Keeping the current working directory addition, but reverting the current tileset and color stuff, as the tileset was just an initializer, not the actual current one, just going to have to read the init.txt file myself
Revert "Add function to get the current working directory of the DF process, as well as offsets for the relative paths of the current tileset and color file, also created a simple program to dump those three things out"
This reverts commit 040f8f7b7a.
<Addressname="current_cursor_creature"description="A vector? of creatures currently under the cursor."/>
<Addressname="current_cursor_creature"description="A vector? of creatures currently under the cursor."/>
<Addressname="current_menu_state"description="A numeric value that describes the state of the current GUI element (switching between menus will change this)."/>
<Addressname="current_menu_state"description="A numeric value that describes the state of the current GUI element (switching between menus will change this)."/>
<Addressname="view_screen"description="Pointer to the current view screen object (GUI screen)."/>
<Addressname="view_screen"description="Pointer to the current view screen object (GUI screen)."/>
<Addressname="tileset_filename"description="String holding the path to the current tileset file"/>
<Addressname="colors_filename"description="String holding the path to the current color file"/>
<Groupname="Maps"description="Offsets used by the Maps module.">
<Groupname="Maps"description="Offsets used by the Maps module.">
<Addressname="map_data"description="Pointer to the start of the map structure."/>
<Addressname="map_data"description="Pointer to the start of the map structure."/>