Readme tweaks.

expwnent 2014-07-11 08:26:07 -04:00
parent fadb28ab7e
commit a239532d2c
1 changed files with 371 additions and 388 deletions

@ -2036,6 +2036,19 @@ Scripts in this subdirectory fix various bugs and issues, some of them obscure.
Makes it so that future caravans won't bring barrels full of blood, ichor, or goo.
* fix/build-location
Fixes construction jobs that are stuck trying to build a wall while standing
on the same exact tile (bug 5991), designates the tile restricted traffic to
hopefully avoid jamming it again, and unsuspends them.
* fix/cloth-stockpile
Fixes erratic behavior of cloth stockpiles by scanning material objects
in memory and patching up some invalid reference fields. Needs to be run
every time a save game is loaded; putting ``fix/cloth-stockpile enable``
in ``dfhack.init`` makes it run automatically.
* fix/dead-units
Removes uninteresting dead units from the unit list. Doesn't seem to give any
@ -2048,7 +2061,12 @@ Scripts in this subdirectory fix various bugs and issues, some of them obscure.
* fix/growth-bug
Fixes locally born units such that they will grow larger than their birth size.
Fixes locally born units such that they will grow larger than their birth size. Note that this bug was fixed in DF version 0.40.02.
* fix/item-occupancy
Diagnoses and fixes issues with nonexistant 'items occupying site', usually
caused by autodump bugs or other hacking mishaps.
* fix/population-cap
@ -2063,24 +2081,6 @@ Scripts in this subdirectory fix various bugs and issues, some of them obscure.
the environment and stops temperature updates. In order to maintain this efficient
state however, use ``tweak stable-temp`` and ``tweak fast-heat``.
* fix/item-occupancy
Diagnoses and fixes issues with nonexistant 'items occupying site', usually
caused by autodump bugs or other hacking mishaps.
* fix/cloth-stockpile
Fixes erratic behavior of cloth stockpiles by scanning material objects
in memory and patching up some invalid reference fields. Needs to be run
every time a save game is loaded; putting ``fix/cloth-stockpile enable``
in ``dfhack.init`` makes it run automatically.
* fix/build-location
Fixes construction jobs that are stuck trying to build a wall while standing
on the same exact tile (bug 5991), designates the tile restricted traffic to
hopefully avoid jamming it again, and unsuspends them.
@ -2088,6 +2088,10 @@ gui/*
Scripts that implement dialogs inserted into the main game window are put in this
* gui/hack-wish
A graphical interface for creating items.
@ -2099,65 +2103,76 @@ If the name of the patch has no extension or directory separators, the
script uses ``hack/patches/<df-version>/<name>.dif``, thus auto-selecting
the version appropriate for the currently loaded executable.
Spawn arbitrary items under the cursor.
A graphical interface for creating items.
The first argument gives the item category, the second gives the material,
and the optionnal third gives the number of items to create (defaults to 20).
Currently supported item categories: ``boulder``, ``bar``, ``plant``, ``log``,
If called in dwarf mode, makes DF immediately auto-save the game by setting a flag
normally used in seasonal auto-save.
Instead of material, using ``list`` makes the script list eligible materials.
The ``web`` item category will create an uncollected cobweb on the floor.
Run ``setfps <number>`` to set the FPS cap at runtime, in case you want to watch
combat in slow motion or something :)
Note that the script does not enforce anything, and will let you create
boulders of toad blood and stuff like that.
However the ``list`` mode will only show 'normal' materials.
Wakes up sleeping units, cancels breaks and stops parties either everywhere,
or in the burrows given as arguments. In return, adds bad thoughts about
noise, tiredness and lack of protection. Also, the units with interrupted
breaks will go on break again a lot sooner. The script is intended for
emergencies, e.g. when a siege appears, and all your military is partying.
create-items boulders COAL_BITUMINOUS 12
create-items plant tail_pig
create-items log list
create-items bar CREATURE:CAT:SOAP
create-items bar adamantine
Instantly grow seeds inside farming plots.
A script to designate an area for digging according to a plan in csv format.
With no argument, this command list the various seed types currently in
use in your farming plots.
