@ -672,6 +672,55 @@
<Labor name= "[Crossbow]" > 57</Labor>
<Labor name= "[Crossbow]" > 57</Labor>
<Labor name= "[Unarmed]" > -1</Labor>
<Labor name= "[Unarmed]" > -1</Labor>
<VTable name= "building_vtable" >
<multiclass name= "building_workshop" typeoffset= "0xC8" >
<class name= "building_alchemists_laboratory" type= "0x0" />
<class name= "building_carpenters_workshop" type= "0x1" />
<class name= "building_farmers_workshop" type= "0x2" />
<class name= "building_masons_workshop" type= "0x3" />
<class name= "building_craftdwarfs_workshop" type= "0x4" />
<class name= "building_jewelers_workshop" type= "0x5" />
<class name= "building_metalsmiths_workshop" type= "0x6" />
<class name= "building_magma_forge" type= "0x7" />
<class name= "building_bowyers_workshop" type= "0x8" />
<class name= "building_mechanics_workshop" type= "0x9" />
<class name= "building_siege_workshop" type= "0xA" />
<class name= "building_butchers_shop" type= "0xB" />
<class name= "building_leather_works" type= "0xC" />
<class name= "building_tanners_shop" type= "0xD" />
<class name= "building_clothiers_shop" type= "0xE" />
<class name= "building_fishery" type= "0xF" />
<class name= "building_still" type= "0x10" />
<class name= "building_loom" type= "0x11" />
<class name= "building_quern" type= "0x12" />
<class name= "building_kennels" type= "0x13" />
<class name= "building_kitchen" type= "0x14" />
<class name= "building_ashery" type= "0x15" />
<class name= "building_dyers_shop" type= "0x16" />
<class name= "building_millstone" type= "0x17" />
<multiclass name= "building_furnace" typeoffset= "0xDA" >
<class name= "building_wood_furnace" type= "0x0" />
<class name= "building_smelter" type= "0x1" />
<class name= "building_glass_furnace" type= "0x2" />
<class name= "building_kiln" type= "0x3" />
<class name= "building_magma_smelter" type= "0x4" />
<class name= "building_magma_glass_furnace" type= "0x5" />
<class name= "building_magma_kiln" type= "0x6" />
<multiclass name= "building_siegeengine" typeoffset= "0xC8" >
<class name= "building_catapult" type= "0x0" />
<class name= "building_ballista" type= "0x1" />
<multiclass name= "building_trap" typeoffset= "0xC8" >
<class name= "building_lever" type= "0x0" />
<class name= "building_pressure_plate" type= "0x1" />
<class name= "building_cage_trap" type= "0x2" />
<class name= "building_stonefall_trap" type= "0x3" />
<class name= "building_weapon_trap" type= "0x4" />
@ -782,102 +831,6 @@
<Offset name= "matgloss_stone_color" > 0x84</Offset>
<Offset name= "matgloss_stone_color" > 0x84</Offset>
<Offset name= "matgloss_metal_color" > 0x60</Offset>
<Offset name= "matgloss_metal_color" > 0x60</Offset>
<VTable name= "building_vtable" >
<class vtable= "0x0097e7ec" name= "building_construction" />
<class vtable= "0x0097e68c" name= "building_road_paved" />
<!-- missing dirt road -->
<!-- missing road -->
<class vtable= "0x0097e3cc" name= "building_wagon" />
<class vtable= "0x0097e26c" name= "building_tradedepot" />
<multiclass vtable= "0x0097e10c" name= "building_workshop" typeoffset= "0xC8" >
<class name= "building_alchemists_laboratory" type= "0x0" />
<class name= "building_carpenters_workshop" type= "0x1" />
<class name= "building_farmers_workshop" type= "0x2" />
<class name= "building_masons_workshop" type= "0x3" />
<class name= "building_craftdwarfs_workshop" type= "0x4" />
<class name= "building_jewelers_workshop" type= "0x5" />
<class name= "building_metalsmiths_workshop" type= "0x6" />
<class name= "building_magma_forge" type= "0x7" />
<class name= "building_bowyers_workshop" type= "0x8" />
<class name= "building_mechanics_workshop" type= "0x9" />
<class name= "building_siege_workshop" type= "0xA" />
<class name= "building_butchers_shop" type= "0xB" />
<class name= "building_leather_works" type= "0xC" />
<class name= "building_tanners_shop" type= "0xD" />
<class name= "building_clothiers_shop" type= "0xE" />
<class name= "building_fishery" type= "0xF" />
<class name= "building_still" type= "0x10" />
<class name= "building_loom" type= "0x11" />
<class name= "building_quern" type= "0x12" />
<class name= "building_kennels" type= "0x13" />
<class name= "building_kitchen" type= "0x14" />
