Add support for downloading files in advance, useful for offline builds

Also document this in Compile.rst - there have been complaints about the fact
that DFHack downloads files at build time not being documented at all.
lethosor 2017-03-01 21:29:17 -05:00
parent b675f0fd3c
commit 0cc51f8d69
4 changed files with 59 additions and 0 deletions

@ -9,10 +9,31 @@ function(file_md5_if_exists FILE VAR)
function(search_downloads FILE_MD5 VAR)
file(GLOB FILES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/downloads/*)
foreach(FILE ${FILES})
file(MD5 "${FILE}" CUR_MD5)
if("${CUR_MD5}" STREQUAL "${FILE_MD5}")
function(download_file URL DEST EXPECTED_MD5)
get_filename_component(FILENAME "${URL}" NAME)
file_md5_if_exists("${DEST}" CUR_MD5)
search_downloads(${EXPECTED_MD5} DLPATH)
message("* Copying ${FILENAME} from ${DLPATH}")
execute_process(COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy
message("* Downloading ${FILENAME}")

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
This folder exists as an alternate location for downloaded files. Files will
ordinarily not be downloaded here, but CMake will look for them here anyway to
facilitate offline builds.

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ build errors or "not a known DF version" errors.
**More notes**:
* `note-offline-builds` - read this if your build machine may not have an internet connection!
* `note-old-git-and-dfhack`
Contributing to DFHack
@ -668,6 +669,37 @@ Then close that Admin ``cmd.exe``, re-open another Admin ``cmd.exe``, and run::
Misc. Notes
.. _note-offline-builds:
Note on building DFHack offline
As of 0.43.05, DFHack downloads several files during the build process, depending
on your target OS and architecture. If your build machine's internet connection
is unreliable, or nonexistent, you can download these files in advance.
First, you must locate the files you will need. These can be found in the
`dfhack-bin repo <>`_. Look for the
most recent version number *before or equal to* the DF version which you are
building for. For example, suppose "0.43.05" and "0.43.07" are listed. You should
choose "0.43.05" if you are building for 0.43.05 or 0.43.06, and "0.43.07" if
you are building for 0.43.07 or 0.43.08.
Then, download all of the files you need, and save them to ``<path to DFHack
clone>/CMake/downloads/<any filename>``. The destination filename you choose
does not matter, as long as the files end up in the ``CMake/downloads`` folder.
You need to download all of the files for the architecture(s) you are building
for. For example, if you are building for 32-bit Linux and 64-bit Windows,
download all files starting with ``linux32`` and ``win64``. GitHub should sort
files alphabetically, so all the files you need should be next to each other.
It is recommended that you create a build folder and run CMake to verify that
you have downloaded everything at this point, assuming your download machine has
CMake installed. This involves running a "generate" batch script on Windows, or
a command starting with ``cmake ..`` on Linux and OS X. CMake should
automatically locate files that you placed in ``CMake/downloads``, and use them
instead of attempting to download them.
.. _note-old-git-and-dfhack:
Note on using very old git versions with pre-0.43.03 DFHack versions