap;
DfVector <uint32_t> *p_cre;
//DfVector <uint32_t> *p_cre;
Process *owner;
Translation * trans;
@ -129,13 +132,13 @@ Module* DFHack::createCreatures()
Core & c = Core::getInstance();
creatures = 0;
d = new Private;
d->owner = c.p;
VersionInfo * minfo = c.vinfo;
d->Inited = false;
d->Started = false;
d->IdMapReady = false;
d->p_cre = NULL;
d->trans = c.getTranslation();
d->trans->InitReadNames(); // throws on error
@ -146,90 +149,12 @@ Creatures::Creatures()
OffsetGroup * OG_name = minfo->getGroup("name");
OffsetGroup * OG_jobs = OG_Creatures->getGroup("job");
OffsetGroup * OG_job_mats = OG_jobs->getGroup("material");
d->Ft_basic = d->Ft_advanced = d->Ft_jobs = d->Ft_soul = d->Ft_inventory = d->Ft_owned_items = d->Ft_job_materials = false;
Private::t_offsets &creatures = d->creatures;
// Creatures
creatures.vector = OG_Creatures->getAddress ("vector");
creatures = (vector <df_creature *> *) OG_Creatures->getAddress ("vector");
d->dwarf_race_index_addr = OG_Creatures->getAddress("current_race");
d->dwarf_civ_id_addr = OG_Creatures->getAddress("current_civ");
// Creatures/creature
creatures.name_offset = OG_creature->getOffset ("name");
creatures.custom_profession_offset = OG_creature->getOffset ("custom_profession");
creatures.profession_offset = OG_creature->getOffset ("profession");
creatures.race_offset = OG_creature->getOffset ("race");
creatures.pos_offset = OG_creature->getOffset ("position");
creatures.flags1_offset = OG_creature->getOffset ("flags1");
creatures.flags2_offset = OG_creature->getOffset ("flags2");
creatures.flags3_offset = OG_creature->getOffset ("flags3");
creatures.sex_offset = OG_creature->getOffset ("sex");
creatures.caste_offset = OG_creature->getOffset ("caste");
creatures.id_offset = OG_creature->getOffset ("id");
creatures.civ_offset = OG_creature->getOffset ("civ");
// name struct
creatures.name_firstname_offset = OG_name->getOffset("first");
creatures.name_nickname_offset = OG_name->getOffset("nick");
creatures.name_words_offset = OG_name->getOffset("second_words");
d->Ft_basic = true;
creatures.pickup_equipment_bit = OG_creature_ex->getOffset("pickup_equipment_bit");
creatures.mood_offset = OG_creature_ex->getOffset("mood");
creatures.pregnancy_offset = OG_creature_ex->getOffset("pregnancy");
creatures.pregnancy_ptr_offset = OG_creature_ex->getOffset("pregnancy_ptr");
creatures.birth_year_offset = OG_creature_ex->getOffset("birth_year");
creatures.birth_time_offset = OG_creature_ex->getOffset("birth_time");
creatures.current_job_offset = OG_creature_ex->getOffset("current_job");
creatures.mood_skill_offset = OG_creature_ex->getOffset("current_job_skill");
creatures.physical_offset = OG_creature_ex->getOffset("physical");
creatures.appearance_vector_offset = OG_creature_ex->getOffset("appearance_vector");
creatures.artifact_name_offset = OG_creature_ex->getOffset("artifact_name");
creatures.labors_offset = OG_creature_ex->getOffset ("labors");
creatures.happiness_offset = OG_creature_ex->getOffset ("happiness");
d->Ft_advanced = true;
creatures.inventory_offset = OG_creature_ex->getOffset("inventory_vector");
d->Ft_inventory = true;
creatures.owned_items_offset = OG_creature_ex->getOffset("owned_items_vector");
d->Ft_owned_items = true;
creatures.soul_vector_offset = OG_creature_ex->getOffset("soul_vector");
creatures.default_soul_offset = OG_creature_ex->getOffset("current_soul");
creatures.soul_mental_offset = OG_soul->getOffset("mental");
creatures.soul_skills_vector_offset = OG_soul->getOffset("skills_vector");
creatures.soul_traits_offset = OG_soul->getOffset("traits");
d->Ft_soul = true;
creatures.job_type_offset = OG_jobs->getOffset("type");
creatures.job_id_offset = OG_jobs->getOffset("id");
d->Ft_jobs = true;
creatures.job_materials_vector = OG_jobs->getOffset("materials_vector");
creatures.job_material_itemtype_o = OG_job_mats->getOffset("maintype");
creatures.job_material_subtype_o = OG_job_mats->getOffset("sectype1");