<class name= "building_ashery" type= "0x15" />
<class name= "building_dyers_shop" type= "0x16" />
<class name= "building_millstone" type= "0x17" />
<multiclass vtable= "0x0097dfac" name= "building_furnace" typeoffset= "0xDA" >
<class name= "building_wood_furnace" type= "0x0" />
<class name= "building_smelter" type= "0x1" />
<class name= "building_glass_furnace" type= "0x2" />
<class name= "building_kiln" type= "0x3" />
<class name= "building_magma_smelter" type= "0x4" />
<class name= "building_magma_glass_furnace" type= "0x5" />
<class name= "building_magma_kiln" type= "0x6" />
<class vtable= "0x0097de4c" name= "building_animaltrap" />
<class vtable= "0x0097dcec" name= "building_farmplot" />
<!-- missing generic window -->
<class vtable= "0x0097d8cc" name= "building_statue" />
<class vtable= "0x00979e84" name= "building_well" />
<class vtable= "0x0097d76c" name= "building_coffin" />
<class vtable= "0x0097d60c" name= "building_shop" />
<class vtable= "0x0097d4ac" name= "building_chair" />
<class vtable= "0x0097d34c" name= "building_table" />
<class vtable= "0x0097d1ec" name= "building_bed" />
<multiclass vtable= "0x0097d08c" name= "building_siegeengine" typeoffset= "0xC8" >
<class name= "building_catapult" type= "0x0" />
<class name= "building_ballista" type= "0x1" />
<class vtable= "0x0097cf2c" name= "building_cage" />
<class vtable= "0x0097cdcc" name= "building_chain" />
<class vtable= "0x0097cc6c" name= "building_windmill" />
<class vtable= "0x0097cb0c" name= "building_water_wheel" />
<class vtable= "0x0097c9ac" name= "building_screw_pump" />
<class vtable= "0x0097c84c" name= "building_archerytarget" />
<class vtable= "0x0097c6ec" name= "building_weapon" /> <!-- retractable spikes -->
<class vtable= "0x0097c58c" name= "building_support" />
<class vtable= "0x0097c42c" name= "building_axle_vertical" />
<class vtable= "0x0097c2cc" name= "building_axle_horizontal" />
<class vtable= "0x0097c16c" name= "building_gear_assembly" />
<multiclass vtable= "0x0097c00c" name= "building_trap" typeoffset= "0xC8" >
<class name= "building_lever" type= "0x0" />
<class name= "building_pressure_plate" type= "0x1" />
<class name= "building_cage_trap" type= "0x2" />
<class name= "building_stonefall_trap" type= "0x3" />
<class name= "building_weapon_trap" type= "0x4" />
<class vtable= "0x0097beac" name= "building_bars_floor" />
<class vtable= "0x0097bd4c" name= "building_bars_vertical" />
<class vtable= "0x0097bbec" name= "building_grate_floor" />
<class vtable= "0x0097ba8c" name= "building_grate_wall" />
<class vtable= "0x0097b92c" name= "building_floodgate" />
<class vtable= "0x0097b7cc" name= "building_bridge" />
<class vtable= "0x0097b66c" name= "building_hatch" />
<class vtable= "0x0097b50c" name= "building_door" />
<class vtable= "0x0097b3ac" name= "building_armorstand" />
<class vtable= "0x0097b24c" name= "building_weaponrack" />
<class vtable= "0x0097b0ec" name= "building_cabinet" />
<class vtable= "0x0097af8c" name= "building_box" />
<!-- missing building_actual -->
<class vtable= "0x00979d34" name= "building_civzone" />
<class vtable= "0x00979fe4" name= "building_stockpile" />
<class vtable= "0x0097da2c" name= "building_window_gem" />
<class vtable= "0x0097db8c" name= "building_window_glass" />
<VTable name = "vein_vtable" >
<class vtable= "0x0097908c" name= "block_square_event_frozen_liquid" />
<class vtable= "0x00979074" name= "block_square_event_mineral" />
<Address name= "cursor_xyz" > 0x9fc294</Address>
<Address name= "cursor_xyz" > 0x9fc294</Address>
<Address name= "window_x" > 0xd457f4</Address>
<Address name= "window_x" > 0xd457f4</Address>
<Address name= "window_y" > 0xd73868</Address>
<Address name= "window_y" > 0xd73868</Address>
@ -885,21 +838,39 @@
<Address name= "window_dims" > 0x1706d4c</Address>
<Address name= "window_dims" > 0x1706d4c</Address>
<!-- Windows 40d## sub - versions, should inherit only vtable from 40d -->
<!-- Windows 40d## sub - versions, should inherit only vtable from 40d -->
<Entry version= "v0.28.181.40d9" os= "windows" id= "40d9win" base= "40dwin" >
<Entry version= "v0.28.181.40d2" os = "windows" id= "40d2win" base= "40dwin" >
<!-- identification -->
