use rumqttc::{MqttOptions, Client, QoS, LastWill}; use bytes::Bytes; use tm::BackendMessageData; use std::time::Duration; use std::thread; use std::collections::hash_map::HashMap; use prost::Message; use std::io::Cursor; use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; use rand_core::RngCore; use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; use std::io::prelude::*; use sha2::{Sha256, Digest}; use std::net::TcpStream; use std::sync::mpsc; // MQTT Topics: // - division/{division_id} // - division/{division_id}/ranking // - arena/{arena_id}/score // - arena/{arena_id}/state // - arena/{arena_id} // - game/{division_id}/{game_id}/score // - team/{team_string} pub mod tm { include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/")); } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] struct DivisionInfo { arena: String, game_id: String, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] struct DivisionRankingInfo { rankings: Vec, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] enum GameSide { Red, Blue, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] enum ElevationTier { A = 0, B = 1, C = 2, D = 3, E = 4, F = 5, G = 6, H = 7, I = 8, J = 9, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] struct AllianceScore { team_goal: usize, team_zone: usize, green_goal: usize, green_zone: usize, elevation_tiers: [Option; 2], } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] struct GameScore { autonomous_winner: Option, red_score: AllianceScore, red_total: usize, blue_score: AllianceScore, blue_total: usize, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] enum GameState { Scheduled, Timeout, Driver, Driverdone, Autonomous, AutonomousDone, Abandoned, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] struct ArenaStateInfo { state: Option, start_s: usize, start_ns: usize, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Copy)] enum Round { None = 0, Practice = 1, Qualification = 2, QuarterFinals = 3, SemiFinals = 4, Finals = 5, RoundOf16 = 6, RoundOf32 = 7, RoundOf64 = 8, RoundOf128 = 9, TopN = 15, RoundRobin = 16, PreEliminations = 20, Eliminations = 21, } fn int_to_round(round: i32) -> Round { match round { 1 => Round::Practice, 2 => Round::Qualification, 3 => Round::QuarterFinals, 4 => Round::SemiFinals, 5 => Round::Finals, 6 => Round::RoundOf16, 7 => Round::RoundOf32, 8 => Round::RoundOf64, 9 => Round::RoundOf128, 15 => Round::TopN, 16 => Round::RoundRobin, 20 => Round::PreEliminations, 21 => Round::Eliminations, _ => Round::None, } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Copy)] struct MatchTuple { division: i32, round: Round, instance: i32, match_num: i32, session: i32, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] struct ArenaInfo { red_teams: [String; 2], blue_teams: [String; 2], match_tuple: MatchTuple, } struct MQTTMessage { topic: String, payload: String, } #[derive(Debug)] struct Event { name: String, divisions: HashMap, } impl Event { fn new(name: String) -> Event { Event{ name, divisions: HashMap::new(), } } fn parse_match_list(self: &mut Event, msg: BackendMessage) { match { Some(matches) => { for m in matches.matches.iter() { let match_tuple = MatchTuple{ division: m.division.unwrap(), round: int_to_round(m.round.unwrap()), instance: m.instance.unwrap(), match_num: m.r#match.unwrap(), session: m.session.unwrap(), }; match self.divisions.get_mut(&match_tuple.division) { Some(division) => { division.matches.push(Match{ match_tuple: match_tuple.clone(), }) }, None => { let mut new_division = Division{ name: String::from(""), matches: Vec::new(), field_set: None, }; new_division.matches.push(Match{ match_tuple: match_tuple.clone(), }); self.divisions.insert(match_tuple.division, new_division); }, } } }, None => log::warn!("Parsed match list without match_list"), } } } #[derive(Debug)] struct Division { name: String, matches: Vec, field_set: Option
