@ -1,135 +1,428 @@
# quickfort aliases common baseline configuration file
# Common baseline for aliases for quickfort query mode blueprints.
# Defines custom keycode shortcuts for blueprints. Please DO NOT EDIT this file
# Please DO NOT EDIT this file directly. Instead, custom aliases should be added
# directly. Instead, custom aliases should be added to
# to dfhack-config/quickfort/aliases.txt. See that file for syntax
# dfhack-config/quickfort/aliases.txt.
# documentation.
# Syntax:
# The aliases in this file were tested in DF 0.47.04 on 2020 Jul 18.
# aliasname: keystrokes
# Special keys:
# {Right}, {Left}, {Up}, {Down}, >, < move the DF cursor
# {/}, {*}, {+}, {-} can be used to navigate some DF menus
# {Enter}, +{Enter}, {ExitMenu} - Enter, Shift+Enter, and Escape, respectively
# {Wait} pauses playback briefly
# Special keys can be repeated by adding a number inside the curly braces, for
# example: {Down 5}
# Some shorthand:
# The aliases are generally split into three categories:
# & expands to {Enter}
# 1) The aliases that name a type disables everything else for that stockpile
# @ expands to +{Enter}
# category and enable only that type. For example, "preparedfood" enables
# ^ expands to {ExitMenu}
# prepared food and disables all other types of food.
# % expands to {Wait}
# 2) The aliases that start with "forbid" only forbid (or toggle) the named type
# and leave the rest of the stockpile untouched.
# 3) The aliases that start with "permit" only permit (or toggle) the named type
# and leave the rest of the stockpile untouched.
# The aliases in this file were tested in DF 0.47.04 on 2020 Jul 18.
# Aliases that don't fit into those two categories have comments explaining
# their usage.
# general purpose stockpile adjustments
linksonly: a
nocontainers: CE
# for configuring stockpiles to give to other nearby stockpiles/workshops
give2up: g{Up 2}&
give2down: g{Down 2}&
give2left: g{Left 2}&
give2right: g{Right 2}&
give10up: g{Up 10}&
give10down: g{Down 10}&
give10left: g{Left 10}&
give10right: g{Right 10}&
# use to toggle a sequence of stockpile options. for example: {togglesequence 5}
togglesequence: &{Down}
togglesequence2: &{Down 2}
enablesequence: e{Down}
# Enables everything but corpses and refuse. Refuse is excluded since otherwise
# clothes and armor in this quantum stockpile will rot away. If you want bones
# in your quantum stockpile, apply this alias to a refuse stockpile (but don't
# put useful clothes or armor in there!)
quantum: {linksonly}{nocontainers}{enableanimals}{enablefood}{furnitureprefix}{enablestone}{enableammo}{enablecoins}{enablebars}{enablegems}{enablefinishedgoods}{enableleather}{enablecloth}{enablewood}}{enableweapons}{enablearmor}{enablesheet}
