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2020-10-03 21:56:57 -06:00
.. _quickfort-user-guide:
.. _quickfort-blueprint-guide:
2020-10-03 21:56:57 -06:00
Quickfort Blueprint Guide
`Quickfort <quickfort>` is a DFHack script that helps you build fortresses from
"blueprint" .csv and .xlsx files. Many applications exist to edit these files,
such as MS Excel and `Google Sheets <https://sheets.new>`__. Most layout and
building-oriented DF commands are supported through the use of multiple files or
spreadsheets, each describing a different phase of DF construction: designation,
building, placing stockpiles/zones, and setting configuration.
The original idea came from :wiki:`Valdemar's <User:Valdemar>` auto-designation
macro. Joel Thornton reimplemented the core logic in Python and extended its
functionality with `Quickfort 2.0 <https://github.com/joelpt/quickfort>`__. This
DFHack-native implementation, called "DFHack Quickfort" or just "quickfort",
builds upon Quickfort 2.0's formats and features. Any blueprint that worked in
Python Quickfort 2.0 should work with DFHack Quickfort. DFHack Quickfort
interacts with Dwarf Fortress memory structures directly, allowing for
instantaneous blueprint application, error checking and recovery, and many other
advanced features.
This guide focuses on DFHack Quickfort's capabilities and teaches players how
to understand and create blueprint files. Some of the text was originally
written by Joel Thornton, reused here with his permission.
For those just looking to apply existing blueprints, check out the `quickfort
command's documentation <quickfort>` for syntax. There are many ready-to-use
blueprints available in the ``blueprints/library`` subfolder in your DFHack
installation. Browse them on your computer or
:source:`online <data/blueprints/library>`, or run ``quickfort list -l`` at the
``[DFHack]#`` prompt to list them, and then ``quickfort run`` to apply them to
your fort!
Before you become an expert at writing blueprints, though, you should know that
the easiest way to make a quickfort blueprint is to build your plan "for real"
in Dwarf Fortress and then export your map using the DFHack `blueprint` plugin.
You can apply those blueprints as-is in your next fort, or you can fine-tune
them with additional features from this guide.
See the `Links`_ section for more information and online resources.
2020-10-01 20:08:58 -06:00
.. contents:: Table of Contents
:depth: 2
- General
- Manages blueprints to handle all phases of DF construction
- Supports .csv and multi-worksheet .xlsx blueprint files
- Near-instant application, even for very large and complex blueprints
- Blueprints can span multiple z-levels
- You can package all blueprints and aliases needed for an entire fortress
in a single file for easy sharing
- "meta" blueprints that simplify the application of sequences of blueprints
- Undo functionality for dig, build, place, and zone blueprints
- Automatic cropping of blueprints so you don't get errors if the blueprint
extends off the map
- Can generate manager orders for everything required by a build blueprint
- Includes a library of ready-to-use blueprints
- Verbose output mode for blueprint debugging
- Dig mode
- Supports all types of designations, including dumping/forbidding items and
setting traffic settings
- Supports setting dig priorities
- Supports applying dig blueprints in marker mode
- Handles carving arbitrarily complex minecart tracks, including tracks that
cross other tracks
- Build mode
- Fully integrated with DFHack buildingplan: you can place buildings before
manufacturing building materials and you can use the buildingplan UI for
setting materials preferences
- Designate entire constructions in mid-air without having to wait for each
tile to become supported
- Automatic expansion of building footprints to their minimum dimensions, so
only the center tile of a multi-tile building needs to be recorded in the
- Tile occupancy and validity checking so, for example, buildings that
cannot be placed on a target tile will be skipped instead of messing up
the blueprint. Blueprints that are only partially applied for any reason
(e.g. you need to dig out some more tiles) can be safely reapplied to
build the remaining buildings.
- Relaxed rules for farm plot and road placement: you can still place the
building even if an invalid tile (e.g. stone tiles for farm plots) splits
the designated area into two disconnected parts
- Intelligent boundary detection for adjacent buildings of the same type
(e.g. a 6x6 block of ``wj`` cells will be correctly split into 4 jeweler's
- Place and zone modes
- Define stockpiles and zones of shape, not just rectangles
- Configurable numbers of bins, barrels and wheelbarrows assigned to created
- Automatic splitting of stockpiles and zones that exceed maximum dimension
- Fully configurable zone settings, such as pit/pond and hospital supply
- Query mode
- Send arbitrary keystroke sequences to the UI -- *anything* you can do
through the UI is supported
- Supports aliases to simplify frequent keystroke combos
- Includes a library of pre-made and tested aliases to simplify most common
tasks, such as configuring stockpiles for important item types or creating
named hauling routes for quantum stockpiles.
- Supports including aliases in other aliases for easy management of common
- Supports repeating key sequences a specified number of times
- Skips sending keys when the cursor is over a tile that does not have a
stockpile or building, so missing buildings won't desynchronize your
- Instant halting of query blueprint application when keystroke errors are
detected, such as when a mistake in a key sequence leaves us stuck in a
submenu, to make query blueprints easier to debug
Editing blueprints
We recommend using a spreadsheet editor such as Excel, `Google
Sheets <https://sheets.new>`__, or `LibreOffice <https://www.libreoffice.org>`__
to edit blueprint files, but any text editor will do.
The format of Quickfort-compatible blueprint files is straightforward. The first
line (or upper-left cell) of the spreadsheet should look like this::
The keyword ``dig`` tells Quickfort we are going to be using the Designations
menu in DF. The following "mode" keywords are understood:
============== ===========
Blueprint mode Description
============== ===========
dig Designations menu (:kbd:`d`)
build Build menu (:kbd:`b`)
place Place stockpiles menu (:kbd:`p`)
zone Activity zones menu (:kbd:`i`)
query Set building tasks/prefs menu (:kbd:`q`)
============== ===========
If no modeline appears in the first cell, Quickfort assumes that it's looking at
a ``#dig`` blueprint.
There are also other modes that don't directly correspond to Dwarf Fortress
menus, but we'll talk about those `later <quickfort-other-modes>`.
If you like, you may enter a comment after the mode keyword. This comment will
appear in the output of ``quickfort list`` when run from the ``DFHack#`` prompt.
You can use this space for explanations, attribution, etc.
#dig grand dining room
Below this line begin entering keys in each spreadsheet cell that represent what
you want designated in the corresponding game map tile. For example, we could
dig out a 4x4 room like so (spaces are used as column separators here for
readability, but a real .csv file would have commas)::
d d d d #
d d d d #
d d d d #
d d d d #
# # # # #
Note the :kbd:`#` symbols at the right end of each row and below the last row.
These are completely optional, but can be helpful to make the row and column
positions clear.
