Document cxxrandom in Lua API.rst (#1204)

lethosor 2018-06-20 11:13:40 -04:00
parent 862fa08ba6
commit 26427c2e43
1 changed files with 121 additions and 0 deletions

@ -3901,6 +3901,127 @@ A class with all the tcp functionality.
Tries connecting to that address and port. Returns ``client`` object. Tries connecting to that address and port. Returns ``client`` object.
.. _cxxrandom:
Exposes some features of the C++11 random number library to Lua.
Native functions (exported to Lua)
- ``GenerateEngine(seed)``
returns engine id
- ``DestroyEngine(rngID)``
destroys corresponding engine
- ``NewSeed(rngID, seed)``
re-seeds engine
- ``rollInt(rngID, min, max)``
generates random integer
- ``rollDouble(rngID, min, max)``
generates random double
- ``rollNormal(rngID, avg, stddev)``
generates random normal[gaus.]
- ``rollBool(rngID, chance)``
generates random boolean
- ``MakeNumSequence(start, end)``
returns sequence id
- ``AddToSequence(seqID, num)``
adds a number to the sequence
- ``ShuffleSequence(rngID, seqID)``
shuffles the number sequence
- ``NextInSequence(seqID)``
returns the next number in sequence
Lua plugin functions
- ``MakeNewEngine(seed)``
returns engine id
Lua plugin classes
- ``init(id, df, dist)``: constructor
- ``id``: Reference ID of engine to use in RNGenerations
- ``df`` (optional): bool indicating whether to destroy the Engine when the crng object is garbage collected
- ``dist`` (optional): lua number distribution to use
- ``changeSeed(seed)``: alters engine's seed value
- ``setNumDistrib(distrib)``: sets the number distribution crng object should use
- ``distrib``: number distribution object to use in RNGenerations
- ``next()``: returns the next number in the distribution
- ``shuffle()``: effectively shuffles the number distribution
- ``init(avg, stddev)``: constructor
- ``next(id)``: returns next number in the distribution
- ``id``: engine ID to pass to native function
- ``init(min, max)``: constructor
- ``next(id)``: returns next number in the distribution
- ``id``: engine ID to pass to native function
- ``init(min, max)``: constructor
- ``next(id)``: returns next number in the distribution
- ``id``: engine ID to pass to native function
- ``init(min, max)``: constructor
- ``next(id)``: returns next boolean in the distribution
- ``id``: engine ID to pass to native function
- ``init(a, b)``: constructor
- ``add(num)``: adds num to the end of the number sequence
- ``shuffle()``: shuffles the sequence of numbers
- ``next()``: returns next number in the sequence
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