With a seed type, the script will grow 100 of these seeds, ready to be
harvested. You can change the number with a 2nd argument.
This script, inspired from quickfort, can designate an area for digging.
Your plan should be stored in a .csv file like this::
For example, to grow 40 plump helmet spawn:
# this is a comment
d;d;u;d;d;skip this tile;d
growcrops plump 40
Available tile shapes are named after the 'dig' menu shortcuts:
``d`` for dig, ``u`` for upstairs, ``d`` downstairs, ``i`` updown,
``h`` channel, ``r`` upward ramp, ``x`` remove designation.
Unrecognized characters are ignored (eg the 'skip this tile' in the sample).
Empty lines and data after a ``#`` are ignored as comments.
To skip a row in your design, use a single ``;``.
This script remove negative thoughts from your dwarves. Very useful against
tantrum spirals.
One comment in the file may contain the phrase ``start(3,5)``. It is interpreted
as an offset for the pattern: instead of starting at the cursor, it will start
3 tiles left and 5 tiles up from the cursor.
The script can target a single creature, when used with the ``him`` argument,
or the whole fort population, with ``all``.
The script takes the plan filename, starting from the root df folder (where
Dwarf Fortress.exe is found).
To show every bad thought present without actually removing them, run the
script with the ``-n`` or ``--dry-run`` argument. This can give a quick
hint on what bothers your dwarves the most.
Remove all 'aquifer' tag from the map blocks. Irreversible.
Individual dwarf happiness may not increase right after this command is run,
but in the short term your dwarves will get much more joyful.
Focus a body part ingame, and this script will display the cause of death of
the creature.
Also works when selecting units from the 'u'nitlist viewscreen.
Internals: the thoughts are set to be very old, so that the game remove them
quickly after you unpause.
Show a quick overview of critical stock quantities, including food, dirnks, wood, and various bars.
Allows to embark anywhere. Currently windows only.
@ -2198,33 +2213,70 @@ To purify all elves on the map with fire (may have side-effects)::
exterminate elve magma
Instantly grow seeds inside farming plots.
Create an infinite magma or water source or drain on a tile.
With no argument, this command list the various seed types currently in
use in your farming plots.
With a seed type, the script will grow 100 of these seeds, ready to be
harvested. You can change the number with a 2nd argument.
This script registers a map tile as a liquid source, and every 12 game ticks
that tile receives or remove 1 new unit of flow based on the configuration.
For example, to grow 40 plump helmet spawn:
Place the game cursor where you want to create the source (must be a
flow-passable tile, and not too high in the sky) and call::
growcrops plump 40
source add [magma|water] [0-7]
Allow manipulation of in-game levers from the dfhack console.
The number argument is the target liquid level (0 = drain, 7 = source).
Can list levers, including state and links, with::
To add more than 1 unit everytime, call the command again on the same spot.
lever list
To delete one source, place the cursor over its tile and use ``delete``.
To remove all existing sources, call ``source clear``.
To queue a job so that a dwarf will pull the lever 42, use ``lever pull 42``.
This is the same as 'q'uerying the building and queue a 'P'ull request.
The ``list`` argument shows all existing sources.
To magically toggle the lever immediately, use::
lever pull 42 --now
source add water - water source
source add magma 7 - magma source
source add water 0 - water drain
Scan the map for metal ores.
Finds and designate for digging one tile of a specific metal ore.
Only works for native metal ores, does not handle reaction stuff (eg STEEL).
When invoked with the ``list`` argument, lists metal ores available on the map.
locate-ore list
locate-ore hematite
locate-ore iron
There are the following ways to invoke this command:
1. ``lua`` (without any parameters)
This starts an interactive lua interpreter.
2. ``lua -f "filename"`` or ``lua --file "filename"``
This loads and runs the file indicated by filename.
3. ``lua -s ["filename"]`` or ``lua --save ["filename"]``
This loads and runs the file indicated by filename from the save
directory. If the filename is not supplied, it loads "dfhack.lua".
4. ``:lua`` *lua statement...*
Parses and executes the lua statement like the interactive interpreter would.
