564 lines
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564 lines
16 KiB
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Petr Mrázek (peterix@gmail.com)
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must
not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this
software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation
would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
#include "Internal.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#include "VersionInfo.h"
#include "MemAccess.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "Types.h"
// we connect to those
#include "modules/Materials.h"
#include "modules/Units.h"
#include "modules/Translation.h"
#include "ModuleFactory.h"
#include "Core.h"
#include "df/world.h"
#include "df/ui.h"
#include "df/unit_inventory_item.h"
using namespace DFHack;
using namespace DFHack::Simple;
using df::global::world;
using df::global::ui;
struct Units::Private
bool Inited;
bool Started;
Module* DFHack::createUnits()
return new Units();
Core & c = Core::getInstance();
d = new Private;
VersionInfo * minfo = c.vinfo;
d->Inited = false;
d->Started = false;
d->Inited = true;
bool Units::Start( uint32_t &numcreatures )
d->Started = true;
numcreatures = world->units.all.size();
return true;
bool Units::Finish()
d->Started = false;
return true;
df::unit * Units::GetCreature (const int32_t index)
if(!d->Started) return NULL;
// read pointer from vector at position
if(index > world->units.all.size())
return 0;
return world->units.all[index];
// returns index of creature actually read or -1 if no creature can be found
int32_t Units::GetCreatureInBox (int32_t index, df::unit ** furball,
const uint16_t x1, const uint16_t y1, const uint16_t z1,
const uint16_t x2, const uint16_t y2, const uint16_t z2)
if (!d->Started)
return -1;
uint32_t size = world->units.all.size();
while (uint32_t(index) < size)
// read pointer from vector at position
df::unit * temp = world->units.all[index];
if (temp->pos.x >= x1 && temp->pos.x < x2)
if (temp->pos.y >= y1 && temp->pos.y < y2)
if (temp->pos.z >= z1 && temp->pos.z < z2)
*furball = temp;
return index;
*furball = NULL;
return -1;
void Units::CopyCreature(df::unit * source, t_unit & furball)
if(!d->Started) return;
// read pointer from vector at position
furball.origin = source;
//read creature from memory
// name
Translation::readName(furball.name, &source->name);
// basic stuff
furball.id = source->id;
furball.x = source->pos.x;
furball.y = source->pos.y;
furball.z = source->pos.z;
furball.race = source->race;
furball.civ = source->civ_id;
furball.sex = source->sex;
furball.caste = source->caste;
furball.flags1.whole = source->flags1.whole;
furball.flags2.whole = source->flags2.whole;
furball.flags3.whole = source->flags3.whole;
// custom profession
furball.custom_profession = source->custom_profession;
// profession
furball.profession = source->profession;
// happiness
furball.happiness = source->status.happiness;
// physical attributes
memcpy(&furball.strength, source->body.physical_attrs, sizeof(source->body.physical_attrs));
// mood stuff
furball.mood = source->mood;
furball.mood_skill = source->job.unk_2f8; // FIXME: really? More like currently used skill anyway.
Translation::readName(furball.artifact_name, &source->status.artifact_name);
// labors
memcpy(&furball.labors, &source->status.labors, sizeof(furball.labors));
furball.birth_year = source->relations.birth_year;
furball.birth_time = source->relations.birth_time;
furball.pregnancy_timer = source->relations.pregnancy_timer;
// appearance
furball.nbcolors = source->appearance.colors.size();
furball.nbcolors = MAX_COLORS;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < furball.nbcolors; i++)
furball.color[i] = source->appearance.colors[i];
//likes. FIXME: where do they fit in now? The soul?
DfVector <uint32_t> likes(d->p, temp + offs.creature_likes_offset);
furball.numLikes = likes.getSize();
for(uint32_t i = 0;i<furball.numLikes;i++)
uint32_t temp2 = *(uint32_t *) likes[i];
p->read(temp2,sizeof(t_like),(uint8_t *) &furball.likes[i]);
uint32_t soul = p->readDWord(addr_cr + offs.default_soul_offset);
furball.has_default_soul = false;
furball.has_default_soul = true;
// get first soul's skills
DfVector <uint32_t> skills(soul + offs.soul_skills_vector_offset);
furball.defaultSoul.numSkills = skills.size();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < furball.defaultSoul.numSkills;i++)
uint32_t temp2 = skills[i];
// a byte: this gives us 256 skills maximum.