# Run one of the quantumstopfrom* aliases over a track stop that is set to dump
# into a quantum stockpile. The alias will set up the stop to accept all types
# (the actual types stored in the quantum stockpile is controlled by the feeder
# stockpile) and link the indicated adjacent feeder stockpile. All you need to
# do afterwards is assign a vehicle to the stop (and optionally give the route a
# name). The track stop does not need to be constructed yet, but the stockpile
# needs to be in place so we can link to it.
quantumstopprefix: ^hrs&xxx&{enablesequence 17}^
quantumstopfromeast: {quantumstopprefix}s{Right}p^{Left}^q
quantumstopfromsouth: {quantumstopprefix}s{Down}p^{Up}^q
quantumstopfromwest: {quantumstopprefix}s{Left}p^{Right}^q
quantumstopfromnorth: {quantumstopprefix}s{Up}p^{Down}^q
# animal stockpile adjustments
animalsprefix: s
enableanimals: {animalsprefix}e^
disableanimals: {animalsprefix}d^
# enables only the specified type (and disables everything else)
cages: {animalsprefix}bu^
traps: {animalsprefix}bj^
# forbids specific items in an already-configured stockpile
forbidcages: {animalsprefix}u^
forbidtraps: {animalsprefix}j^
# food stockpile adjustments
# food stockpile adjustments
seeds: s{Down}deb{Right}{Down 9}p^
foodprefix: s{Down}
noseeds: s{Down}dea{Right}{Down 9}f^
enablefood: {foodprefix}e^
booze: s{Down}deb{Right}{Down 5}p{Down}p^
disablefood: {foodprefix}d^
food: s{Down}dea{Right}{Down 5}f{Down}f{Down 3}f^
plants: s{Down}deb{Right}{Down 4}p^
preparedfood: {foodprefix}bu^
unpreparedfish: {foodprefix}b{Right}{Down 2}p^
plants: {foodprefix}b{Right}{Down 4}p^
booze: {foodprefix}b{Right}{Down 5}p{Down}p^
seeds: {foodprefix}b{Right}{Down 9}p^
dye: {foodprefix}b{Right}{Down 11}{Right}{Down 28}{togglesequence 4}^
tallow: {foodprefix}b{Right}{Down 13}{Right}{Down}{togglesequence2 811}^
miscliquid: {foodprefix}b{Right}{Down 18}p^
forbidpreparedfood: {foodprefix}u^
forbidunpreparedfish: {foodprefix}{Right}{Down 2}f^
forbidplants: {foodprefix}{Right}{Down 4}f^
forbidbooze: {foodprefix}{Right}{Down 5}f{Down}f^
forbidseeds: {foodprefix}{Right}{Down 9}f^
forbiddye: {foodprefix}{Right}{Down 11}{Right}{Down 28}{togglesequence 4}^
forbidtallow: {foodprefix}{Right}{Down 13}{Right}{Down}{togglesequence2 811}^
forbidmiscliquid: {foodprefix}{Right}{Down 18}f^
permitpreparedfood: {forbidpreparedfood}
permitunpreparedfish: {foodprefix}{Right}{Down 2}p^
permitplants: {foodprefix}{Right}{Down 4}p^
permitbooze: {foodprefix}{Right}{Down 5}p{Down}p^
permitseeds: {foodprefix}{Right}{Down 9}p^
permitdye: {forbiddye}
permittallow: {forbidtallow}
permitmiscliquid: {foodprefix}{Right}{Down 18}p^
# enables everything but seeds
noseeds: {disablefood}{enablefood}{forbidseeds}
# enables all food except for the types listed above
food: {noseeds}{forbidpreparedfood}{forbidunpreparedfish}{forbidplants}{forbidbooze}{forbiddye}{forbidtallow}{forbidmiscliquid}
# refuse stockpile adjustments
# furniture stockpile adjustments
corpses: s{Down 4}deb{Right 2}&{Down 2}&{Left}{Down}p{Down}p^
furnitureprefix: s{Down 2}
bones: s{Down 4}deb{Right}{Down 3}p{Down}p^
enablefurniture: {furnitureprefix}e^
rawhides: s{Down 4}deb{Right 2}{Down}&^
disablefurniture: {furnitureprefix}d^
tannedhides: s{Down 4}deb{Right 2}{Down 53}&^
pots: {furnitureprefix}de{Right}f{Right}{Up 5}&^