<HexValue name= "pe_timestamp" > 0x4953556c</HexValue>
<HexValue name= "pe_timestamp" > 0x4967C2E0</HexValue>
<String name= "md5" > B1A8CA1F91734EB492B7F54F6823CDDB</String>
<String name= "md5" > aea5a207b8b1cda942502f97a429f6c3</String>
<Address name= "buildings" > 0x014d1db0</Address>
<Address name= "constructions" > 0x014bda18</Address>
<!-- map data -->
<Address name= "creatures" > 0x014d1404</Address>
<Address name= "map_data" > 0x01531EC0</Address>
<Address name= "current_cursor_creature" > 0x014d1de4</Address>
<Address name= "constructions" > 0x014da5e0</Address>
<Address name= "current_menu_state" > 0x0165b5a8</Address>
<Address name= "buildings" > 0x014ee978</Address>
<Address name= "cursor_xyz" > 0x0094b27c</Address>
<Address name= "vegetation" > 0x014F4B4C</Address>
<Address name= "hotkey_start" > 0x012e101c</Address>
<Address name= "creatures" > 0x014edfcc</Address>
<Address name= "items" > 0x014d14f8</Address>
<Address name= "language_vector" > 0x01517678</Address>
<Address name= "map_data" > 0x015152f8</Address>
<Address name= "matgloss" > 0x01517468</Address>
<Address name= "notes" > 0x012e0fe4</Address>
<Address name= "pause_state" > 0x012cefbf</Address>
<Address name= "region_x" > 0x01515330</Address>
<Address name= "region_y" > 0x01515334</Address>
<Address name= "region_z" > 0x01515338</Address>
<Address name= "settlement_current" > 0x015170f8</Address>
<Address name= "settlements" > 0x0151702c</Address>
<Address name= "translation_vector" > 0x015176a8</Address>
<Address name= "vegetation" > 0x014d7f84</Address>
<Address name= "view_screen" > 0x012ef340</Address>
<Address name= "window_dims" > 0x0165a34c</Address>
<Address name= "window_x" > 0x00c9333c</Address>
<Address name= "window_y" > 0x00cc13b0</Address>
<Address name= "window_z" > 0x00cc138c</Address>
<Address name= "world" > 0x01516930</Address>
<Address name= "x_count" > 0x01515318</Address>
<Address name= "y_count" > 0x0151531c</Address>
<Address name= "z_count" > 0x01515320</Address>
<!-- translation tables -->
<Address name= "translation_vector" > 0x01534270</Address>
<Address name= "language_vector" > 0x01534240</Address>
<Offset name= "word_table" > 0x54</Offset>
<Offset name= "word_table" > 0x54</Offset>
<!-- creature offsets -->
<!-- creature offsets -->
@ -923,16 +894,6 @@
<!-- tree and shrub offsets -->
<!-- tree and shrub offsets -->
<Offset name= "tree_desc_offset" > 0x70</Offset>
<Offset name= "tree_desc_offset" > 0x70</Offset>
<!-- size of the map -->
<Address name= "x_count" > 0x01531EE0</Address>
<Address name= "y_count" > 0x01531EE4</Address>
<Address name= "z_count" > 0x01531EE8</Address>
<!-- position of the map in world coords -->
<Address name= "region_x" > 0x01531EF8</Address>
<Address name= "region_y" > 0x01531EFC</Address>
<Address name= "region_z" > 0x01531F00</Address>
<!-- map block offsets -->
<!-- map block offsets -->
<Offset name= "v_vein" > 0x10</Offset>
<Offset name= "v_vein" > 0x10</Offset>
<HexValue name= "v_vein_size" > 0x2C</HexValue>
<HexValue name= "v_vein_size" > 0x2C</HexValue>
@ -941,8 +902,6 @@
<Offset name= "occupancy" > 0x0684</Offset>
<Offset name= "occupancy" > 0x0684</Offset>
<Offset name= "biome_stuffs" > 0x1D84</Offset>
<Offset name= "biome_stuffs" > 0x1D84</Offset>
<!-- the world and its offsets -->
<Address name= "world" > 0x015334F8</Address>
<Offset name= "world_size_x" > 0x84</Offset>
<Offset name= "world_size_x" > 0x84</Offset>
<Offset name= "world_size_y" > 0x86</Offset>
<Offset name= "world_size_y" > 0x86</Offset>
<Offset name= "w_geoblocks" > 0x75C</Offset>
<Offset name= "w_geoblocks" > 0x75C</Offset>
@ -956,443 +915,296 @@
<Offset name= "geolayer_geoblock_offset" > 0xC</Offset>
<Offset name= "geolayer_geoblock_offset" > 0xC</Offset>
<!-- matgloss vectors -->
<!-- matgloss vectors -->
<Address name= "matgloss" > 0x01534030</Address>
<HexValue name= "matgloss_skip" > 0x18</HexValue>
<HexValue name= "matgloss_skip" > 0x18</HexValue>
<!-- matgloss_stone_color verified -->
<!-- matgloss_metal_color verified -->
<!-- door: 0x8ea1e4 -->
<VTable name= "building_vtable" rebase= "-0x91328" >
<!-- Isn't it just /lovely/ how simple things become?
