2020-08-12 16:12:53 -06:00
local _ENV = mkmodule('plugins.buildingplan')
2020-08-16 00:03:49 -06:00
Native functions:
2020-10-16 14:52:23 -06:00
* bool isPlannableBuilding(df::building_type type, int16_t subtype, int32_t custom)
2020-08-16 00:03:49 -06:00
* void addPlannedBuilding(df::building *bld)
* void doCycle()
2020-10-16 14:52:23 -06:00
* void scheduleCycle()
2020-08-16 00:03:49 -06:00
2020-10-16 15:03:05 -06:00
local guidm = require('gui.dwarfmode')
2020-10-16 15:08:52 -06:00
-- does not need the core suspended
function get_num_filters(btype, subtype, custom)
local filters = dfhack.buildings.getFiltersByType(
{}, btype, subtype, custom)
if filters then return #filters end
return 0
local function to_title_case(str)
str = str:gsub('(%a)([%w_]*)',
function (first, rest) return first:upper()..rest:lower() end)
str = str:gsub('_', ' ')
return str
-- returns a reasonable label for the item based on the qualities of the filter
-- does not need the core suspended
-- reverse_idx is 0-based and is expected to be counted from the *last* filter
function get_item_label(btype, subtype, custom, reverse_idx)
local filters = dfhack.buildings.getFiltersByType(
{}, btype, subtype, custom)
if not filters then return 'No item' end
if reverse_idx < 0 or reverse_idx >= #filters then
return 'Invalid index'
local filter = filters[#filters-reverse_idx]
if filter.has_tool_use then
return to_title_case(df.tool_uses[filter.has_tool_use])
if filter.item_type then
return to_title_case(df.item_type[filter.item_type])
if filter.flags2 and filter.flags2.building_material then
if filter.flags2.fire_safe then
return "Fire-safe building material";
if filter.flags2.magma_safe then
return "Magma-safe building material";
return "Generic building material";
if filter.vector_id then
return to_title_case(df.job_item_vector_id[filter.vector_id])
return "Unknown";
2020-10-16 15:03:05 -06:00
-- needs the core suspended
function construct_building_from_ui_state()
local uibs = df.global.ui_build_selector
local world = df.global.world
local direction = world.selected_direction
local _, width, height = dfhack.buildings.getCorrectSize(
world.building_width, world.building_height, uibs.building_type,
uibs.building_subtype, uibs.custom_type, direction)
-- the cursor is at the center of the building; we need the upper-left
-- corner of the building
local pos = guidm.getCursorPos()
pos.x = pos.x - math.floor(width/2)
pos.y = pos.y - math.floor(height/2)
local bld, err = dfhack.buildings.constructBuilding{
type=uibs.building_type, subtype=uibs.building_subtype,
custom=uibs.custom_type, pos=pos, width=width, height=height,
if err then error(err) end
-- TODO: assign fields for the types that need them. we can't pass them all
-- in to the call to constructBuilding since the unneeded fields will cause
-- errors
--local fields = {
-- friction=uibs.friction,
-- use_dump=uibs.use_dump,
-- dump_x_shift=uibs.dump_x_shift,
-- dump_y_shift=uibs.dump_y_shift,
-- speed=uibs.speed
-- TODO: use quickfort's post_construction_fns? maybe move those functions
-- into the library so they get applied automatically
return bld
2020-08-12 16:12:53 -06:00
return _ENV