Once the dwarves have that dug out, let's build a walled-in bedroom within our
dug-out area::
Cw Cw Cw Cw #
Cw b h Cw #
Cw Cw #
Cw Cw Cw #
# # # # #
Note my generosity - in addition to the bed (:kbd:`b`) I've built a chest
(:kbd:`c`) here for the dwarf as well. You must use the full series of keys
needed to build something in each cell, e.g. :kbd:`C`:kbd:`w` indicates we
should enter DF's constructions submenu (:kbd:`C`) and select walls (:kbd:`w`).
I'd also like to place a booze stockpile in the 2 unoccupied tiles in the room.
#place Place a food stockpile
` ` ` ` #
` ~ ~ ` #
` f f ` #
` ` ` #
# # # # #
This illustration may be a little hard to understand. The two :kbd:`f`
characters are in row 3, columns 2 and 3. All the other cells are empty. QF
considers both :kbd:`\`` (backtick -- the character under the tilde) and
:kbd:`~` (tilde) characters within cells to be empty cells; this can help with
multilayer or fortress-wide blueprint layouts as "chalk lines".
QF is smart enough to recognize this as a 2x1 food stockpile, and creates it as
such rather than as two 1x1 food stockpiles. Quickfort treats any connected
region of identical designations as a single entity. The tiles can be connected
orthogonally or diagonally, just as long as they are touching.
Lastly, let's turn the bed into a bedroom and set the food stockpile to hold
only booze.
` ` ` ` #
` r& ` #
` booze #
` ` ` ` #
# # # # #
In row 2, column 2 we have ``r&``. This sends the :kbd:`r` key to DF when the
cursor is over the bed, causing us to "make room" and :kbd:`Enter`, represented
by special ``&`` alias, to indicate that we're done setting the size (the
default room size is fine here).
In column 2, row 3 we have ``booze``. This is one of many alias keywords defined
in the included :source:`aliases library <data/quickfort/aliases-common.txt>`.
This particular alias sets a food stockpile to accept only booze. It sends the
keys needed to navigate DF's stockpile settings menu, and then it sends an
Escape character to exit back to the map. It is important to exit out of any
menus that you enter while in query mode so that the cursor can move to the next
tile when it is done with the current tile.
If there weren't an alias named ``booze`` then the literal characters
:kbd:`b`:kbd:`o`:kbd:`o`:kbd:`z`:kbd:`e` would have been sent, so be sure to
spell those aliases correctly!
You can save a lot of time and effort by using aliases instead of adding all
key seqences directly to your blueprints. For more details, check out the
`Quickfort Alias Guide <quickfort-alias-guide>`. You can also see examples of
aliases being used in the query blueprints in the
:source:`DFHack blueprint library <data/blueprints/library>`. You can create
your own aliases by adding them to :source:`dfhack-config/quickfort/aliases.txt`
in your DFHack folder or you can add them
`directly to your blueprint files <quickfort-aliases-blueprints>`.
Area expansion syntax
In Quickfort, the following blueprints are equivalent::
#dig a 3x3 area
d d d #
d d d #
d d d #
# # # #
#dig the same area with d(3x3) specified in row 1, col 1
` ` ` #
` ` ` #
# # # #
The second example uses Quickfort's "area expansion syntax", which takes the
Note that area expansion syntax can only specify rectangular areas. If you want
to create extent-based structures (e.g. farm plots or stockpiles) in different
shapes, use the first format above. For example::
#place L shaped food stockpile
f f ` ` #
f f ` ` #
f f f f #
f f f f #
# # # # #
Area expansion syntax also sets boundaries, which can be useful if you want
adjacent, but separate, stockpiles of the same type::
#place Two touching but separate food stockpiles
f(4x2) #
~ ~ ~ ~ #
f(4x2) #
~ ~ ~ ~ #
# # # # #
As mentioned previously, :kbd:`~` characters are ignored as comment characters
and can be used for visualizing the blueprint layout. This blueprint can be
equivalently written as::
#place Two touching but separate food stockpiles
f(4x2) #
~ ~ ~ ~ #
f f f f #
f f f f #
# # # # #
since the area expansion syntax of the upper stockpile prevents it from
combining with the lower, freeform syntax stockpile.
Area expansion syntax can also be used for buildings which have an adjustable
size, like bridges. The following blueprints are equivalent::
#build a 4x2 bridge from row 1, col 1
ga(4x2) ` #
` ` ` ` #
# # # # #
#build a 4x2 bridge from row 1, col 1
ga ga ga ga #
ga ga ga ga #
# # # # #
Automatic area expansion
Buildings larger than 1x1, like workshops, can be represented in any of three
ways. You can designate just their center tile with empty cells around it to
leave room for the footprint, like this::
#build a mason workshop in row 2, col 2 that will occupy the 3x3 area
` ` ` #
` wm ` #
` ` ` #
# # # #
Or you can fill out the entire footprint like this::
#build a mason workshop
wm wm wm #
wm wm wm #
wm wm wm #
# # # #
This format may be verbose for regular workshops, but it can be very helpful for
laying out structures like screw pump towers and waterwheels, whose "center
point" can be non-obvious.
Finally, you can use area expansion syntax to represent the workshop::
#build a mason workshop
wm(3x3) #
` ` ` #
` ` ` #
# # # #
This style can be convenient for laying out multiple buildings of the same type.
If you are building a large-scale block factory, for example, this will create
20 mason workshops all in a row::
#build line of 20 mason workshops
Quickfort will intelligently break large areas of the same designation into
appropriately-sized chunks.
Multilevel blueprints
Multilevel blueprints are accommodated by separating Z-levels of the blueprint
with ``#>`` (go down one z-level) or ``#<`` (go up one z-level) at the end of
each floor.
#dig Stairs leading down to a small room below
j ` ` #
` ` ` #
` ` ` #
#> # # #
u d d #
d d d #
d d d #
# # # #
The marker must appear in the first column of the row to be recognized, just
like a modeline.
.. _quickfort-dig-priorities:
Dig priorities
DF designation priorities are supported for ``#dig`` blueprints. The full syntax
is ``[letter][number][expansion]``, where if the ``letter`` is not specified,
``d`` is assumed, and if ``number`` is not specified, ``4`` is assumed (the
default priority). So each of these blueprints is equivalent::
#dig dig the interior of the room at high priority
d d d d d #
d d1 d1 d1 d #
d d1 d1 d1 d #
d d1 d1 d1 d #
d d d d d #
# # # # # #
#dig dig the interior of the room at high priority
d d d d d #
d d1(3x3) d #
d ` ` ` d #
d ` ` ` d #
d d d d d #
# # # # # #
#dig dig the interior of the room at high priority
4 4 4 4 4 #
4 1 1 1 4 #
4 1 1 1 4 #
4 1 1 1 4 #
4 4 4 4 4 #
# # # # # #
Marker mode
Marker mode is useful for when you want to plan out your digging, but you don't
want to dig everything just yet. In ``#dig`` mode, you can add a :kbd:`m` before
any other designation letter to indicate that the tile should be designated in
marker mode. For example, to dig out the perimeter of a room, but leave the
center of the room marked for digging later::
d d d d d #
d md md md d #
d md md md d #
d md md md d #
d d d d d #
# # # # # #
Then you can use "Toggle Standard/Marking" (:kbd:`d`:kbd:`M`) to convert the
center tiles to regular designations at your leisure.