furball.defaultSoul.skills[i].id = p->readByte (temp2);
furball.defaultSoul.skills[i].rating =
p->readByte (temp2 + offsetof(t_skill, rating));
furball.defaultSoul.skills[i].experience =
p->readWord (temp2 + offsetof(t_skill, experience));
// mental attributes are part of the soul
p->read(soul + offs.soul_mental_offset,
(uint8_t *)&furball.defaultSoul.analytical_ability);
// traits as well
p->read(soul + offs.soul_traits_offset,
sizeof (uint16_t) * NUM_CREATURE_TRAITS,
(uint8_t *) &furball.defaultSoul.traits);
furball.current_job.occupationPtr = p->readDWord (addr_cr + offs.current_job_offset);
furball.current_job.active = true;
furball.current_job.jobType = p->readByte (furball.current_job.occupationPtr + offs.job_type_offset );
furball.current_job.jobId = p->readWord (furball.current_job.occupationPtr + offs.job_id_offset);
furball.current_job.active = false;
// no jobs for now...
furball.current_job.active = false;
int32_t Units::FindIndexById(int32_t creature_id)
return df::unit::binsearch_index(world->units.all, creature_id);
bool Creatures::WriteLabors(const uint32_t index, uint8_t labors[NUM_CREATURE_LABORS])
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_advanced) return false;
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at (index);
Process * p = d->owner;
p->write(temp + d->creatures.labors_offset, NUM_CREATURE_LABORS, labors);
uint32_t pickup_equip;
p->readDWord(temp + d->creatures.pickup_equipment_bit, pickup_equip);
pickup_equip |= 1u;
p->writeDWord(temp + d->creatures.pickup_equipment_bit, pickup_equip);
return true;
bool Creatures::WriteHappiness(const uint32_t index, const uint32_t happinessValue)
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_advanced) return false;
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at (index);
Process * p = d->owner;
p->writeDWord (temp + d->creatures.happiness_offset, happinessValue);
return true;
bool Creatures::WriteFlags(const uint32_t index,
const uint32_t flags1,
const uint32_t flags2)
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_basic) return false;
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at (index);
Process * p = d->owner;
p->writeDWord (temp + d->creatures.flags1_offset, flags1);
p->writeDWord (temp + d->creatures.flags2_offset, flags2);
return true;
bool Creatures::WriteFlags(const uint32_t index,
const uint32_t flags1,
const uint32_t flags2,
const uint32_t flags3)
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_basic) return false;
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at (index);
Process * p = d->owner;
p->writeDWord (temp + d->creatures.flags1_offset, flags1);
p->writeDWord (temp + d->creatures.flags2_offset, flags2);
p->writeDWord (temp + d->creatures.flags3_offset, flags3);
return true;
bool Creatures::WriteSkills(const uint32_t index, const t_soul &soul)
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_soul) return false;
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at (index);
Process * p = d->owner;
uint32_t souloff = p->readDWord(temp + d->creatures.default_soul_offset);
return false;
DfVector<uint32_t> skills(souloff + d->creatures.soul_skills_vector_offset);
for (uint32_t i=0; i<soul.numSkills; i++)
uint32_t temp2 = skills[i];
p->writeByte(temp2 + offsetof(t_skill, rating), soul.skills[i].rating);
p->writeWord(temp2 + offsetof(t_skill, experience), soul.skills[i].experience);
return true;
bool Creatures::WriteAttributes(const uint32_t index, const t_creature &creature)
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_advanced || !d->Ft_soul) return false;
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at (index);
Process * p = d->owner;
uint32_t souloff = p->readDWord(temp + d->creatures.default_soul_offset);
return false;
// physical attributes
p->write(temp + d->creatures.physical_offset,
(uint8_t *)&creature.strength);
// mental attributes are part of the soul
p->write(souloff + d->creatures.soul_mental_offset,
(uint8_t *)&creature.defaultSoul.analytical_ability);
return true;
bool Creatures::WriteSex(const uint32_t index, const uint8_t sex)
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_basic ) return false;
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at (index);
Process * p = d->owner;
p->writeByte (temp + d->creatures.sex_offset, sex);
return true;
bool Creatures::WriteTraits(const uint32_t index, const t_soul &soul)
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_soul) return false;
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at (index);
Process * p = d->owner;
uint32_t souloff = p->readDWord(temp + d->creatures.default_soul_offset);
return false;
p->write(souloff + d->creatures.soul_traits_offset,
sizeof (uint16_t) * NUM_CREATURE_TRAITS,