bags: {furnitureprefix}de{Right}f{Right}{Up 10}&{Left}{Down}f{Down}f{Down}f{Right}{Down}&{Down 6}&{Down}&{Down 6}&^
buckets: {furnitureprefix}de{Right}f{Right}{Up 12}&^
sand: {furnitureprefix}de{Right}f{Right}{Up}&^
# corpses and refuse stockpile adjustments
corpsesprefix: s{Down 3}
enablecorpses: {corpsesprefix}e^
disablecorpses: {corpsesprefix}d{Up}d^
refuseprefix: s{Down 4}
enablerefuse: {refuseprefix}e^
disablerefuse: {refuseprefix}d^
# bodyparts include remains/corpses and rotten rawhdes
bodyparts: {refuseprefix}b{Right 2}&{Down 2}&{Left}{Down}p{Down}p^
rawhides: {refuseprefix}b{Right 2}{Down}&^
tannedhides: {refuseprefix}b{Right 2}{Down 53}&^
skulls: {refuseprefix}b{Right}{Down 3}p^
bones: {refuseprefix}b{Right}{Down 4}p^
shells: {refuseprefix}b{Right}{Down 5}p^
teeth: {refuseprefix}b{Right}{Down 6}p^
horns: {refuseprefix}b{Right}{Down 7}p^
hair: {refuseprefix}b{Right}{Down 8}p^
craftrefuse: {skulls}{permitbones}{permitshells}{permitteeth}{permithorns}{permithair}
forbidbodyparts: {refuseprefix}{Right 2}&{Down 2}&{Left}{Down}f{Down}f^
forbidrawhides: {refuseprefix}{Right 2}{Down}&^
forbidtannedhides: {refuseprefix}{Right 2}{Down 53}&^
forbidskulls: {refuseprefix}{Right}{Down 3}f^
forbidbones: {refuseprefix}{Right}{Down 4}f^
forbidshells: {refuseprefix}{Right}{Down 5}f^
forbidteeth: {refuseprefix}{Right}{Down 6}f^
forbidhorns: {refuseprefix}{Right}{Down 7}f^
forbidhair: {refuseprefix}{Right}{Down 8}f^
forbidcraftrefuse: {forbidskulls}{forbidbones}{forbidshells}{forbidteeth}{forbidhorns}{forbidhair}
permitbodyparts: {refuseprefix}{Right 2}&{Down 2}&{Left}{Down}p{Down}p^
permitrawhides: {forbidrawhides}
permittannedhides: {forbidtannedhides}
permitskulls: {refuseprefix}{Right}{Down 3}p^
permitbones: {refuseprefix}{Right}{Down 4}p^
permitshells: {refuseprefix}{Right}{Down 5}p^
permitteeth: {refuseprefix}{Right}{Down 6}p^
permithorns: {refuseprefix}{Right}{Down 7}p^
permithair: {refuseprefix}{Right}{Down 8}p^
permitcraftrefuse: {permitskulls}{permitbones}{permitshells}{permitteeth}{permithorns}{permithair}
# stone stockpile adjustments
# stone stockpile adjustments
metal: s{Down 5}deb{Right}p^
stoneprefix: s{Down 5}
nometal: s{Down 5}dea{Right}f^
enablestone: {stoneprefix}e^
bauxite: s{Down 5}deb{Right}{Down 2}{Right}{Down 42}&^
disablestone: {stoneprefix}d^
metal: {stoneprefix}b{Right}p^
iron: {stoneprefix}b{Right}{Right}&{Down}&{Down 13}&^
economic: {stoneprefix}b{Right}{Down}p^
flux: {stoneprefix}b{Right}{Down}{Right}{togglesequence 4}{Down 4}&^
plaster: {stoneprefix}b{Right}{Down}{Right}{Down 6}&{Down 3}{togglesequence 3}^
coalproducing: {stoneprefix}b{Right}{Down}{Right}{Down 4}{togglesequence 2}^
otherstone: {stoneprefix}b{Right}{Down 2}p^
bauxite: {stoneprefix}b{Right}{Down 2}{Right}{Down 42}&^
clay: {stoneprefix}b{Right}{Down 3}p^
forbidmetal: {stoneprefix}{Right}f^
forbidiron: {stoneprefix}{Right}{Right}&{Down}&{Down 13}&^
forbideconomic: {stoneprefix}{Right}{Down}f^
forbidflux: {stoneprefix}{Right}{Down}{Right}{togglesequence 4}{Down 4}&^
forbidplaster: {stoneprefix}{Right}{Down}{Right}{Down 6}&{Down 3}{togglesequence 3}^
forbidcoalproducing: {stoneprefix}{Right}{Down}{Right}{Down 4}{togglesequence 2}^
forbidotherstone: {stoneprefix}{Right}{Down 2}f^
forbidbauxite: {stoneprefix}{Right}{Down 2}{Right}{Down 42}&^
forbidclay: {stoneprefix}{Right}{Down 3}f^
permitmetal: {stoneprefix}{Right}p^