To apply an entire dig blueprint in marker mode, regardless of what the
blueprint itself says, you can set the global quickfort setting
``force_marker_mode`` to ``true`` before you apply the blueprint.
Note that the in-game UI setting "Standard/Marker Only" (:kbd:`d`:kbd:`m`) does
not have any effect on quickfort.
Stockpiles and zones
It is very common to have stockpiles that accept multiple categories of items or
zones that permit more than one activity. Although it is perfectly valid to
declare a single-purpose stockpile or zone and then modify it with a ``#query``
blueprint, quickfort also supports directly declaring all the types in the
``#place`` and ``#zone`` blueprints. For example, to declare a 20x10 stockpile
that accepts both corpses and refuse, you could write::
#place refuse heap
And similarly, to declare a zone that is a pasture, a fruit picking area, and a
meeting area all at once::
#zone main pasture and picnic area
The order of the individual letters doesn't matter. If you want to configure the
stockpile from scratch in a ``#query`` blueprint, you can place unconfigured
"custom" stockpiles with (:kbd:`c`). It is more efficient, though, to place
stockpiles using the keys that represent the categories of items that you want
to store, and then only use a ``#query`` blueprint if you need fine-grained
2021-02-13 08:46:45 -07:00
.. _quickfort-place-containers:
Stockpile bins, barrels, and wheelbarrows
Quickfort has global settings for default values for the number of bins,
barrels, and wheelbarrows assigned to stockpiles, but these numbers can be set
for individual stockpiles as well.
To set the number of bins, barrels, or wheelbarrows, just add a number after the
letter that indicates what type of stockpile it is. For example::
#place a stone stockpile with 5 wheelbarrows
#place a bar, ammo, weapon, and armor stockpile with 20 bins
If the specified number exceeds the number of available stockpile tiles, the
number of available tiles is used. For wheelbarrows, that limit is reduced by 1
to ensure there is at least one non-wheelbarrow tile available in the stockpile.
Otherwise no stone would ever be brought to the stockpile since all tiles would
be occupied by wheelbarrows!
Quickfort figures out which container type is being set by looking at the letter
that comes just before the number. For example ``zf10`` means 10 barrels in a
stockpile that accepts both ammo and food, whereas ``z10f`` means 10 bins. If
the stockpile category doesn't usually use any container type, like refuse or
corpses, wheelbarrows are assumed::
#place a corpse stockpile with 3 wheelbarrows
Note that if you are not using expansion syntax, each tile of the stockpile must
have the same text. Otherwise the stockpile boundaries will not be detected
#place a non-rectangular animal stockpile with 5 wheelbarrows
a5, , ,a5
a5, , ,a5
Running ``quickfort orders`` on a ``#place`` blueprint with explicitly set
container/wheelbarrow counts will enqueue manager orders for the specified
number of containers or wheelbarrows, even if that number exceeds the in-game
size of the stockpile. For example, ``quickfort orders`` on the following
blueprint will enqueue 10 rock pots, even though the stockpile only has 9
Zone detailed configuration
Detailed configuration for zones, such as the pit/pond toggle, can also be set
by mimicking the hotkeys used to set them. Note that gather flags default to
true, so specifying them in a blueprint will turn the toggles off. If you need
to set configuration from multiple zone subscreens, separate the key sections
with :kbd:`^`. Note the special syntax for setting hospital supply levels, which
have no in-game hotkeys::
#zone a combination hospital and shrub (but not fruit) gathering zone
gGtf^hH{hospital buckets=5 splints=20}(10x10)
The valid hospital settings (and their maximum values) are::
thread (1500000)
cloth (1000000)
splints (100)
crutches (100)
plaster (15000)
buckets (100)
soap (15000)
2020-10-27 22:01:51 -06:00
To toggle the ``active`` flag for zones, add an :kbd:`a` character to the
string. For example, to create a *disabled* pond zone (that you later intend to
carefully fill with 3-depth water for a dwarven bathtub)::
#zone disabled pond zone
Minecart tracks
There are two ways to produce minecart tracks, and they are handled very
differently by the game. You can carve them into hard natural floors or you can
construct them out of building materials. Constructed tracks are conceptually
simpler, so we'll start with them.
Constructed tracks
Quickfort supports the designation of track stops and rollers in ``#build``
blueprints. You can build a track stop with :kbd:`C`:kbd:`S` and some number of
:kbd:`d` and :kbd:`a` characters for selecting dump direction and friction. You
can build a roller with :kbd:`M`:kbd:`r` and some number of :kbd:`s` and
:kbd:`q` characters for direction and speed. However, this can get confusing
very quickly and is very difficult to read in a blueprint. Moreover, constructed
track segments don't even have keys associated with them at all!
To solve this problem, Quickfort provides the following keywords for use in
build blueprints::
-- Track segments --
-- Track/ramp segments --
-- Horizontal and vertical roller segments --
Note: append up to four 'q' characters to roller keywords to set roller
speed. E.g. a roller that propels from East to West at the slowest speed can
be specified with 'rollerEWqqqq'.
-- Track stops that (optionally) dump to the N/S/E/W --
Note: append up to four 'a' characters to trackstop keywords to set friction
amount. E.g. a stop that applies the smallest amount of friction can be
specified with 'trackstopaaaa'.
As an example, you can create an E-W track with stops at each end that dump to
their outside directions with the following blueprint::
#build Example track
trackstopW trackEW trackEW trackEW trackstopE
Note that the **only** way to build track and track/ramp segments is with the
keywords. The UI method of using :kbd:`+` and :kbd:`-` keys to select the track
type from a list does not work since DFHack Quickfort doesn't actually send keys
to the UI to build buildings. The text in your spreadsheet cells is mapped
directly onto DFHack API calls. Only ``#query`` blueprints send actual keycodes
to the UI.