@ -2234,94 +2286,103 @@ Works best with an animal stockpile on top of the zone.
Works with a zone number as argument (eg ``Activity Zone #6`` -> ``masspit 6``)
or with the game cursor on top of the area.
A script to designate an area for digging according to a plan in csv format.
Run multiple dfhack commands. The argument is split around the
character ; and all parts are run sequencially as independent
dfhack commands. Useful for hotkeys.
This script, inspired from quickfort, can designate an area for digging.
Your plan should be stored in a .csv file like this::
multicmd locate-ore iron ; digv
# this is a comment
d;d;u;d;d;skip this tile;d
Available tile shapes are named after the 'dig' menu shortcuts:
``d`` for dig, ``u`` for upstairs, ``d`` downstairs, ``i`` updown,
``h`` channel, ``r`` upward ramp, ``x`` remove designation.
Unrecognized characters are ignored (eg the 'skip this tile' in the sample).
If called in dwarf mode, makes DF immediately auto-save the game by setting a flag
normally used in seasonal auto-save.
Empty lines and data after a ``#`` are ignored as comments.
To skip a row in your design, use a single ``;``.
This script remove negative thoughts from your dwarves. Very useful against
tantrum spirals.
One comment in the file may contain the phrase ``start(3,5)``. It is interpreted
as an offset for the pattern: instead of starting at the cursor, it will start
3 tiles left and 5 tiles up from the cursor.
The script can target a single creature, when used with the ``him`` argument,
or the whole fort population, with ``all``.
The script takes the plan filename, starting from the root df folder (where
Dwarf Fortress.exe is found).
To show every bad thought present without actually removing them, run the
script with the ``-n`` or ``--dry-run`` argument. This can give a quick
hint on what bothers your dwarves the most.
Similar to fastdwarf, per-creature.
Individual dwarf happiness may not increase right after this command is run,
but in the short term your dwarves will get much more joyful.
To make any creature superfast, target it ingame using 'v' and::
Internals: the thoughts are set to be very old, so that the game remove them
quickly after you unpause.
superdwarf add
Other options available: ``del``, ``clear``, ``list``.
Run ``setfps <number>`` to set the FPS cap at runtime, in case you want to watch
combat in slow motion or something :)
This plugin also shortens the 'sleeping' and 'on break' periods of targets.
Remove all 'aquifer' tag from the map blocks. Irreversible.
Wakes up sleeping units, cancels breaks and stops parties either everywhere,
or in the burrows given as arguments. In return, adds bad thoughts about
noise, tiredness and lack of protection. Also, the units with interrupted
breaks will go on break again a lot sooner. The script is intended for
emergencies, e.g. when a siege appears, and all your military is partying.
Focus a body part ingame, and this script will display the cause of death of
the creature.
Also works when selecting units from the 'u'nitlist viewscreen.
It is a well known issue that Soundsense cannot detect the correct
current season when a savegame is loaded and has to play random
season music until a season switch occurs.
There are the following ways to invoke this command:
This script registers a hook that prints the appropriate string
to gamelog.txt on every map load to fix this. For best results
call the script from ``dfhack.init``.
1. ``lua`` (without any parameters)
Create an infinite magma or water source or drain on a tile.
This starts an interactive lua interpreter.
This script registers a map tile as a liquid source, and every 12 game ticks
that tile receives or remove 1 new unit of flow based on the configuration.
2. ``lua -f "filename"`` or ``lua --file "filename"``
Place the game cursor where you want to create the source (must be a
flow-passable tile, and not too high in the sky) and call::
This loads and runs the file indicated by filename.
source add [magma|water] [0-7]
3. ``lua -s ["filename"]`` or ``lua --save ["filename"]``
The number argument is the target liquid level (0 = drain, 7 = source).
This loads and runs the file indicated by filename from the save
directory. If the filename is not supplied, it loads "dfhack.lua".
To add more than 1 unit everytime, call the command again on the same spot.
4. ``:lua`` *lua statement...*
To delete one source, place the cursor over its tile and use ``delete``.
To remove all existing sources, call ``source clear``.
Parses and executes the lua statement like the interactive interpreter would.
