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<Base name="DF2010">
<Trait name="Nervousness" id="0" level_5="Is a nervous wreck" level_4="Is always tense and jittery" level_3="Is often nervous" level_2="Has a calm demeanor" level_1="Has a very calm demeanor" level_0="Has an incredibly calm demeanor" />
<Trait name="Rage" id="1" level_5="In a constant state of internal rage" level_4="Very quick to anger" level_3="Quick to anger" level_2="Slow to anger" level_1="Very slow to anger" level_0="Never becomes angry" />
<Trait name="Depression" id="2" level_5="Frequently depressed" level_4="Often sad and dejected" level_3="Often feels discouraged" level_2="Rarely feels discouraged" level_1="Almost never feels discouraged" level_0="Never feels discouraged" />
<Trait name="Neurosis" id="3" level_5="Socially crippled by thoughts that everyone is watching and judging" level_4="Concerned about rejection and ridicule" level_3="Self-conscious" level_2="Comfortable in social situations" level_1="Very comfortable in social situations" level_0="Absolutely unfazed by the opinions of others" />
<Trait name="Urge" id="4" level_5="Is ruled by irresistible cravings and urges" level_4="Feels strong urges and seeks short-term rewards" level_3="Occassionally overindulges" level_2="Doesn't often experience strong cravings or urges" level_1="Only rarely feels strong cravings or urges" level_0="Never feels tempted to overindulge in anything" />
<Trait name="Stress" id="5" level_5="Becomes completely helpless in stressful situations" level_4="Cracks easily under pressure" level_3="Doesn't handle stress well" level_2="Can handle stress" level_1="Confident under pressure" level_0="Impervious to the effects of stress" />
<Trait name="Friendly" id="6" level_5="Genuinely likes others, openly expresses positive feelings" level_4="Makes friends quickly" level_3="Very friendly" level_2="Somewhat reserved" level_1="Very distant and reserved" level_0="Does not actively seek friendships, incredibly distant and reserved" />
<Trait name="Company" id="7" level_5="Truly treasures the company of others" level_4="Enjoys being in crowds" level_3="Enjoys the company of others" level_2="Tends to avoid crowds" level_1="Prefers to be alone" level_0="Considers time alone much more important than associating with others" />
<Trait name="Leadership" id="8" level_5="Loves to take charge and direct activities" level_4="Very assertive" level_3="Assertive" level_2="Unassertive" level_1="Prefers that others handle the leadership roles" level_0="Never speaks out or attempts to direct activities" />
<Trait name="Activeness" id="9" level_5="Constantly active and energetic" level_4="Very energetic and active" level_3="Very active" level_2="Relaxed" level_1="Lives life at a leisurely pace" level_0="Can't be bothered with frantic, fast-paced living" />
<Trait name="Thrillseeking" id="10" level_5="Lives for risk and excitement" level_4="A risk-taker and a thrill-seeker" level_3="Loves a good thrill" level_2="Is not a risk-taker" level_1="Doesn't need thrills or risks in life" level_0="Entirely adverse to risk and excitement" />
<Trait name="Optimism" id="11" level_5="Often feels filled with joy" level_4="Can be very happy and optimistic" level_3="Often cheerful" level_2="Rarely happy or enthusiastic" level_1="A pessimist" level_0="Never optimistic or enthusiastic about anything" />
<Trait name="Imagination" id="12" level_5="Bored by reality and has a wonderful imagination" level_4="Incredibly creative" level_3="Has a fertile imagination" level_2="Isn't given to flights of fancy" level_1="Grounded in reality" level_0="Interested only in facts and the real world" />
<Trait name="Artistic" id="13" level_5="Can easily become absorbed in art and the beauty of the natural world" level_4="Greatly appreciates art and natural beauty" level_3="Appreciates art and natural beauty" level_2="Does not have a great aesthetic sensitivity" level_1="Not interested in art" level_0="Completely uninterested in art" />
<Trait name="Emotion" id="14" level_5="Has a profound understanding of own emotions" level_4="Has a great awareness of own emotions" level_3="Has a good awareness of own emotions" level_2="Tends not to openly express emotions" level_1="Mostly unaware of own emotions and rarely expresses them" level_0="Does not display own emotions and has no awareness of them" />
<Trait name="Adventure" id="15" level_5="Highly adventurous and loves fresh experiences" level_4="Eager for new experiences" level_3="Likes to try new things" level_2="Prefers familiar routines" level_1="Uncomfortable with change" level_0="Resistant to change" />
<Trait name="Thinking" id="16" level_5="Entranced by riddles and puzzles; loves to debate issues and ideas" level_4="Loves new and fresh ideas" level_3="Open-minded to new ideas" level_2="Dislikes intellectual discussions" level_1="Regards intellectual exercises as a waste of energy" level_0="Completely uninterested in ideas and debates over intellectual issues" />
<Trait name="Rebelliousness" id="17" level_5="Revels in chaos and disorder" level_4="Loves to defy convention" level_3="Put off by authority and tradition" level_2="Admires tradition" level_1="Prefers stability and security to ambiguity and disorder" level_0="An ardent believer in convention and traditional society" />
<Trait name="Trusting" id="18" level_5="Naturally trustful of everybody" level_4="Very trusting" level_3="Trusting" level_2="Slow to trust others" level_1="Does not trust others" level_0="Sees others as selfish and conniving" />
<Trait name="Honesty" id="19" level_5="Incredibly frank and candid in dealings with others" level_4="Very straightforward with others" level_3="Candid and sincere in dealings with others" level_2="Guarded in relationships with others" level_1="Not straightforward when dealing with others" level_0="Believes that some deception is necessary in relationships with others" />
<Trait name="Helpfulness" id="20" level_5="Truly fulfilled by assisting those in need" level_4="Finds helping others very rewarding" level_3="Finds helping others rewarding" level_2="Does not go out of own way to help others" level_1="Dislikes helping others" level_0="Views helping others as an imposition on own needs" />
<Trait name="Compromising" id="21" level_5="Sacrifices own needs to get along with others" level_4="Dislikes confrontations" level_3="Willing to compromise with others" level_2="Doesn't like to compromise with others" level_1="Would rather intimidate others than compromise with them" level_0="Would never deny own needs just to compromise with somebody else" />
<Trait name="Modesty" id="22" level_5="Would never claim to be better than somebody else" level_4="Finds immodesty distasteful" level_3="Modest" level_2="Immodest" level_1="Very willing to compare self favorably with others" level_0="Would never shy away from an opportunity to say they are better than somebody else" />
<Trait name="Compassion" id="23" level_5="Incredibly compassionate and feels the pain of others" level_4="Easily moved to pity" level_3="Compassionate" level_2="Not easily moved to pity" level_1="Not affected by the suffering of others" level_0="Would never let an objective judgement be tempered by mercy or pity" />
<Trait name="Confidence" id="24" level_5="Incredibly confident" level_4="Very confident" level_3="Confident" level_2="Lacks confidence" level_1="Does not feel effective in life" level_0="Always feels as if they are not in control of own life" />
<Trait name="Organization" id="25" level_5="Loves to make lists and keep schedules" level_4="Tries to live a well-organized life" level_3="Organized" level_2="Disorganized" level_1="Very disorganized" level_0="Completely disorganized" />
<Trait name="Lawfulness" id="26" level_5="Has a profound sense of duty and obligation" level_4="Has a strong sense of duty" level_3="Has a sense of duty" level_2="Finds rules confining" level_1="Dislikes contracts and regulations" level_0="Hates rules, contracts and other confining elements in own life" />
<Trait name="Excellence" id="27" level_5="Constantly strives for perfection" level_4="Thinks it is incredibly important to strive for excellence" level_3="Strives for excellence" level_2="Doesn't go out of own way to do more work than necessary" level_1="Very rarely does more work than necessary" level_0="Does the bare minimum necessary to accomplish the task at hand" />
<Trait name="Perseverance" id="28" level_5="Will persist in the face of any difficulty until the task is complete" level_4="Possesses great willpower" level_3="Is self-disciplined" level_2="Is occasionally given to procrastination" level_1="Has very little self-discipline" level_0="Rarely completes tasks and is often overcome by distractions" />
<Trait name="Cautiousness" id="29" level_5="Thinks through every alternative and their consequences before acting" level_4="Extremely cautious" level_3="Takes time when making decisions" level_2="Often does the first thing that comes to mind" level_1="Acts impulsively" level_0="Always acts without considering alternatives or thinking through possibilities" />
<Mood id="0" name="Fey"/>
<Mood id="1" name="Secretive"/>
<Mood id="2" name="Possesed"/>
<Mood id="3" name="Macabre"/>
<Mood id="4" name="Fell"/>
<Mood id="5" name="Melancholy"/>