Carved tracks
In the game, you carve a minecart track by specifying a beginning and ending
tile and the game "adds" the designation to the tiles in between. You cannot
designate single tiles because DF needs a multi-tile track to figure out which
direction the track should go on each tile. For example to carve two track
segments that cross each other, you might use the cursor to designate a line of
three vertical tiles like this::
` start here ` #
` ` ` #
` end here ` #
# # # #
Then to carve the cross, you'd do a horizonal segment::
` ` ` #
start here ` end here #
` ` ` #
# # # #
This will result in a carved track that would be equivalent to a constructed
track of the form::
` trackS ` #
trackE trackNSEW trackW #
` trackN ` #
# # # #
Quickfort supports both styles of specification for carving tracks with ``#dig``
blueprints. You can use the "additive" style to carve tracks in segments or you
can use the aliases to specify the track tile by tile. To designate track
segments, use area expansion syntax with a height or width of 1::
` T(1x3) ` #
T(3x1) ` ` #
` ` ` #
# # # #
"But wait!", I can hear you say, "How do you designate a track corner that opens
to the South and East? You can't put both T(1xH) and T(Wx1) in the same cell!"
This is true, but you can specify both width and height greater than 1, and for
tracks, QF interprets it as an upper-left corner extending to the right W tiles
and down H tiles. For example, to carve a track in a closed ring, you'd write::
T(3x3) ` T(1x3) #
` ` ` #
T(3x1) ` ` #
# # # #
Or, using the aliases::
trackSE trackEW trackSW #
trackNS ` trackNS #
trackNE trackEW trackNW #
# # # #
The aliases can also be used to designate a solid block of track. This is
epecially useful for obliterating low-quality engravings so you can re-smooth
and re-engrave with higher quality. For example, you could use the following
sequence of blueprints to ensure a 10x10 floor area contains only masterwork
#dig smooth floor
#dig engrave floor
#dig erase low-quality engravings
The tracks only remove low-quality engravings since quickfort won't designate
masterwork engravings for destruction unless forced by a commandline
parameter. You would run (and let your dwarves complete the jobs for) the
sequence of blueprints until no tiles are designated by the "erase" blueprint.
.. _quickfort-modeline:
Modeline markers
The modeline has some additional optional components that we haven't talked
about yet. You can:
- give a blueprint a label by adding a ``label()`` marker
- set a cursor offset and/or start hint by adding a ``start()`` marker
- hide a blueprint from being listed with a ``hidden()`` marker
- register a message to be displayed after the blueprint is successfully
The full modeline syntax, when all optional elements are specified, is::
#mode label(mylabel) start(X;Y;STARTCOMMENT) hidden() message(mymessage) comment
Note that all elements are optional except for the initial ``#mode`` (though, as
mentioned in the first section, if a modeline doesn't appear at all in the first
cell of a spreadsheet, the blueprint is interpreted as a ``#dig`` blueprint with
no optional markers). Here are a few examples of modelines with optional
elements before we discuss them in more detail::
#dig start(3; 3; Center tile of a 5-tile square) Regular blueprint comment
#build label(noblebedroom) start(10;15)
#query label(configstockpiles) No explicit start() means cursor is at upper left corner
#meta label(digwholefort) start(center of stairs on surface)
#dig label(digdining) hidden() managed by the digwholefort meta blueprint
#zone label(pastures) message(remember to assign animals to the new pastures)
.. _quickfort-label:
Blueprint labels
Labels are displayed in the ``quickfort list`` output and are used for
addressing specific blueprints when there are multiple blueprints in a single
file or spreadsheet sheet (see `Packaging a set of blueprints`_ below). If a
blueprint has no label, the label becomes the ordinal of the blueprint's
position in the file or sheet. For example, the label of the first blueprint
will be "1" if it is not otherwise set, the label of the second blueprint will
be "2" if it is not otherwise set, etc. Labels that are explicitly defined must
start with a letter to ensure the auto-generated labels don't conflict with
user-defined labels.
.. _quickfort-start:
Start positions
Start positions specify a cursor offset for a particular blueprint, simplifying
the task of blueprint alignment. This is very helpful for blueprints that are
based on a central staircase, but it helps whenever a blueprint has an obvious
"center". For example::
#build start(2;2;center of workshop) label(masonw) a mason workshop
wm wm wm #
wm wm wm #
wm wm wm #
# # # #
will build the workshop *centered* on the cursor, not down and to the right of
the cursor.
The two numbers specify the column and row (or X and Y offset) where the cursor
is expected to be when you apply the blueprint. Position ``1;1`` is the top left
cell. The optional comment will show up in the ``quickfort list`` output and
should contain information about where to position the cursor. If the start
position is ``1;1``, you can omit the numbers and just add a comment describing
where to put the cursor. This is also useful for meta blueprints that don't
actually care where the cursor is, but that refer to other blueprints that have
fully-specified ``start()`` markers. For example, a meta blueprint that refers
to the ``masonw`` blueprint above could look like this::
#meta start(center of workshop) a mason workshop
You can use semicolons, commas, or spaces to separate the elements of the
``start()`` marker, whatever is most convenient.
.. _quickfort-hidden:
Hiding blueprints
A blueprint with a ``hidden()`` marker won't appear in ``quickfort list`` output
unless the ``--hidden`` flag is specified. The primary reason for hiding a
blueprint (rather than, say, deleting it or moving it out of the ``blueprints/``
folder) is if a blueprint is intended to be run as part of a larger sequence
managed by a `meta blueprint <quickfort-meta>`.
.. _quickfort-message:
A blueprint with a ``message()`` marker will display a message after the
blueprint is applied with ``quickfort run``. This is useful for reminding
players to take manual steps that cannot be automated, like assigning minecarts
to a route, or listing the next step in a series of blueprints. For long or
multi-part messages, you can embed newlines::
"#meta label(surface1) message(This would be a good time to start digging the industry level.
Once the area is clear, continue with /surface2.) clear the embark site and set up pastures"
The quotes surrounding the cell text are only necessary if you are writing a
.csv file by hand. Spreadsheet applications will surround multi-line text with
quotes automatically when they save/export the file.
.. _quickfort-packaging:
Packaging a set of blueprints
A complete specification for a section of your fortress may contain 5 or more
separate blueprints, one for each "phase" of construction (dig, build, place
stockpiles, designate zones, and query adjustments).
To manage all the separate blueprints, it is often convenient to keep related
blueprints in a single file. For .xlsx spreadsheets, you can keep each blueprint
in a separate sheet. Online spreadsheet applications like `Google
Sheets <https://sheets.new>`__ make it easy to work with multiple related
blueprints, and, as a bonus, they retain any formatting you've set, like column
sizes and coloring.
For both .csv files and .xlsx spreadsheets you can also add as many blueprints
as you want in a single file or sheet. Just add a modeline in the first column
to indicate the start of a new blueprint. Instead of multiple .csv files, you
can concatenate them into one single file. This is especially useful when you
are sharing your blueprints with others. A single file is much easier to manage
than a directory of files.
For example, you can store multiple blueprints together like this::
#dig label(bed1)
d d d d #
d d d d #
d d d d #
d d d d #
# # # # #
#build label(bed2)
b f h #
n #
# # # # #
#place label(bed3)
f(2x2) #
# # # # #
#query label(bed4)
booze #
# # # # #
#query label(bed5)
r{+ 3}& #
# # # # #
Of course, you could still choose to keep your blueprints in single-sheet .csv
files and just give related blueprints similar names::
The naming and organization is completely up to you.
