@ -1292,40 +1292,39 @@ One-shot subcommands:
for slaughter. Grabbing wagons results in some funny spam, then
they are scuttled.
Subcommands that persist until disabled or DF quit:
Subcommands that persist until disabled or DF quits:
:stable-cursor: Saves the exact cursor position between t/q/k/d/etc menus of dwarfmode.
:fast-heat: Further improves temperature update performance by ensuring that 1 degree
of item temperature is crossed in no more than specified number of frames
when updating from the environment temperature. This reduces the time it
takes for stable-temp to stop updates again when equilibrium is disturbed.
:adamantine-cloth-wear: Prevents adamantine clothing from wearing out while being worn (bug 6481).
:advmode-contained: Works around bug 6202, i.e. custom reactions with container inputs
in advmode. The issue is that the screen tries to force you to select
the contents separately from the container. This forcefully skips child
:civ-view-agreement: Fixes overlapping text on the "view agreement" screen
:craft-age-wear: Fixes the behavior of crafted items wearing out over time (bug 6003).
With this tweak, items made from cloth and leather will gain a level of wear every 20 years.
:eggs-fertile: Displays a fertility indicator on nestboxes
:farm-plot-select: Adds "Select all" and "Deselect all" options to farm plot menus
:fast-heat: Further improves temperature update performance by ensuring that 1 degree
of item temperature is crossed in no more than specified number of frames
when updating from the environment temperature. This reduces the time it
takes for stable-temp to stop updates again when equilibrium is disturbed.
:fast-trade: Makes Shift-Down in the Move Goods to Depot and Trade screens select
the current item (fully, in case of a stack), and scroll down one line.
:military-stable-assign: Preserve list order and cursor position when assigning to squad,
i.e. stop the rightmost list of the Positions page of the military
screen from constantly resetting to the top.
:import-priority-category: Allows changing the priority of all goods in a
category when discussing an import agreement with the liaison
:manager-quantity: Removes the limit of 30 jobs per manager order
:max-wheelbarrow: Allows assigning more than 3 wheelbarrows to a stockpile
:military-color-assigned: Color squad candidates already assigned to other squads in yellow/green
to make them stand out more in the list.
.. image:: images/tweak-mil-color.png
:military-stable-assign: Preserve list order and cursor position when assigning to squad,
i.e. stop the rightmost list of the Positions page of the military
screen from constantly resetting to the top.
:craft-age-wear: Fixes the behavior of crafted items wearing out over time (bug 6003).
With this tweak, items made from cloth and leather will gain a level of wear every 20 years.
:adamantine-cloth-wear: Prevents adamantine clothing from wearing out while being worn (bug 6481).
:farm-plot-select: Adds "Select all" and "Deselect all" options to farm plot menus
:import-priority-category: Allows changing the priority of all goods in a
category when discussing an import agreement with the liaison
:manager-quantity: Removes the limit of 30 jobs per manager order
:civ-view-agreement: Fixes overlapping text on the "view agreement" screen
:nestbox-color: Fixes the color of built nestboxes
:eggs-fertile: Displays a fertility indicator on nestboxes
:max-wheelbarrow: Allows assigning more than 3 wheelbarrows to a stockpile
:shift-8-scroll: Gives Shift-8 (or ``*``) priority when scrolling menus, instead of scrolling the map
:stable-cursor: Saves the exact cursor position between t/q/k/d/b/etc menus of fortress mode.
:tradereq-pet-gender: Displays pet genders on the trade request screen