26 lines
642 B
Protocol Buffer
26 lines
642 B
Protocol Buffer
package RemoteFortressReader;
//Attempts to provide a complete framework for reading everything from a fortress needed for vizualization
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
message MatPair {
required int32 mat_type = 1;
required int32 mat_index = 2;
message ColorDefinition {
required int32 red = 1;
required int32 green = 2;
required int32 blue = 3;
message MaterialDefinition{
required MatPair mat_pair = 1;
optional string id = 2;
optional string name = 3;
optional ColorDefinition state_color = 4; //Simplifying colors to assume room temperature.
message MaterialList{
repeated MaterialDefinition material_list = 1;
} |