.. _quickfort-other-modes:
Other blueprint modes
There are a few additional blueprint modes that become useful when you are
sharing your blueprints with others or managing complex blueprint sets. Instead
of mapping tile positions to keystroke sequences like the basic modes do, these
"blueprints" have specialized, higher-level uses:
============== ===========
Blueprint mode Description
============== ===========
meta Link sequences of blueprints together
notes Display long messages, such as help text or blueprint
aliases Define aliases that are visible only in the current file
ignore Hide a section from quickfort, useful for scratch space or
personal notes
============== ===========
.. _quickfort-meta:
Meta blueprints
Meta blueprints are blueprints that script a series of other blueprints. For
example, many blueprint sets follow this pattern:
1. Apply dig blueprint to designate dig areas
#. Wait for miners to dig
#. **Apply build buildprint** to designate buildings
#. **Apply place buildprint** to designate stockpiles
#. **Apply query blueprint** to configure stockpiles
#. Wait for buildings to get built
#. Apply a different query blueprint to configure rooms
Those three "apply"s in the middle might as well get done in one command instead
of three. A ``#meta`` blueprint can encode that sequence. A meta blueprint
refers to other blueprints in the same file by their label (see the
`Modeline markers`_ section above) in the same format used by the `quickfort`
command: ``<sheet name>/<label>``, or just ``/<label>`` for blueprints in .csv
files or blueprints in the same spreadsheet sheet as the ``#meta`` blueprint
that references them.
A few examples might make this clearer. Say you have a .csv file with the "bed"
blueprints in the previous section::
#dig label(bed1)
#build label(bed2)
#place label(bed3)
#query label(bed4)
#query label(bed5)
Note how I've given them all labels so we can address them safely. If I hadn't
given them labels, they would receive default labels of "1", "2", "3", etc, but
those labels would change if I ever add more blueprints at the top. This is not
a problem if we're just running the blueprints individually from the
``quickfort list`` command, but meta blueprints need a label name that isn't
going to change over time.
So let's add a meta blueprint to this file that will combine the middle three
blueprints into one::
"#meta plan bedroom: combines build, place, and stockpile config blueprints"
Now your sequence is shortened to:
1. Apply dig blueprint to designate dig areas
#. Wait for miners to dig
#. **Apply meta buildprint** to build buildings and designate/configure
#. Wait for buildings to get built
#. Apply the final query blueprint to configure the room
You can use meta blueprints to lay out your fortress at a larger scale as well.
The ``#<`` and ``#>`` notation is valid in meta blueprints, so you can, for
example, store the dig blueprints for all the levels of your fortress in
different sheets in a spreadsheet, and then use a meta blueprint to designate
your entire fortress for digging at once. For example, say you have a
spreadsheet with the following layout:
============= ========
Sheet name Contents
============= ========
dig_farming one #dig blueprint, no label
dig_industry one #dig blueprint, no label
dig_dining four #dig blueprints, with labels "main", "basement",
"waterway", and "cistern"
dig_guildhall one #dig blueprint, no label
dig_suites one #dig blueprint, no label
dig_bedrooms one #dig blueprint, no label
============= ========
We can add a sheet named "dig_all" with the following contents (we're expecting
a big fort, so we're planning for a lot of bedrooms)::
#meta dig the whole fortress (remember to set force_marker_mode to true)
Note that for blueprints without an explicit label, we still need to address
them by their auto-generated numerical label.
It's worth repeating that ``#meta`` blueprints can only refer to blueprints that
are defined in the same file. This means that all blueprints that a meta
blueprint needs to run must be in sheets within the same .xlsx spreadsheet or
concatenated into the same .csv file.
You can then hide the blueprints that you now manage with the meta blueprint
from ``quickfort list`` by adding a ``hidden()`` marker to their modelines. That
way the output of ``quickfort list`` won't be cluttered by blueprints that you
don't need to run directly. If you ever *do* need to access the managed
blueprints individually, you can still see them with
``quickfort list --hidden``.
.. _quickfort-notes:
Notes blueprints
Sometimes you just want to record some information about your blueprints, such
as when to apply them, what preparations you need to make, or what the
blueprints contain. The `message() <quickfort-message>` modeline marker is
useful for small, single-line messages, but a ``#notes`` blueprint is more
convenient for long messages or messages that span many lines. The lines in a
``#notes`` blueprint are output as if they were contained within one large
multi-line ``message()`` marker. For example, the following two blueprints
result in the same output::
"#meta label(help) message(This is the help text for the blueprint set
contained in this file.
More info here...) blueprint set walkthough"
#notes label(help) blueprint set walkthrough
This is the help text for the blueprint set
contained in this file
More info here...
The quotes around the ``#meta`` modeline allow newlines in a single cell's text.
Each line of the ``#notes`` "blueprint", however, is in a separate cell,
allowing for much easier viewing and editing.
.. _quickfort-aliases-blueprints:
Aliases blueprints
You can define your custom aliases in an ``#aliases`` blueprint. In contrast to
the aliases that you define in :source:`dfhack-config/quickfort/aliases.txt`,
which are visible to all blueprints, aliases defined in ``#aliases`` blueprints
are only visible to blueprints defined in the same .csv or .xlsx file. If you
want to share your blueprint with others, defining your aliases in an
``#aliases`` blueprint will make the blueprint much easier for others to use.
Although we're calling them "blueprints", ``#aliases`` blueprints are not actual
blueprints, and they don't show up when you run ``quickfort list``. The aliases
are just automatically read in when you run any ``#query`` blueprint that is
defined in the same file.
Aliases can be in either of two formats, and you can mix formats freely within
the same ``#aliases`` section. The first format is the same as what is used in
the ``aliases.txt`` files::
aliasname: aliasdefinition
Aliases in this format must appear in the first column of a row.
The second format has the alias name in the first column and the alias
definition in the second column, with no colon separator::
There can be multiple #aliases sections defined in a .csv file or .xlsx
spreadsheet. The aliases are simply combined into one list. If an alias is
defined multiple times, the last definition wins.
See the `quickfort-alias-guide` for help with the alias definition syntax.
Ignore blueprints
If you don't want some data to be visible to quickfort at all, use an
``#ignore`` blueprint. All lines until the next modeline in the file or sheet
will be completely ignored. This can be useful for personal notes, scratch
space, or temporarily "commented out" blueprints.
Buildingplan integration
Buildingplan is a DFHack plugin that keeps building construction jobs in a
suspended state until the materials required for the job are available. This
prevents a building designation from being canceled when a dwarf picks up the
job but can't find the materials.