creatures.job_material_subindex_o = OG_job_mats->getOffset("sectype2");
creatures.job_material_index_o = OG_job_mats->getOffset("sectype3");
creatures.job_material_flags_o = OG_job_mats->getOffset("flags");
d->Ft_job_materials = true;
d->Inited = true;
@ -243,11 +168,10 @@ Creatures::~Creatures()
bool Creatures::Start( uint32_t &numcreatures )
d->p_cre = new DfVector <uint32_t> (d->creatures.vector);
d->Started = true;
numcreatures = d->p_cre->size();
numcreatures = creatures->size();
d->IdMapReady = false;
return true;
@ -256,81 +180,104 @@ bool Creatures::Start( uint32_t &numcreatures )
bool Creatures::Finish()
delete d->p_cre;
d->p_cre = 0;
d->Started = false;
return true;
bool Creatures::ReadCreature (const int32_t index, t_creature & furball)
df_creature * Creatures::GetCreature (const int32_t index)
if(!d->Started) return false;
memset(&furball, 0, sizeof(t_creature));
// SHM fast path
if(!d->Started) return nullptr;
// read pointer from vector at position
if(index > creatures->size())
return nullptr;
return creatures->at(index);
// returns index of creature actually read or -1 if no creature can be found
int32_t Creatures::GetCreatureInBox (int32_t index, df_creature ** furball,
const uint16_t x1, const uint16_t y1, const uint16_t z1,
const uint16_t x2, const uint16_t y2, const uint16_t z2)
if (!d->Started)
return -1;
Process *p = d->owner;
uint16_t coords[3];
uint32_t size = creatures->size();
while (uint32_t(index) < size)
// read pointer from vector at position
df_creature * temp = creatures->at(index);
if (temp->x >= x1 && temp->x < x2)
if (temp->y >= y1 && temp->y < y2)
if (temp->z >= z1 && temp->z < z2)
*furball = temp;
return index;
*furball = nullptr;
return -1;
void Creatures::CopyCreature(df_creature * source, t_creature & furball)
if(!d->Started) return;
// read pointer from vector at position
uint32_t addr_cr = d->p_cre->at (index);
furball.origin = addr_cr;
Private::t_offsets &offs = d->creatures;
furball.origin = source;
//read creature from memory
// name
d->trans->readName(furball.name,addr_cr + offs.name_offset);
// basic stuff
p->readDWord (addr_cr + offs.id_offset, furball.id);
p->read (addr_cr + offs.pos_offset, 3 * sizeof (uint16_t), (uint8_t *) & (furball.x)); // xyz really
p->readDWord (addr_cr + offs.race_offset, furball.race);
furball.civ = p->readDWord (addr_cr + offs.civ_offset);
p->readByte (addr_cr + offs.sex_offset, furball.sex);
p->readWord (addr_cr + offs.caste_offset, furball.caste);
p->readDWord (addr_cr + offs.flags1_offset, furball.flags1.whole);
p->readDWord (addr_cr + offs.flags2_offset, furball.flags2.whole);
p->readDWord (addr_cr + offs.flags3_offset, furball.flags3.whole);
furball.id = source->id;
furball.x = source->x;
furball.y = source->y;
furball.z = source->z;
furball.race = source->race;
furball.civ = source->civ;
furball.sex = source->sex;
furball.caste = source->caste;
furball.flags1.whole = source->flags1.whole;
furball.flags2.whole = source->flags2.whole;
furball.flags3.whole = source->flags3.whole;
// custom profession
p->readSTLString(addr_cr + offs.custom_profession_offset, furball.custom_profession, sizeof(furball.custom_profession));
furball.custom_profession = source->custom_profession;
// profession
furball.profession = p->readByte (addr_cr + offs.profession_offset);
furball.profession = source->profession;
// happiness
p->readDWord (addr_cr + offs.happiness_offset, furball.happiness);
furball.happiness = source->happiness;
// physical attributes
p->read(addr_cr + offs.physical_offset,
(uint8_t *)&furball.strength);
memcpy(&furball.strength, source->physical, sizeof(source->physical));
// mood stuff
furball.mood = (int16_t) p->readWord (addr_cr + offs.mood_offset);
furball.mood_skill = p->readWord (addr_cr + offs.mood_skill_offset);
d->trans->readName(furball.artifact_name, addr_cr + offs.artifact_name_offset);
furball.mood = source->mood;
furball.mood_skill = source->unk_2f8; // FIXME: really? More like currently used skill anyway.