<Profession name="MINER" id="0" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="WOODWORKER" id="1" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="CARPENTER" id="2" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="BOWYER" id="3" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="WOODCUTTER" id="4" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="STONEWORKER" id="5" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="ENGRAVER" id="6" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MASON" id="7" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="RANGER" id="8" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="ANIMAL_CARETAKER" id="9" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="ANIMAL_TRAINER" id="10" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="HUNTER" id="11" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="TRAPPER" id="12" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="ANIMAL_DISSECTOR" id="13" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="METALSMITH" id="14" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="FURNACE_OPERATOR" id="15" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="WEAPONSMITH" id="16" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="ARMORER" id="17" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="BLACKSMITH" id="18" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="METALCRAFTER" id="19" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="JEWELER" id="20" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="GEM_CUTTER" id="21" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="GEM_SETTER" id="22" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="CRAFTSMAN" id="23" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="WOODCRAFTER" id="24" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="STONECRAFTER" id="25" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="LEATHERWORKER" id="26" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="BONE_CARVER" id="27" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="WEAVER" id="28" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="CLOTHIER" id="29" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="GLASSMAKER" id="30" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="STRAND_EXTRACTOR" id="31" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="FISHERY_WORKER" id="32" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="FISHERMAN" id="33" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="FISH_DISSECTOR" id="34" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="FISH_CLEANER" id="35" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="FARMER" id="36" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="CHEESE_MAKER" id="37" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MILKER" id="38" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="COOK" id="39" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="THRESHER" id="40" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MILLER" id="41" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="BUTCHER" id="42" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="TANNER" id="43" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="DYER" id="44" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="PLANTER" id="45" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="HERBALIST" id="46" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="BREWER" id="47" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="SOAP_MAKER" id="48" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="POTASH_MAKER" id="49" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="LYE_MAKER" id="50" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="WOOD_BURNER" id="51" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="ENGINEER" id="52" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MECHANIC" id="53" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="SIEGE_ENGINEER" id="54" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="SIEGE_OPERATOR" id="55" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="PUMP_OPERATOR" id="56" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="CLERK" id="57" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="ADMINISTRATOR" id="58" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="TRADER" id="59" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="ARCHITECT" id="60" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="ALCHEMIST" id="61" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="DOCTOR" id="62" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="DIAGNOSER" id="63" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="BONE_SETTER" id="64" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="SUTURER" id="65" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="SURGEON" id="66" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MERCHANT" id="67" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="HAMMERMAN" id="68" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MASTER_HAMMERMAN" id="69" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="SPEARMAN" id="70" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MASTER_SPEARMAN" id="71" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="CROSSBOWMAN" id="72" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MASTER_CROSSBOWMAN" id="73" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="WRESTLER" id="74" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MASTER_WRESTLER" id="75" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="AXEMAN" id="76" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MASTER_AXEMAN" id="77" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="SWORDSMAN" id="78" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MASTER_SWORDSMAN" id="79" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MACEMAN" id="80" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MASTER_MACEMAN" id="81" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="PIKEMAN" id="82" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MASTER_PIKEMAN" id="83" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="BOWMAN" id="84" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MASTER_BOWMAN" id="85" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="BLOWGUNMAN" id="86" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MASTER_BLOWGUNMAN" id="87" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="RECRUIT" id="90" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="TRAINED_HUNTER" id="91" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="TRAINED_WAR" id="92" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MASTER_THIEF" id="93" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="THIEF" id="94" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="STANDARD" id="95" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="CHILD" id="96" military="false" can_assign_labors="false" />
<Profession name="BABY" id="97" military="false" can_assign_labors="false" />
<Profession name="DRUNK" id="98" military="false" can_assign_labors="false" />
<Profession name="LASHER" id="88" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="MASTER_LASHER" id="89" military="true" can_assign_labors="true" />
<Profession name="None" id="90" military="false" can_assign_labors="true" />
TODO: Parse this and turn it into Job tags
0/name = "Carve Fortification"
0/type = DIG
1/name = "Detail Wall"
1/type = TROWEL
2/name = "Detail Floor"
2/type = TROWEL
3/name = "Dig"
3/type = DIG
4/name = "Carve Upward Staircase"
4/type = DIG
5/name = "Carve Downward Staircase"
5/type = DIG
6/name = "Carve Up/Down Staircase"
6/type = DIG
7/name = "Carve Ramp"
7/type = DIG
8/name = "Dig Channel"
8/type = DIG
9/name = "Fell Tree"
9/type = CUT
10/name = "Gather Plants"
11/name = "Remove Construction"
11/type = BUILD
12/name = "Collect Webs"
12/type = HAUL
13/name = "Bring Item to Depot"
13/type = HAUL
14/name = "Bring Item to Shop"
14/type = HAUL
15/name = "Eat"
15/type = FOOD
16/name = "Get Provisions"
16/type = FOOD
17/name = "Drink"
17/type = DRINK
18/name = "Drink"
18/type = DRINK
19/name = "Fill Waterskin"
19/type = DRINK
20/name = "Fill Waterskin"
20/type = DRINK
21/name = "Sleep"
21/type = REST
22/name = "Collect Sand"
22/type = HAUL
23/name = "Fish"
24/name = "Hunt"
25/name = "Hunt for Small Creature"
26/name = "Kidnap"
26/type = FIGHT
27/name = "Beat Criminal"
27/type = FIGHT
28/name = "Starting Fist Fight"
28/type = FIGHT
29/name = "Collect Taxes"
30/name = "Guard Tax Collector"
30/type = FIGHT
31/name = "Catch Live Land Animal"
32/name = "Catch Live Fish"
33/name = "Return Kill"
33/type = HAUL
34/name = "Check Chesk"
34/type = SEEK
35/name = "Store Owned Item"
35/type = HAUL
36/name = "Place Item in Tomb"
36/type = HAUL
37/name = "Store Item in Stockpile"
37/type = HAUL
38/name = "Store Item in Bag"
38/type = HAUL
39/name = "Store Item in Hospital"
39/type = HAUL
40/name = "Store Item in Chest"
40/type = HAUL
41/name = "Store Item in Cabinet"
41/type = HAUL
42/name = "Store Weapon"
42/type = HAUL
43/name = "Store Armor"
43/type = HAUL
44/name = "Store Item in Barrel"
44/type = HAUL
45/name = "Store Item in Bin"
45/type = HAUL
46/name = "Seek Artifact"
46/type = SEEK
47/name = "Seek Infant"
47/type = SEEK
48/name = "Attend Party"
48/type = DRINK
49/name = "Go Shopping"
50/name = "Go Shopping"
51/name = "Clean"
52/name = "Rest"
52/type = REST
53/name = "Pickup Equipment"
53/type = SEEK
54/name = "Dump Item"
54/type = HAUL
55/name = "Strange Mood Crafter"
55/type = MOOD
56/name = "Strange Mood Jeweller"
56/type = MOOD
57/name = "Strange Mood Forge"
57/type = MOOD
58/name = "Strange Mood Magma Forge"
58/type = MOOD
59/name = "Strange Mood Brooding"
59/type = MOOD
60/name = "Strange Mood Fell"
60/type = MOOD
61/name = "Strange Mood Carpenter"
61/type = MOOD
62/name = "Strange Mood Mason"
62/type = MOOD
63/name = "Strange Mood Bowyer"
63/type = MOOD
64/name = "Strange Mood Tanner"
64/type = MOOD
65/name = "Strange Mood Weaver"
65/type = MOOD
66/name = "Strange Mood Glassmaker"
66/type = MOOD
67/name = "Strange Mood Mechanics"
67/type = MOOD
68/name = "Construct Building"
68/type = BUILD
69/name = "Construct Door"
68/type = BUILD
70/name = "Construct Floodgate"
70/type = BUILD
71/name = "Construct ?? Bed"
71/type = BUILD
72/name = "Construct ?? Chair/Throne"
72/type = BUILD
73/name = "Construct ?? Casket/Sarcophagus/Coffin"
73/type = BUILD
74/name = "Construct ?? Table"
74/type = BUILD
75/name = "Construct ?? Box/Chest/Bag/Coffer"
75/type = BUILD
76/name = "Construct ?? Bin"
76/type = BUILD
77/name = "Construct ?? Armor Stand"
77/type = BUILD
78/name = "Construct ?? Weapon Rack"
78/type = BUILD
79/name = "Construct ?? Cabinet"
79/type = BUILD
80/name = "Construct ?? Statue"
80/type = BUILD
81/name = "Construct ?? Blocks"
81/type = BUILD
82/name = "Make Raw ??"
83/name = "Make ?? Crafts"
84/name = "Mint ?? Coins"
85/name = "Cut ?A?"
86/name = "Cut ?B?"
87/name = "Encrust ?something? with ?somethings?"
88/name = "Encrust ?something? with ?somethings?"
89/name = "Destroy Building"
89/type = BUILD
90/name = "Smelt Ore"
90/type = FURNACE
91/name = "Melt a Metal Object"
91/type = FORGE
92/name = "Extract Metal Strands"
92/type = FORGE
93/name = "Plant Seeds"
94/name = "Harvest Plants"
95/name = "Train Hunting Animal"
95/type = ANIMAL
96/name = "Train War Animal"
96/type = ANIMAL
99/name = "Construct Catapult Parts"
100/name = "Forge ?? Anvil"
100/type = FORGE
101/name = "Construct Catapult Parts"
102/name = "Construct Ballista Parts"
103/name = "Forge/Make A"
103/type = FORGE
104/name = "Stud with ?something?"