As long as the `buildingplan` plugin is enabled, quickfort will use it to manage
construction. The buildingplan plugin has an `"enabled" setting
<buildingplan-settings>` for each building type, but those settings only apply
to buildings created through the buildingplan user interface. In addition,
buildingplan has a "quickfort_mode" setting for compatibility with legacy Python
Quickfort. This setting has no effect on DFHack Quickfort, which will use
buildingplan to manage everything designated in a ``#build`` blueprint
2021-01-22 13:48:36 -07:00
regardless of the buildingplan UI settings.
However, quickfort *does* use `buildingplan's filters <buildingplan-filters>`
for each building type. For example, you can use the buildingplan UI to set the
type of stone you want your walls made out of. Or you can specify that all
buildingplan-managed tables must be of Masterful quality. The current filter
settings are saved with planned buildings when the ``#build`` blueprint is run.
This means you can set the filters the way you want for one blueprint, run the
blueprint, and then freely change them again for the next blueprint, even if the
first set of buildings haven't been built yet.
Note that buildings are still constructed immediately if you already have the
materials. However, with buildingplan you now have the freedom to apply
``#build`` blueprints before you manufacture the resources. The construction
jobs will be fulfilled whenever the materials become available.
Since it can be difficult to figure out exactly what source materials you need
for a ``#build`` blueprint, quickfort supplies the ``orders`` command. It
enqueues manager orders for everything that the buildings in a ``#build``
blueprint require. See the next section for more details on this.
Alternately, if you know you only need a few types of items, the `workflow`
plugin can be configured to build those items continuously for as long as they
are needed.
If the buildingplan plugin is not enabled, run ``quickfort orders`` first and
make sure all manager orders are fulfilled before applying a ``#build``
blueprint. Otherwise you will get job cancellation spam when the buildings can't
be built with available materials.
Generating manager orders
Quickfort can generate manager orders to make sure you have the proper items in
stock for a ``#build`` blueprint.
Many items can be manufactured from different source materials. Orders will
always choose rock when it can, then wood, then cloth, then iron. You can always
remove orders that don't make sense for your fort and manually enqueue a similar
order more to your liking. For example, if you want silk ropes instead of cloth
ropes, make a new manager order for an appropriate quantity of silk ropes, and
then remove the generated cloth rope order.
Anything that requires generic building materials (workshops, constructions,
etc.) will result in an order for a rock block. One "Make rock blocks" job
produces four blocks per boulder, so the number of jobs ordered will be the
number of blocks you need divided by four (rounded up). You might end up with a
few extra blocks, but not too many.
If you want your constructions to be in a consistent color, be sure to choose a
rock type for all of your 'Make rock blocks' orders by selecting the order and
hitting :kbd:`d`. You might want to set the rock type for other non-block orders
to something different if you fear running out of the type of rock that you want
to use for blocks. You should also set the `buildingplan` material filter for
construction building types to that type of rock as well so other random blocks
you might have lying around aren't used.
2021-02-13 08:46:45 -07:00
Extra Manager Orders
In ``#build`` blueprints, there are a few building types that will generate
extra manager orders for related materials:
- Track stops will generate an order for a minecart
- Traction benches will generate orders for a table, mechanism, and rope
- Levers will generate an order for an extra two mechanisms for connecting the
lever to a target
- Cage traps will generate an order for a cage
2021-02-13 08:46:45 -07:00
Stockpiles in ``#place`` blueprints that `specify wheelbarrow or container
counts <quickfort-place-containers>` will generate orders for the appropriate
number of bins, pots, or wheelbarrows.
Tips and tricks
- During blueprint application, especially query blueprints, don't click the
mouse on the DF window or type any keys. They can change the state of the
game while the blueprint is being applied, resulting in strange errors.
- After digging out an area, you may wish to smooth and/or engrave the area
before starting the build phase, as dwarves may be unable to access walls or
floors that are behind/under built objects.
- If you are designating more than one level for digging at a time, you can
make your miners more efficient by using marker mode on all levels but one.
This prevents your miners from digging out a few tiles on one level, then
running down/up the stairs to do a few tiles on an adjacent level. With only
one level "live" and all other levels in marker mode, your miners can
concentrate on one level at a time. You just have to remember to "unmark" a
new level when your miners are done with their current one.
- As of DF 0.34.x, it is no longer possible to build doors (:kbd:`d`) at the
same time that you build adjacent walls (:kbd:`C`:kbd:`w`). Doors must now be
built *after* adjacent walls are constructed. This does not affect the more
common case where walls exist as a side-effect of having dug-out a room in a
``#dig`` blueprint.
Caveats and limitations
- If you use the ``jugs`` alias in your ``#query``-mode blueprints, be aware
that there is no way to differentiate jugs from other types of tools in the
game. Therefore, ``jugs`` stockpiles will also take nest boxes and other
tools. The only workaround is not to have other tools lying around in your
- Likewise for the ``bags`` alias. The game does not differentiate between
empty and full bags, so you'll get bags of gypsum power and sand in your bags
stockpile unless you avoid collecting sand and are careful to assign all your
gypsum to your hospital.
- Weapon traps and upright spear/spike traps can currently only be built with a
single weapon.
- Pressure plates can be built, but they cannot be usefully configured yet.
- Building instruments is not yet supported.
- DFHack Quickfort is relatively new, and there are bound to be bugs! Please
report them at the :issue:`DFHack issue tracker <>` so they can be addressed.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
Dreamfort case study: a practical guide to advanced blueprint design
While syntax definitions and toy examples will certainly get you started with
your blueprints, it may not be clear how all the quickfort features fit together
or what the best practices are, especially for large and complex blueprint sets.
This section walks through the "Dreamfort" blueprints found in the DFHack
blueprint library, highlighting design choices and showcasing practical
techniques that can help you create better blueprints. Note that this is not a
2020-10-09 17:24:52 -06:00
guide for how to design the best forts (there is plenty about that :wiki:`on the
wiki <Design strategies>`). This is essentially an extended tips and tricks
section focused on how to make usable and useful quickfort blueprints that will
save you time and energy.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
The Dreamfort blueprints we'll be discussing are available in the library as
:source:`one large .csv file <data/blueprints/library/dreamfort.csv>`
or `online
<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iS90EEVqUkxTeZiiukVj1pLloZqabKuP>`__ as
2021-01-30 20:32:41 -07:00
individual spreadsheets. Either the .csv file or the exported spreadsheet .xlsx
files can be read and applied by quickfort, but for us humans, the online
spreadsheets are much easier to work with. Each spreadsheet has a "Notes" sheet
with some useful details. Flip through some of the spreadsheets and read the
`walkthrough <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13PVZ2h3Mm3x_G1OXQvwKd7oIR2lK4A1Ahf6Om1kFigw/edit#gid=0>`__
to get oriented. Also, if you haven't built Dreamfort before, try an embark in a
flat area and take it for a spin!