When you specify only typeoffset, nothing else is touched. Same for vtable. -->
<multiclass name= "building_workshop" typeoffset= "0x100" />
<multiclass name= "building_siegeengine" typeoffset= "0x100" />
<multiclass name= "building_furnace" typeoffset= "0x11A" />
<multiclass name= "building_trap" typeoffset= "0x100" />
<VTable name = "vein_vtable" >
<class vtable= "0x008e7d60" name= "block_square_event_frozen_liquid" />
<class vtable= "0x008e7d48" name= "block_square_event_mineral" />
<Address name= "cursor_xyz" > 0x9662a4</Address>
<Address name= "window_x" > 0xcae368</Address>
<Address name= "window_y" > 0xcdc3dc</Address>
<Address name= "window_z" > 0xcdc3b8</Address>
<Address name= "window_dims" > 0x1676f14</Address>
<Address name= "notes" > 0x012FDBAC</Address>
<Offset name= "note_foreground" > 0x2</Offset>
<Offset name= "note_foreground" > 0x2</Offset>
<Offset name= "note_background" > 0x4</Offset>
<Offset name= "note_background" > 0x4</Offset>
<Offset name= "note_name" > 0x8</Offset>
<Offset name= "note_name" > 0x8</Offset>
<Offset name= "note_xyz" > 0x24</Offset>
<Offset name= "note_xyz" > 0x24</Offset>
<Address name= "hotkey_start" > 0x012FDBE4</Address>
<Offset name= "hotkey_mode" > 0x1C</Offset>
<Offset name= "hotkey_mode" > 0x1C</Offset>
<Offset name= "hotkey_xyz" > 0x20</Offset>
<Offset name= "hotkey_xyz" > 0x20</Offset>
<HexValue name= "hotkey_size" > 0x2C</HexValue>
<Address name= "settlement_current" > 0x01533CC0</Address>
<Address name= "settlements" > 0x01533BF4</Address>
<Offset name= "settlement_name" > 0x38</Offset>
<Offset name= "settlement_name" > 0x38</Offset>
<Offset name= "settlement_world_xy" > 0x7a</Offset>
<Offset name= "settlement_world_xy" > 0x7a</Offset>
<Offset name= "settlement_local_xy" > 0x100</Offset>
<Offset name= "settlement_local_xy" > 0x100</Offset>
<Offset name= "item_materials" > 0x68</Offset>
<Entry version= "v0.28.181.40d11" os= "windows" rebase= "0x2d388" id= "40d11win" base= "40d9win" >
<Offset name= "item_type_name" > 0x24</Offset>
<!-- identification -->
<Offset name= "matgloss_creature_name" > 0x1C</Offset>
<HexValue name= "pe_timestamp" > 0x49C82D3F</HexValue>
<Offset name= "matgloss_wood_name" > 0x28</Offset>
<String name= "md5" > 6f81231b845e9c9dc29aaf57705ccc7c</String>
<Offset name= "matgloss_stone_name" > 0x24</Offset>
<!-- door: 0x8e91e4 -->
<Offset name= "matgloss_metal_name" > 0x24</Offset>
<VTable name= "building_vtable" rebase= "-0x1000" />
<Offset name= "matgloss_plant_name" > 0x24</Offset>
<Address name= "cursor_xyz" > 0x9652a4</Address>
<Offset name= "matgloss_plant_drink" > 0x5C</Offset>
<Address name= "window_x" > 0xcdf5a0</Address>
<Offset name= "matgloss_plant_food" > 0x94</Offset>
<Address name= "window_y" > 0xd0d64c</Address>
<Offset name= "matgloss_plant_extract" > 0xB0</Offset>
<Address name= "window_z" > 0xd0d628</Address>
<Address name= "notes" > 0x013E853C</Address>
<Address name= "hotkey_start" > 0x013E8574</Address>
<Entry version= "v0.28.181.40d12" os= "windows" id= "40d12win" base= "40d11win" >
<!-- identification -->
<HexValue name= "pe_timestamp" > 0x4A3CCB7F</HexValue>
<String name= "md5" > 6ea1de36af8e1666bd6478736e298c4c</String>
<!-- map data -->
<Address name= "map_data" > 0x015FACCC</Address>
<Address name= "constructions" > 0x015A33B8</Address>
<Address name= "buildings" > 0x015B7750</Address>
<Address name= "vegetation" > 0x015BD924</Address>
<Address name= "creatures" > 0x015B6DA4</Address>
<!-- translation tables -->
<Address name= "translation_vector" > 0x015FD07C</Address>
<Address name= "language_vector" > 0x015FD04C</Address>
<!-- size of the map -->
<Address name= "x_count" > 0x015FACEC</Address>
<Address name= "y_count" > 0x015FACF0</Address>
<Address name= "z_count" > 0x015FACF4</Address>
<!-- position of the map in world coords -->
<Address name= "region_x" > 0x015FAD04</Address>
<Address name= "region_y" > 0x015FAD08</Address>
