<Addressname="current_cursor_creature"description="A vector? of creatures currently under the cursor."/>
<Addressname="current_cursor_creature"description="A vector? of creatures currently under the cursor."/>
<Addressname="current_menu_state"description="A numeric value that describes the state of the current GUI element (switching between menus will change this)."/>
<Addressname="current_menu_state"description="A numeric value that describes the state of the current GUI element (switching between menus will change this)."/>
<Addressname="view_screen"description="Pointer to the current view screen object (GUI screen)."/>
<Addressname="view_screen"description="Pointer to the current view screen object (GUI screen)."/>
<Addressname="hotkeys"description="Address where the array of hotkeys starts.">
<Groupname="Maps"description="Offsets used by the Maps module.">
<Groupname="Maps"description="Offsets used by the Maps module.">
<Addressname="map_data"description="Pointer to the start of the map structure."/>
<Addressname="map_data"description="Pointer to the start of the map structure."/>