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
Almost every quickfort feature is used somewhere in Dreamfort, so the blueprints
2021-01-30 20:32:41 -07:00
are useful as practical examples. You can copy the blueprints and use them as
starting points for your own, or just refer to them when you create something
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
In this case study, we'll start by discussing the high level organization of the
Dreamfort blueprint set, using the "surface" blueprints as an example. Then
we'll walk through the blueprints for each of the remaining fort levels in turn,
calling out feature usage examples and explaining the parts that might not be
obvious just from looking at them.
The surface_ level: how to manage complexity
.. _surface: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vlxOuDOTsjsZ5W45Ri1kJKgp3waFo8r505LfZVg5wkU
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
For smaller blueprints, packaging and usability are not really that important -
just write it, run it, and you're done. However, as your blueprints become
larger and more detailed, there are some best practices that can help you deal
with the added complexity. Dreamfort's surface level is many steps long since
there are trees to be cleared, holes to be dug, flooring to be laid, and
furniture to be built, and each step requires the previous step to be completely
finished before it can begin. Therefore, a lot of thought went into minimizing
the toil associated with applying so many blueprints.
.. topic:: Tip
Use meta blueprints to script blueprint sequences and reduce the number of
quickfort commands you have to run.
The single most effective way to make your blueprint sets easier to use is to
group them with `meta blueprints <quickfort-meta>`. For the Dreamfort set of
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
blueprints, each logical "step" generally takes more than one blueprint. For
2021-01-30 20:32:41 -07:00
example, with ``#meta`` blueprints, setting up pastures with a ``#zone``
blueprint, placing starting stockpiles with a ``#place`` blueprint, building
starting workshops with a ``#build`` blueprint, and configuring the stockpiles
with a ``#query`` blueprint can all be done with a single command. Bundling
blueprints with ``#meta`` blueprints reduced the number of steps in Dreamfort
from 61 to 23, and it also made it much clearer to see which blueprints can be
applied at once without unpausing the game. Check out dreamfort_surface's "`meta
sheet to see how much meta blueprints can simplify your life.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
You can define `as many blueprints as you want <quickfort-packaging>` on one
sheet, but multi-blueprint sheets are especially useful when writing meta
blueprints. It's like having a bird's eye view of your entire plan in one sheet.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
.. topic:: Tip
Keep the blueprint list uncluttered by using ``hidden()`` markers.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
If a blueprint is bundled into a meta blueprint, it does not need to appear in
2021-01-30 20:32:41 -07:00
the ``quickfort list`` output since you won't be running it directly. Add a
`hidden() marker <quickfort-hidden>` to those blueprints to keep the list
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
output tidy. You can still access hidden blueprints with ``quickfort list
--hidden`` if you need to -- for example to reapply a partially completed
``#build`` blueprint -- but now they wont clutter up the normal blueprint list.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
.. topic:: Tip
Name your blueprints with a common prefix so you can find them easily.
This goes for both the file name and the `modeline label() <quickfort-label>`.
Searching and filtering is implemented for both the
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
``quickfort list`` command and the quickfort interactive dialog. If you give
related blueprints a common prefix, it makes it easy to set the filters to
display just the blueprints that you're interested in. If you have a lot of
blueprints, this can save you a lot of time. Dreamfort, of course, uses the
"dreamfort" prefix for the files and sequence names for the labels, like
"surface1", "surface2", "farming1", etc. So if Im in the middle of applying the
surface blueprints, Id set the filter to ``dreamfort surface`` to just display
the relevant blueprints.
.. topic:: Tip
Add descriptive comments that remind you what the blueprint contains.
If you've been away from Dwarf Fortress for a while, it's easy to forget what
your blueprints actually do. Make use of `modeline comments
<quickfort-modeline>` so your descriptions are visible in the blueprint list.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
If you use meta blueprints, all your comments can be conveniently edited on one
sheet, like in surface's meta sheet.
.. topic:: Tip
2021-01-30 20:32:41 -07:00
Use ``message()`` markers to remind yourself what to do next.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
`Messages <quickfort-message>` are displayed after a blueprint is applied. Good
things to include in messages are:
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
* The name of the next blueprint to apply and when to run it
* Whether ``quickfort orders`` should be run for an upcoming step
* Any actions that you have to perform manually after running the blueprint,
like assigning minecarts to hauling routes or pasturing animals after creating
These things are just too easy to forget. Adding a ``message()`` can save you
2021-01-30 20:32:41 -07:00
from time-wasting mistakes. Note that ``message()`` markers can still appear on
the ``hidden()`` blueprints, and they'll still get shown when the blueprint is
run via a ``#meta`` blueprint. For an example of this, check out the `zones
sheet <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vlxOuDOTsjsZ5W45Ri1kJKgp3waFo8r505LfZVg5wkU/edit#gid=1226136256>`__
where the pastures are defined.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
The farming_ level: fun with stockpiles
.. _farming: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iuj807iGVk6vsfYY4j52v9_-wsszA1AnFqoxeoehByg
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
It is usually convenient to store closely associated blueprints in the same
spreadsheet. The farming level is very closely tied to the surface because the
miasma vents have to perfectly line up with where they are needed. However,
surface is a separate z-level and, more importantly, already has many many
blueprints, so farming is split into a separate file.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
.. topic:: Tip
Automate stockpile chains when you can, and write message() reminders when
you can't.
The farming level starts doing interesting things with ``#query`` blueprints and
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
stockpiles. Note the `careful customization
wsszA1AnFqoxeoehByg/edit#gid=486506218>`__ of the food stockpiles and the
stockpile chains set up with the ``give*`` aliases. This is so when multiple
stockpiles can hold the same item, the largest can keep the smaller ones filled.
2021-01-30 20:32:41 -07:00
For example the ``give2up`` alias funnels seeds from the seeds feeder pile to
the container-enabled seed storage pile. If you have multiple stockpiles holding
the same type on different z-levels, though, this can be tricky to set up with a
blueprint. Here, the jugs and pots stockpiles must be manually linked to the
quantum stockpile on the industry level, since we can't know beforehand how many
z-levels away that is. Note how we call that out in the ``#query`` blueprint's
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
.. topic:: Tip
Use aliases to set up hauling routes and quantum stockpiles.
Hauling routes are notoriously fiddly to set up, but they can be automated with
blueprints. Check out the Southern area of the ``#place`` and ``#query``
2021-01-30 20:32:41 -07:00
blueprints for how the quantum refuse dump is configured with simple aliases
from the alias library.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
The industry_ level: when not to use aliases
.. _industry: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gvTJxxRxZ5V4vXkqwhL-qlr_lXCNt8176TK14m4kSOU
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
The industry level is densely packed and has more complicated examples of
stockpile configurations and quantum dumps. However, what I'd like to call out
first are the key sequences that are *not* in aliases.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
.. topic:: Tip
Don't use aliases for ad-hoc cursor movements.
