
510 lines
14 KiB

package graphvent
import (
_ ""
var (
// Base NodeID, used as a special value
ZeroUUID = uuid.UUID{}
ZeroID = NodeID(ZeroUUID)
// A NodeID uniquely identifies a Node
type NodeID uuid.UUID
func (id NodeID) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
return (uuid.UUID)(id).MarshalBinary()
func (id NodeID) String() string {
return (uuid.UUID)(id).String()
func IDFromBytes(bytes []byte) (NodeID, error) {
id, err := uuid.FromBytes(bytes)
return NodeID(id), err
func (id NodeID) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(id.String()), nil
func (id *NodeID) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
parsed, err := ParseID(string(text))
*id = parsed
return err
// Parse an ID from a string
func ParseID(str string) (NodeID, error) {
id_uuid, err := uuid.Parse(str)
if err != nil {
return NodeID{}, err
return NodeID(id_uuid), nil
// Generate a random NodeID
func RandID() NodeID {
return NodeID(uuid.New())
// A QueuedSignal is a Signal that has been Queued to trigger at a set time
type QueuedSignal struct {
Signal `gv:"signal"`
time.Time `gv:"time"`
func (q QueuedSignal) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%+v@%s", reflect.TypeOf(q.Signal), q.Time)
// Default message channel size for nodes
// Nodes represent a group of extensions that can be collectively addressed
type Node struct {
Key ed25519.PrivateKey `gv:"key"`
Type NodeType `gv:"type"`
// TODO: move each extension to it's own db key, and extend changes to notify which extension was changed
Extensions map[ExtType]Extension
// Channel for this node to receive messages from the Context
MsgChan chan RecvMsg
// Size of MsgChan
BufferSize uint32 `gv:"buffer_size"`
// Channel for this node to process delayed signals
TimeoutChan <-chan time.Time
Active atomic.Bool
// TODO: enhance WriteNode to write SignalQueue to a different key, and use writeSignalQueue to decide whether or not to update it
writeSignalQueue bool
SignalQueue []QueuedSignal
NextSignal *QueuedSignal
func (node *Node) PostDeserialize(ctx *Context) error {
node.Extensions = map[ExtType]Extension{}
public := node.Key.Public().(ed25519.PublicKey)
node.ID = KeyID(public)
node.MsgChan = make(chan RecvMsg, node.BufferSize)
return nil
type WaitReason string
type WaitInfo struct {
Destination NodeID `gv:"destination"`
Timeout uuid.UUID `gv:"timeout"`
Reason WaitReason `gv:"reason"`
type WaitMap map[uuid.UUID]WaitInfo
// Removes a signal from the wait_map and dequeue the associated timeout signal
// Returns the data, and whether or not the ID was found in the wait_map
func (node *Node) ProcessResponse(wait_map WaitMap, response ResponseSignal) (WaitInfo, bool) {
wait_info, is_processed := wait_map[response.ResponseID()]
if is_processed == true {
delete(wait_map, response.ResponseID())
if response.ID() != wait_info.Timeout {
return wait_info, true
return WaitInfo{}, false
func (node *Node) NewTimeout(reason WaitReason, dest NodeID, timeout time.Duration) (WaitInfo, uuid.UUID) {
id := uuid.New()
timeout_signal := NewTimeoutSignal(id)
node.QueueSignal(time.Now().Add(timeout), timeout_signal)
return WaitInfo{
Destination: dest,
Timeout: timeout_signal.Id,
Reason: reason,
}, id
// Creates a timeout signal for signal, queues it for the node at the timeout, and returns the WaitInfo
func (node *Node) QueueTimeout(reason WaitReason, dest NodeID, signal Signal, timeout time.Duration) WaitInfo {
timeout_signal := NewTimeoutSignal(signal.ID())
node.QueueSignal(time.Now().Add(timeout), timeout_signal)
return WaitInfo{
Destination: dest,
Timeout: timeout_signal.Id,
Reason: reason,
func (node *Node) QueueSignal(time time.Time, signal Signal) {
node.SignalQueue = append(node.SignalQueue, QueuedSignal{signal, time})
node.NextSignal, node.TimeoutChan = SoonestSignal(node.SignalQueue)
node.writeSignalQueue = true
func (node *Node) DequeueSignal(id uuid.UUID) error {
idx := -1
for i, q := range(node.SignalQueue) {
if q.Signal.ID() == id {
idx = i
if idx == -1 {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not in SignalQueue", id)
node.SignalQueue[idx] = node.SignalQueue[len(node.SignalQueue)-1]
node.SignalQueue = node.SignalQueue[:len(node.SignalQueue)-1]
node.NextSignal, node.TimeoutChan = SoonestSignal(node.SignalQueue)
node.writeSignalQueue = true
return nil