105/name = "Butcher an Animal"
106/name = "Prepare a Raw Fish"
107/name = "Mill Plants"
108/name = "Bait Trap with Meat/Gem/Fish"
109/name = "Milk Creature"
110/name = "Make Cheese"
111/name = "Process Plants"
112/name = "Process Plants (Bag)"
113/name = "Process Plants (Vial)"
114/name = "Process Plants (Barrel)"
115/name = "Prepare ?? Meal"
116/name = "Weave ?? into ??"
117/name = "Forge/Make ?? something"
117/type = BUILD
118/name = "Weave Thread"
119/name = "Forge/Make D"
119/type = FORGE
120/name = "Forge/Make E"
120/type = FORGE
121/name = "Forge/Make F"
121/type = FORGE
122/name = "Forge/Make Waterskin/Vial/Flask"
122/type = FORGE
123/name = "Forge Rope"
123/type = FORGE
124/name = "Forge Flask"
124/type = FORGE
125/name = "Forge Goblet"
125/type = FORGE
126/name = "Forge Instrument"
126/type = FORGE
127/name = "Forge Toy"
127/type = FORGE
128/name = "Forge Animal Trap"
128/type = FORGE
129/name = "Forge Barrel"
129/type = FORGE
130/name = "Make Totel"
130/type = FORGE
131/name = "Forge Bolts"
131/type = FORGE
132/name = "Decorate With ?something?"
133/name = "Forge/Make G"
133/type = FORGE
134/name = "Decorate With Bone"
135/name = "Make Backpack"
136/name = "Make Quiver"
137/name = "Load Catapult"
138/name = "Load Ballista"
139/name = "Fire Catapult"
140/name = "Fire Ballista"
141/name = "Construct Mechanisms"
141/type = BUILD
142/name = "Fire Ballista"
143/name = "Load Cage Trap"
144/name = "Load Stone Trap"
145/name = "Load Weapon Trap"
146/name = "Clean Trap"
147/name = "Cast Spell"
148/name = "Link a Building to Trigger"
149/name = "Pull the Lever"
150/name = "Brew Drink"
150/type = DRINK
151/name = "Extract from Plants"
152/name = "Extract from Raw Fish"
153/name = "Extract from Land Animal"
154/name = "Tame Small Animal"
154/type = ANIMAL
155/name = "Tame ?something?"
155/type = ANIMAL
156/name = "Chain Animal"
156/type = ANIMAL
157/name = "Unchain Animal"
157/type = ANIMAL
158/name = "Unchain Pet"
158/type = ANIMAL
159/name = "Release Large Creature"
159/type = ANIMAL
160/name = "Release Pet"
160/type = ANIMAL
161/name = "Release Small Creature"
161/type = ANIMAL
162/name = "Handle Small Creature"
162/type = ANIMAL
163/name = "Handle Large Creature"
163/type = ANIMAL
164/name = "Cage Large Creature"
164/type = ANIMAL
165/name = "Cage Small Creature"
165/type = ANIMAL
166/name = "Recover Wounded"
166/type = MEDICAL
167/name = "Diagnose Patient"
167/type = MEDICAL
168/name = "Immobilize Break"
168/type = MEDICAL
169/name = "Dress Wound"
169/type = MEDICAL
170/name = "Clean Patient"
170/type = MEDICAL
171/name = "Surgery"
171/type = MEDICAL
172/name = "Suture"
172/type = MEDICAL
173/name = "Set Bone"
173/type = MEDICAL
174/name = "Place In Traction"
174/type = MEDICAL
175/name = "Drain Aquarium"
176/name = "Fill Aquarium"
177/name = "Fill Pond"
178/name = "Give Water"
178/type = MEDICAL
179/name = "Give Food"
179/type = MEDICAL
180/name = "Give Water"
180/type = MEDICAL
181/name = "Give Food"
181/type = MEDICAL
182/name = "Recover Pet"
183/name = "Pit/Pond Large Animal"
183/type = ANIMAL
184/name = "Pit/Pond Small Animal"
184/type = ANIMAL
185/name = "Slaughter Animal"
185/type = ANIMAL
186/name = "Make Charcoal"
186/type = FURNACE
187/name = "Make Ash"
187/type = FURNACE
188/name = "Make Lye"
189/name = "Make Potash From Lye"
190/name = "Fertilize Field"
191/name = "Make Potash From Ash"
192/name = "Dye Thread"
193/name = "Dye Cloth"
194/name = "Sew ?? Image"
195/name = "Manage Work Orders"
195/type = ADMIN
196/name = "Operate Pump"
197/name = "Manage Work Orders"
197/type = ADMIN
198/name = "Update Stockpile Records"
198/type = ADMIN
199/name = "Trade at Depot"
199/type = ADMIN
200/name = "Construct ?? Hatch Cover"
200/type = BUILD
201/name = "Construct ?? Grate"
201/type = BUILD
202/name = "Remove Stairs/Ramps"
202/type = DIG
203/name = "Construct ?? Quern"
203/type = BUILD
205/name = "Upgrade Squad Equipment"
205/type = HAUL
206/name = "Prepare Equipment Manifests"
206/type = ADMIN
207/name = "Construct ?? Splint"
207/type = BUILD
208/name = "Construct ?? Crutch"
208/type = BUILD
209/name = "Construct Traction Bench"
209/type = BUILD
210/name = "Clean Self"
211/name = "Bring Crutch"
211/type = MEDICAL
212/name = "Apply Cast"
212/type = MEDICAL
<Skill name="Mining" id="0" />
<Skill name="Wood Cutting" id="1" />
<Skill name="Carpentry" id="2" />
<Skill name="Bowmaking" id="49" />
<Skill name="Engraving" id="3" />
<Skill name="Masonry" id="4" />
<Skill name="Animal Training" id="5" />
<Skill name="Animal Caretaking" id="6" />
<Skill name="Fish Dissection" id="7" />
<Skill name="Animal Dissection" id="8" />
<Skill name="Fish Cleaning" id="9" />
<Skill name="Butchery" id="10" />
<Skill name="Trapping" id="11" />
<Skill name="Growing" id="22" />
<Skill name="Herbalism" id="23" />
<Skill name="Ambush" id="57" />
<Skill name="Swimming" id="71" />
<Skill name="Persuasion" id="72" />
<Skill name="Negotiation" id="73" />
<Skill name="Judging Intent" id="74" />
<Skill name="Appraisal" id="75" />
<Skill name="Organization" id="76" />
<Skill name="Record Keeping" id="77" />
<Skill name="Lying" id="78" />
<Skill name="Intimidation" id="79" />
<Skill name="Conversation" id="80" />
<Skill name="Comedy" id="81" />
<Skill name="Flattery" id="82" />
<Skill name="Consoling" id="83" />
<Skill name="Pacification" id="84" />
<Skill name="Tracking" id="85" />
<Skill name="Fishing" id="24" />
<Skill name="Furnace Operation" id="25" />
<Skill name="Strand Extraction" id="26" />
<Skill name="Soap Making" id="67" />
<Skill name="Potash Making" id="68" />
<Skill name="Lye Making" id="66" />
<Skill name="Wood Burning" id="65" />
<Skill name="Weaponsmithing" id="27" />
<Skill name="Armorsmithing" id="28" />
<Skill name="Metalsmithing" id="29" />
<Skill name="Gem Cutting" id="30" />
<Skill name="Gem Setting" id="31" />
<Skill name="Wood Crafting" id="32" />
<Skill name="Stone Crafting" id="33" />
<Skill name="Metal Crafting" id="34" />
<Skill name="Glassmaking" id="35" />
<Skill name="Studying" id="86" />
<Skill name="Concentration" id="87" />
<Skill name="Discipline" id="88" />
<Skill name="Observation" id="89" />
<Skill name="Writing" id="90" />
<Skill name="Prose" id="91" />
<Skill name="Poetry" id="92" />
<Skill name="Reading" id="93" />
<Skill name="Speaking" id="94" />
<Skill name="Coordination" id="95" />
<Skill name="Balance" id="96" />
<Skill name="Leadership" id="97" />
<Skill name="Teaching" id="98" />
<Skill name="Fighting" id="99" />
<Skill name="Archery" id="100" />
<Skill name="Wrestling" id="101" />
<Skill name="Biting" id="102" />
<Skill name="Striking" id="103" />
<Skill name="Kicking" id="104" />
<Skill name="Dodging" id="105" />
<Skill name="Axe" id="38" />
<Skill name="Sword" id="39" />
<Skill name="Mace" id="41" />
<Skill name="Hammer" id="42" />
<Skill name="Spear" id="43" />
<Skill name="Crossbow" id="44" />
<Skill name="Pike" id="50" />
<Skill name="Bow" id="52" />
<Skill name="Shield" id="45" />
<Skill name="Armor" id="46" />
<Skill name="Siege Engineering" id="47" />
<Skill name="Siege Operation" id="48" />
<Skill name="Pump Operation" id="70" />
<Skill name="Leatherworkering" id="36" />
<Skill name="Tanning" id="12" />
<Skill name="Dyeing" id="69" />
<Skill name="Bone Carving" id="37" />
<Skill name="Weaving" id="13" />
<Skill name="Brewing" id="14" />
<Skill name="Clothes Making" id="16" />
<Skill name="Milling" id="17" />
<Skill name="Threshing" id="18" />
<Skill name="Blowgun" id="53" />
<Skill name="Throwing" id="54" />
<Skill name="Machinery" id="55" />
<Skill name="Nature" id="56" />
<Skill name="Knife" id="40" />
<Skill name="Lash" id="51" />
<Skill name="Cooking" id="21" />
<Skill name="Alchemy" id="15" />
