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.. _quickfort-alias-guide:
Quickfort Alias Guide
Aliases allow you to use simple words to represent complicated key sequences
when configuring buildings and stockpiles in quickfort ``#query`` blueprints.
For example, say you have the following ``#build`` and ``#place`` blueprints::
#build masonry workshop
~, ~,~,`,`,`
~, ~,~,`,`,`
#place stockpile for mason
and you want to configure the stockpile to hold only non-economic ("other")
stone and to give to the adjacent mason workshop. You could write the
key sequences directly::
#query configure stockpile with expanded key sequences
~,~,~,s{Down 5}deb{Right}{Down 2}p^,`,`
~,~,~,g{Left 2}&, `,`
~,~,~,`, `,`
or you could use aliases::
#query configure stockpile with aliases
~,~,~,give2left, `,`
~,~,~,`, `,`
If the stockpile had only a single tile, you could also replay both aliases in
a single cell::
#query configure mason with multiple aliases in one cell
~,~,~,`, `,`
~,~,~,`, `,`
With aliases, blueprints are much easier to read and understand. They also
save you from having to copy the same long key sequences everywhere.
Alias definition files
DFHack comes with a library of aliases for you to use that are always
available when you run a ``#query`` blueprint. Many blueprints can be built
with just those aliases. This "standard alias library" is stored in
:source:`data/quickfort/aliases-common.txt` (installed under the ``hack`` folder
in your DFHack installation). The aliases in that file are described at the
`bottom of this document <quickfort-alias-library>`.
Please do not edit the aliases in the standard library directly. The file will
get overwritten when DFHack is updated and you'll lose your changes. Instead,
add your custom aliases to :source:`dfhack-config/quickfort/aliases.txt` or
directly to your blueprints in an `#aliases <quickfort-aliases-blueprints>`
section. Your custom alias definitions take precedence over any definitions in
the standard library.
Alias syntax and usage
The syntax for defining aliases is::
aliasname: expansion
Where ``aliasname`` is at least two letters or digits long (dashes and
underscores are also allowed) and ``expansion`` is whatever you would type
into the DF UI.
You use an alias by typing its name into a ``#query`` blueprint cell where you
want it to be applied. You can use an alias by itself or as part of a larger
sequence, potentially with other aliases. If the alias is the only text in the
cell, the alias name is matched and its expansion is used. If the alias has
other keys before or after it, the alias name must be surrounded in curly
brackets (:kbd:`{` and :kbd:`}`). An alias can be surrounded in curly brackets
even if it is the only text in the cell, it just isn't necesary. For example,
the following blueprint uses the ``aliasname`` alias by itself in the first
two rows and uses it as part of a longer sequence in the third row::
#query apply alias 'aliasname' in three different ways
For a more concrete example of an alias definition, a simple alias that
configures a stockpile to have no bins (:kbd:`C`) and no barrels (:kbd:`E`)
assigned to it would look like this::
nocontainers: CE
The alias definition can also contain references to other aliases by including
the alias names in curly brackets. For example, ``nocontainers`` could be
equivalently defined like this::
nobins: C
nobarrels: E
nocontainers: {nobins}{nobarrels}
Aliases used in alias definitions *must* be surrounded by curly brackets, even
if they are the only text in the definition::
alias1: text1
alias2: alias1
alias3: {alias1}
Here, ``alias1`` and ``alias3`` expand to ``text1``, but ``alias2`` expands to
the literal text ``alias1``.
Non-printable characters, like the arrow keys, are represented by their
keycode name and are also surrounded by curly brackets, like ``{Right}`` or
``{Enter}``. Keycodes are used exactly like aliases -- they just have special
expansions that you wouldn't be able to write yourself. In order to avoid
naming conflicts between aliases and keycodes, the convention is to start
aliases with a lowercase letter.
Any keycode name from the DF interface definition file
(data/init/interface.txt) is valid, but only a few keycodes are actually
useful for blueprints::
There is also one pseudo-keycode that quickfort recognizes::
which has an empty expansion. It is primarily useful for defining blank default values for `Sub-aliases`_.