permitiron: {forbidiron}
permiteconomic: {stoneprefix}{Right}{Down}p^
permitflux: {forbidflux}
permitplaster: {forbidplaster}
permitcoalproducing: {forbidcoalproducing}
permitotherstone: {stoneprefix}{Right}{Down 2}p^
permitbauxite: {forbidbauxite}
permitclay: {stoneprefix}{Right}{Down 3}p^
# ammo stockpile adjustments
ammoprefix: s{Down 6}
enableammo: {ammoprefix}e^
disableammo: {ammoprefix}d^
bolts: {ammoprefix}a{Right 2}{Down}{togglesequence 2}^
forbidmetalbolts: {ammoprefix}{Right}{Down}f^
forbidwoodenbolts: {ammoprefix}{Right}{Down 2}{Right}&^
forbidbonebolts: {ammoprefix}{Right}{Down 2}{Right}{Down}&^
# bar stockpile adjustments
barsprefix: s{Down 8}
enablebars: {barsprefix}e^
disablebars: {barsprefix}d^
bars: {barsprefix}b{Right}p{Down}p^
metalbars: {barsprefix}b{Right}p^
ironbars: {barsprefix}b{Right 2}&^
steelbars: {barsprefix}b{Right 2}{Down 8}&^
pigironbars: {barsprefix}b{Right 2}{Down 9}&^
otherbars: {barsprefix}b{Right}{Down}p^
coal: {barsprefix}b{Right}{Down}{Right}&^
potash: {barsprefix}b{Right}{Down}{Right}{Down}&^
ash: {barsprefix}b{Right}{Down}{Right}{Down 2}&^
pearlash: {barsprefix}b{Right}{Down}{Right}{Down 3}&^
soap: {barsprefix}b{Right}{Down}{Right}{Down 4}&^
blocks: {barsprefix}b{Down 2}p{Down}p{Down}p^
forbidbars: {barsprefix}{Right}f{Down}f^
forbidmetalbars: {barsprefix}{Right}f^
forbidironbars: {barsprefix}{Right 2}&^
forbidsteelbars: {barsprefix}{Right 2}{Down 8}&^
forbidpigironbars: {barsprefix}{Right 2}{Down 9}&^
forbidotherbars: {barsprefix}{Right}{Down}f^
forbidcoal: {barsprefix}{Right}{Down}{Right}&^
forbidpotash: {barsprefix}{Right}{Down}{Right}{Down}&^
forbidash: {barsprefix}{Right}{Down}{Right}{Down 2}&^
forbidpearlash: {barsprefix}{Right}{Down}{Right}{Down 3}&^
forbidsoap: {barsprefix}{Right}{Down}{Right}{Down 4}&^
forbidblocks: {barsprefix}{Down 2}f{Down}f{Down}f^
# gem stockpile adjustments
gemsprefix: s{Down 9}
enablegems: {gemsprefix}e^
disablegems: {gemsprefix}d^
roughgems: {gemsprefix}b{Right}p^
roughglass: {gemsprefix}b{Right}{Down}p^
cutgems: {gemsprefix}b{Right}{Down 2}p^
cutglass: {gemsprefix}b{Right}{Down 3}p^
cutstone: {gemsprefix}b{Right}{Down 4}p^
forbidroughgems: {gemsprefix}{Right}f^
forbidroughglass: {gemsprefix}{Right}{Down}f^
forbidcutgems: {gemsprefix}{Right}{Down 2}f^
forbidcutglass: {gemsprefix}{Right}{Down 3}f^
forbidcutstone: {gemsprefix}{Right}{Down 4}f^
# finished goods stockpile adjustments
finishedgoodsprefix: s{Down 10}
enablefinishedgoods: {finishedgoodsprefix}e^
disablefinishedgoods: {finishedgoodsprefix}d^
jugs: {finishedgoodsprefix}{Right}f{Right}{Up 2}&{Left}{Down 2}f{Down}f{Down}f^
# Only use nobauxite on stone piles that you want to accept all "Other Stone" on.
# This alias works by permitting all "Other Stone",then forbidding just bauxite.
# Thus you wouldn't want to use this on a metal-only pile, for example.
nobauxite: s{Down 5}{Right}{Down 2}p{Right}{Down 42}&^
# misc stockpile adjustments
# cloth
# Artifacts-only stockpile, usable on any type of existing pile.
clothprefix: s{Down 12}
artifacts: sd{Down}d{Down}d{Down}d{Down}d{Down}d{Down}d{Down}d{Down}d{Down}d{Down}d{Down}d{Down}d{Down}d{Down}d{Down}d{Down 4}deu{Right}{Up}f{Right}{Up}&{Left 2}{Down 4}e{Right}{Up}f{Right}{Up}&{Left 2}{Down 4}e{Right}{Up}f{Right}{Up}&{Left 2}{Down 4}e{Right}{Up}f{Right}{Up}&{Left 2}{Down}e{Right}{Up}f{Right}{Up}&{Left 2}^