<Skill name="Building Design" id="58" />
<Skill name="Cheese Making" id="19" />
<Skill name="Milking" id="20" />
<Skill name="Misc. Object" id="106" />
<Skill name="Wound Dressing" id="59" />
<Skill name="Diagnostics" id="60" />
<Skill name="Surgery" id="61" />
<Skill name="Bone Setting" id="62" />
<Skill name="Suturing" id="63" />
<Skill name="Crutch-walking" id="64" />
<Level id="0" name="Dabbling" xpNxtLvl="500"/>
<Level id="1" name="Novice" xpNxtLvl="600"/>
<Level id="2" name="Adequate" xpNxtLvl="700"/>
<Level id="3" name="Competent" xpNxtLvl="800"/>
<Level id="4" name="Skilled" xpNxtLvl="900"/>
<Level id="5" name="Proficient" xpNxtLvl="1000"/>
<Level id="6" name="Talented" xpNxtLvl="1100"/>
<Level id="7" name="Adept" xpNxtLvl="1200"/>
<Level id="8" name="Expert" xpNxtLvl="1300"/>
<Level id="9" name="Professional" xpNxtLvl="1400"/>
<Level id="10" name="Accomplished" xpNxtLvl="1500"/>
<Level id="11" name="Great" xpNxtLvl="1600"/>
<Level id="12" name="Master" xpNxtLvl="1700"/>
<Level id="13" name="High Master" xpNxtLvl="1800"/>
<Level id="14" name="Grand Master" xpNxtLvl="1900"/>
<Level id="15" name="Legendary" xpNxtLvl="2000"/>
<Level id="16" name="Legendary+1" xpNxtLvl="2100"/>
<Level id="17" name="Legendary+2" xpNxtLvl="2200"/>
<Level id="18" name="Legendary+3" xpNxtLvl="2300"/>
<Level id="19" name="Legendary+4" xpNxtLvl="2400"/>
<Level id="20" name="Legendary+5" xpNxtLvl="-1"/><!-- -1 for no cap -->
<Labor name="Mining" id="0" />
<Labor name="Stone Hauling" id="1" />
<Labor name="Wood Hauling" id="2" />
<Labor name="Burial" id="3" />
<Labor name="Food Hauling" id="4" />
<Labor name="Refuse Hauling" id="5" />
<Labor name="Item Hauling" id="6" />
<Labor name="Furniture Hauling" id="7" />
<Labor name="Animal Hauling" id="8" />
<Labor name="Cleaning" id="9" />
<Labor name="Wood Cutting" id="10" />
<Labor name="Carpentry" id="11" />
<Labor name="Stone Detailing" id="12" />
<Labor name="Masonry" id="13" />
<Labor name="Architecture" id="14" />
<Labor name="Animal Training" id="15" />
<Labor name="Animal Care" id="16" />
<Labor name="Diagnosis" id="17" />
<Labor name="Surgery" id="18" />
<Labor name="Setting Bones" id="19" />
<Labor name="Suturing" id="20" />
<Labor name="Dressing Wounds" id="21" />
<Labor name="Feed Patients/Prisoners" id="22" />
<Labor name="Recovering Wounded" id="23" />
<Labor name="Butchery" id="24" />
<Labor name="Trapping" id="25" />
<Labor name="Small Animal Dissection" id="26" />
<Labor name="Leatherworking" id="27" />
<Labor name="Tanning" id="28" />
<Labor name="Brewing" id="29" />
<Labor name="Alchemy" id="30" />
<Labor name="Soap Maker" id="31" />
<Labor name="Weaving" id="32" />
<Labor name="Clothesmaking" id="33" />
<Labor name="Milling" id="34" />
<Labor name="Plant Processing" id="35" />
<Labor name="Cheese Making" id="36" />
<Labor name="Milking" id="37" />
<Labor name="Cooking" id="38" />
<Labor name="Farming (Fields)" id="39" />
<Labor name="Plant Gathering" id="40" />
<Labor name="Fishing" id="41" />
<Labor name="Fish Cleaning" id="42" />
<Labor name="Fish Dissection" id="43" />
<Labor name="Hunting" id="44" />
<Labor name="Furnace Operating" id="45" />
<Labor name="Weaponsmithing" id="46" />
<Labor name="Armoring" id="47" />
<Labor name="Blacksmithing" id="48" />
<Labor name="Metalcrafting" id="49" />
<Labor name="Gem Cutting" id="50" />
<Labor name="Gem Setting" id="51" />
<Labor name="Woodcrafting" id="52" />
<Labor name="Stonecrafting" id="53" />
<Labor name="Bone Carving" id="54" />
<Labor name="Glassmaking" id="55" />
<Labor name="Strand Extraction" id="56" />
<Labor name="Siege Engineering" id="57" />
<Labor name="Siege Operating" id="58" />
<Labor name="Crossbow-making" id="59" />
<Labor name="Mechanics" id="60" />
<Labor name="Potash Making" id="61" />
<Labor name="Lye Making" id="62" />
<Labor name="Dyeing" id="63" />
<Labor name="Wood Burning" id="64" />
<Labor name="Pump Operating" id="65" />
* Labor groups *
<Labor name="Woodworking" id="4294967294" />
<Labor name="Stoneworking" id="4294967293" />
<Labor name="Hunting/Related" id="4294967292" />
<Labor name="Healthcare" id="4294967291" />
<Labor name="Farming/Related" id="4294967290" />
<Labor name="Fishing/Related" id="4294967289" />
<Labor name="Metalsmithing" id="4294967288" />
<Labor name="Jewelry" id="4294967287" />
<Labor name="Crafts" id="4294967286" />
<Labor name="Engineering" id="4294967285" />
<Labor name="Hauling" id="4294967284" />
<Labor name="Other Jobs" id="4294967283" />
<multiclass name="building_trapst">
<class name="building_leverst" type="0x0"/>
<class name="building_pressure_platest" type="0x1"/>
<class name="building_cage_trapst" type="0x2"/>
<class name="building_stonefall_trapst" type="0x3"/>
<class name="building_weapon_trapst" type="0x4"/>
<class name="building_constructionst"/>
<class name="building_road_pavedst"/>
<class name="building_road_dirtst"/>
<class name="building_roadst"/>
<class name="building_wagonst"/>
<class name="building_tradedepotst"/>
<multiclass name="building_workshopst">
<class name="building_carpenters_workshopst" type="0x0"/>
<class name="building_farmers_workshopst" type="0x1"/>
<class name="building_masons_workshopst" type="0x2"/>
<class name="building_craftdwarfs_workshopst" type="0x3"/>
<class name="building_jewelers_workshopst" type="0x4"/>
<class name="building_metalsmiths_workshopst" type="0x5"/>
<class name="building_magma_forgest" type="0x6"/>
<class name="building_bowyers_workshopst" type="0x7"/>
<class name="building_mechanics_workshopst" type="0x8"/>
<class name="building_siege_workshopst" type="0x9"/>
<class name="building_butchers_shopst" type="0xA"/>
<class name="building_leather_worksst" type="0xB"/>
<class name="building_tanners_shopst" type="0xC"/>
<class name="building_clothiers_shopst" type="0xD"/>
<class name="building_fisheryst" type="0xE"/>
<class name="building_stillst" type="0xF"/>
<class name="building_loomst" type="0x10"/>
<class name="building_quernst" type="0x11"/>
<class name="building_kennelsst" type="0x12"/>
<class name="building_kitchenst" type="0x13"/>
<class name="building_asheryst" type="0x14"/>
<class name="building_dyers_shopst" type="0x15"/>
<class name="building_millstonest" type="0x16"/>
<class name="building_custom_workshop" type="0x17" />
<multiclass name="building_furnacest">
<class name="building_wood_furnacest" type="0x0"/>
<class name="building_smelterst" type="0x1"/>
<class name="building_glass_furnacest" type="0x2"/>
<class name="building_kilnst" type="0x3"/>
<class name="building_magma_smelterst" type="0x4"/>
<class name="building_magma_glass_furnacest" type="0x5"/>
<class name="building_magma_kilnst" type="0x6"/>
<class name="building_animaltrapst"/>
<class name="building_farmplotst"/>
<class name="building_window_glassst"/>
<class name="building_window_gemst"/>
<class name="building_windowst"/>
<class name="building_statuest"/>
<class name="building_coffinst"/>
<class name="building_shopst"/>
<class name="building_chairst"/>
<class name="building_tablest"/>
<class name="building_bedst"/>
<class name="building_traction_benchst"/>
<multiclass name="building_siegeenginest">
<class name="building_catapultst" type="0x0"/>
<class name="building_ballistast" type="0x1"/>
<class name="building_cagest"/>
<class name="building_chainst"/>
<class name="building_windmillst"/>
<class name="building_water_wheelst"/>
<class name="building_screw_pumpst"/>
<class name="building_archerytargetst"/>
<class name="building_weaponst"/><!-- retractable spikes -->
<class name="building_supportst"/>
<class name="building_axle_verticalst"/>
<class name="building_axle_horizontalst"/>
<class name="building_gear_assemblyst"/>
<class name="building_trapst"/>
<class name="building_bars_floorst"/>