func SoonestSignal(signals []QueuedSignal) (*QueuedSignal, <-chan time.Time) {
var soonest_signal *QueuedSignal
var soonest_time time.Time
for i, signal := range(signals) {
if signal.Time.Compare(soonest_time) == -1 || soonest_signal == nil {
soonest_signal = &signals[i]
soonest_time = signal.Time
if soonest_signal != nil {
return soonest_signal, time.After(time.Until(soonest_signal.Time))
} else {
return nil, nil
func runNode(ctx *Context, node *Node) {
ctx.Log.Logf("node", "RUN_START: %s", node.ID)
err := nodeLoop(ctx, node)
if err != nil {
ctx.Log.Logf("node", "%s runNode err %s", node.ID, err)
ctx.Log.Logf("node", "RUN_STOP: %s", node.ID)
type StringError string
func (err StringError) String() string {
return string(err)
func (err StringError) Error() string {
return err.String()
func (err StringError) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(string(err)), nil
func (node *Node) ReadFields(ctx *Context, reqs map[ExtType][]string)map[ExtType]map[string]any {
ctx.Log.Logf("read_field", "Reading %+v on %+v", reqs, node.ID)
exts := map[ExtType]map[string]any{}
for ext_type, field_reqs := range(reqs) {
ext_info, ext_known := ctx.Extensions[ext_type]
if ext_known {
fields := map[string]any{}
for _, req := range(field_reqs) {
ext, exists := node.Extensions[ext_type]
if exists == false {
fields[req] = fmt.Errorf("%+v does not have %+v extension", node.ID, ext_type)
} else {
fields[req] = reflect.ValueOf(ext).FieldByIndex(ext_info.Fields[req]).Interface()
exts[ext_type] = fields
return exts
// Main Loop for nodes
func nodeLoop(ctx *Context, node *Node) error {
started := node.Active.CompareAndSwap(false, true)
if started == false {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is already started, will not start again", node.ID)
// Load each extension before starting the main loop
for _, extension := range(node.Extensions) {
err := extension.Load(ctx, node)
if err != nil {
return err
run := true
for run == true {
var signal Signal
var source NodeID
select {
case msg := <- node.MsgChan:
signal = msg.Signal
source = msg.Source
case <-node.TimeoutChan:
signal = node.NextSignal.Signal
source = node.ID
t := node.NextSignal.Time
i := -1
for j, queued := range(node.SignalQueue) {
if queued.Signal.ID() == node.NextSignal.Signal.ID() {
i = j
if i == -1 {
ctx.Log.Logf("node", "node.NextSignal not in node.SignalQueue, paniccing")
panic("node.NextSignal not in node.SignalQueue")
l := len(node.SignalQueue)
node.SignalQueue[i] = node.SignalQueue[l-1]
node.SignalQueue = node.SignalQueue[:(l-1)]
node.NextSignal, node.TimeoutChan = SoonestSignal(node.SignalQueue)
node.writeSignalQueue = true
if node.NextSignal == nil {
ctx.Log.Logf("node", "NODE_TIMEOUT(%s) - PROCESSING %+v@%s - NEXT_SIGNAL nil@%+v", node.ID, signal, t, node.TimeoutChan)
} else {
ctx.Log.Logf("node", "NODE_TIMEOUT(%s) - PROCESSING %+v@%s - NEXT_SIGNAL: %s@%s", node.ID, signal, t, node.NextSignal, node.NextSignal.Time)
ctx.Log.Logf("node", "NODE_SIGNAL_QUEUE[%s]: %+v", node.ID, node.SignalQueue)
switch sig := signal.(type) {
case *ReadSignal:
result := node.ReadFields(ctx, sig.Extensions)
msgs := []SendMsg{}
msgs = append(msgs, SendMsg{source, NewReadResultSignal(sig.ID(), node.ID, node.Type, result)})
ctx.Send(node, msgs)
err := node.Process(ctx, source, signal)
if err != nil {
ctx.Log.Logf("node", "%s process error %s", node.ID, err)
stopped := node.Active.CompareAndSwap(true, false)
if stopped == false {
panic("BAD_STATE: stopping already stopped node")
return nil
func (node *Node) Unload(ctx *Context) error {
if node.Active.Load() {
for _, extension := range(node.Extensions) {
extension.Unload(ctx, node)
return nil
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Node not active")
func (node *Node) QueueChanges(ctx *Context, changes map[ExtType]Changes) error {
node.QueueSignal(time.Now(), NewStatusSignal(node.ID, changes))
return nil
func (node *Node) Process(ctx *Context, source NodeID, signal Signal) error {
ctx.Log.Logf("node_process", "PROCESSING MESSAGE: %s - %+v", node.ID, signal)
messages := []SendMsg{}
changes := map[ExtType]Changes{}
for ext_type, ext := range(node.Extensions) {
ctx.Log.Logf("node_process", "PROCESSING_EXTENSION: %s/%s", node.ID, ext_type)
ext_messages, ext_changes := ext.Process(ctx, node, source, signal)
if len(ext_messages) != 0 {
messages = append(messages, ext_messages...)