d->trans->readName(furball.artifact_name, &source->artifact_name);
// labors
p->read (addr_cr + offs.labors_offset, NUM_CREATURE_LABORS, furball.labors);
furball.birth_year = p->readDWord (addr_cr + offs.birth_year_offset );
furball.birth_time = p->readDWord (addr_cr + offs.birth_time_offset );
memcpy(&furball.labors, &source->labors, sizeof(furball.labors));
furball.pregnancy_timer = p->readDWord (addr_cr + offs.pregnancy_offset );
furball.birth_year = source->birth_year;
furball.birth_time = source->birth_time;
furball.pregnancy_timer = source->pregnancy_timer;
// appearance
DfVector <uint32_t> app(addr_cr + offs.appearance_vector_offset);
furball.nbcolors = app.size();
furball.nbcolors = source->appearance.size();
furball.nbcolors = MAX_COLORS;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < furball.nbcolors; i++)
furball.color[i] = app[i];
furball.color[i] = source->appearance[i];
//likes. FIXME: where do they fit in now? The soul?
DfVector <uint32_t> likes(d->p, temp + offs.creature_likes_offset);
furball.numLikes = likes.getSize();
@ -338,14 +285,11 @@ bool Creatures::ReadCreature (const int32_t index, t_creature & furball)
uint32_t temp2 = *(uint32_t *) likes[i];
p->read(temp2,sizeof(t_like),(uint8_t *) &furball.likes[i]);
// enum soul pointer vector
DfVector <uint32_t> souls(p,temp + offs.creature_soul_vector_offset);
uint32_t soul = p->readDWord(addr_cr + offs.default_soul_offset);
furball.has_default_soul = false;
@ -378,8 +322,8 @@ bool Creatures::ReadCreature (const int32_t index, t_creature & furball)
(uint8_t *) &furball.defaultSoul.traits);
furball.current_job.occupationPtr = p->readDWord (addr_cr + offs.current_job_offset);
@ -391,63 +335,26 @@ bool Creatures::ReadCreature (const int32_t index, t_creature & furball)
furball.current_job.active = false;
// no jobs for now...
furball.current_job.active = false;
return true;
// returns index of creature actually read or -1 if no creature can be found
int32_t Creatures::ReadCreatureInBox (int32_t index, t_creature & furball,
const uint16_t x1, const uint16_t y1, const uint16_t z1,
const uint16_t x2, const uint16_t y2, const uint16_t z2)
if (!d->Started)
return -1;
Process *p = d->owner;
uint16_t coords[3];
uint32_t size = d->p_cre->size();
while (uint32_t(index) < size)
// read pointer from vector at position
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at(index);
p->read (temp + d->creatures.pos_offset, 3 * sizeof (uint16_t), (uint8_t *) &coords);
if (coords[0] >= x1 && coords[0] < x2)
if (coords[1] >= y1 && coords[1] < y2)
if (coords[2] >= z1 && coords[2] < z2)
ReadCreature (index, furball);
return index;
return -1;
int32_t Creatures::FindIndexById(int32_t creature_id)
if (!d->Started || !d->Ft_basic)
if (!d->Started)
return -1;
if (!d->IdMapReady)
Process * p = d->owner;
Private::t_offsets &offs = d->creatures;
uint32_t size = d->p_cre->size();
uint32_t size = creatures->size();
for (uint32_t index = 0; index < size; index++)
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at(index);
int32_t id = p->readDWord (temp + offs.id_offset);
df_creature * temp = creatures->at(index);
int32_t id = temp->id;
d->IdMap[id] = index;
@ -459,7 +366,7 @@ int32_t Creatures::FindIndexById(int32_t creature_id)
return it->second;
bool Creatures::WriteLabors(const uint32_t index, uint8_t labors[NUM_CREATURE_LABORS])
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_advanced) return false;
@ -665,7 +572,7 @@ bool Creatures::WritePregnancy(const uint32_t index, const uint32_t pregTimer)
p->writeDWord(temp + d->creatures.pregnancy_offset, pregTimer);
return true;
uint32_t Creatures::GetDwarfRaceIndex()
if(!d->Inited) return 0;
@ -688,7 +595,7 @@ bool Creatures::getCurrentCursorCreature(uint32_t & creature_index)
