Added parseReportString, which parses a string using '&' as a control character (&r as newline, && as &) and cuts to a certain length w/o splitting words.
Added autoDFAnnouncement, which takes a report_init and a string, and handles them like DF does.
Added variants to log unprinted announcements and to build the report_init from arguments.
Added pauseRecenter, which recenters on an xyz coord (item style, not unit) and optionally pauses, while respecting pause_zoom_no_interface_ms.
Added variant that takes a pos.
Added recenterViewscreen, which recenters on an xyz coord using a report zoom style (item, unit, generic. revealInDwarfmodeMap calls "unit" style "center". Generic style ignores coords and just enforces valid view bounds.)
Added variants that take pos or use current cursor coords.