enablecloth: {clothprefix}e^
disablecloth: {clothprefix}d^
# Bans artifacts on any pile (or rather, allows items of any quality except Artifact quality).
thread: {clothprefix}b{Right}p{Down}p{Down}p^
# This should be safe to run on any type of pile.
adamantinethread: {clothprefix}b{Right}{Down 3}p^
noartifacts: sd{Down 2}{Right}{Up}fp{Right}{Up}&{Down 2}{Left 2}{Down 4}{Right}{Up}fp{Right}{Up}&{Down 2}{Left 2}{Down 4}{Right}{Up}fp{Right}{Up}&{Down 2}{Left 2}{Down 4}{Right}{Up}fp{Right}{Up}&{Down 2}{Left 2}{Down}{Right}{Up}fp{Right}{Up}&{Down 2}{Left 2}^
cloth: {clothprefix}b{Right}{Down 4}p{Down}p{Down}p^
adamantinecloth: {clothprefix}b{Right}{Up}p^
# weapon stockpile adjustments
weaponsprefix: s{Down 14}
enableweapons: {weaponsprefix}e^
disableweapons: {weaponsprefix}d^
metalweapons: {forbidtrapcomponents}{forbidstoneweapons}{forbidotherweapons}
ironweapons: {metalweapons}{forbidweapons}{permitironweapons}
copperweapons: {metalweapons}{forbidweapons}{permitcopperweapons}
steelweapons: {metalweapons}{forbidweapons}{permitsteelweapons}
forbidweapons: {weaponsprefix}{Right}f^
forbidtrapcomponents: {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down}f^
forbidmetalweapons: {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down 2}f^
forbidstoneweapons: {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down 3}f^
forbidotherweapons: {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down 4}f^
forbidironweapons: {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down 2}{Right}&^
forbidcopperweapons: {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down 2}{Right}{Down 3}&^
forbidsteelweapons: {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down 2}{Right}{Down 8}&^
permitweapons: {weaponsprefix}{Right}p^
permittrapcomponents: {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down}p^
permitmetalweapons: {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down 2}p^
permitstoneweapons: {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down 3}p^
permitotherweapons: {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down 4}p^
permitironweapons: {forbidironweapons}
permitcopperweapons: {forbidcopperweapons}
permitsteelweapons: {forbidsteelweapons}
masterworkweapons: {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down 5}f{Right}{Down 5}&^
artifactweapons: {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down 5}f{Right}{Down 6}&^
forbidmasterworkweapons: {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down 5}{Right}{Down 5}&^