return true;
bool Creatures::ReadJob(const t_creature * furball, vector<t_material> & mat)
unsigned int i;
@ -709,67 +616,56 @@ bool Creatures::ReadJob(const t_creature * furball, vector<t_material> & mat)
return true;
bool Creatures::ReadInventoryIdx(const uint32_t index, std::vector<uint32_t> & item)
bool Creatures::ReadInventoryByIdx(const uint32_t index, std::vector<t_item *> & item)
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_inventory) return false;
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at (index);
return this->ReadInventoryPtr(temp, item);
if(!d->Started) return false;
if(index >= creatures->size()) return false;
df_creature * temp = creatures->at(index);
return this->ReadInventoryByPtr(temp, item);
bool Creatures::ReadInventoryPtr(const uint32_t temp, std::vector<uint32_t> & item)
bool Creatures::ReadInventoryByPtr(const df_creature * temp, std::vector<t_item *> & items)
unsigned int i;
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_inventory) return false;
Process * p = d->owner;
DfVector <uint32_t> citem(temp + d->creatures.inventory_offset);
if(citem.size() == 0)
return false;
item[i] = p->readDWord(citem[i]);
if(!d->Started) return false;
items = temp->inventory;
return true;
bool Creatures::ReadOwnedItemsIdx(const uint32_t index, std::vector<int32_t> & item)
bool Creatures::ReadOwnedItemsByIdx(const uint32_t index, std::vector<int32_t> & item)
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_owned_items) return false;
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at (index);
return this->ReadOwnedItemsPtr(temp, item);
if(!d->Started ) return false;
if(index >= creatures->size()) return false;
df_creature * temp = creatures->at(index);
return this->ReadOwnedItemsByPtr(temp, item);
bool Creatures::ReadOwnedItemsPtr(const uint32_t temp, std::vector<int32_t> & item)
bool Creatures::ReadOwnedItemsByPtr(const df_creature * temp, std::vector<int32_t> & items)
unsigned int i;
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_owned_items) return false;
Process * p = d->owner;
DfVector <int32_t> citem(temp + d->creatures.owned_items_offset);
if(citem.size() == 0)
return false;
item[i] = citem[i];
if(!d->Started) return false;
items = temp->owned_items;
return true;
bool Creatures::RemoveOwnedItemIdx(const uint32_t index, int32_t id)
bool Creatures::RemoveOwnedItemByIdx(const uint32_t index, int32_t id)
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_owned_items)
cerr << "!d->Started || !d->Ft_owned_items FAIL" << endl;
cerr << "!d->Started FAIL" << endl;
return false;
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at (index);
return this->RemoveOwnedItemPtr(temp, id);
df_creature * temp = creatures->at (index);
return this->RemoveOwnedItemByPtr(temp, id);
bool Creatures::RemoveOwnedItemPtr(const uint32_t temp, int32_t id)
bool Creatures::RemoveOwnedItemByPtr(df_creature * temp, int32_t id)
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_owned_items) return false;
if(!d->Started) return false;
Process * p = d->owner;
vector <int32_t> & vec = temp->owned_items;
vec.erase(std::remove(vec.begin(), vec.end(), id), vec.end());
DfVector <int32_t> citem(temp + d->creatures.owned_items_offset);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < citem.size(); i++) {
@ -778,15 +674,12 @@ bool Creatures::RemoveOwnedItemPtr(const uint32_t temp, int32_t id)
if (!citem.remove(i--))
return false;
return true;
void Creatures::CopyNameTo(t_creature &creature, uint32_t address)
void Creatures::CopyNameTo(df_creature * creature, df_name * target)
Private::t_offsets &offs = d->creatures;
d->trans->copyName(creature.origin + offs.name_offset, address);
d->trans->copyName(&creature->name, target);