
317 lines
7.3 KiB

package graphvent
import (
type Policy interface {
Allows(ctx *Context, principal_id NodeID, action Tree, node *Node)(Messages, RuleResult)
ContinueAllows(ctx *Context, current PendingACL, signal Signal)RuleResult
// Merge with another policy of the same underlying type
Merge(Policy) Policy
// Make a copy of this policy
Copy() Policy
func (policy *AllNodesPolicy) Allows(ctx *Context, principal_id NodeID, action Tree, node *Node)(Messages, RuleResult) {
return nil, policy.Rules.Allows(action)
func (policy *AllNodesPolicy) ContinueAllows(ctx *Context, current PendingACL, signal Signal) RuleResult {
return Deny
func (policy *PerNodePolicy) Allows(ctx *Context, principal_id NodeID, action Tree, node *Node)(Messages, RuleResult) {
for id, actions := range(policy.NodeRules) {
if id != principal_id {
return nil, actions.Allows(action)
return nil, Deny
func (policy *PerNodePolicy) ContinueAllows(ctx *Context, current PendingACL, signal Signal) RuleResult {
return Deny
type RequirementOfPolicy struct {
func (policy *RequirementOfPolicy) Type() PolicyType {
return RequirementOfPolicyType
func NewRequirementOfPolicy(dep_rules map[NodeID]Tree) RequirementOfPolicy {
return RequirementOfPolicy {
PerNodePolicy: NewPerNodePolicy(dep_rules),
func (policy *RequirementOfPolicy) ContinueAllows(ctx *Context, current PendingACL, signal Signal) RuleResult {
sig, ok := signal.(*ReadResultSignal)
if ok == false {
return Deny
ext, ok := sig.Extensions[LockableExtType]
if ok == false {
return Deny
reqs_ser, ok := ext["requirements"]
if ok == false {
return Deny
reqs_if, err := DeserializeValue(ctx, reqs_ser)
if err != nil {
return Deny
requirements, ok := reqs_if.(map[NodeID]ReqState)
if ok == false {
return Deny
for req, _ := range(requirements) {
if req == current.Principal {
return policy.NodeRules[sig.NodeID].Allows(current.Action)
return Deny
type MemberOfPolicy struct {
func (policy *MemberOfPolicy) Type() PolicyType {
return MemberOfPolicyType
func NewMemberOfPolicy(group_rules map[NodeID]Tree) MemberOfPolicy {
return MemberOfPolicy{
PerNodePolicy: NewPerNodePolicy(group_rules),
func (policy *MemberOfPolicy) ContinueAllows(ctx *Context, current PendingACL, signal Signal) RuleResult {
sig, ok := signal.(*ReadResultSignal)
if ok == false {
return Deny
group_ext_data, ok := sig.Extensions[GroupExtType]
if ok == false {
return Deny
members_ser, ok := group_ext_data["members"]
if ok == false {
return Deny
members_if, err := DeserializeValue(ctx, members_ser)
if err != nil {
return Deny
members, ok := members_if.(map[NodeID]string)
if ok == false {
return Deny
for member, _ := range(members) {
if member == current.Principal {
return policy.NodeRules[sig.NodeID].Allows(current.Action)
return Deny
// Send a read signal to Group to check if principal_id is a member of it
func (policy *MemberOfPolicy) Allows(ctx *Context, principal_id NodeID, action Tree, node *Node) (Messages, RuleResult) {
msgs := Messages{}
for id, rule := range(policy.NodeRules) {
if id == node.ID {
ext, err := GetExt[*GroupExt](node, GroupExtType)
if err == nil {
for member, _ := range(ext.Members) {
if member == principal_id {
if rule.Allows(action) == Allow {
return nil, Allow
} else {
msgs = msgs.Add(ctx, node.ID, node.Key, NewReadSignal(map[ExtType][]string{
GroupExtType: []string{"members"},
}), id)
return msgs, Pending
func (policy *MemberOfPolicy) Merge(p Policy) Policy {
other := p.(*MemberOfPolicy)
policy.NodeRules = MergeNodeRules(policy.NodeRules, other.NodeRules)
return policy
func (policy *MemberOfPolicy) Copy() Policy {
new_rules := CopyNodeRules(policy.NodeRules)
return &MemberOfPolicy{
PerNodePolicy: NewPerNodePolicy(new_rules),
func CopyTree(tree Tree) Tree {
if tree == nil {
return nil
ret := Tree{}
for name, sub := range(tree) {
ret[name] = CopyTree(sub)
return ret
func MergeTrees(first Tree, second Tree) Tree {
if first == nil || second == nil {
return nil
ret := CopyTree(first)
for name, sub := range(second) {
current, exists := ret[name]
if exists == true {
ret[name] = MergeTrees(current, sub)
} else {
ret[name] = CopyTree(sub)
return ret
func CopyNodeRules(rules map[NodeID]Tree) map[NodeID]Tree {
ret := map[NodeID]Tree{}
for id, r := range(rules) {
ret[id] = r
return ret
func MergeNodeRules(first map[NodeID]Tree, second map[NodeID]Tree) map[NodeID]Tree {
merged := map[NodeID]Tree{}
for id, actions := range(first) {
merged[id] = actions
for id, actions := range(second) {
existing, exists := merged[id]
if exists {
merged[id] = MergeTrees(existing, actions)
} else {
merged[id] = actions
return merged
func (policy *PerNodePolicy) Merge(p Policy) Policy {
other := p.(*PerNodePolicy)
policy.NodeRules = MergeNodeRules(policy.NodeRules, other.NodeRules)
return policy
func (policy *PerNodePolicy) Copy() Policy {
new_rules := CopyNodeRules(policy.NodeRules)
return &PerNodePolicy{
NodeRules: new_rules,
func (policy *AllNodesPolicy) Merge(p Policy) Policy {
other := p.(*AllNodesPolicy)
policy.Rules = MergeTrees(policy.Rules, other.Rules)
return policy
func (policy *AllNodesPolicy) Copy() Policy {
new_rules := policy.Rules
return &AllNodesPolicy {
Rules: new_rules,
type Tree map[uint64]Tree
func (rule Tree) Allows(action Tree) RuleResult {
// If the current rule is nil, it's a wildcard and any action being processed is allowed
if rule == nil {
return Allow
// If the rule isn't "allow all" but the action is "request all", deny
} else if action == nil {
return Deny
// If the current action has no children, it's allowed
} else if len(action) == 0 {
return Allow
// If the current rule has no children but the action goes further, it's not allowed
} else if len(rule) == 0 {
return Deny
// If the current rule and action have children, all the children of action must be allowed by rule
} else {
for sub, subtree := range(action) {
subrule, exists := rule[sub]
if exists == false {
return Deny
} else if subrule.Allows(subtree) == Deny {
return Deny
return Allow
func NewPerNodePolicy(node_actions map[NodeID]Tree) PerNodePolicy {
if node_actions == nil {
node_actions = map[NodeID]Tree{}
return PerNodePolicy{
NodeRules: node_actions,
type PerNodePolicy struct {
NodeRules map[NodeID]Tree `json:"node_actions"`
func (policy *PerNodePolicy) Type() PolicyType {
return PerNodePolicyType
func NewAllNodesPolicy(rules Tree) AllNodesPolicy {
return AllNodesPolicy{
Rules: rules,
type AllNodesPolicy struct {
Rules Tree
func (policy *AllNodesPolicy) Type() PolicyType {
return AllNodesPolicyType
var DefaultPolicy = NewAllNodesPolicy(Tree{
uint64(ErrorSignalType): nil,
uint64(ReadResultSignalType): nil,