clean up changelog.txt

Myk 2022-05-02 21:08:09 -07:00
parent 8703eeef91
commit 0389637ac8
1 changed files with 44 additions and 46 deletions

@ -34,71 +34,69 @@ changelog.txt uses a syntax similar to RST, with a few special sequences:
# Future # Future
## New Plugins ## New Plugins
- `spectate`: automates the following of dwarves more often than not based on job zlevel activity levels, sometimes randomly though. - `spectate`: "spectator mode" -- automatically follows dwarves doing things in your fort
## Removed
## New Tweaks ## New Tweaks
- `tweak` partial-items: displays percentages on partially-consumed items such as hospital cloth - `tweak`: ``partial-items`` displays percentage remaining for partially-consumed items such as hospital cloth
## Fixes ## Fixes
- `autofarm`: removed restriction on only planting "discovered" plants
- `cxxrandom`: fixed exception when calling ``bool_distribution`` - `cxxrandom`: fixed exception when calling ``bool_distribution``
- `cxxrandom`: fixed id order for ShuffleSequence, but adds code to detect which parameter is which so each id is used correctly. 16000 limit before things get weird (previous was 16 bits) - `luasocket`: return correct status code when closing socket connections so clients can know when to retry
- `autofarm` removed restriction on only planting 'discovered' plants
- `luasocket` (and others): return correct status code when closing socket connections
## Misc Improvements ## Misc Improvements
- `autochop`: only designate the amount of trees required to reach ``max_logs``
- `autochop`: preferably designate larger trees over smaller ones
- `blueprint`: ``track`` phase renamed to ``carve``
- `blueprint`: carved fortifications and (optionally) engravings are now captured in generated blueprints
- `cursecheck`: new option, ``--ids`` prints creature and race IDs of the cursed creature
- `debug`: DFHack log messages now have configurable headers (e.g. timestamp, origin plugin name, etc.) via the ``debugfilter`` command of the `debug` plugin
- `debug`: script execution log messages (e.g. "Loading script: dfhack_extras.init" can now be controlled with the ``debugfilter`` command. To hide the messages, add this line to your ``dfhack.init`` file: ``debugfilter set Warning core script``
- `dfhack-examples-guide`: add mugs to ``basic`` manager orders
- `dfhack-examples-guide`: ``onMapLoad_dreamfort.init`` remove "cheaty" commands and new tweaks that are now in the default ``dfhack.init-example`` file
- ``dfhack.init-example``: recently-added tweaks added to example ``dfhack.init`` file
- `dig-now`: handle fortification carving - `dig-now`: handle fortification carving
- `EventManager`: add new event type ``JOB_STARTED``, triggered when a job first gains a worker - `EventManager`: add new event type ``JOB_STARTED``, triggered when a job first gains a worker
- `EventManager`: add new event type ``NEW_UNIT_ACTIVE``, triggered when a new unit appears on the active list - `EventManager`: add new event type ``UNIT_NEW_ACTIVE``, triggered when a new unit appears on the active list
- `EventManager`: now each registered handler for an event can have its own frequency instead of all handlers using the lowest frequency of all handlers
- `stocks`: allow search terms to match the full item label, even when the label is truncated for length
- `dfhack-examples-guide`: add mugs to ``basic`` manager orders
- `gui/create-item`: Added "(chain)" annotation text for armours with the [CHAIN_METAL_TEXT] flag set - `gui/create-item`: Added "(chain)" annotation text for armours with the [CHAIN_METAL_TEXT] flag set
- DFHack log messages now have configurable headers (e.g. timestamp, origin plugin name, etc.) via the ``debugfilter`` command of the `debug` plugin - `manipulator`: tweak colors to make the cursor easier to locate
- Script execution log messages (e.g. "Loading script: dfhack_extras.init" can now be controlled with the ``debugfilter`` command. To hide the messages, add this line to your ``dfhack.init`` file: ``debugfilter set Warning core script`` - `stocks`: allow search terms to match the full item label, even when the label is truncated for length
- `manipulator`: Tweak colors to make the cursor easier to locate - `tweak`: ``stable-cursor`` now keeps the cursor stable even when the viewport moves a small amount
- `autochop`: only designate the amount of trees required to reach ``max_logs``
- `autochop`: preferably designate larger trees over smaller ones
- `blueprint`: ``track`` phase renamed to ``carve``. carved fortifications and (optionally) engravings are now captured in blueprints
- `tweak` stable-cursor: Keep the cursor stable even when the viewport moves a small amount
- `cursecheck`: Added a new parameter, ``ids``, to print creature and race IDs of the cursed creature.
