@ -2245,6 +2245,12 @@ Symbol Meaning Properties
specified ``name`` if it doesn't already exist.
``civalert``: if set to ``true``, will register this burrow with
`gui/civ-alert` if no burrow has already been registered.
``autochop_clear``: if set to ``true``, register the burrow with
`autochop` so that all trees in the burrow are immediately
chopped down, regardless of how many logs are in stock.
``autochop_chop``: if set to ``true``, register the burrow with
``autochop`` so that woodcutting activity is constrained to this
burrow (and others marked for ``chop``).
``e`` erase ``name``: if set, will only affect the first burrow of the given
name. if not set, will affect all burrows that cover the given