Anything enclosed within curly brackets can also have a number, indicating how
many times that alias or keycode should be repeated. For example:
``{togglesequence 9}`` or ``{Down 5}`` will repeat the ``togglesequence``
alias nine times and the ``Down`` keycode five times, respectively.
Modifier keys
Ctrl, Alt, and Shift modifiers can be specified for the next key by adding
them into the key sequence. For example, Alt-h is written as ``{Alt}h``.
Shorthand characters
Some frequently-used keycodes are assigned shorthand characters. Think of them
as single-character aliases that don't need to be surrounded in curly
& expands to {Enter}
@ expands to {Shift}{Enter}
~ expands to {Alt}
! expands to {Ctrl}
^ expands to {ESC}
If you need literal versions of the shorthand characters, surround them in
curly brackets, for example: use ``{!}`` for a literal exclamation point.
Built-in aliases
Most aliases that come with DFHack are in ``aliases-common.txt``, but there is
one alias built into the code for the common shorthand for "make room"::
r+ expands to r+{Enter}
This needs special code support since ``+`` can't normally be used in alias
names. You can use it just like any other alias, either by itself in a cell
(``r+``) or surrounded in curly brackets (``{r+}``).
You can specify sub-aliases that will only be defined while the current alias
is being resolved. This is useful for "injecting" custom behavior into the
middle of a larger alias. As a simple example, the ``givename`` alias is defined
like this::
givename: !n{name}&
Note the use of the ``name`` alias inside of the ``givename`` expansion. In your
``#query`` blueprint, you could write something like this, say, while over your
main drawbridge::
{givename name="Front Gate"}
The value that you give the sub-alias ``name`` will be used when the
``givename`` alias is expanded. Without sub-aliases, we'd have to define
``givename`` like this::
givenameprefix: !n
givenamesuffix: &
and use it like this::
{givenameprefix}Front Gate{givenamesuffix}
which is more difficult to write and more difficult to understand.
A handy technique is to define an alias with some sort of default
behavior and then use sub-aliases to override that behavior as necessary. For
example, here is a simplified version of the standard ``quantum`` alias that
sets up quantum stockpiles::
quantum_enable: {enableanimals}{enablefood}{enablefurniture}...
quantum: {linksonly}{nocontainers}{quantum_enable}
You can use the default behavior of ``quantum_enable`` by just using the
``quantum`` alias by itself. But you can override ``quantum_enable`` to just
enable furniture for some specific stockpile like this::
{quantum quantum_enable={enablefurniture}}
If an alias uses a sub-alias in its expansion, but the sub-alias is not defined
when the alias is used, quickfort will halt the ``#query`` blueprint with an
error. If you want your aliases to work regardless of whether sub-aliases are
defined, then you must define them with default values like ``quantum_enable``
above. If a default value should be blank, like the ``name`` sub-alias used by
the ``givename`` alias above, define it with the ``{Empty}`` pesudo-keycode::
name: {Empty}
Sub-aliases must be in one of the following formats::
subaliasname="keys with spaces or {aliases}"
If you specify both a sub-alias and a number of repetitions, the number for
repetitions goes last, right before the :kbd:`}`::
{alias subaliasname=value repetitions}
Beyond query mode
``#query`` blueprints normally do things in DF :kbd:`q`\uery mode, but nobody
said that we have to *stay* in query mode. ``#query`` blueprints send
arbitrary key sequences to Dwarf Fortress. Anything you can do by typing keys
into DF, you can do in a ``#query`` blueprint. It is absolutely fine to
temporarily exit out of query mode, go into, say, hauling or zone or hotkey
mode, and do whatever needs to be done.
You just have to make certain to exit out of that alternate mode and get back
into :kbd:`q`\uery mode at the end of the key sequence. That way quickfort can
continue on configuring the next tile -- a tile configuration that assumes the
game is still in query mode.