- Include recently-added tweaks in example dfhack.init file, clean up dreamfort onMapLoad.init file
## Documentation ## Documentation
- add more examples to the plugin example skeleton files so they are more informative for a newbie
- `confirm`: correct the command name in the plugin help text
- `cxxrandom`: added usage examples - `cxxrandom`: added usage examples
- Add more examples to the plugin skeleton files so they are more informative for a newbie - ``Lua API.rst``: added ``isHidden(unit)``, ``isFortControlled(unit)``, ``getOuterContainerRef(unit)``, ``getOuterContainerRef(item)``
- Lua API.rst added: ``isHidden(unit)``, ``isFortControlled(unit)``, ``getOuterContainerRef(unit)``, ``getOuterContainerRef(item)`` - `lua-string`: document DFHack string extensions (``startswith()``, ``endswith()``, ``split()``, ``trim()``, ``wrap()``, and ``escape_pattern()``)
- Update download link and installation instructions for Visual C++ 2015 build tools on Windows - `quickfort-blueprint-guide`: added screenshots to the Dreamfort case study and overall clarified text
- Updated information regarding obtaining a compatible Windows build environment - `remote-client-libs`: add new Rust client library
- `confirm`: Correct the command name in the plugin help text - update download link and installation instructions for Visual C++ 2015 build tools on Windows
- ``Quickfort Blueprint Editing Guide``: added screenshots to the Dreamfort case study and overall clarified text - update information regarding obtaining a compatible Windows build environment
- Document DFHack `lua-string` (``startswith``, ``endswith``, ``split``, ``trim``, ``wrap``, and ``escape_pattern``).
- Added a Rust client library to the `remote interface docs <remote-client-libs>`
## API ## API
- Added functions reverse-engineered from ambushing unit code: ``Units::isHidden``, ``Units::isFortControlled``, ``Units::getOuterContainerRef``, ``Items::getOuterContainerRef`` - add functions reverse-engineered from ambushing unit code: ``Units::isHidden()``, ``Units::isFortControlled()``, ``Units::getOuterContainerRef()``, ``Items::getOuterContainerRef()``
## Lua ## Lua
- ``widgets.FilteredList`` now allows all punctuation to be typed into the filter and can match search keys that start with punctuation. - `custom-raw-tokens`: library for accessing tokens added to raws by mods
- ``widgets.ListBox``: minimum height of dialog is now calculated correctly when there are no items in the list (e.g. when a filter doesn't match anything) - ``dfhack.units``: Lua wrappers for functions reverse-engineered from ambushing unit code: ``isHidden(unit)``, ``isFortControlled(unit)``, ``getOuterContainerRef(unit)``, ``getOuterContainerRef(item)``
- Lua wrappers for functions reverse-engineered from ambushing unit code: ``isHidden(unit)``, ``isFortControlled(unit)``, ``getOuterContainerRef(unit)``, ``getOuterContainerRef(item)``
- Added `custom-raw-tokens` utility to Lua library for reading tokens added to raws by mods.
