@ -1765,6 +1765,43 @@ Supported callbacks and fields are:
``dfhack.gui.getSelected...`` function.
``dfhack.gui.getSelected...`` function.
PenArray class
Screens that require significant computation in their onRender() method can use
a ``dfhack.penarray`` instance to cache their output.
* ``dfhack.penarray.new(w, h)``
Creates a new penarray instance with an internal buffer of ``w * h`` tiles.
These dimensions currently cannot be changed after a penarray is instantiated.
* ``penarray:clear()``
Clears the internal buffer, similar to ``dfhack.screen.clear()``.
* ``penarray:get_dims()``
Returns the x and y dimensions of the internal buffer.
* ``penarray:get_tile(x, y)``
Returns a pen corresponding to the tile at (``x``, ``y``) in the internal buffer.
Note that indices are 0-based.
* ``penarray:set_tile(x, y, pen)``
Sets the tile at (``x``, ``y``) in the internal buffer to the pen given.
* ``penarray:draw(x, y, w, h, bufferx, buffery)``
Draws the contents of the internal buffer, beginning at
(``bufferx``, ``buffery``) and spanning ``w`` columns and ``h`` rows, to the
screen starting at (``x``, ``y``). Any invalid screen and buffer coordinates
are skipped.
``bufferx`` and ``buffery`` default to 0.
Filesystem module
Filesystem module