, } #[derive(Debug)] struct FieldSet { fields: Vec, } #[derive(Debug)] struct Field { name: String, current_match: u32, } #[derive(Debug)] struct Match { match_tuple: MatchTuple, } #[derive(Debug)] struct BackendMessage { status: u8, request_id: u32, data: tm::BackendMessageData, } impl BackendMessage { fn from_bytes(bytes: Vec) -> Option { if bytes.len() < 5 { return None; } let mut pb_data = Cursor::new(bytes[5..].to_vec()); match tm::BackendMessageData::decode(&mut pb_data) { Ok(data) => Some(BackendMessage{ status: bytes[0], request_id: u32::from_le_bytes(bytes[0..4].try_into().unwrap()), data, }), Err(_) => None, } } fn as_bytes(self: &BackendMessage) -> Vec { let mut bytes = Vec::new(); bytes.push(self.status); bytes.extend(self.request_id.to_le_bytes()); bytes.extend(; return bytes; } fn new(request_id: u32, data: tm::BackendMessageData) -> BackendMessage { BackendMessage{ status: 0, request_id, data, } } } const BACKEND_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE: usize = 28; #[derive(Debug)] struct BackendPacket { header: u32, timestamp: f64, msg_type: u32, seq_num: u64, size: u32, data: Vec, } const TM_HEADER: u32 = 0x55D33DAA; impl BackendPacket { fn new(header: u32, timestamp: f64, msg_type: u32, seq_num: u64, data: Vec) -> BackendPacket { return BackendPacket{ header, timestamp, msg_type, seq_num, size: data.len().try_into().unwrap(), data, }; } fn from_bytes(bytes: Vec) -> Option { if bytes.len() < BACKEND_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE { return None; } return Some(BackendPacket{ header: u32::from_le_bytes(bytes[0..4].try_into().unwrap()), timestamp: f64::from_le_bytes(bytes[4..12].try_into().unwrap()), msg_type: u32::from_le_bytes(bytes[12..16].try_into().unwrap()), seq_num: u64::from_le_bytes(bytes[16..24].try_into().unwrap()), size: u32::from_le_bytes(bytes[24..28].try_into().unwrap()), data: bytes[28..].to_vec(), }); } fn as_bytes(self: &BackendPacket) -> Vec { let mut bytes = Vec::new(); bytes.extend(self.header.to_le_bytes()); bytes.extend(self.timestamp.to_le_bytes()); bytes.extend(self.msg_type.to_le_bytes()); bytes.extend(self.seq_num.to_le_bytes()); bytes.extend(self.size.to_le_bytes()); bytes.extend(; return bytes; } } const CONNECT_MSG_LEN: usize = 114; #[derive(Debug)] struct ConnectMsg { version: u32, uuid: [u8; 16], last_notice_id: u64, username: [u8; 16], pass_hash: [u8; 32], pw_valid: u8, state_valid: u8, client_name: [u8; 32], server_time_zone: i32, } impl ConnectMsg { fn from_welcome(welcome: ConnectMsg, password: &str, uuid: [u8; 16], client_name: [u8; 32], username: [u8; 16]) -> ConnectMsg { let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.update(welcome.pass_hash); hasher.update(password); let result = hasher.finalize(); return ConnectMsg{ version: welcome.version, uuid, last_notice_id: 0, username, pass_hash: result.try_into().unwrap(), pw_valid: welcome.pw_valid, state_valid: welcome.state_valid, client_name, server_time_zone: welcome.server_time_zone, }; } fn from_bytes(bytes: Vec) -> Option { if bytes.len() < CONNECT_MSG_LEN { return None; } return Some(ConnectMsg{ version: u32::from_le_bytes(bytes[0..4].try_into().unwrap()), uuid: bytes[4..20].to_owned().try_into().unwrap(), last_notice_id: u64::from_le_bytes(bytes[20..28].try_into().unwrap()), username: bytes[28..44].to_owned().try_into().unwrap(), pass_hash: bytes[44..76].to_owned().try_into().unwrap(), pw_valid: bytes[76].to_owned(), state_valid: bytes[77].to_owned(), client_name: bytes[78..110].to_owned().try_into().unwrap(), server_time_zone: i32::from_le_bytes(bytes[110..114].try_into().unwrap()), }); } fn as_bytes(self: &ConnectMsg) -> Vec { let mut bytes = Vec::new(); bytes.extend(self.version.to_le_bytes()); bytes.extend(self.uuid); bytes.extend(self.last_notice_id.to_le_bytes()); bytes.extend(self.username); bytes.extend(self.pass_hash); bytes.extend(self.pw_valid.to_le_bytes()); bytes.extend(self.state_valid.to_le_bytes()); bytes.extend(self.client_name); bytes.extend(self.server_time_zone.to_le_bytes()); return bytes; } } #[derive(Debug)] struct NoticeMsg { notice_id: u64, notice: tm::Notice, } impl NoticeMsg { fn from_bytes(bytes: Vec) -> Option { if bytes.len() < 8 { return None; } let notice_id = u64::from_le_bytes(bytes[0..8].try_into().unwrap()); match BackendMessage::from_bytes(bytes[8..].to_vec()) { Some(message) => { match { Some(notice) => Some(NoticeMsg{ notice_id, notice, }), None => None, } }, None => None, } } } struct TMClient { stream: openssl::ssl::SslStream, notices: mpsc::Sender>, responses: mpsc::Sender>, requests: mpsc::Receiver>, uuid: [u8; 16], client_name: [u8; 32], password: String, last_seq_num: u64, username: [u8; 16], connected: bool, } struct TMConnection { notices: mpsc::Receiver>, responses: mpsc::Receiver>, requests: mpsc::Sender>, } impl TMClient { fn new(uuid: [u8; 16], client_name: [u8; 32], password: String, username: [u8; 16]) -> (TMClient, TMConnection) { let (notice_tx, notice_rx) = mpsc::channel(); let (response_tx, response_rx) = mpsc::channel(); let (request_tx, request_rx) = mpsc::channel(); let mut builder = openssl::ssl::SslConnector::builder(openssl::ssl::SslMethod::tls()).unwrap(); builder.set_ca_file("tm.crt").unwrap(); builder.set_verify(openssl::ssl::SslVerifyMode::PEER); let connector =; let stream = TcpStream::connect("").unwrap(); let mut stream_config = connector.configure().unwrap(); stream_config.set_verify_hostname(false); stream_config.set_certificate_chain_file("tm.crt").unwrap(); stream_config.set_private_key_file("tm.crt", openssl::ssl::SslFiletype::PEM).unwrap(); stream_config.set_use_server_name_indication(false); let stream = stream_config.connect("", stream).unwrap(); stream.get_ref().set_read_timeout(Some(Duration::from_millis(100))).expect("Failed to set read timeout on socket"); return (TMClient{ stream, notices: notice_tx, responses: response_tx, requests: request_rx, uuid, client_name, password, last_seq_num: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, username, connected: false, }, TMConnection{ requests: request_tx, notices: notice_rx, responses: response_rx, },); } fn process(self: &mut TMClient) { if self.connected == true { // TODO: right now it's halfway to processing multiple requests at once, but currently // it only processes a single requests/response at a time. This is fine since there's // only a single callback thread though. for request in self.requests.try_iter() { let time = SystemTime::now(); let millis = time.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap(); let packet = BackendPacket::new(TM_HEADER, (millis.as_millis() as f64)/1000.0, 2, self.last_seq_num + 1, request.as_bytes()); match { Ok(_) => { log::debug!("Sent: {:?}", packet); self.last_seq_num += 1; }, Err(error) => log::error!("Request send error: {:?}", error), } } } let mut incoming = [0; 2048]; match incoming) { Ok(read) => { let data = incoming[].to_vec(); match BackendPacket::from_bytes(data) { Some(packet) => { log::debug!("Recevied: {:?}", packet); self.last_seq_num = packet.seq_num; match packet.msg_type { // Notice Message 4 => { match NoticeMsg::from_bytes( { Some(notice) => { log::debug!("Received notice: {:?}", notice); let ack = BackendPacket::new(packet.header, packet.timestamp, 5, self.last_seq_num+1, notice.notice_id.to_le_bytes().to_vec()); self.last_seq_num += 1; match { Ok(_) => log::debug!("Sent ACK for notice {}", notice.notice_id), Err(error) => log::error!("ACK error: {:?