<class name="building_bars_verticalst"/>
<class name="building_grate_floorst"/>
<class name="building_grate_wallst"/>
<class name="building_floodgatest"/>
<class name="building_bridgest"/>
<class name="building_hatchst"/>
<class name="building_doorst"/>
<class name="building_armorstandst"/>
<class name="building_weaponrackst"/>
<class name="building_cabinetst"/>
<class name="building_boxst"/>
<class name="building_stockpilest"/>
<class name="building_wellst"/>
<class name="building_civzonest"/><!-- zone -->
<class name="building_actualst"/>
<class name="buildingst"/>
<Address name="WORLD" description="A huge object that many things in DF are part of. Contains the whole game and can be used as a base
for many of the addresses." />
<HexValue name="sdasdasdizeof" description="The total size in bytes." />
<Group name="vector" description="An STL vector.">
<HexValue name="sizeof" description="The total size in bytes." />
<Offset name="start" description="The offset where the actual start/end/alloc_end triplet is." />
<Group name="string" description="An STL string.">
<HexValue name="sizeof" description="The total size in bytes." />
<Group name="Position" description="Offsets used by the Position module.">
<Address name="window_x" description="X coordinate of the current view (DWORD)" />
<Address name="window_y" description="Y coordinate of the current view (DWORD)" />
<Address name="window_z" description="Z coordinate of the current view (DWORD)" />
<Address name="cursor_xyz" description="Coordinates of the cursor (3xDWORD)." />
<!--<Address name="mouse_pos" description="Position of the mouse." />-->
<Address name="window_dims" description="Size of the view in tiles (2xWORD)" />
@2::s5A#@@@ @r. .
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Bs::sS3A#@2 @@#AhXirsS#;
iHrLr5d#@@@ .@#95sr;;rie
i*' `*@3 @@A2sr;:;r#5
:..:rll: @@A5sr::r3@
@Hr;iZ#@@@@ `:rr;;;;:
S@r.;i2#@@@ @s. ..
@2::ri2A@@# B@G2ir:...5i
:@r,r3X##@@ @G5sr:..,:A
.@Ar;;rSB@@# H#2sr;,..,is
.' `* ,@ASs;:..,:B
<Version name="v0.31.01 legacy" os="windows" base="DF2010">
<MD5 value="851c1190b6a7b42f2463967623d18575" />
<PETimeStamp value="0x4BB45F99" />
<multiclass name="building_trapst" typeoffset="0x138" />
<multiclass name="building_workshopst" typeoffset="0x138" />
<multiclass name="building_furnacest" typeoffset="0x152" />
<multiclass name="building_siegeenginest" typeoffset="0x138" />
<Address name="WORLD" value="0x0165B188" />
<Group name="vector">
<HexValue name="sizeof" value="0x18" />
<Offset name="start" value="0xC" />
Vector layout in MSVC 9:
DWORD Allocator?
DWORD AllocationEnd
<Group name="string">
<HexValue name="sizeof" value="0x1C" />
<Group name="name">
<Offset name="first" value="0x0" />
<Offset name="nick" value="0x1C" />
<Offset name="second_words" value="0x38" />
<Group name="Position">
<Address name="window_x" value="0xe32798" />
<Address name="window_y" value="0xe60838" />
<Address name="window_z" value="0xe60814" />
<Address name="cursor_xyz" value="0xae82cc" />
<Address name="window_dims" value="0x17f5ab8" />
<Group name="GUI">
<Address name="pause_state" value="0x146e45f" />
<Address name="current_cursor_creature" value="0xae82cc" valid="false" />
<Address name="current_menu_state" value="0x017f6f38" />
<Address name="view_screen" value="0xae82cc" valid="false" />
<Group name="Maps">
<Address name="map_data" value="0x016AD718" />
<Address name="x_count_block" value="0x016ad738" />
<Address name="y_count_block" value="0x016ad73C" />
<Address name="z_count_block" value="0x016ad740" />
<Address name="x_count" value="0x016ad744" />
<Address name="y_count" value="0x016ad748" />
<Address name="z_count" value="0x016ad74C" />
<Address name="region_x" value="0x016ad750" /><!--WORLD + 0x525C8-->
<Address name="region_y" value="0x016ad754" /><!--WORLD + 0x525CC-->
<Address name="region_z" value="0x016ad758" /><!--WORLD + 0x525D0-->
<Address name="world_size_x" value="0x016AEDD4" />
<Address name="world_size_y" value="0x016AEDD6" />
<Group name="block">
<Offset name="vein_vector" value="0x08" />
<Offset name="type" value="0x009A" />
<Offset name="designation" value="0x029C" />
<Offset name="occupancy" value="0x069c" />
<Offset name="temperature1" value="0x159c" />
<Offset name="temperature2" value="0x179c" />
<Offset name="biome_stuffs" value="0x1D9C" />
<Offset name="pathfinding" value="0x0D9c" />
<Offset name="feature_local" value="0x2C" />
<Offset name="feature_global" value="0x30" />
map_data_map_x_offset 0x0058
map_data_map_y_offset 0x005A
map_data_type_offset 0x009a
map_data_designation_offset 0x029c
map_data_occupancy_offset 0x069c
map_data_0a60_offset 0x0A9c
map_data_pathfinding_offset 0x0D9c
map_data_1160_offset 0x119c
map_data_1360_offset 0x139c
map_data_temperature1_offset 0x159c
map_data_temperature2_offset 0x179c
map_data_1960_offset 0x199c
map_data_1b60_offset 0x1B9c
<Group name="features">
<Group name="global">
<Address name="vector" value="0x16AF4FC" /> <!-- WORLD + 0x54374 -->
<Offset name="funcptr" value="0x100" />
<Offset name="material" value="0x34" />
<Offset name="submaterial" value="0x38" />
<Group name="local">
<Address name="start_ptr" value="0x16AF5C8" /> <!-- WORLD + 0x54440 -->
<Offset name="material" value="0x30" />
<Offset name="submaterial" value="0x34" />
<Group name="geology">
<Address name="geoblock_vector" value="0x16AF52C" />
<Address name="ptr2_region_array" value="0x16AF574" />
<!-- values for the region structure -->
<HexValue name="region_size" value="0x64" />
<Offset name="region_geo_index_off" value="0x60" />
<!-- geoblock offset(s?) -->
<Offset name="geolayer_geoblock_offset" value="0x4" /> vector
<Offset name="type_inside_geolayer" value="0x4" /> vector
<Group name="Creatures">
<Address name="creature_vector" value="0x0166ecc4" />
<Address name="current_race" value="0x01470fbc" />
<Address name="current_civ" value="0x01470fb0" />
<Group name="creature">
<Offset name="name" value="0x0" />
<Offset name="custom_profession" value="0x6c" />
<Offset name="profession" value="0x88" />
<Offset name="race" value="0x8C" />
<Offset name="position" value="0x90" />
<Offset name="flags1" value="0xF8" />
<Offset name="flags2" value="0xFC" />
<Offset name="caste" value="0x110" />
<Offset name="sex" value="0x112" />
<Offset name="id" value="0x114" />
<Offset name="civ" value="0X120" />
<Group name="advanced">
<Offset name="pickup_equipment_bit" value="0X21C" />
<Offset name="mood" value="0x288" />
<Offset name="pregnancy" value="0x28C" />
<Offset name="pregnancy_ptr" value="0x290" />
<Offset name="birth_year" value="0x298" />
<Offset name="birth_time" value="0x29C" />
<Offset name="current_job" value="0x390" /> <!-- from chmod -->
<Offset name="current_job_skill" value="0x394" /> the skill that will be increased at the end of the mood (or not)
<Offset name="physical" value="0x464" />
<Offset name="appearance_vector" value="0x604" /> seems to be indexes in the list of possible colors defined in the raws for each group
<Offset name="artifact_name" value="0x6D0" />
<Offset name="soul_vector" value="0x073C" />
<Offset name="current_soul" value="0x0754" />
<Offset name="labors" value="0x770" />
<Offset name="happiness" value="0x830" />
<Group name="soul">
<Offset name="name" value="0x0" />
<Offset name="mental" value="0x88" />
<Offset name="skills_vector" value="0x1F4" />
<Offset name="traits" value="0x224" />
<Group name="job">
<Offset name="id" value="0x0" /> Incrementaly assigned
<Offset name="type" value="0x8" /> seems to be just like the old occupations
<Offset name="materials_vector" value="0xa4" />
<Group name="material">
<Offset name="material_maintype" value="0x0" /> like mood materials, 0=bars, 4=stone, 5=wood, 57=cloth, 54=leather ...