For example, here is the standard library alias for giving a name to a zone::
namezone: ^i{givename}^q
The first :kbd:`\^` exits out of query mode. Then :kbd:`i` enters zones mode.
We then reuse the standard alias for giving something a name. Finally, we exit
out of zones mode with another :kbd:`\^` and return to :kbd:`q`\uery mode.
.. _quickfort-alias-library:
The DFHack standard alias library
DFHack comes with many useful aliases for you to use in your blueprints. Many
blueprints can be built with just these aliases alone, with no custom aliases
This section goes through all aliases provided by the DFHack standard alias
library, discussing their intended usage and detailing sub-aliases that you
can define to customize their behavior.
If you do define your own custom aliases in
``dfhack-config/quickfort/aliases.txt``, try to build on library alias
components. For example, if you create an alias to modify particular furniture
stockpile settings, start your alias with ``{furnitureprefix}`` instead of
``s{Down 2}``. Using library prefixes will allow library sub-aliases to work
with your aliases just like they do with library aliases. In this case, using
``{furnitureprefix}`` will allow your stockpile customization alias to work
with both stockpiles and hauling routes.
Note that some aliases use the DFHack-provided search prompts. If you get errors
while running ``#query`` blueprints, ensure the DFHack `search-plugin` plugin is
Naming aliases
These aliases give descriptive names to workshops, levers, stockpiles, zones,
etc. Dwarf Fortress building, stockpile, and zone names have a maximum length
of 20 characters.
======== ===========
Alias Sub-aliases
======== ===========
givename name
namezone name
======== ===========
``givename`` works anywhere you can hit Ctrl-n to customize a name, like when
the cursor is over buildings and stockpiles. Example::
{booze}{givename name=booze}
``namezone`` is intended to be used when over an activity zone. It includes
commands to get into zones mode, set the zone name, and get back to query
mode. Example::
{namezone name="guard dog pen"}
Quantum stockpile aliases
These aliases make it easy to create :wiki:`minecart stop-based quantum stockpiles <Quantum_stockpile#The_Minecart_Stop>`.
| Alias | Sub-aliases |
| quantum | | name |
| | | quantum_enable |
| quantumstopfromnorth | | name |
+----------------------+ | stop_name |
| quantumstopfromsouth | | route_enable |
+----------------------+ |
| quantumstopfromeast | |
+----------------------+ |
| quantumstopfromwest | |
| sp_link | | move |
| | | move_back |
| quantumstop | | name |
| | | stop_name |
| | | route_enable |
| | | move |
| | | move_back |
| | | sp_links |
The idea is to use a minecart on a track stop to dump an infinite number of
items into a receiving "quantum" stockpile, which significantly simplifies
stockpile management. These aliases configure the quantum stockpile and
hauling route that make it all work. Here is a complete example for quantum
stockpiling weapons, armor, and ammunition. It has a 3x1 feeder stockpile on
the bottom (South), the trackstop in the center, and the quantum stockpile on
the top (North). Note that the feeder stockpile is the only stockpile that
needs to be configured to control which types of items end up in the quantum
stockpile. By default, the hauling route and quantum stockpile itself simply
accept whatever is put into them.
#query message(remember to assign a minecart to the new route)
The ``quantum`` alias configures a 1x1 stockpile to be a quantum stockpile. It
bans all containers and prevents the stockpile from being manually filled. By
default, it also enables storage of all item categories (except corpses and
refuse), so it doesn't really matter what letter you use to place the
stockpile. :wiki:`Refuse` is excluded by default since otherwise clothes and
armor in the quantum stockpile would rot away. If you want corpses or bones in
your quantum stockpile, use :kbd:`y` and/or :kbd:`r` to place the stockpile
and the ``quantum`` alias will just enable the remaining types. If you *do*
enable refuse in your quantum stockpile, be sure you avoid putting useful
clothes or armor in there!