}", error), } match self.notices.send(Box::new(notice.notice)) { Ok(_) => log::debug!("Forwarded notice to callback engine"), Err(error) => log::error!("Notice forward error {:?}", error), } }, None => log::error!("Notice parse error: {:?}", packet), } }, // Response message 3 => { match BackendMessage::from_bytes( { Some(message) => { match self.responses.send(Box::new(message)) { Ok(_) => log::debug!("Forwarded response to callback engine"), Err(error) => log::error!("Response forward error {:?}", error), } }, None => log::error!("BackendMessage parse error: {:?}", packet), } }, // Server Message 2 => { match ConnectMsg::from_bytes( { Some(welcome_msg) => { if welcome_msg.pw_valid == 0 { let connect_response = ConnectMsg::from_welcome(welcome_msg, &self.password, self.uuid, self.client_name, self.username); let response = BackendPacket::new(packet.header, packet.timestamp, packet.msg_type, self.last_seq_num+1, connect_response.as_bytes()); match { Err(error) => log::error!("Send error: {:?}", error), Ok(_) => self.last_seq_num += 1, } } else if welcome_msg.state_valid == 0 { log::error!("pw_valid but not state_valid"); } else { self.connected = true; log::info!("Connected to TM backend!"); } }, None => log::error!("Failed to parse welcome msg"), } }, _ => log::warn!("Unhandled message type: {}", packet.msg_type), } }, None => { log::error!("Failed to parse BackendPacket({}): {}", read, String::from_utf8_lossy(&incoming)); // Sleep to prevent busy loop when TM is spamming 0 length packets thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); } } }, Err(_) => {}, } } } type NoticeCallback = fn(tm::Notice, Event) -> (Vec, Event); fn get_game_score(scores: tm::MatchScore) -> Option { if scores.alliances.len() != 2 { return None; } let ref red_score = scores.alliances[0]; let ref blue_score = scores.alliances[1]; // 1) Get the autonomous winner // 2) Get score object and fill AllianceScore struct // 3) Compute total scores let out = GameScore{ autonomous_winner: None, red_total: 0, blue_total: 0, blue_score: AllianceScore{ team_goal: 0, team_zone: 0, green_goal: 0, green_zone: 0, elevation_tiers: [None, None], }, red_score : AllianceScore{ team_goal: 0, team_zone: 0, green_goal: 0, green_zone: 0, elevation_tiers: [None, None], }, }; return Some(out); } fn on_score_change(notice: tm::Notice, event: Event) -> (Vec, Event) { match notice.match_score { None => return (Vec::new(), event), Some(game_scores) => { match get_game_score(game_scores) { Some(score_json) => { let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&score_json).unwrap(); let arena_topic = String::from("arena/TEST/score"); let mut out = Vec::new(); out.push(MQTTMessage{ topic: arena_topic, payload: serialized, }); return (out, event); }, None => return (Vec::new(), event), } }, } } fn on_match_start(notice: tm::Notice, event: Event) -> (Vec, Event) { return (Vec::new(), event); } fn on_match_cancel(notice: tm::Notice, event: Event) -> (Vec, Event) { return (Vec::new(), event); } fn on_match_reset(notice: tm::Notice, event: Event) -> (Vec, Event) { return (Vec::new(), event); } fn on_match_assigned(notice: tm::Notice, event: Event) -> (Vec, Event) { return (Vec::new(), event); } fn on_active_field_changed(notice: tm::Notice, event: Event) -> (Vec, Event) { return (Vec::new(), event); } fn on_rankings_updated(notice: tm::Notice, event: Event) -> (Vec, Event) { return (Vec::new(), event); } fn on_event_status_updated(notice: tm::Notice, event: Event) -> (Vec, Event) { return (Vec::new(), event); } fn on_elim_alliance_update(notice: tm::Notice, event: Event) -> (Vec, Event) { return (Vec::new(), event); } fn on_elim_unavail_teams_update(notice: tm::Notice, event: Event) -> (Vec, Event) { return (Vec::new(), event); } fn on_match_list_update(notice: tm::Notice, event: Event) -> (Vec, Event) { return (Vec::new(), event); } fn main() { env_logger::init(); let mut callbacks: HashMap = HashMap::new(); callbacks.insert(tm::NoticeId::NoticeRealtimeScoreChanged, on_score_change); callbacks.insert(tm::NoticeId::NoticeFieldTimerStarted, on_match_start); callbacks.insert(tm::NoticeId::NoticeFieldTimerStopped, on_match_cancel); callbacks.insert(tm::NoticeId::NoticeFieldResetTimer, on_match_reset); callbacks.insert(tm::NoticeId::NoticeFieldMatchAssigned, on_match_assigned); callbacks.insert(tm::NoticeId::NoticeActiveFieldChanged, on_active_field_changed); callbacks.insert(tm::NoticeId::NoticeRankingsUpdated, on_rankings_updated); callbacks.insert(tm::NoticeId::NoticeEventStatusUpdated, on_event_status_updated); callbacks.insert(tm::NoticeId::NoticeElimAllianceUpdated, on_elim_alliance_update); callbacks.insert(tm::NoticeId::NoticeElimUnavailTeamsUpdated, on_elim_unavail_teams_update); callbacks.insert(tm::NoticeId::NoticeMatchListUpdated, on_match_list_update); let mut mqttoptions = MqttOptions::new("vex-bridge", "localhost", 1883); mqttoptions.set_keep_alive(Duration::from_secs(5)); mqttoptions.set_last_will(LastWill{ topic: String::from("bridge/status"), message: Bytes::from("{\"online\": false}"), qos: QoS::AtLeastOnce, retain: true, }); let (mut client, mut connection) = Client::new(mqttoptions, 10); client.subscribe("bridge", QoS::AtLeastOnce).unwrap(); client.publish("bridge/status", QoS::AtLeastOnce, true, "{\"online\": true}").unwrap(); let mqtt_recv_thread = thread::spawn(move || for _ in connection.iter() { } ); let running = true; let mut uuid = [0u8; 16]; rand::thread_rng().fill_bytes(&mut uuid); let mut client_name = [0u8;32]; rand::thread_rng().fill_bytes(&mut client_name); let username: [u8;16] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; let (mut tm_client, tm_connection) = TMClient::new(uuid, client_name, String::from(""), username); let tm_thread = thread::spawn(move || while running { tm_client.process(); } ); let get_event_name_req = BackendMessage::new(101, tm::BackendMessageData::default()); tm_connection.requests.send(Box::new(get_event_name_req)).unwrap(); let get_event_name_resp = tm_connection.responses.recv().unwrap(); let mut event = Event::new(String::from(; let mut get_match_list_tuple = tm::MatchTuple::default(); get_match_list_tuple.division = Some(0); get_match_list_tuple.round = None; get_match_list_tuple.instance = Some(0); get_match_list_tuple.r#match = Some(0); get_match_list_tuple.session = Some(0); let mut get_match_list_data = tm::BackendMessageData::default(); get_match_list_data.match_tuple = Some(get_match_list_tuple); let get_match_list_req = BackendMessage::new(1002, get_match_list_data.clone()); tm_connection.requests.send(Box::new(get_match_list_req)).unwrap(); let get_match_list_resp = tm_connection.responses.recv().unwrap(); event.parse_match_list(*get_match_list_resp); println!("Event after parse: {:?}", event); while running { thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1000)); match tm_connection.notices.recv() { Ok(notice) => { let callback = callbacks.get(¬; match callback { None => { match { None => log::error!("Notice without NoticeId received"), Some(notice_id) => log::warn!("Unhandled NoticeId: {}", notice_id), } }, Some(callback) => { let (messages, next_event) = callback(*notice, event); event = next_event; for message in messages { let result = client.publish(message.topic, QoS::AtMostOnce, true, message.payload); match result { Ok(_) => {}, Err(error) => log::error!("Publish error: {}", error), } } }, } }, Err(error) => log::error!("Notice recv error: {}", error), } } mqtt_recv_thread.join().expect("Failed to join mqtt thread"); tm_thread.join().expect("Failed to join tm connection thread"); }