It may be tempting to put all query blueprint key sequences into aliases to make
them easier to edit, keep them all in one place, and make them reusable, but
some key sequences just aren't very valuable as aliases.
2021-01-30 20:32:41 -07:00
`Check out <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gvTJxxRxZ5V4vXkqwhL-qlr_lXCNt8176TK14m4kSOU/edit#gid=787640554>`__
the Eastern (goods) and Northern (stone and gems) quantum stockpiles -- cells
I19 and R10. They give to the jeweler's workshop to prevent the jeweler from
using the gems held in reserve for strange moods. The keys are not aliased since
they're dependent on the relative positions of the tiles where they are
interpreted, which is easiest to see in the blueprint itself. Also, if you move
the workshop, it's easier to fix the stockpile link right there in the blueprint
instead of editing a separate alias definition.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
There are also good examples in the ``#query`` blueprint for how to use the
``permit`` and ``forbid`` stockpile aliases.
.. topic:: Tip
Put all configuration that must be applied in a particular order in the
same spreadsheet cell.
Most of the baseline aliases distributed with DFHack fall into one of three
2020-10-27 22:01:51 -06:00
1. Make a stockpile accept only a particular item type in a category
2. Permit an item type, but do not otherwise change the stockpile configuration
3. Forbid an item type, but do not otherwise change the stockpile configuration
If you have a stockpile that covers multiple tiles, it might seem natural to put
one alias per spreadsheet cell. The aliases still all get applied to the
stockpile, and with only one alias per cell, you can just type the alias name
and avoid having to use the messier-looking ``{aliasname}`` syntax::
#place Declare a food stockpile
#query Incorrectly configure a food stockpile to accept tallow and dye
However, in quickfort there are no guarantees about which cell will be
processed first. In the example above, we obviously intend for the food
stockpile to have tallow exclusively permitted, then to add dye. It could happen
that the two aliases are applied in the opposite order, though, and we'd end up
with dye being permitted, then everything (including dye) being forbidden, and,
finally, tallow being enabled. To make sure you always get what you want, write
order-sensitive aliases on the same line::
#place Declare a food stockpile
#query Properly configure a food stockpile to accept tallow and dye
2021-01-30 20:32:41 -07:00
You can see a more complex example of this with the ``meltables`` stockpiles in
the `lower right corner <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gvTJxxRxZ5V4vXkqwhL-qlr_lXCNt8176TK14m4kSOU/edit#gid=787640554>`__
of the industry level.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
The services_ level: handling multi-level dig blueprints
.. _services: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IBy6_pGEe6WSBCLukDz_5I-4vi_mpHuJJyOp2j6SJlY
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
Services is a multi-level blueprint that includes a well cistern beneath the
main level. Unwanted ramps caused by channeling are an annoyance, but we can
avoid getting a ramp at the bottom of the cistern with careful use of `dig
priorities <quickfort-dig-priorities>`.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
.. topic:: Tip
Use dig priorities to control ramp creation.
We can `ensure <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IBy6_pGEe6WSBCLukDz_5I-4vi_mpHuJJyOp2j6SJlY/edit#gid=962076234>`__
the bottom level is carved out before the layer above is channelled by assigning
2021-01-30 20:32:41 -07:00
the channel designations lower priorities (the ``h5``\s in the third layer --
scroll down).
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
An alternative is to have a follow-up blueprint that removes any undesired
2021-01-30 20:32:41 -07:00
ramps. We did this on the
`surface <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vlxOuDOTsjsZ5W45Ri1kJKgp3waFo8r505LfZVg5wkU/edit#gid=1790750180>`__
`farming <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iuj807iGVk6vsfYY4j52v9_-wsszA1AnFqoxeoehByg/edit#gid=436537058>`__
levels with the miasma vents since it would be too complicated to synchronize
the digging between the two layers.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
The guildhall_ level: avoiding smoothing issues
.. _guildhall: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wwKcOpEW-v_kyEnFyXS0FTjvLwJsyWbCUmEGaXWxJyU
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
The goal of this level is to provide rooms for ``locations`` like guildhalls,
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
libraries, and temples. The value of these rooms is very important, so we are
likely to smooth and engrave everything. To smooth or engrave a wall tile, a
dwarf has to be adjacent to it, and since some furniture, like statues, block
dwarves from entering a tile, where you put them affects what you can access.
.. topic:: Tip
Don't put statues in corners unless you want to smooth everything first.
In the guildhall level, the statues are placed so as not to block any wall
corners. This gives the player freedom for choosing when to smooth. If a statue
blocks a corner, or if a line of statues blocks a wall segment, it forces the
player to smooth before building the statues. Otherwise they have to mess with
temporarily removing statues to smooth the walls behind them.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
The beds_ levels: multi level meta blueprints
.. _beds: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QNHORq6YmYfuVVMP5yGAFCQluary_JbgZ-UXACqKs9g
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
The suites and apartments blueprints are straightforward. The only fancy bit
here is the meta blueprint, which brings us to our final tip:
.. topic:: Tip
Use meta blueprints to lay out multiple adjacent levels.
We couldn't use this technique for the entire fortress since there is often an
aquifer between the farming and industry levels, and we can't know beforehand
how many z-levels we need to skip. Here, though, we can at least provide the
useful shortcut of designating all apartment levels at once. See the
`#meta <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QNHORq6YmYfuVVMP5yGAFCQluary_JbgZ-UXACqKs9g/edit#gid=1980526014>`__
blueprint for how it applies the apartments on six z-levels using ``#>``
between apartment blueprint references.
2020-10-07 15:01:22 -06:00
That's it! I hope this guide was useful to you. Please leave feedback on the
forums if you have ideas on how this guide (or the dreamfort blueprints) can be
**Quickfort links:**
2020-10-06 20:02:14 -06:00
- `Quickfort command reference <quickfort>`
- `Quickfort alias guide <quickfort-alias-guide>`
- `Quickfort library guide <quickfort-library-guide>`
- :source:`Quickfort blueprints library <data/blueprints/library>`
- :forums:`Quickfort forum thread <176889>`
2020-10-01 22:22:35 -06:00
- :issue:`DFHack issue tracker <>`
- :source-scripts:`Quickfort source code <internal/quickfort>`
**Related tools:**
- DFHack's `blueprint plugin <blueprint>` can generate blueprints from actual
DF maps.
- DFHack's `buildingplan plugin <buildingplan>` sets material and quality
constraints for quickfort-placed buildings.
- `Python Quickfort <http://joelpt.net/quickfort>`__ is the previous,
Python-based implementation that DFHack's quickfort script was inspired by.