The ``quantumstopfromsouth`` alias is run over the track stop and configures
the hauling route, again, allowing all item categories into the minecart by
default so any item that can go into the feeder stockpile can then be placed
in the minecart. It also links the hauling route with the feeder stockpile to
the South.The track stop does not need to be fully constructed before the
``#query`` blueprint is run, but the feeder stockpile needs to exist so we can
link to it. This means that the three blueprints above can be run one right
after another, without any dwarven labor in between them, and the quantum
stockpile will work properly.
Finally, the ``nocontainers`` alias simply configures the feeder stockpile to
not have any containers (which would just get in the way here). If we wanted
to be more specific about what item types we want in the quantum stockpile, we
could configure the feeder stockpile further, for example with standard
`stockpile adjustment aliases <quickfort-stockpile-aliases>`.
After the blueprints are run, the last step is to manually assign a minecart
to the newly-defined hauling route.
You can define sub-aliases to customize how these aliases work, for example to
have fine-grained control over what item types are enabled for the route and
quantum stockpile. We'll go over those options below, but first, here is an
example for how to just give names to everything::
#query message(remember to assign a minecart to the new route)
,{quantum name="armory quantum"}
,{quantumstopfromsouth name="Armory quantum" stop_name="Armory quantum stop"}{givename name="armory dumper"}
{givename name="armory feeder"}
All ``name`` sub-aliases are completely optional, of course. Keep in mind that
hauling route names have a maximum length of 22 characters, hauling route stop
names have a maximum length of 21 characters, and all other names have a
maximum length of 20 characters.
If you want to be absolutely certain that nothing ends up in your quantum
stockpile other than what you've configured in the feeder stockpile, you can
set the ``quantum_enable`` sub-alias for the ``quantum`` alias. This can
prevent, for example, somebody's knocked-out tooth from being considered part
of your furniture quantum stockpile when it happened to land on it during a
{quantum name="furniture quantum" quantum_enable={enablefurniture}}
You can have similar control over the hauling route if you need to be more
selective about what item types are allowed into the minecart. If you have
multiple specialized quantum stockpiles that use a common feeder pile, for
example, you can set the ``route_enable`` sub-alias::
{quantumstopfromsouth name="Steel bar quantum" route_enable="{enablebars}{steelbars}"}
Any of the `stockpile configuration aliases <quickfort-stockpile-aliases>` can
be used for either the ``quantum_enable`` or ``route_enable`` sub-aliases.
Experienced Dwarf Fortress players may be wondering how the same aliases can
work in both contexts since the keys for entering the configuration screen
differ. Fear not! There is some sub-alias magic at work here. If you define
your own stockpile configuraiton aliases, you can use the magic yourself by
building your aliases on the ``*prefix`` aliases described later in this
Finally, the ``quantumstop`` alias is a more general version of the simpler
``quantumstopfrom*`` aliases. The ``quantumstopfrom*`` aliases assume that a
single feeder stockpile is orthogonally adjacent to your track stop (which is
how most people set them up). If your feeder stockpile is somewhere further
away, or you have multiple feeder stockpiles to link, you can use the
``quantumstop`` alias directly. In addition to the sub-aliases used in the
``quantumstopfrom*`` alias, you can define the ``move`` and ``move_back``
sub-aliases, which let you specify the cursor keys required to move from the
track stop to the (single) feeder stockpile and back again, respectively::
{quantumstop move="{Right 2}{Up}" move_back="{Down}{Left 2}"}
If you have multiple stockpiles to link, define the ``sp_links`` sub-alias,
which can chain several ``sp_link`` aliases together, each with their own
movement configuration::
{quantumstop sp_links="{sp_link move=""{Right}{Up}"" move_back=""{Down}{Left}""}{sp_link move=""{Right}{Down}"" move_back=""{Up}{Left}""}"}
Note the doubled quotes for quoted elements that are within the outer quotes.