<Offset name="material_sectype1" value="0x2" /> subsubtype ?
<Offset name="material_sectype2" value="0x4" /> subtype ?
<Offset name="material_sectype3" value="0x8" /> index of material (for example, 2 is for silver)
<Offset name="material_flags" value="0x18" /> set only for shell / bone mood requirements ?
<Group name="Materials">
<Address name="inorganics" value="0x16afd04" /><!-- WORLD + 0x54B7C -->
<Address name="organics_all" value="0x16afd1C" /><!-- wood and plant matter, WORLD + 0x54B94 -->
<Address name="organics_plants" value="0x16afd34" /><!-- plant matter, WORLD + 0x54BAC -->
<Address name="organics_trees" value="0x16afd64" /><!-- just wood, WORLD + 0x54BDC -->
<Address name="creature_type_vector" value="0x016AFE58" /><!-- creature types, WORLD + 0x54CD0 -->
<Group name="creature">
<Offset name="caste_vector" value="0x138" />
<Offset name="extract_vector" value="0x1A14" />
<Offset name="tile" value="0xE0" />
<Offset name="tile_color" value="0xF6" />
<Group name="caste">
<Offset name="bodypart_vector" value="0x51C" />
<Offset name="attributes" value="0x654" />
<Offset name="color_modifiers" value="0xACC" />
<Group name="caste_color_mods">
<Offset name="part" value="0x70" />
<Offset name="startdate" value="0x64" />
<Offset name="enddate" value="0x68" />
<Group name="caste_bodyparts">
<Offset name="id" value="0x0" />
<Offset name="category" value="0x1C" />
<Offset name="layers_vector" value="0x44" />
<Offset name="singular_vector" value="0x78" />
<Offset name="plural_vector" value="0x90" />
<Group name="Constructions">
<Address name="vector" value="0x165b290" /> <!-- WORLD + 0x108 -->
<Offset name="sizeof" value="0x14" />
<Group name="Translations">
<Address name="language_vector" value="0x016AFFD8" /> <!-- WORLD + 0x54E50 -->
<Address name="translation_vector" value="0x016B0008" /> <!-- WORLD + 0x54E80 -->
<Offset name="word_table" value="0x4C" />
<Group name="Vegetation">
<Address name="vegetation_vector" value="0x0167030C" /> <!-- WORLD + 0x15184 -->
<Offset name="tree_desc_offset" value="0x6C" />
<Group name="Buildings">
<Address name="buildings_vector" value="0x0166f9a0" /><!--WORLD + 0x14818-->
<Offset name="building_custom_workshop_type" value="0x164" />
<Address name="custom_workshop_vector" value="0x016B8798" /><!--WORLD + 0x5D610-->
<Offset name="custom_workshop_name" value="0x4" />
<Offset name="custom_workshop_type" value="0x20" />
<Group name="Hotkeys">
<Address name="start" value="0x01476ecc" />
<Offset name="mode" value="0x1C" />
<Offset name="coords" value="0x20" />
<HexValue name="sizeof" value="0x2C" />
<!-- addresses from belal: vectors might need 8 subtracted from them
buildings 0x0166f9a8
constructions 0xffffffff
creatures 0x0166eccc
current_cursor_creature 0x00ae82cc
current_menu_state 0x017f6f38
cursor_xyz 0x0166ecd4
effects_vector 0x017f6da0
hotkey_start 0x01476ecc
items 0x0166eda8
language_vector 0x016affe0
map_data 0x016ad718
matgloss 0xffffffff
notes 0x01474de8
pause_state 0x0146e45f
region_x 0x016ad750
region_y 0x016ad754
region_z 0x016ad758
settlement_current 0xffffffff
settlements 0x016af4a4
translation_vector 0x016b0010
view_screen 0xffffffff
window_dims 0x017f5abc
window_x 0x00e32798
window_y 0x00e60838
window_z 0x00e60814
world 0x016aed50
x_count 0x016ad738
y_count 0x016ad73c
z_count 0x016ad740
<Version name="v0.31.02 legacy" os="windows" base="v0.31.01 legacy">
<MD5 value="23dfe141c7ea4e63ebb3c618a12b48ec" />
<PETimeStamp value="0x4BBDF378" />
<Version name="v0.31.03 legacy" os="windows" base="v0.31.01 legacy" rebase="0x1000">
<MD5 value="94641d97a0ecff6f2194e3d0b310d946" />
<PETimeStamp value="0x4BC3C470" />
WORLD: 0x0165c1d0 ?
<Group name="Position">
<Address name="window_dims" value="0x17f6b00" /> Was 0x17f5ab8
<Group name="Maps">
<Address name="map_data" value="0x016AE760" />
<Address name="x_count_block" value="0x016AE780" />
<Address name="y_count_block" value="0x016AE784" />
<Address name="z_count_block" value="0x016AE788" />
<Address name="x_count" value="0x016AE78C" />
<Address name="y_count" value="0x016AE790" />
<Address name="z_count" value="0x016AE794" />
<Address name="region_x" value="0x016AE798" />
<Address name="region_y" value="0x016AE79C" />
<Address name="region_z" value="0x016AE7A0" />
<Address name="world_size_x" value="0x016AFE1C" />
<Address name="world_size_y" value="0x016AFE1E" />
<Group name="features">
<Group name="global">
<Address name="vector" value="0x16B0544" /> <!-- WORLD + 0x54374 -->
<Group name="local">
<Address name="start_ptr" value="0x16B0610" /> <!-- WORLD + 0x54440 -->
<Group name="geology">
<Address name="geoblock_vector" value="0x16B0574" />
<Address name="ptr2_region_array" value="0x16B05BC" />
<Group name="Creatures">
<Address name="creature_vector" value="0x166FD0C" />
<Group name="creature">
<Group name="advanced">
<Offset name="artifact_name" value="0x6D4" />
<Offset name="soul_vector" value="0x0740" />
<Offset name="current_soul" value="0x0758" />
<Offset name="labors" value="0x774" />
<Offset name="happiness" value="0x834" />
<Group name="Materials">
<Address name="mat_inorganics" value="0x16B0D4C" /><!--inorganics vector = WORLD + 0x54B7C = 0x16B0D4C-->
<Address name="mat_other" value="0x16BA114" /> <!-- stuff like glass, coke, ... -->
<Address name="mat_organics_all" value="0x16B0D64" /><!--WORLD + 0x54B94-->
<Address name="mat_organics_plants" value="0x16B0D7C" /><!--plant matter, WORLD + 0x54BAC-->
<Address name="mat_organics_trees" value="0x16B0DAC" /><!--just wood, WORLD + 0x54BDC-->
<Address name="creature_type_vector" value="0x16B0EA0" /><!--WORLD + 0x54CD0-->
<Group name="descriptors">
<Address name="vectors_start" value="0x16B9780" />
<Offset name="rawname" value="0x0" />
<Offset name="name" value="0x4C" />
<Address name="colors_vector" value="0x16B9768" />
<Offset name="color_r" value="0x6C" /><!--floats !-->
<Offset name="color_v" value="0x70" />
<Offset name="color_b" value="0x74" />
<Address name="all_colors_vector" value="0x16B9798" /><!--A list of all colors, including eyes and stuff-->
<Group name="Constructions">
<Address name="vector" value="0x165C2D8" /><!--WORLD + 0x108-->
<Group name="Translations">
<Address name="language_vector" value="0x016B1020" /><!--WORLD + 0x54E50-->
<Address name="translation_vector" value="0x16B1050" /><!--WORLD + 0x54E80-->
<Group name="Vegetation">
<Address name="vector" value="0x1671354" /><!--WORLD + 0x15184-->
<Group name="Buildings">
<Address name="buildings_vector" value="0x16709E8" /><!--WORLD + 0x14818-->
<Address name="custom_workshop_vector" value="0x16B97E0" /><!--WORLD + 0x5D610-->
<Group name="Items">
<Address name="items_vector" value="0x166FE00" />
List of offsets in the VTable :
<Offset name="item_type_accessor" value="0x0" />
<Offset name="item_subtype_accessor" value="0x4" />
<Offset name="item_subindex_accessor" value="0x8" />
<Offset name="item_index_accessor" value="0xC" />
<Offset name="item_quality_accessor" value="0x238" />
<Offset name="item_improvement_vector" value="0xA0" />
<Offset name="item_improvement_subindex" value="0x4" />
<Offset name="item_improvement_index" value="0x8" />
<Offset name="item_improvement_quality" value="0x14" />
<Offset name="item_type_accessor" value="0x14" /> (in the vtable)
<Group name="World">
<Address name="current_tick" value="0x0e47e08" />
<Address name="current_year" value="0x0e79f00" />
<Version name="v0.31.04 SDL" os="windows" base="v0.31.03 legacy">
<MD5 value="655a895c5b90d15eb9bb71e28c6c62e5" />
<PETimeStamp value="0x4bf014fa" />
<Group name="Creatures">
<Address name="creature_vector" value="0x167870C" />
<Address name="current_race" value="0x1471FBC" />
<Address name="current_civ" value="0x1471FB0" />
<Group name="Materials">
<Address name="mat_inorganics" value="0x16BD0B0" />
<Address name="mat_other" value="0x16C6478" />
<Address name="mat_organics_all" value="0x16BD0C8" />
<Address name="mat_organics_plants" value="0x16bd0e0" />
<Address name="mat_organics_trees" value="0x16bd110" />
<Address name="creature_type_vector" value="0x16BD204" />
<Group name="descriptors">
<Address name="descriptor_colors_vector" value="0x16C5ACC" />
<Address name="descriptor_vectors_start" value="0x16C5AE4" />
<Address name="descriptor_all_colors" value="0x16C5AFC" />
<Group name="Translations">
<Address name="language_vector" value="0x16BD384" />
<Address name="translation_vector" value="0x16BD3B4" />
<Group name="World">
<Address name="current_tick" value="0xE78780" />
