@ -27,14 +27,26 @@ Options:
- d , --test_dir specifies which directory to look in for tests. defaults to
the " hack/scripts/test " folder in your DF installation .
- m , --modes only run tests in the given comma separated list of modes.
valid modes are ' none ' ( test can be run on any screen ) and
' title ' ( test must be run on the DF title screen ) . if not
specified , no modes are filtered .
see the next section for a list of valid modes . if not
specified , the tests are not filtered by modes .
- r , --resume skip tests that have already been run. remove the
test_status.json file to reset the record .
- s , --save_dir the save folder to load for "fortress" mode tests. this
save is only loaded if a fort is not already loaded when
a " fortress " mode test is run . if not specified , defaults to
' region1 ' .
- t , --tests only run tests that match one of the comma separated list of
patterns . if not specified , no tests are filtered .
Modes :
none the test can be run on any screen
title the test must be run on the DF title screen . note that if the game
has a map loaded , " title " mode tests cannot be run
fortress the test must be run while a map is loaded . if the game is
currently on the title screen , the save specified by the save_dir
parameter will be loaded .
Examples :
test runs all tests
@ -66,8 +78,6 @@ local TestStatus = {
FAILED = ' failed ' ,
local VALID_MODES = utils.invert { ' none ' , ' title ' , ' fortress ' }
local function delay ( frames )
frames = frames or 1
script.sleep ( frames , ' frames ' )
@ -116,29 +126,83 @@ end
test_envvars.require = clean_require
test_envvars.reqscript = clean_reqscript
local function is_title_screen ( scr )
scr = scr or dfhack.gui . getCurViewscreen ( )
return df.viewscreen_titlest : is_instance ( scr )
-- This only handles pre-fortress-load screens. It will time out if the player
-- has already loaded a fortress or is in any screen that can't get to the title
-- screen by sending ESC keys.
local function ensure_title_screen ( )
if df.viewscreen_titlest : is_instance ( dfhack.gui . getCurViewscreen ( ) ) then
print ( ' Looking for title screen... ' )
for i = 0 , 100 do
for i = 1 , 100 do
local scr = dfhack.gui . getCurViewscreen ( )
if df.viewscreen_titlest : is_instance ( scr ) then
if is_title_screen ( scr ) then
print ( ' Found title screen ' )
scr : feed_key ( df.interface_key . LEAVESCREEN )
delay ( 10 )
if i % 10 == 0 then print ( ' Looking for title screen... ' ) end
qerror ( string.format ( ' Could not find title screen (timed out at %s) ' ,
dfhack.gui . getCurFocus ( true ) ) )
local function is_fortress ( focus_string )
focus_string = focus_string or dfhack.gui . getCurFocus ( true )
return focus_string == ' dwarfmode/Default '
-- Requires that a fortress game is already loaded or is ready to be loaded via
-- the "Continue Playing" option in the title screen. Otherwise the function
-- will time out and/or exit with error.
local function ensure_fortress ( config )
local focus_string = dfhack.gui . getCurFocus ( true )
for screen_timeout = 1 , 10 do
if is_fortress ( focus_string ) then
print ( ' Loaded fortress map ' )
-- pause the game (if it's not already paused)
dfhack.gui . resetDwarfmodeView ( true )
local scr = dfhack.gui . getCurViewscreen ( true )
if focus_string == ' title ' or
focus_string == ' dfhack/lua/load_screen ' then
-- qerror()'s on falure
dfhack.run_script ( ' load-save ' , config.save_dir )
elseif focus_string ~= ' loadgame ' then
-- if we're not actively loading a game, hope we're in
-- a screen where hitting ESC will get us to the game map
-- or the title screen
scr : feed_key ( df.interface_key . LEAVESCREEN )
-- wait for current screen to change
local prev_focus_string = focus_string
for frame_timeout = 1 , 100 do
delay ( 10 )
focus_string = dfhack.gui . getCurFocus ( true )
if focus_string ~= prev_focus_string then
goto next_screen
if frame_timeout % 10 == 0 then
print ( string.format (
' Loading fortress (currently at screen: %s) ' ,
focus_string ) )
if not df.viewscreen_titlest : is_instance ( dfhack.gui . getCurViewscreen ( ) ) then
error ( ' Could not find title screen ' )
print ( ' Timed out waiting for screen to change ' )
:: next_screen ::
qerror ( string.format ( ' Could not load fortress (timed out at %s) ' ,
