@ -10,6 +10,26 @@ work (e.g. links from the `changelog`).
:depth: 1
:depth: 1
.. _digfort:
A script to designate an area for digging according to a plan in csv format.
Please use DFHack's more powerful `quickfort` script instead. You can use your
existing .csv files. Just move them to the ``blueprints`` folder in your DF
installation, and instead of ``digfort file.csv``, run
``quickfort run file.csv``.
.. _fortplan:
Designates furniture for building according to a ``.csv`` file with
quickfort-style syntax. Please use DFHack's more powerful `quickfort`
script instead. You can use your existing .csv files. Just move them to the
``blueprints`` folder in your DF installation, and instead of
``fortplan file.csv`` run ``quickfort run file.csv``.
.. _warn-stuck-trees:
.. _warn-stuck-trees: