
192 lines
5.0 KiB

// Designate all matching plants for gathering/cutting
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dfhack/Core.h>
#include <dfhack/Console.h>
#include <dfhack/Export.h>
#include <dfhack/PluginManager.h>
#include <dfhack/modules/Maps.h>
#include <dfhack/modules/Materials.h>
#include <dfhack/modules/Vegetation.h>
#include <dfhack/TileTypes.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace DFHack;
DFhackCExport command_result df_getplants (Core * c, vector <string> & parameters);
DFhackCExport const char * plugin_name ( void )
return "getplants";
DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( Core * c, vector <PluginCommand> &commands)
commands.push_back(PluginCommand("getplants", "Cut down all of the specified trees or gather all of the specified shrubs", df_getplants));
return CR_OK;
DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( Core * c )
return CR_OK;
DFhackCExport command_result df_getplants (Core * c, vector <string> & parameters)
uint32_t x_max,y_max,z_max;
designations40d designations;
tiletypes40d tiles;
t_blockflags blockflags;
string plantMatStr = "";
set<int> plantIDs;
set<string> plantNames;
bool deselect = false, exclude = false, treesonly = false, shrubsonly = false;
bool dirty = false;
int count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++)
if(parameters[i] == "help" || parameters[i] == "?")
c->con.print("Specify the types of trees to cut down and/or shrubs to gather by their plant names, separated by spaces.\n"
"\t-t - Select trees only (exclude shrubs)\n"
"\t-s - Select shrubs only (exclude trees)\n"
"\t-c - Clear designations instead of setting them\n"
"\t-x - Apply selected action to all plants except those specified\n"
"Specifying both -t and -s will have no effect.\n"
"If no plant IDs are specified, all valid plant IDs will be listed.\n"
return CR_OK;
else if(parameters[i] == "-t")
treesonly = true;
else if(parameters[i] == "-s")
shrubsonly = true;
else if(parameters[i] == "-c")
deselect = true;
else if(parameters[i] == "-x")
exclude = true;
else plantNames.insert(parameters[i]);
Materials *mats = c->getMaterials();
for (vector<t_matgloss>::const_iterator it = mats->organic.begin(); it != mats->organic.end(); it++)
if (plantNames.find((*it).id) != plantNames.end())
plantIDs.insert(it - mats->organic.begin());
if (plantNames.size() > 0)
c->con.printerr("Invalid plant ID(s):");
for (set<string>::const_iterator it = plantNames.begin(); it != plantNames.end(); it++)
c->con.printerr(" %s", (*it).c_str());
return CR_FAILURE;
if (plantIDs.size() == 0)
c->con.print("Valid plant IDs:\n");
for (vector<t_matgloss>::const_iterator it = mats->organic.begin(); it != mats->organic.end(); it++)
c->con.print("* %s\n", (*it).id.c_str());
return CR_OK;
Maps *maps = c->getMaps();
// init the map
if (!maps->Start())
c->con.printerr("Can't init map.\n");
return CR_FAILURE;
// walk the map
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < x_max; x++)
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < y_max; y++)
for (uint32_t z = 0; z < z_max; z++)
if (maps->getBlock(x,y,z))
dirty = false;
maps->ReadDesignations(x,y,z, &designations);
maps->ReadTileTypes(x,y,z, &tiles);
maps->ReadBlockFlags(x,y,z, blockflags);
vector<df_plant *> *plants;
if (maps->ReadVegetation(x, y, z, plants))
for (vector<df_plant *>::const_iterator it = plants->begin(); it != plants->end(); it++)
const df_plant &plant = *(*it);
uint32_t tx = plant.x % 16;
uint32_t ty = plant.y % 16;
if (plantIDs.find(plant.material) != plantIDs.end())
if (exclude)
if (!exclude)
TileShape shape = tileShape(tiles[tx][ty]);
if (plant.is_shrub && (treesonly || shape != SHRUB_OK))
if (!plant.is_shrub && (shrubsonly || (shape != TREE_OK && shape != TREE_DEAD)))
if (designations[tx][ty].bits.hidden)
if (deselect && designations[tx][ty].bits.dig != designation_no)
designations[tx][ty].bits.dig = designation_no;
dirty = true;
if (!deselect && designations[tx][ty].bits.dig != designation_default)
designations[tx][ty].bits.dig = designation_default;
dirty = true;
// If anything was changed, write it all.
if (dirty)
blockflags.bits.designated = 1;
maps->WriteDesignations(x,y,z, &designations);
maps->WriteBlockFlags(x,y,z, blockflags);
dirty = false;
if (count)
c->con.print("Updated %d plant designations.\n", count);
return CR_OK;