The ``list`` argument shows all existing sources.
Allows to embark anywhere. Currently windows only.
Allow manipulation of in-game levers from the dfhack console.
source add water - water source
source add magma 7 - magma source
source add water 0 - water drain
Can list levers, including state and links, with::
Similar to fastdwarf, per-creature.
lever list
To make any creature superfast, target it ingame using 'v' and::
To queue a job so that a dwarf will pull the lever 42, use ``lever pull 42``.
This is the same as 'q'uerying the building and queue a 'P'ull request.
superdwarf add
To magically toggle the lever immediately, use::
Other options available: ``del``, ``clear``, ``list``.
lever pull 42 --now
This plugin also shortens the 'sleeping' and 'on break' periods of targets.
@ -2347,71 +2408,6 @@ undump-buildings
Undesignates building base materials for dumping.
Spawn arbitrary items under the cursor.
The first argument gives the item category, the second gives the material,
and the optionnal third gives the number of items to create (defaults to 20).
Currently supported item categories: ``boulder``, ``bar``, ``plant``, ``log``,
Instead of material, using ``list`` makes the script list eligible materials.
The ``web`` item category will create an uncollected cobweb on the floor.
Note that the script does not enforce anything, and will let you create
boulders of toad blood and stuff like that.
However the ``list`` mode will only show 'normal' materials.
create-items boulders COAL_BITUMINOUS 12
create-items plant tail_pig
create-items log list
create-items bar CREATURE:CAT:SOAP
create-items bar adamantine
Scan the map for metal ores.
Finds and designate for digging one tile of a specific metal ore.
Only works for native metal ores, does not handle reaction stuff (eg STEEL).
When invoked with the ``list`` argument, lists metal ores available on the map.
locate-ore list
locate-ore hematite
locate-ore iron
It is a well known issue that Soundsense cannot detect the correct
current season when a savegame is loaded and has to play random
season music until a season switch occurs.
This script registers a hook that prints the appropriate string
to gamelog.txt on every map load to fix this. For best results
call the script from ``dfhack.init``.
Run multiple dfhack commands. The argument is split around the
character ; and all parts are run sequencially as independent
dfhack commands. Useful for hotkeys.
multicmd locate-ore iron ; digv
Show a quick overview of critical stock quantities, including food, dirnks, wood, and various bars.
In-game interface tools
@ -2532,43 +2528,154 @@ only fat or tallow by forbidding fats, then searching for fat/tallow, and
using Permit Fats again while the list is filtered.
Implemented by the 'automaterial' plugin.
This makes building constructions (walls, floors, fortifications, etc) a little bit
easier by saving you from having to trawl through long lists of materials each time
you place one.
Firstly, it moves the last used material for a given construction type to the top of
the list, if there are any left. So if you build a wall with chalk blocks, the next
time you place a wall the chalk blocks will be at the top of the list, regardless of
distance (it only does this in "grouped" mode, as individual item lists could be huge).
This should mean you can place most constructions without having to search for your
preferred material type.
.. image:: images/automaterial-mat.png
Pressing 'a' while highlighting any material will enable that material for "auto select"
for this construction type. You can enable multiple materials as autoselect. Now the next
time you place this type of construction, the plugin will automatically choose materials
for you from the kinds you enabled. If there is enough to satisfy the whole placement,
you won't be prompted with the material screen - the construction will be placed and you
will be back in the construction menu as if you did it manually.
When choosing the construction placement, you will see a couple of options:
.. image:: images/automaterial-pos.png
Use 'a' here to temporarily disable the material autoselection, e.g. if you need
to go to the material selection screen so you can toggle some materials on or off.
The other option (auto type selection, off by default) can be toggled on with 't'. If you
toggle this option on, instead of returning you to the main construction menu after selecting
materials, it returns you back to this screen. If you use this along with several autoselect
enabled materials, you should be able to place complex constructions more conveniently.
This script allows to perform jobs in adventure mode. For more complete help
press '?' while script is running. It's most confortable to use this as a
keybinding. (e.g. keybinding set Ctrl-T gui/advfort). Possible arguments:
* -a or --nodfassign - uses different method to assign items.
* -i or --inventory - checks inventory for possible items to use in the job.
* -c or --cheat - relaxes item requirements for buildings (e.g. walls from bones).
implies -a
* job - selects that job (e.g. Dig or FellTree)
An example of player digging in adventure mode:
.. image:: images/advfort.png
.. admonition:: DISCLAIMER
advfort changes only persist in non procedural sites. Namely: player forts, caves, camps.
Bind to a key (the example config uses P), and activate when viewing a weapon
rack in the 'q' mode.
.. image:: images/assign-rack.png
This script is part of a group of related fixes to make the armory storage
work again. The existing issues are:
* Weapon racks have to each be assigned to a specific squad, like with
beds/boxes/armor stands and individual squad members, but nothing in
the game does this. This issue is what this script addresses.
* Even if assigned by the script, **the game will unassign the racks again without a binary patch**.
This patch is called ``weaponrack-unassign``, and can be applied via
the binpatch program, or the matching script. See this for more info
about the bug:
* Haulers still take equpment stored in the armory away to the stockpiles,
unless the ``fix-armory`` plugin above is used.
The script interface simply lets you designate one of the squads that
are assigned to the barracks/armory containing the selected stand as
the intended user. In order to aid in the choice, it shows the number
of currently assigned racks for every valid squad.
Bind to a key (the example config uses Ctrl-W), and activate in the Equip->View/Customize
page of the military screen.
Depending on the cursor location, it rewrites all 'individual choice weapon' entries
in the selected squad or position to use a specific weapon type matching the assigned
unit's top skill. If the cursor is in the rightmost list over a weapon entry, it rewrites
only that entry, and does it even if it is not 'individual choice'.
Rationale: individual choice seems to be unreliable when there is a weapon shortage,
and may lead to inappropriate weapons being selected.
Bind to a key (the example config uses Ctrl-C), and activate in the Uniforms
page of the military screen with the cursor in the leftmost list.
When invoked, the script duplicates the currently selected uniform template,
and selects the newly created copy.
Implemented by the 'automaterial' plugin.
A script to issue orders for companions. Select companions with lower case chars, issue orders with upper
case. Must be in look or talk mode to issue command on tile.
This makes building constructions (walls, floors, fortifications, etc) a little bit
easier by saving you from having to trawl through long lists of materials each time
you place one.
.. image:: images/companion-order.png
Firstly, it moves the last used material for a given construction type to the top of
the list, if there are any left. So if you build a wall with chalk blocks, the next
time you place a wall the chalk blocks will be at the top of the list, regardless of
distance (it only does this in "grouped" mode, as individual item lists could be huge).
This should mean you can place most constructions without having to search for your
preferred material type.
* move - orders selected companions to move to location. If companions are following they will move no more than 3 tiles from you.
* equip - try to equip items on the ground.
* pick-up - try to take items into hand (also wield)
* unequip - remove and drop equipment
* unwield - drop held items
* wait - temporarily remove from party
* follow - rejoin the party after "wait"
* leave - remove from party (can be rejoined by talking)
.. image:: images/automaterial-mat.png
Pressing 'a' while highlighting any material will enable that material for "auto select"
for this construction type. You can enable multiple materials as autoselect. Now the next
time you place this type of construction, the plugin will automatically choose materials
for you from the kinds you enabled. If there is enough to satisfy the whole placement,
you won't be prompted with the material screen - the construction will be placed and you
will be back in the construction menu as if you did it manually.
There are three ways to open this editor:
When choosing the construction placement, you will see a couple of options:
* using gui/gm-editor command/keybinding - opens editor on what is selected
or viewed (e.g. unit/item description screen)
.. image:: images/automaterial-pos.png
* using gui/gm-editor <lua command> - executes lua command and opens editor on
its results (e.g. gui/gm-editor "" shows all items)
Use 'a' here to temporarily disable the material autoselection, e.g. if you need
to go to the material selection screen so you can toggle some materials on or off.
* using gui/gm-editor dialog - shows an in game dialog to input lua command. Works
the same as version above.