focus_string ) )
none = function ( ) end ,
title = ensure_title_screen ,
local MODES = {
none = { order = 1 , detect = function ( ) return true end } ,
title = { order = 2 , detect = is_title_screen , navigate = ensure_title_screen } ,
fortress = { order = 3 , detect = is_fortress , navigate = ensure_fortress } ,
local function load_test_config ( config_file )
@ -151,6 +215,10 @@ local function load_test_config(config_file)
config.test_dir = dfhack.getHackPath ( ) .. ' scripts/test '
if not config.save_dir then
config.save_dir = ' region1 '
return config
@ -266,7 +334,7 @@ local function load_tests(file, tests)
dfhack.printerr ( ' Error when running file: ' .. tostring ( err ) )
return false
if not VALID_ MODES[ env.config . mode ] then
if not MODES[ env.config . mode ] then
dfhack.printerr ( ' Invalid config.mode: ' .. tostring ( env.config . mode ) )
return false
@ -290,10 +358,9 @@ local function sort_tests(tests)
local test_index = utils.invert ( tests )
table.sort ( tests , function ( a , b )
if a.config . mode ~= b.config . mode then
return VALID_MODES [ a.config . mode ] < VALID_MODES [ b.config . mode ]
return test_index [ a ] < test_index [ b ]
return MODES [ a.config . mode ] . order < MODES [ b.config . mode ] . order
return test_index [ a ] < test_index [ b ]
end )
@ -415,13 +482,30 @@ local function filter_tests(tests, config)
return status
local function run_tests ( tests , status , counts )
local function run_tests ( tests , status , counts , config )
print ( ( ' Running %d tests ' ) : format ( # tests ) )
local num_skipped = 0
for _ , test in pairs ( tests ) do
MODE_NAVIGATE_FNS [ test.config . mode ] ( )
local passed = run_test ( test , status , counts )
status [ test.full_name ] = passed and TestStatus.PASSED or TestStatus.FAILED
if MODES [ test.config . mode ] . failed then
num_skipped = num_skipped + 1
goto skip
if not MODES [ test.config . mode ] . detect ( ) then
local ok , err = pcall ( MODES [ test.config . mode ] . navigate , config )
if not ok then
MODES [ test.config . mode ] . failed = true
dfhack.printerr ( tostring ( err ) )
num_skipped = num_skipped + 1
goto skip
if run_test ( test , status , counts ) then
status [ test.full_name ] = TestStatus.PASSED
status [ test.full_name ] = TestStatus.FAILED
save_test_status ( status )
:: skip ::
local function print_summary_line ( ok , message )
@ -441,13 +525,15 @@ local function run_tests(tests, status, counts)
( ' %d/%d checks passed ' ) : format ( counts.checks_ok , counts.checks ) )
print_summary_line ( counts.file_errors == 0 ,
( ' %d test files failed to load ' ) : format ( counts.file_errors ) )
print_summary_line ( num_skipped == 0 ,
( ' %d tests in unreachable modes ' ) : format ( num_skipped ) )
save_test_status ( status )
local function main ( args )
local help , resume , test_dir , mode_filter , test_filter =
false , false , nil , { } , { }
local help , resume , test_dir , mode_filter , save_dir, test_filter =
false , false , nil , { } , nil , { }
local other_args = utils.processArgsGetopt ( args , {
{ ' h ' , ' help ' , handler = function ( ) help = true end } ,
{ ' d ' , ' test_dir ' , hasArg = true ,
@ -455,6 +541,8 @@ local function main(args)
{ ' m ' , ' modes ' , hasArg = true ,
handler = function ( arg ) mode_filter = arg : split ( ' , ' ) end } ,
{ ' r ' , ' resume ' , handler = function ( ) resume = true end } ,
{ ' s ' , ' save_dir ' , hasArg = true ,
handler = function ( arg ) save_dir = arg end } ,
{ ' t ' , ' tests ' , hasArg = true ,
handler = function ( arg ) test_filter = arg : split ( ' , ' ) end } ,
} )
@ -467,6 +555,7 @@ local function main(args)
-- override config with any params specified on the commandline
if test_dir then config.test_dir = test_dir end
if resume then config.resume = true end
if save_dir then config.save_dir = save_dir end
if # mode_filter > 0 then config.modes = mode_filter end
if # test_filter > 0 then config.tests = test_filter end
if # done_command > 0 then config.done_command = done_command end
@ -490,7 +579,7 @@ local function main(args)
script.start ( function ( )
dfhack.call_with_finalizer ( 1 , true ,
finish_tests , config.done_command ,
run_tests , tests , status , counts )
run_tests , tests , status , counts , config )
end )