sync, rearranging things in khazad

Petr Mrázek 2009-09-15 20:46:45 +00:00
parent f14bd91545
commit 28fb6f5703
1 changed files with 60 additions and 41 deletions

@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ bool ProcessManager::findProcessess()
// FIXME: this fails when the wine process isn't started from the 'current working directory'. strip path data from cmdline
// DF in wine?
// is this windows version of Df running in wine?
if(strstr(target_name, "wine-preloader")!= NULL)
// get working directory
@ -232,30 +232,42 @@ bool ProcessManager::findProcessess()
for ( int i = 0; i < numProccesses; i++ )
found = false;
// open process
hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, ProcArray[i] );
if (NULL == hProcess)
// we've got some process, look at its first module
if(EnumProcessModules(hProcess, &hmod, 1 * sizeof(HMODULE), &junk))
// try getting the first module of the process
if(EnumProcessModules(hProcess, &hmod, 1 * sizeof(HMODULE), &junk) == 0)
// TODO: check module filename to verify that it's DF!
// got base ;)
uint32_t base = (uint32_t)hmod;
// read from this process
g_ProcessHandle = hProcess;
uint32_t pe_offset = MreadDWord(base+0x3C);
Mread(base + pe_offset , sizeof(pe_header), (uint8_t *)&pe_header);
Mread(base + pe_offset+ sizeof(pe_header), sizeof(sections) , (uint8_t *)&sections );
// see if there's a version entry that matches this process
vector<memory_info>::iterator it;
for ( it=meminfo.begin() ; it < meminfo.end(); it++ )
// filter by OS
if(memory_info::OS_WINDOWS == (*it).getOS())
if(memory_info::OS_WINDOWS != (*it).getOS())
// filter by timestamp
uint32_t pe_timestamp = (*it).getHexValue("pe_timestamp");
if (pe_timestamp == pe_header.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp)
if (pe_timestamp != pe_header.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp)
// all went well
printf("Match found! Using version %s.\n", (*it).getVersion().c_str());
// give the process a data model and memory layout fixed for the base of first module
@ -270,14 +282,12 @@ bool ProcessManager::findProcessess()
break; // break the iterator loop
// close handle of processes that aren't DF
return true;
return false;
@ -289,32 +299,39 @@ void ProcessManager::ParseVTable(TiXmlElement* vtable, memory_info& mem)
TiXmlElement* pClassEntry;
TiXmlElement* pClassSubEntry;
// check for rebase, do rebase if check positive
const char * rebase = vtable->Attribute("rebase");
int32_t rebase_offset = strtol(rebase, NULL, 16);
// parse vtable entries
pClassEntry = vtable->FirstChildElement();
string type = pClassEntry->Value();
const char *cstr_name = pClassEntry->Attribute("name");
const char *cstr_vtable = pClassEntry->Attribute("vtable");
// it's a simple class
if(type== "class")
mem.setClass(cstr_name, cstr_vtable);
// it's a multi-type class
else if (type == "multiclass")
// get offset of the type variable
const char *cstr_typeoffset = pClassEntry->Attribute("typeoffset");
int mclass = mem.setMultiClass(cstr_name, cstr_vtable, cstr_typeoffset);
// parse class sub-entries
pClassSubEntry = pClassEntry->FirstChildElement();
type = pClassSubEntry->Value();
if(type== "class")
// type is a value loaded from type offset
cstr_name = pClassSubEntry->Attribute("name");
const char *cstr_value = pClassSubEntry->Attribute("type");
@ -338,6 +355,7 @@ void ProcessManager::ParseEntry (TiXmlElement* entry, memory_info& mem, map <str
string base = cstr_base;
ParseEntry(knownEntries[base], mem, knownEntries);
// mandatory attributes missing?
if(!(cstr_version && cstr_os))
@ -374,6 +392,7 @@ void ProcessManager::ParseEntry (TiXmlElement* entry, memory_info& mem, map <str
cerr << "unknown operating system " << os << endl;
// process additional entries
//cout << "Entry " << cstr_version << " " << cstr_os << endl;
pMemEntry = entry->FirstChildElement()->ToElement();