<Address name= "region_z" > 0x015FAD0C</Address>
<!-- the world and its offsets -->
<!-- I am just going to guess these actually start here -->
<Address name= "world" > 0x015FC304</Address>
<VTable name= "building_vtable" >
<!-- matgloss vectors -->
<multiclass name= "building_workshop" typeoffset= "0x100" />
<Address name= "matgloss" > 0x015FCE3C</Address>
<multiclass name= "building_siegeengine" typeoffset= "0x100" />
<!-- door: 0x8db5e4 -->
<multiclass name= "building_furnace" typeoffset= "0x11A" />
<VTable name= "building_vtable" rebase= "-0xDC00" />
<multiclass name= "building_trap" typeoffset= "0x100" />
<VTable name = "vein_vtable" >
<class vtable= "0x008d9158" name= "block_square_event_frozen_liquid" />
<class vtable= "0x008d9140" name= "block_square_event_mineral" />
<Address name= "cursor_xyz" > 0x95f2b4</Address>
<Address name= "window_x" > 0xd995a0</Address>
<Address name= "window_y" > 0xdc764c</Address>
<Address name= "window_z" > 0xdc7628</Address>
<Address name= "window_dims" > 0x173fde0</Address>
<Address name= "settlement_current" > 0x015FCACC</Address>
<Address name= "settlements" > 0x015FCA00</Address>
<Entry version= "v0.28.181.40d3" os = "windows" id= "40d3win" base= "40d2win" rebase= "0x2018" >
<HexValue name= "pe_timestamp" > 0x4957716f</HexValue>
<String name= "md5" > 9B6DA355562A4CDD345EA3046290499B</String>
<Address name= "cursor_xyz" > 0x0094d27c</Address>
<Address name= "pause_state" > 0x012d0fbf</Address>
<Address name= "window_x" > 0x00c9533c</Address>
<Address name= "window_y" > 0x00cc33b0</Address>
<Address name= "window_z" > 0x00cc338c</Address>
<Entry version= "v0.28.181.40d4" os = "windows" id= "40d4win" base= "40d3win" rebase= "0x0" >
<HexValue name= "pe_timestamp" > 0x4957a0a2</HexValue>
<String name= "md5" > B77759DB7A6DD787BF98953FC5749D81</String>
<Entry version= "v0.28.181.40d5" os = "windows" id= "40d5win" base= "40d4win" rebase= "0x2018" >
<HexValue name= "pe_timestamp" > 0x495991c3</HexValue>
<String name= "md5" > A0792B81E5B8EC1DBDD627643E93B40D</String>
<Address name= "cursor_xyz" > 0x0094f27c</Address>
<Address name= "pause_state" > 0x012d2fbb</Address>
<Address name= "window_x" > 0x00c97334</Address>
<Address name= "window_y" > 0x00cc53a8</Address>
<Address name= "window_z" > 0x00cc5384</Address>
<Entry version= "v0.28.181.40d6" os = "windows" id= "40d6win" base= "40d5win" rebase= "0x18a08" >
<HexValue name= "pe_timestamp" > 0x495cafd2</HexValue>
<String name= "md5" > D09E88A32FE57DE5973F78EF213271B6</String>
<Address name= "cursor_xyz" > 0x009662a4</Address>
<Address name= "pause_state" > 0x012e9fef</Address>
<Address name= "window_x" > 0x00cae368</Address>
<Address name= "window_y" > 0x00cdc3dc</Address>
<Address name= "window_z" > 0x00cdc3b8</Address>
<Entry version= "v0.28.181.40d7" os = "windows" id= "40d7win" base= "40d6win" rebase= "0x190" >
<HexValue name= "pe_timestamp" > 0x495fcfef</HexValue>
<String name= "md5" > 8E8E2A83D421E356A8047DC8830A7426</String>
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<!-- identification -->
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<HexValue name= "pe_timestamp" > 0x4A51C26E</HexValue>
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<!-- map_data = 0x015FFD5C -->
<!-- door: 0x8df5ec -->
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<Address name= "cursor_xyz" > 0x009642b4</Address>
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<Address name= "window_x" > 0x00d9e600</Address>
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<!-- identification -->
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<!-- map_data = 0x01601D6C -->
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<!-- door: 0x8e15dc -->
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<Entry version= "v0.28.181.40d15" os= "windows" id= "40d15win" base= "40d14win" >
<!-- identification -->
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<!-- map_data = 0x01601D84 -->