- ``dwarfmode.MenuOverlay``: if ``sidebar_mode`` attribute is set, automatically manage entering a specific sidebar mode on show and restoring the previous sidebar mode on dismiss
- ``dwarfmode.MenuOverlay``: new class function ``renderMapOverlay`` to assist with drawing tiles over the visible map
- ``dwarfmode.enterSidebarMode()``: passing ``df.ui_sidebar_mode.DesignateMine`` now always results in you entering ``DesignateMine`` mode and not ``DesignateChopTrees``, even when you looking at the surface where the default designation mode is ``DesignateChopTrees``
- New string class function: ``string:escape_pattern()`` escapes regex special characters within a string
- ``widgets.Panel``: if ``autoarrange_subviews`` is set, ``Panel``\s will now automatically lay out widgets vertically according to their current height. This allows you to have widgets dynamically change height or become visible/hidden and you don't have to worry about recalculating frame layouts
- ``widgets.ResizingPanel``: new ``Panel`` subclass that automatically recalculates it's own frame height based on the size, position, and visibility of its subviews
- ``widgets.WrappedLabel``: new ``Label`` subclass that provides autowrapping of text
- ``widgets.TooltipLabel``: new ``WrappedLabel`` subclass that provides tooltip-like behavior
- ``widgets.HotkeyLabel``: new ``Label`` subclass that displays and reacts to hotkeys
- ``widgets.CycleHotkeyLabel``: new ``Label`` subclass that allows users to cycle through a list of options by pressing a hotkey
- ``widgets.ToggleHotkeyLabel``: new ``CycleHotkeyLabel`` subclass that toggles between ``On`` and ``Off`` states
- ``safe_index`` now properly handles lua sparse tables that are indexed by numbers
- ``widgets``: unset values in ``frame_inset``-table default to ``0``
- ``dialogs``: ``show*`` functions now return a reference to the created dialog - ``dialogs``: ``show*`` functions now return a reference to the created dialog
- ``dwarfmode.enterSidebarMode()``: passing ``df.ui_sidebar_mode.DesignateMine`` now always results in you entering ``DesignateMine`` mode and not ``DesignateChopTrees``, even when you looking at the surface (where the default designation mode is ``DesignateChopTrees``)
- ``dwarfmode.MenuOverlay``: if ``sidebar_mode`` attribute is set, automatically manage entering a specific sidebar mode on show and restoring the previous sidebar mode on dismiss
- ``dwarfmode.MenuOverlay``: new class function ``renderMapOverlay`` to assist with painting tiles over the visible map
- ``ensure_key``: new global function for retrieving or dynamically creating Lua table mappings - ``ensure_key``: new global function for retrieving or dynamically creating Lua table mappings
- ``safe_index``: now properly handles lua sparse tables that are indexed by numbers
- ``string``: new function ``escape_pattern()`` escapes regex special characters within a string
- ``widgets``: unset values in ``frame_inset`` table default to ``0``
- ``widgets``: ``FilteredList`` class now allows all punctuation to be typed into the filter and can match search keys that start with punctuation
- ``widgets``: minimum height of ``ListBox`` dialog is now calculated correctly when there are no items in the list (e.g. when a filter doesn't match anything)
- ``widgets``: if ``autoarrange_subviews`` is set, ``Panel``\s will now automatically lay out widgets vertically according to their current height. This allows you to have widgets dynamically change height or become visible/hidden and you don't have to worry about recalculating frame layouts
- ``widgets``: new class ``ResizingPanel`` (subclass of ``Panel``) automatically recalculates its own frame height based on the size, position, and visibility of its subviews
- ``widgets``: new class ``HotkeyLabel`` (subclass of ``Label``) that displays and reacts to hotkeys
- ``widgets``: new class ``CycleHotkeyLabel`` (subclass of ``Label``) allows users to cycle through a list of options by pressing a hotkey
- ``widgets``: new class ``ToggleHotkeyLabel`` (subclass of ``CycleHotkeyLabel``) toggles between ``On`` and ``Off`` states
- ``widgets``: new class ``WrappedLabel`` (subclass of ``Label``) provides autowrapping of text
- ``widgets``: new class ``TooltipLabel`` (subclass of ``WrappedLabel``) provides tooltip-like behavior
# 0.47.05-r4 # 0.47.05-r4