The other option (auto type selection, off by default) can be toggled on with 't'. If you
toggle this option on, instead of returning you to the main construction menu after selecting
materials, it returns you back to this screen. If you use this along with several autoselect
enabled materials, you should be able to place complex constructions more conveniently.
.. image:: images/gm-editor.png
This editor allows to change and modify almost anything in df. Press '?' for an
in-game help.
@ -2597,7 +2704,6 @@ rivers power water wheels even when full and technically not flowing.
After setting up the desired operations using the described keys, use ``Enter`` to apply them.
@ -2612,6 +2718,13 @@ To exit, press ESC or Enter; ESC recenters on the original building, while Enter
focus on the current one. Shift-Enter has an effect equivalent to pressing Enter, and then
re-entering the mechanisms ui.
A way to simply install and remove small mods. It looks for specially formatted mods in
df subfolder 'mods'. Mods are not included, for example mods see: `github mini mod repository <>`_
.. image:: images/mod-manager.png
@ -2642,7 +2755,6 @@ The ``building`` or ``unit`` options are automatically assumed when in relevant
The example config binds building/unit rename to Ctrl-Shift-N, and
unit profession change to Ctrl-Shift-T.
@ -2655,31 +2767,6 @@ The script lists other rooms owned by the same owner, or by the unit selected in
list, and allows unassigning them.
Bind to a key (the example config uses Ctrl-W), and activate in the Equip->View/Customize
page of the military screen.
Depending on the cursor location, it rewrites all 'individual choice weapon' entries
in the selected squad or position to use a specific weapon type matching the assigned
unit's top skill. If the cursor is in the rightmost list over a weapon entry, it rewrites
only that entry, and does it even if it is not 'individual choice'.
Rationale: individual choice seems to be unreliable when there is a weapon shortage,
and may lead to inappropriate weapons being selected.
Bind to a key (the example config uses Ctrl-C), and activate in the Uniforms
page of the military screen with the cursor in the leftmost list.
When invoked, the script duplicates the currently selected uniform template,
and selects the newly created copy.
@ -2691,55 +2778,6 @@ the cursor over a Guide order.
The script displays the cached path that will be used by the order; the game
computes it when the order is executed for the first time.
Bind to a key (the example config uses Alt-A), and activate with a job selected in
a workshop in the 'q' mode.
.. image:: images/workshop-job.png
The script shows a list of the input reagents of the selected job, and allows changing
them like the ``job item-type`` and ``job item-material`` commands.
Specifically, pressing the 'i' key pops up a dialog that lets you select an item
type from a list.
.. image:: images/workshop-job-item.png
Pressing 'm', unless the item type does not allow a material,
lets you choose a material.
.. image:: images/workshop-job-material.png
Since there are a lot more materials than item types, this dialog is more complex
and uses a hierarchy of sub-menus. List choices that open a sub-menu are marked
with an arrow on the left.
.. warning::
Due to the way input reagent matching works in DF, you must select an item type
if you select a material, or the material will be matched incorrectly in some cases.
If you press 'm' without choosing an item type, the script will auto-choose it
if there is only one valid choice, or pop up an error message box instead of the
material selection dialog.
Note that both materials and item types presented in the dialogs are filtered
by the job input flags, and even the selected item type for material selection,
or material for item type selection. Many jobs would let you select only one
input item type.
For example, if you choose a *plant* input item type for your prepare meal job,
it will only let you select cookable materials.
If you choose a *barrel* item instead (meaning things stored in barrels, like
drink or milk), it will let you select any material, since in this case the
material is matched against the barrel itself. Then, if you select, say, iron,
and then try to change the input item type, now it won't let you select *plant*;
you have to unset the material first.
@ -2802,106 +2840,52 @@ of stock history for the selected item, with the rightmost point representing
the current stock value. The bright green dashed line is the target
limit (maximum) and the dark green line is that minus the gap (minimum).
Bind to a key (the example config uses P), and activate when viewing a weapon
rack in the 'q' mode.
.. image:: images/assign-rack.png
This script is part of a group of related fixes to make the armory storage
work again. The existing issues are:
* Weapon racks have to each be assigned to a specific squad, like with
beds/boxes/armor stands and individual squad members, but nothing in
the game does this. This issue is what this script addresses.
