update docs for reveal

myk002 2022-07-29 17:12:15 -07:00
parent c6d5fcb378
commit 438293c0a0
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 8A39CA0FA0C16E78
2 changed files with 59 additions and 41 deletions

@ -2,29 +2,41 @@
This reveals the map. By default, HFS will remain hidden so that the demons
don't spawn. You can use ``reveal hell`` to reveal everything. With hell revealed,
you won't be able to unpause until you hide the map again. If you really want
to unpause with hell revealed, use ``reveal demons``.
Reveal also works in adventure mode, but any of its effects are negated once
you move. When you use it this way, you don't need to run ``unreveal``.
Reveals the map. This reveals all z-layers in fort mode. It also works in
adventure mode, but any of its effects are negated once you move. When you use
it this way, you don't need to run ``unreveal`` to hide the map again.
Usage and related commands:
:reveal: Reveal the whole map, except for HFS to avoid demons spawning
:reveal hell: Also show hell, but requires ``unreveal`` before unpausing
:reveal demon: Reveals everything and allows unpausing - good luck!
:unreveal: Reverts the effects of ``reveal``
:revtoggle: Switches between ``reveal`` and ``unreveal``
:revflood: Hide everything, then reveal tiles with a path to the cursor.
Note that tiles behind constructed walls are also revealed as a
workaround for :bug:`1871`.
:revforget: Discard info about what was visible before revealing the map.
Only useful where (e.g.) you abandoned with the fort revealed
and no longer want the data.
Disables pausing (both manual and automatic) with the exception of pause forced
by `reveal` ``hell``. This is nice for digging under rivers.
``reveal [hell|demon]``
Reveal the whole map. If ``hell`` is specified, also reveal HFS areas, but
you are required to run ``unreveal`` before unpausing is allowed in order
to prevent the demons from spawning. If you really want to unpause with hell
revealed, specify ``demon`` instead of ``hell``.
Reverts the effects of ``reveal``.
Switches between ``reveal`` and ``unreveal``. Convenient to bind to a
Discard info about what was visible before revealing the map. Only useful
where (for example) you abandoned with the fort revealed and no longer need
the saved map data when you load a new fort.
Hide everything, then reveal tiles with a path to the cursor. This allows
reparing maps that you accidentally saved while they were revealed. Note
that tiles behind constructed walls are also revealed as a workaround for
``nopause 1|0``
Disables pausing (both manual and automatic) with the exception of the pause
forced by `reveal` ``hell``. This is nice for digging under rivers. Use
``nopause 1`` to prevent pausing and ``nopause 0`` to allow pausing like

@ -82,24 +82,30 @@ command_result nopause(color_ostream &out, vector<string> & params);
DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, vector <PluginCommand> &commands)
commands.push_back(PluginCommand("reveal","Reveal the map.",reveal,false,
"Reveals the map, by default ignoring hell.\n"
"hell - also reveal hell, while forcing the game to pause.\n"
"demon - reveal hell, do not pause.\n"));
commands.push_back(PluginCommand("unreveal","Revert the map to its previous state.",unreveal,false,
"Reverts the previous reveal operation, hiding the map again.\n"));
commands.push_back(PluginCommand("revtoggle","Reveal/unreveal depending on state.",revtoggle,false,
"Toggles between reveal and unreveal.\n"));
commands.push_back(PluginCommand("revflood","Hide all, and reveal tiles reachable from the cursor.",revflood,false,
"This command hides the whole map. Then, starting from the cursor,\n"
"reveals all accessible tiles. Allows repairing perma-revealed maps.\n"
"Note that constructed walls are considered passable to work around DF bug 1871.\n"));
commands.push_back(PluginCommand("revforget", "Forget the current reveal data.",revforget,false,
"Forget the current reveal data, allowing to use reveal again.\n"));
commands.push_back(PluginCommand("nopause","Disable manual and automatic pausing.",nopause,false,
"Disable pausing (doesn't affect pause forced by reveal).\n"
"Activate with 'nopause 1', deactivate with 'nopause 0'.\n"));
"Reveal the map.",
"Revert a revealed map to its unrevealed state.",
"Switch betwen reveal and unreveal.",
"Hide all, then reveal tiles reachable from the cursor.",
"Forget the current reveal data.",
"Disable manual and automatic pausing.",
return CR_OK;