<Address name="current_year" value="0xEAA878" />
<Group name="Maps">
<Address name="map_data" value="0x016BAAC4" />
<Address name="x_count_block" value="0x016BAAE4" />
<Address name="y_count_block" value="0x016BAAE8" />
<Address name="z_count_block" value="0x016BAAEC" />
<Address name="x_count" value="0x016BAAF0" />
<Address name="y_count" value="0x016BAAF4" />
<Address name="z_count" value="0x016BAAF8" />
<Address name="region_x" value="0x016BAAFC" />
<Address name="region_y" value="0x016BAB00" />
<Address name="region_z" value="0x016BAB04" />
<Address name="world_size_x" value="0x16BC180" />
<Address name="world_size_y" value="0x16BC182" />
<Group name="features">
<Group name="global">
<Address name="vector" value="0x16BC8A8" />
<Group name="local">
<Address name="local_feature_start_ptr" value="0x16BC974" />
<Group name="geology">
<Address name="geoblock_vector" value="0x16BC8D8" />
<Address name="ptr2_region_array" value="0x16BC920" />
<Group name="Constructions">
<Address name="construction_vector" value="0x1664CD8" />
<Group name="Vegetation">
<Address name="vegetation_vector" value="0x1679D54" />
<Group name="Buildings">
<Address name="buildings_vector" value="0x16793e8" />
<Group name="Items">
<Address name="items_vector" value="0x1678800" />
<Group name="Position">
<Address name="window_dims" value="0x18030fc" />
<Address name="window_x" value="0xe640dc" />
<Address name="window_y" value="0xe921b0" />
<Address name="window_z" value="0xe9218c" />
<Address name="cursor_xyz" value="0xae92c8" />
<Version name="v0.31.05 SDL" os="windows" base="v0.31.04 SDL" rebase="0x8010">
<MD5 value="394ff63fc00fedd5df0b36e4beb589bc" />
<PETimeStamp value="0x4c091569" />
<Group name="Creatures">
<Address name="current_race" value="0x014abee4" />
<Address name="current_civ" value="0x01471FB0" /> BOGUS!
<Group name="Position">
<Address name="window_dims" value="0x180b10c" />
<Address name="window_x" value="0xe6c0dc" />
<Address name="window_y" value="0xe9a1b0" />
<Address name="window_z" value="0xe9a18c" />
<Address name="cursor_xyz" value="0xaf12cc" />
<Group name="World">
<Address name="current_tick" value="0xE80780" />
<Address name="current_year" value="0xEB2878" />
<Version name="v0.31.06 SDL" os="windows" base="v0.31.05 SDL" rebase="0x10">
<MD5 value="c4b7e37dafa2716e31d29110968ac64e" />
<PETimeStamp value="0x4c0f83d5" />
<Group name="Position">
<Address name="cursor_xyz" value="0xaf12d0" />
<Version name="v0.31.07 SDL" os="windows" base="v0.31.06 SDL" rebase="0x2000">
<MD5 value="1c0b5254af1b8ff9a34b51c3f6609da3" />
<PETimeStamp value="0x4c1cbe4b" />
<Group name="Position">
<Address name="cursor_xyz" value="0xaf32d8" />
<Address name="window_dims" value="0x180d11c" />
<Address name="window_x" value="0xe6e0ec" />
<Address name="window_y" value="0xe9c1c0" />
<Address name="window_z" value="0xe9c19c" />
<Version name="v0.31.08 SDL" os="windows" base="v0.31.07 SDL" rebase="-0x1000">
<MD5 value="a83e6b21307cf41fb54c315fa40dec86" />
<PETimeStamp value="0x4c1d69fe" />
<Group name="Creatures">
<Address name="current_civ" value="0x14acee8" />
<Version name="v0.31.09 SDL" os="windows" base="v0.31.08 SDL" rebase="0xD028" >
<MD5 value="1a85839ab03df082974dc5629d3fbc26" />
<PETimeStamp value="0x4C3897C0" />
<Group name="Position">
<Address name="cursor_xyz" value="0xaff2d8" />
<Group name="Translations">
<Address name="language_vector" value="0x16D33CC" />
<Address name="translation_vector" value="0x16D33FC" />
<Group name="Creatures">
<Address name="creature_vector" value="0x168E73C" />
<Address name="current_race" value="0x014b9f1c" />
<Group name="creature">
<Group name="advanced">
<Offset name="physical" value="0x4AC" />
<Offset name="appearance_vector" value="0x64c" /> <!-- Maybe slightly wrong -->
<Offset name="artifact_name" value="0x71c" />
<Offset name="labors" value="0x7Bc" />
<Offset name="soul_vector" value="0x0788" />
<Offset name="current_soul" value="0x07A0" />
<Offset name="happiness" value="0x87c" />
<Version name="v0.31.10 SDL" os="windows" base="v0.31.09 SDL">
<MD5 value="349d1ad6eda7b6c5e87f8e4726a0999a" />
<PETimeStamp value="0x4C398089" />
<Version name="v0.31.11 SDL" os="windows" base="v0.31.10 SDL" rebase="0x7018">
<MD5 value="552cfa417fd131204ebfee66aefc4adb" />
<PETimeStamp value="0x4C496D93" />
<Group name="Position">
<Address name="cursor_xyz" value="0xB062D8" />
<Address name="window_x" value="0xe81114" />
<Address name="window_y" value="0xeAF1E8" />
<Address name="window_z" value="0xeAF1C4" />
<Version name="v0.31.12 SDL" os="windows" base="v0.31.11 SDL">
<MD5 value="f0459165a426a9f2dd8d957e9fa7f01d" />
<PETimeStamp value="0x4C4C32E7" />
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<!-- Windows logo by Microsoft -->
<!-- Tux logo by the Linux guys :) -->
<Version name="v0.31.05 linux" os="linux" base="DF2010">
<MD5 value="fea3801a26538b1741f3cc9294139fca" />
<Address name="WORLD" value="0x92C60E0" valid="false" />
<Group name="vector" valid="true">
<HexValue name="sizeof" value="0xC" />
<Offset name="start" value="0x0" />
Vector layout in lidstdc++:
DWORD AllocationEnd
<Group name="string" valid="true">
<HexValue name="sizeof" value="0x4" />
<Group name="name" valid="true">
<Offset name="first" value="0x0" />
<Offset name="nick" value="0x4" />
<Offset name="second_words" value="0x8" />
<Group name="Position">
<Address name="window_x" value="0x8cc9b38" />
<Address name="window_y" value="0x8cc9b3c" />
<Address name="window_z" value="0x8cc9b40" />
<Address name="cursor_xyz" value="0x8b0d36c" />
<Address name="window_dims" value="0x945ad8c" />
<Group name="GUI">
<Address name="pause_state" value="0x92bf73c" />
<Address name="current_cursor_creature" value=""/>
<Address name="current_menu_state" value="" />
<Address name="view_screen" value=""/>
<Group name="Maps">
<Address name="map_data" value="0x9318D40" />
<Address name="x_count_block" value="0x9318D54" />
<Address name="y_count_block" value="0x9318D58" />
<Address name="z_count_block" value="0x9318D5C" />
<Address name="x_count" value="0x9318D60" />
<Address name="y_count" value="0x9318D64" />
<Address name="z_count" value="0x9318D68" />
<Address name="region_x" value="0x9318D6C" />
<Address name="region_y" value="0x9318D70" />
<Address name="region_z" value="0x9318D74" />
<Address name="world_size_x" value="0x931A3C0" />
<Address name="world_size_y" value="0x931A3C2" />
<Group name="block" valid="true">
<Offset name="vein_vector" value="0x08" />
<Offset name="feature_local" value="0x20" />
<Offset name="feature_global" value="0x24" />
<Offset name="type" value="0x006A" />
<Offset name="designation" value="0x026C" />
<Offset name="occupancy" value="0x066c" />
<Offset name="temperature1_offset" value="0x156c" />
<Offset name="temperature2_offset" value="0x176c" />
<Offset name="biome_stuffs" value="0x1D6C" />
<Offset name="pathfinding" value="0x0D6c" />
<Group name="features">
<Group name="global">
<Address name="vector" value="0x931A95C" />
<Offset name="funcptr" value="0x94" />
<Offset name="material" value="0x28" />
<Offset name="submaterial" value="0x2C" />
<Group name="local">
<Address name="start_ptr" value="0x931A9D4" />
<Offset name="material" value="0x24" />
<Offset name="submaterial" value="0x28" />
<Group name="geology">
<Address name="geoblock_vector" value="0x931A974" />
<Address name="ptr2_region_array" value="0x931A998" />
<!-- values for the region structure -->
<HexValue name="region_size" value="0x58" />
<Offset name="region_geo_index_off" value="0x54" />
<!-- geoblock offset(s?) -->
<Offset name="geolayer_geoblock_offset" value="0x4" /> vector
<Offset name="type_inside_geolayer" value="0x8" /> vector
<Group name="Creatures">
<Address name="creature_vector" value="0x92D9AC0" />
<Address name="current_race" value="0x92C1628" />
<Address name="current_civ" value="0x92C161C" />
<Group name="creature" valid="verify" >
<Offset name="name" value="0x0" />
<Offset name="custom_profession" value="0x3c" />
<Offset name="profession" value="0x40" />
<Offset name="race" value="0x44" />
<Offset name="position" value="0x90" />
<Offset name="flags1" value="0x8C" />
<Offset name="flags2" value="0x90" />
<Offset name="caste" value="0xA4" />
<Offset name="sex" value="0xA6" />
<Offset name="id" value="0xA8" />
<Offset name="civ" value="0xB4" />
<Group name="advanced">
<Offset name="pickup_equipment_bit" value="0X144" /> CHMOD
<Offset name="mood" value="0x18C" /> VERIFY!