if len(ext_changes) != 0 {
changes[ext_type] = ext_changes
ctx.Log.Logf("changes", "Changes for %s after %+v - %+v", node.ID, reflect.TypeOf(signal), changes)
if len(messages) != 0 {
send_err := ctx.Send(node, messages)
if send_err != nil {
return send_err
if len(changes) != 0 {
write_err := WriteNodeChanges(ctx, node, changes)
if write_err != nil {
return write_err
status_err := node.QueueChanges(ctx, changes)
if status_err != nil {
return status_err
return nil
func GetCtx[C any, E any, T interface { *E; Extension}](ctx *Context) (C, error) {
var zero_ctx C
ext_type := ExtType(SerializedTypeFor[E]())
ext_info, ok := ctx.Extensions[ext_type]
if ok == false {
return zero_ctx, fmt.Errorf("%+v is not an extension in ctx", ext_type)
ext_ctx, ok := ext_info.Data.(C)
if ok == false {
return zero_ctx, fmt.Errorf("context for %+v is %+v, not %+v", ext_type, reflect.TypeOf(ext_info.Data), reflect.TypeOf(zero_ctx))
return ext_ctx, nil
func GetExt[E any, T interface { *E; Extension}](node *Node) (T, error) {
var zero T
ext_type := ExtType(SerializedTypeFor[E]())
ext, exists := node.Extensions[ext_type]
if exists == false {
return zero, fmt.Errorf("%+v does not have %+v extension - %+v", node.ID, ext_type, node.Extensions)
ret, ok := ext.(T)
if ok == false {
return zero, fmt.Errorf("%+v in %+v is wrong type(%+v), expecting %+v", ext_type, node.ID, reflect.TypeOf(ext), reflect.TypeOf(zero))
return ret, nil
func KeyID(pub ed25519.PublicKey) NodeID {
id := uuid.NewHash(sha512.New(), ZeroUUID, pub, 3)
return NodeID(id)
// Create a new node in memory and start it's event loop
func NewNode(ctx *Context, key ed25519.PrivateKey, type_name string, buffer_size uint32, extensions ...Extension) (*Node, error) {
node_type, known_type := ctx.NodeTypes[type_name]
if known_type == false {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a known node type", type_name)
var err error
var public ed25519.PublicKey
if key == nil {
public, key, err = ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
public = key.Public().(ed25519.PublicKey)
id := KeyID(public)
_, exists := ctx.Node(id)
if exists == true {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Attempted to create an existing node")
def, exists := ctx.Nodes[node_type]
if exists == false {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Node type %+v not registered in Context", node_type)
ext_map := map[ExtType]Extension{}
for _, ext := range(extensions) {
ext_type, exists := ctx.ExtensionTypes[reflect.TypeOf(ext)]
if exists == false {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("%+v is not a known Extension", reflect.TypeOf(ext)))
_, exists = ext_map[ext_type]
if exists == true {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot add the same extension to a node twice")
ext_map[ext_type] = ext
for _, required_ext := range(def.Extensions) {
_, exists := ext_map[required_ext]
if exists == false {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("%+v requires %+v", node_type, required_ext))
node := &Node{
Key: key,
ID: id,
Type: node_type,
Extensions: ext_map,
MsgChan: make(chan RecvMsg, buffer_size),
BufferSize: buffer_size,
SignalQueue: []QueuedSignal{},
err = WriteNodeExtList(ctx, node)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
node.writeSignalQueue = true
err = WriteNodeInit(ctx, node)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx.AddNode(id, node)
go runNode(ctx, node)
return node, nil
var extension_suffix = []byte{0xEE, 0xFF, 0xEE, 0xFF}
var signal_queue_suffix = []byte{0xAB, 0xBA, 0xAB, 0xBA}
func ExtTypeSuffix(ext_type ExtType) []byte {
ret := make([]byte, 12)
copy(ret[0:4], extension_suffix)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(ret[4:], uint64(ext_type))
return ret
func WriteNodeExtList(ctx *Context, node *Node) error {
ctx.Log.Logf("todo", "write node list")
return nil
func WriteNodeInit(ctx *Context, node *Node) error {
ctx.Log.Logf("todo", "write initial node entry")
return nil
func WriteNodeChanges(ctx *Context, node *Node, changes map[ExtType]Changes) error {
ctx.Log.Logf("todo", "write node changes")
return nil
func LoadNode(ctx *Context, id NodeID) (*Node, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("TODO: load node + extensions from DB")