<Address name= "constructions" > 0x015aa470</Address>
<!-- door: 0x8e15d4 -->
<Address name= "creatures" > 0x015bde5c</Address>
<VTable name= "building_vtable" rebase= "-0x8" />
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<Address name= "window_dims" > 0x01746e98</Address>
<Address name= "window_x" > 0x00da061c</Address>
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<!-- identification -->
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<String name= "md5" > 59ab29021aca9f3c66b1ab102fb3ceea</String>
<!-- map_data = 0x01601D84 -->
<!-- door: 0x8e15d4, no VTable rebase needed -->
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<!-- identification -->
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<Address name= "map_data" > 0x016367DC</Address>
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<Address name= "constructions" > 0x015DEEC8</Address>
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<Address name= "buildings" > 0x015F3260</Address>
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<Address name= "items" > 0x015f29a8</Address>
<Address name= "language_vector" > 0x01638b5c</Address>
<!-- translation tables -->
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<!-- size of the map -->
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<Address name= "z_count" > 0x01636804</Address>
<!-- position of the map in world coords -->
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<!-- the world and its offsets -->
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<Address name= "translation_vector" > 0x01638b8c</Address>
<!-- matgloss vectors -->
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<Address name= "settlements" > 0x1638510</Address>
<VTable name= "building_vtable" >
<!-- typeoffsets and sub - classes don't change here, only vtable addresses -->
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<class vtable= "0x00919994" name= "building_civzone" />
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<class vtable= "0x0091BB7C" name= "building_bars_floor" />
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<class vtable= "0x0091C3EC" name= "building_weapon" />
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<class vtable= "0x0091D364" name= "building_shop" />
<class vtable= "0x0091D4CC" name= "building_coffin" />
<class vtable= "0x0091D634" name= "building_statue" />
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<class vtable= "0x0091D904" name= "building_window_glass" />
<class vtable= "0x0091DA6C" name= "building_farmplot" />
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<Entry version= "v0.28.181.40d18" os= "windows" base= "40d17win" id= "40d18win" rebase= "0x9c5f8" >
<!-- identification -->
<!-- identification -->
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<!-- <HexValue name="pe_timestamp">0x006BF5AA</HexValue> -->
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<HexValue name= "pe_timestamp" > 0x4b81b00d</HexValue>
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<!-- translation tables -->
<Address name= "translation_vector" > 0x016D5184</Address>
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<!-- size of the map -->
<Address name= "x_count" > 0x16D2DF4</Address>
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<!-- position of the map in world coords -->
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<!-- the world and its offsets -->
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<!-- matgloss vectors -->
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<!-- translation tables -->
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<!-- size of the map -->
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<!-- the world and its offsets -->
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<!-- matgloss vectors -->
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' \
' \