forbidartifactweapons: {weaponsprefix}{Right}{Down 5}{Right}{Down 6}&^
permitmasterworkweapons: {forbidmasterworkweapons}
permitartifactweapons: {forbidartifactweapons}
# armor stockpile adjustments
armorprefix: s{Down 15}
enablearmor: {armorprefix}e^
disablearmor: {armorprefix}d^
metalarmor: {forbidotherarmor}
otherarmor: {forbidmetalarmor}
ironarmor: {metalarmor}{forbidmetalarmor}{permitironarmor}
copperarmor: {metalarmor}{forbidmetalarmor}{permitcopperarmor}
steelarmor: {metalarmor}{forbidmetalarmor}{permitsteelarmor}
forbidmetalarmor: {armorprefix}{Right}{Down 6}f^
forbidotherarmor: {armorprefix}{Right}{Down 7}f^
forbidironarmor: {armorprefix}{Right}{Down 6}{Right}&^
forbidcopperarmor: {armorprefix}{Right}{Down 6}{Right}{Down 3}&^
forbidsteelarmor: {armorprefix}{Right}{Down 6}{Right}{Down 8}&^
permitmetalarmor: {armorprefix}{Right}{Down 6}p^
permitotherarmor: {armorprefix}{Right}{Down 7}p^
permitironarmor: {forbidironarmor}
permitcopperarmor: {forbidcopperarmor}
permitsteelarmor: {forbidsteelarmor}
masterworkarmor: {armorprefix}{Right}{Down 8}f{Right}{Down 5}&^
artifactarmor: {armorprefix}{Right}{Down 8}f{Right}{Down 6}&^
forbidmasterworkarmor: {armorprefix}{Right}{Down 8}{Right}{Down 5}&^
forbidartifactarmor: {armorprefix}{Right}{Down 8}{Right}{Down 6}&^
permitmasterworkarmor: {forbidmasterworkarmor}
permitartifactarmor: {forbidartifactarmor}
# others
coinsprefix: s{Down 7}
enablecoins: {coinsprefix}e^
disablecoins: {coinsprefix}d^
leatherprefix: s{Down 11}
enableleather: {leatherprefix}e^
disableleather: {leatherprefix}d^
woodprefix: s{Down 13}
enablewood: {woodprefix}e^
disablewood: {woodprefix}d^
sheetprefix: s{Down 16}
enablesheet: {sheetprefix}e^
disablesheet: {sheetprefix}d^
# Set a finished goods stockpile to crappy low-quality trade goods only.
# Position such a stockpile near fort entrances to (hopefully) let thieves steal low quality junk.
junkgoods: s{Down 10}de{Right 2}&{Down 5}&{Down}&{Down}&{Down}&{Down 8}&{Down 2}&{Down}&{Down}&{Down}&{Down}&{Down}&{Left}{Down}f{Right}{Down}&{Down}&{Left}{Down}f{Down 2}f{Right}&{Down}&^
# farm plots
# farm plots
# Sets a farm plot to grow the LAST type of seed in the list of available seeds, for all 4 seasons.
# Sets a farm plot to grow the LAST type of seed in the list of available seeds
# The last seed is used because it's usually Plump helmet spawn, suitable for post-embark. If you
# for all 4 seasons. The last seed is used because it's usually Plump helmet
# only have 1 seed type, that'll be grown.
# spawn, suitable for post-embark. If you only have 1 seed type, that'll be
growlastcropall: a{/}&b{/}&c{/}&d{/}&
# grown.
growlastcropall: a/&b/&c/&d/&
# Like growlastcropall but grows the first one in the list instead.
# Like growlastcropall but grows the first one in the list instead.
growfirstcropall: a&b&c&d&
growfirstcropall: a&b&c&d&
# mining tracks
# The following aliases make it more convenient to build the various types of mine tracks.
# For example, to build a north/south track 'Track (NS)', you would put trackNS in a cell(s).
trackN: CT{Enter}
trackS: CT{+ 1}{Enter}
trackE: CT{+ 2}{Enter}
trackW: CT{+ 3}{Enter}
trackNS: CT{+ 4}{Enter}
trackNE: CT{+ 5}{Enter}
trackNW: CT{+ 6}{Enter}
trackSE: CT{+ 7}{Enter}
trackSW: CT{+ 8}{Enter}
trackEW: CT{+ 9}{Enter}
trackNSE: CT{+ 10}{Enter}
trackNSW: CT{+ 11}{Enter}
trackNEW: CT{+ 12}{Enter}
trackSEW: CT{+ 13}{Enter}
trackNSEW: CT{+ 14}{Enter}
trackrampN: CT{+ 15}{Enter}
trackrampS: CT{+ 15}{+ 1}{Enter}
trackrampE: CT{+ 15}{+ 2}{Enter}
trackrampW: CT{+ 15}{+ 3}{Enter}
trackrampNS: CT{+ 15}{+ 4}{Enter}
trackrampNE: CT{+ 15}{+ 5}{Enter}
trackrampNW: CT{+ 15}{+ 6}{Enter}
trackrampSE: CT{+ 15}{+ 7}{Enter}
trackrampSW: CT{+ 15}{+ 8}{Enter}
trackrampEW: CT{+ 15}{+ 9}{Enter}
trackrampNSE: CT{+ 15}{+ 10}{Enter}
trackrampNSW: CT{+ 15}{+ 11}{Enter}
trackrampNEW: CT{+ 15}{+ 12}{Enter}
trackrampSEW: CT{+ 15}{+ 13}{Enter}
trackrampNSEW: CT{+ 15}{+ 14}{Enter}
# Aliases for building track rollers; use e.g. rollerHqqq to make a low-speed horizontal roller
rollerH: Mrs
rollerV: Mr
rollerNS: Mr
rollerSN: Mrss
rollerEW: Mrs
rollerWE: Mrsss
# Aliases for building track stops that dump in each of the four directions
trackstopN: CSd
trackstopS: CSdd
trackstopE: CSddd
trackstopW: CSdddd