:assign:Assign unit(s) to the pen or pit marked with the 'set' command. If no filters are set a unit must be selected in the in-game ui. Can also be followed by a valid zone id which will be set instead.
:assign:Assign unit(s) to the pen or pit marked with the 'set' command. If no filters are set a unit must be selected in the in-game ui. Can also be followed by a valid zone id which will be set instead.
:unassign:Unassign selected creature from it's zone.
:unassign:Unassign selected creature from it's zone.
:autonestbox:Assign all (unless count is specified) unpastured female egg-layers to empty pens which contain a nestbox. If the pen is bigger than 1x1 the nestbox must be placed at the top left corner to be recognized. Only 1 unit will be assigned per pen.
:autonestbox:Assign all (unless count is specified) unpastured female egg-layers to empty pens which contain a nestbox. If the pen is bigger than 1x1 the nestbox must be placed at the top left corner to be recognized. Only 1 unit will be assigned per pen.
:uinfo:Print info about the selected unit.
:uinfo:Print info about unit(s). If no filters are set a unit must be selected in the in-game ui.
:zinfo:Print info about zone(s) under the cursor (also lists chains and cages).
:zinfo:Print info about zone(s). If no filters are set zones under the cursor are listed.
:all:In combination with 'zinfo' or 'cinfo': print info about all zones/units on the map.