* Even if assigned by the script, **the game will unassign the racks again without a binary patch**.
This patch is called ``weaponrack-unassign``, and can be applied via
the binpatch program, or the matching script. See this for more info
about the bug:
* Haulers still take equpment stored in the armory away to the stockpiles,
unless the ``fix-armory`` plugin above is used.
The script interface simply lets you designate one of the squads that
are assigned to the barracks/armory containing the selected stand as
the intended user. In order to aid in the choice, it shows the number
of currently assigned racks for every valid squad.
This script allows to perform jobs in adventure mode. For more complete help
press '?' while script is running. It's most confortable to use this as a
keybinding. (e.g. keybinding set Ctrl-T gui/advfort). Possible arguments:
* -a or --nodfassign - uses different method to assign items.
* -i or --inventory - checks inventory for possible items to use in the job.
* -c or --cheat - relaxes item requirements for buildings (e.g. walls from bones).
implies -a
* job - selects that job (e.g. Dig or FellTree)
An example of player digging in adventure mode:
.. image:: images/advfort.png
.. admonition:: DISCLAIMER
advfort changes only persist in non procedural sites. Namely: player forts, caves, camps.
A script to issue orders for companions. Select companions with lower case chars, issue orders with upper
case. Must be in look or talk mode to issue command on tile.
.. image:: images/companion-order.png
* move - orders selected companions to move to location. If companions are following they will move no more than 3 tiles from you.
* equip - try to equip items on the ground.
* pick-up - try to take items into hand (also wield)
* unequip - remove and drop equipment
* unwield - drop held items
* wait - temporarily remove from party
* follow - rejoin the party after "wait"
* leave - remove from party (can be rejoined by talking)
Bind to a key (the example config uses Alt-A), and activate with a job selected in
a workshop in the 'q' mode.
.. image:: images/workshop-job.png
There are three ways to open this editor:
The script shows a list of the input reagents of the selected job, and allows changing
them like the ``job item-type`` and ``job item-material`` commands.
* using gui/gm-editor command/keybinding - opens editor on what is selected
or viewed (e.g. unit/item description screen)
Specifically, pressing the 'i' key pops up a dialog that lets you select an item
type from a list.
* using gui/gm-editor <lua command> - executes lua command and opens editor on
its results (e.g. gui/gm-editor "" shows all items)
.. image:: images/workshop-job-item.png
* using gui/gm-editor dialog - shows an in game dialog to input lua command. Works
the same as version above.
Pressing 'm', unless the item type does not allow a material,
lets you choose a material.
.. image:: images/gm-editor.png
.. image:: images/workshop-job-material.png
This editor allows to change and modify almost anything in df. Press '?' for an
in-game help.
Since there are a lot more materials than item types, this dialog is more complex
and uses a hierarchy of sub-menus. List choices that open a sub-menu are marked
with an arrow on the left.
.. warning::
A way to simply install and remove small mods. It looks for specially formatted mods in
df subfolder 'mods'. Mods are not included, for example mods see: `github mini mod repository <>`_
Due to the way input reagent matching works in DF, you must select an item type
if you select a material, or the material will be matched incorrectly in some cases.
If you press 'm' without choosing an item type, the script will auto-choose it
if there is only one valid choice, or pop up an error message box instead of the
material selection dialog.
.. image:: images/mod-manager.png
Note that both materials and item types presented in the dialogs are filtered
by the job input flags, and even the selected item type for material selection,
or material for item type selection. Many jobs would let you select only one
input item type.
For example, if you choose a *plant* input item type for your prepare meal job,
it will only let you select cookable materials.
If you choose a *barrel* item instead (meaning things stored in barrels, like
drink or milk), it will let you select any material, since in this case the
material is matched against the barrel itself. Then, if you select, say, iron,
and then try to change the input item type, now it won't let you select *plant*;
you have to unset the material first.
Behavior Mods
@ -2917,7 +2901,6 @@ objects to add features not otherwise present.
technical challenge, and do not represent any long-term plans to produce more
similar modifications of the game.
Siege Engine