Farm plots
Sets a farm plot to grow the first or last type of seed in the list of
available seeds for all four seasons. The last seed is usually Plump helmet
spawn, suitable for post-embark. But if you only have one seed type, that'll
be grown instead.
| Alias |
| growlastcropall |
| growfirstcropall |
Instead of these aliases, though, it might be more useful to use the DFHack
`autofarm` plugin.
Stockpile configuration utility aliases
================ ===========
Alias Sub-aliases
================ ===========
give move
masterworkonly prefix
artifactonly prefix
togglemasterwork prefix
toggleartifact prefix
================ ===========
``linksonly``, ``maxbins``, ``maxbarrels``, ``nobins``, ``nobarrels``, and
``nocontainers`` set the named basic properties on stockpiles. ``nocontainers``
sets bins and barrels to 0, but does not affect wheelbarrows since the hotkeys
for changing the number of wheelbarrows depend on whether you have DFHack's
``tweak max-wheelbarrow`` enabled. It is better to set the number of
wheelbarrows via the `quickfort` ``stockpiles_max_wheelbarrows`` setting (set to
``0`` by default), or explicitly when you define the stockpile in the ``#place``
The ``give*`` aliases set a stockpile to give to a workshop or another
stockpile located at the indicated number of tiles in the indicated direction
from the current tile. For example, here we use the ``give2down`` alias to
connect an ``otherstone`` stockpile with a mason workshop::
s, , , ,s
s, , , ,s
s, , , ,s
`, , , ,`
`, ,wm,,`
`, , , ,`
, ,give2down
and here is a generic stone stockpile that gives to a stockpile that only
takes flux::
If you want to give to some other tile that is not already covered by the
``give2*`` or ``give10*`` aliases, you can use the generic ``give`` alias and
specify the movement keys yourself in the ``move`` sub-alias. Here is how to
give to a stockpile or workshop one z-level above, 9 tiles to the left, and 14
tiles down::
{give move="<{Left 9}{Down 14}"}
``togglesequence`` and ``togglesequence2`` send ``{Down}{Enter}`` or
``{Down 2}{Enter}`` to toggle adjacent (or alternating) items in a list. This
is useful when toggling a bunch of related item types in the stockpile config.
For example, the ``dye`` alias in the standard alias library needs to select
four adjacent items::
dye: {foodprefix}b{Right}{Down 11}{Right}{Down 28}{togglesequence 4}^
Finally, the ``masterwork`` and ``artifact`` group of aliases configure the
corresponding allowable core quality for the stockpile categories that have
them. This alias is used to implement category-specific aliases below, like
``artifactweapons`` and ``forbidartifactweapons``.
.. _quickfort-stockpile-aliases:
Stockpile adjustment aliases
For each stockpile item category, there are three standard aliases:
* ``*prefix`` aliases enter the stockpile configuration screen and position
the cursor at a particular item category in the left-most column, ready for
further keys that configure the elements within that category. All other
stockpile adjustment aliases are built on these prefixes. You can use them
yourself to create stockpile adjustment aliases that aren't already covered
by the standard library aliases. Using the library prefix instead of
creating your own also allows your stockpile configuration aliases to be
used for both stockpiles and hauling routes. For example, here is the
library definition for ``booze``::
booze: {foodprefix}b{Right}{Down 5}p{Down}p^
* ``enable*`` aliases enter the stockpile configuration screen, enable all
subtypes of the named category, and exit the stockpile configuration screen
* ``disable*`` aliases enter the stockpile configuration screen, disable all
subtypes of the named category, and exit the stockpile configuration screen
==================== ==================== =====================
Prefix Enable Disable
==================== ==================== =====================
animalsprefix enableanimals disableanimals
foodprefix enablefood disablefood
furnitureprefix enablefurniture disablefurniture
corpsesprefix enablecorpses disablecorpses
refuseprefix enablerefuse disablerefuse
stoneprefix enablestone disablestone
ammoprefix enableammo disableammo
coinsprefix enablecoins disablecoins
barsprefix enablebars disablebars
gemsprefix enablegems disablegems
finishedgoodsprefix enablefinishedgoods disablefinishedgoods
leatherprefix enableleather disableleather
clothprefix enablecloth disablecloth
woodprefix enablewood disablewood
weaponsprefix enableweapons disableweapons
armorprefix enablearmor disablearmor
sheetprefix enablesheet disablesheet
==================== ==================== =====================
Then, for each item category, there are aliases that manipulate interesting
subsets of that category:
* Exclusive aliases forbid everthing within a category and then enable only
the named item type (or named class of items)
* ``forbid*`` aliases forbid the named type and leave the rest of the
stockpile untouched.