<Offset name="birth_year" value="0x19C" />
<Offset name="birth_time" value="0x1A0" />
<Offset name="current_job" value="0x258" /> chmod
<Offset name="current_job_skill" value="0x394" />
<Offset name="physical" value="0x464" />
<Offset name="appearance_vector" value="0x604" valid="false" />
<Offset name="artifact_name" value="0x6D4" valid="false" />
<Offset name="soul_vector" value="0x0500" />
<Offset name="current_soul" value="0x0758" valid="false" />
<Offset name="labors" value="0x51C" />
<Offset name="happiness" value="0x5AC" />
<Group name="soul" valid="verify">
<Offset name="name" value="0x0" />
<Offset name="mental" value="0x88" />
<Offset name="skills_vector" value="0x1C4" /> CHMOD
<Offset name="traits" value="0x1DC" />
<Group name="job">
<Offset name="id" value="0x0" /> Incrementaly assigned
<Offset name="type" value="0x8" /> seems to be just like the old occupations
<Offset name="materials_vector" value="0xa4" />
<Group name="material">
<Offset name="material_maintype" value="0x0" /> like mood materials, 0=bars, 4=stone, 5=wood, 57=cloth, 54=leather ...
<Offset name="material_sectype1" value="0x2" /> subsubtype ?
<Offset name="material_sectype2" value="0x4" /> subtype ?
<Offset name="material_sectype3" value="0x8" /> index of material (for example, 2 is for silver)
<Offset name="material_flags" value="0x18" /> set only for shell / bone mood requirements ?
<Group name="Materials">
<Address name="inorganics" value="0x931ae88" /><!-- WORLD + 0x54B7C -->
<Address name="organics_all" value="0x931ae94" /><!-- wood and plant matter, WORLD + 0x54B94 -->
<Address name="organics_plants" value="0x931aea0" /><!-- plant matter, WORLD + 0x54BAC -->
<Address name="organics_trees" value="0x931aeb8" /><!-- just wood, WORLD + 0x54BDC -->
<Address name="creature_type_vector" value="0x931af34" /><!-- creature types, WORLD + 0x54CD0 -->
<Group name="creature" valid="verify">
<Offset name="caste_vector" value="0x60" />
<Offset name="extract_vector" value="0x18f4" />
<Offset name="tile" value="0x20" />
<Offset name="tile_color" value="0x36" />
<Group name="caste">
<Offset name="bodypart_vector" value="0x51C" />
<Offset name="attributes" value="0x654" />
<Offset name="color_modifiers" value="0xACC" />
<Group name="caste_color_mods">
<Offset name="part" value="0x70" />
<Offset name="startdate" value="0x64" />
<Offset name="enddate" value="0x68" />
<Group name="caste_bodyparts">
<Offset name="id" value="0x0" />
<Offset name="category" value="0x1C" />
<Offset name="layers_vector" value="0x44" />
<Offset name="singular_vector" value="0x78" />
<Offset name="plural_vector" value="0x90" />
<Group name="descriptors">
<!--<Address name="vectors_start" value="" />--><!-- search: vector of object with first object having string "STAR" as first member -->
<Offset name="rawname" value="0x0" />
<Offset name="name" value="0x1C" />
<Address name="colors_vector" value="0x931f398" />
<Offset name="color_r" value="0x24" /><!--floats !-->
<Offset name="color_v" value="0x28" />
<Offset name="color_b" value="0x2C" />
<Address name="all_colors_vector" value="0x931f3b0" /><!--A list of all colors, including eyes and stuff-->
<Group name="Constructions">
<Address name="vector" value="" />
<Offset name="sizeof" value="0x14" />
<Group name="Translations">
<Address name="language_vector" value="0x931aff4" />
<Address name="translation_vector" value="0x931b00c" />
<Offset name="word_table" value="0x1C" />
<Group name="Vegetation">
<Address name="vegetation_vector" value="" />
<Offset name="tree_desc_offset" value="" />
<Group name="World">
<Address name="current_year" value="0x92BF6A0" />
<Address name="current_tick" value="0x92BF6A8" />
<Version name="v0.31.06 linux" os="linux" base="v0.31.05 linux" rebase="-0x20E0">
<MD5 value="13a1c19e8f59b74e307e094e2a0f28c3" />
<Address name="WORLD" value="0x92C4000" />
<Group name="Position">
<Address name="cursor_xyz" value="0x8b0b328" /> VERIFIED
WORLD + 0x139E0
0x92d79e0 = real one? seems like it
<Version name="v0.31.07 linux" os="linux" base="v0.31.06 linux" rebase="0x2000">
<MD5 value="b31979551782e89c049b11db8d2d86d7" />
<Version name="v0.31.08 linux" os="linux" base="v0.31.07 linux">
<MD5 value="e37750890350d7b9d8203879aff8fa5c" />
<Version name="v0.31.09 linux" os="linux" base="v0.31.08 linux" rebase="0x11000">
<!-- TODO: fix creature offsets -->
<!-- TODO: small offsets added all over the place, investigate -->
<MD5 value="4f1f988bc1b425d4193d3d8b7b0579a5" />
<Version name="v0.31.10 linux" os="linux" base="v0.31.09 linux">
<MD5 value="3e7bea269018a6fb88ef53715685aa64" />
<Group name="Buildings">
<Address name="buildings_vector" value="0x92eb068" />
<Offset name="building_custom_workshop_type" value="0xE0" />
<Address name="custom_workshop_vector" value="0x93302e8" />
<Offset name="custom_workshop_name" value="0x4" />
<Offset name="custom_workshop_type" value="0x8" />
<multiclass name="building_trapst" typeoffset="0xC0" />
<multiclass name="building_workshopst" typeoffset="0xC0" />
<multiclass name="building_furnacest" typeoffset="0xCE" />
<multiclass name="building_siegeenginest" typeoffset="0xC0" />
<Version name="v0.31.11 linux" os="linux" base="v0.31.10 linux" rebase="0x1D020">
<!-- BIG rebase, possible broken stuff -->
<MD5 value="7b04ad536b8b657588ac209a7f95e1d1" />
<Group name="Position">
<Address name="window_x" value="0x8cf7a58" /> VERIFIED
<Address name="window_y" value="0x8cf7a5C" /> VERIFIED
<Address name="window_z" value="0x8cf7a60" /> VERIFIED
<Address name="cursor_xyz" value="0x8b3b328" /> VERIFIED
<Version name="v0.31.12 linux" os="linux" base="v0.31.11 linux" rebase="-0x1000">
<MD5 value="e79cead03187ecb692961b316b7cdcd4" />