(uint8_t *) &soul.traits);
return true;
bool Creatures::WriteMood(const uint32_t index, const uint16_t mood)
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_advanced) return false;
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at (index);
Process * p = d->owner;
p->writeWord(temp + d->creatures.mood_offset, mood);
return true;
bool Creatures::WriteMoodSkill(const uint32_t index, const uint16_t moodSkill)
if(!d->Started || !d->Ft_advanced) return false;
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at (index);
Process * p = d->owner;
p->writeWord(temp + d->creatures.mood_skill_offset, moodSkill);
return true;
bool Creatures::WriteJob(const t_creature * furball, std::vector<t_material> const& mat)
if(!d->Inited || !d->Ft_job_materials) return false;
if(!furball->current_job.active) return false;
unsigned int i;
Process * p = d->owner;
Private::t_offsets & off = d->creatures;
DfVector <uint32_t> cmats(furball->current_job.occupationPtr + off.job_materials_vector);
p->writeWord(cmats[i] + off.job_material_itemtype_o, mat[i].itemType);
p->writeWord(cmats[i] + off.job_material_subtype_o, mat[i].subType);
p->writeWord(cmats[i] + off.job_material_subindex_o, mat[i].subIndex);
p->writeDWord(cmats[i] + off.job_material_index_o, mat[i].index);
p->writeDWord(cmats[i] + off.job_material_flags_o, mat[i].flags);
return true;
bool Creatures::WritePos(const uint32_t index, const t_creature &creature)
if(!d->Started) return false;
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at (index);
Process * p = d->owner;
p->write (temp + d->creatures.pos_offset, 3 * sizeof (uint16_t), (uint8_t *) & (creature.x));
return true;
bool Creatures::WriteCiv(const uint32_t index, const int32_t civ)
if(!d->Started) return false;
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at (index);
Process * p = d->owner;
p->writeDWord(temp + d->creatures.civ_offset, civ);
return true;
bool Creatures::WritePregnancy(const uint32_t index, const uint32_t pregTimer)
if(!d->Started) return false;
uint32_t temp = d->p_cre->at (index);
Process * p = d->owner;
p->writeDWord(temp + d->creatures.pregnancy_offset, pregTimer);
return true;
uint32_t Units::GetDwarfRaceIndex()
return ui->race_id;
int32_t Units::GetDwarfCivId()
return ui->civ_id;
bool Creatures::getCurrentCursorCreature(uint32_t & creature_index)
if(!d->cursorWindowInited) return false;
Process * p = d->owner;
creature_index = p->readDWord(d->current_cursor_creature_offset);
return true;
bool Creatures::ReadJob(const t_creature * furball, vector<t_material> & mat)
unsigned int i;
if(!d->Inited || !d->Ft_job_materials) return false;
if(!furball->current_job.active) return false;
Process * p = d->owner;
Private::t_offsets & off = d->creatures;
DfVector <uint32_t> cmats(furball->current_job.occupationPtr + off.job_materials_vector);
mat[i].itemType = p->readWord(cmats[i] + off.job_material_itemtype_o);
mat[i].subType = p->readWord(cmats[i] + off.job_material_subtype_o);
mat[i].subIndex = p->readWord(cmats[i] + off.job_material_subindex_o);
mat[i].index = p->readDWord(cmats[i] + off.job_material_index_o);
mat[i].flags = p->readDWord(cmats[i] + off.job_material_flags_o);
return true;
bool Units::ReadInventoryByIdx(const uint32_t index, std::vector<df::item *> & item)
if(index >= world->units.all.size()) return false;
df::unit * temp = world->units.all[index];
return this->ReadInventoryByPtr(temp, item);
bool Units::ReadInventoryByPtr(const df::unit * temp, std::vector<df::item *> & items)
if(!d->Started) return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < temp->inventory.size(); i++)
return true;
bool Units::ReadOwnedItemsByIdx(const uint32_t index, std::vector<int32_t> & item)
if(index >= world->units.all.size()) return false;
df::unit * temp = world->units.all[index];
return this->ReadOwnedItemsByPtr(temp, item);
bool Units::ReadOwnedItemsByPtr(const df::unit * temp, std::vector<int32_t> & items)
if(!d->Started) return false;
items = temp->owned_items;
return true;
bool Units::RemoveOwnedItemByIdx(const uint32_t index, int32_t id)
if(index >= world->units.all.size()) return false;
df::unit * temp = world->units.all[index];
return this->RemoveOwnedItemByPtr(temp, id);
bool Units::RemoveOwnedItemByPtr(df::unit * temp, int32_t id)
if(!d->Started) return false;
vector <int32_t> & vec = temp->owned_items;
vec.erase(std::remove(vec.begin(), vec.end(), id), vec.end());
DfVector <int32_t> citem(temp + d->creatures.owned_items_offset);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < citem.size(); i++) {
if (citem[i] != id)
if (!citem.remove(i--))
return false;
return true;
void Units::CopyNameTo(df::unit * creature, df::language_name * target)
Translation::copyName(&creature->name, target);