@ -2316,6 +2316,39 @@ To purify all elves on the map with fire (may have side-effects)::
exterminate elve magma
exterminate elve magma
Usage: fortplan [filename]
Designates furniture for building according to a .csv file with
quickfort-style syntax. Companion to digfort.
The first line of the file must contain the following:
#build start(X; Y; <start location description>)
...where X and Y are the offset from the top-left corner of the file's area
where the in-game cursor should be located, and <start location description>
is an optional description of where that is. You may also leave a description
of the contents of the file itself following the closing parenthesis on the
same line.
The syntax of the file itself is similar to digfort or quickfort. At present,
only buildings constructed of an item with the same name as the building
are supported. All other characters are ignored. For example:
This section of a file would designate for construction a door and some
furniture inside a bedroom: specifically, clockwise from top left, a cabinet,
a table, a chair, a bed, and a statue.
All of the building designation uses Planning Mode, so you do not need to
have the items available to construct all the buildings when you run
fortplan with the .csv file.
Instantly grow seeds inside farming plots.
Instantly grow seeds inside farming plots.