* ``permit*`` aliases permit the named type and leave the rest of the
stockpile untouched.
Note that for specific item types (items in the third stockpile configuration
column), you can only toggle the item type on and off. Aliases can't know
whether sending the ``{Enter}`` key will enable or disable the type. The
``forbid*`` aliases that affect these item types assume the item type was
enabled and toggle it off. Likewise, the ``permit*`` aliases assume the item
type was disabled and toggle it on. If the item type is not in the expected
enabled/disabled state when the alias is run, the aliases will not behave
Animal stockpile adjustments
=========== =========== ============
Exclusive Forbid Permit
=========== =========== ============
cages forbidcages permitcages
traps forbidtraps permittraps
=========== =========== ============
Food stockpile adjustments
=============== ==================== ====================
Exclusive Forbid Permit
=============== ==================== ====================
preparedfood forbidpreparedfood permitpreparedfood
unpreparedfish forbidunpreparedfish permitunpreparedfish
plants forbidplants permitplants
booze forbidbooze permitbooze
seeds forbidseeds permitseeds
dye forbiddye permitdye
tallow forbidtallow permittallow
miscliquid forbidmiscliquid permitmiscliquid
=============== ==================== ====================
Furniture stockpile adjustments
=================== ========================= =========================
Exclusive Forbid Permit
=================== ========================= =========================
masterworkfurniture forbidmasterworkfurniture permitmasterworkfurniture
artifactfurniture forbidartifactfurniture permitartifactfurniture
=================== ========================= =========================
* Because of the limitations of Dwarf Fortress, ``bags`` cannot distinguish
between empty and filled bags
Refuse stockpile adjustments
=========== ================== ==================
Exclusive Forbid Permit
=========== ================== ==================
corpses forbidcorpses permitcorpses
rawhides forbidrawhides permitrawhides
tannedhides forbidtannedhides permittannedhides
skulls forbidskulls permitskulls
bones forbidbones permitbones
shells forbidshells permitshells
teeth forbidteeth permitteeth
horns forbidhorns permithorns
hair forbidhair permithair
craftrefuse forbidcraftrefuse permitcraftrefuse
=========== ================== ==================
* ``craftrefuse`` includes everything a craftsdwarf can use: skulls, bones,
shells, teeth, horns, and hair.
Stone stockpile adjustments
============= ==================== ====================
Exclusive Forbid Permit
============= ==================== ====================
metal forbidmetal permitmetal
iron forbidiron permitiron
economic forbideconomic permiteconomic
flux forbidflux permitflux
plaster forbidplaster permitplaster
coalproducing forbidcoalproducing permitcoalproducing
otherstone forbidotherstone permitotherstone
bauxite forbidbauxite permitbauxite
clay forbidclay permitclay
============= ==================== ====================
Ammo stockpile adjustments
============== ==================== ====================
Exclusive Forbid Permit
============== ==================== ====================
\ forbidmetalbolts
\ forbidwoodenbolts
\ forbidbonebolts
masterworkammo forbidmasterworkammo permitmasterworkammo
artifactammo forbidartifactammo permitartifactammo
============== ==================== ====================
Bar stockpile adjustments
=========== ==================
Exclusive Forbid
=========== ==================
bars forbidbars
metalbars forbidmetalbars
ironbars forbidironbars
steelbars forbidsteelbars
pigironbars forbidpigironbars
otherbars forbidotherbars
coal forbidcoal
potash forbidpotash
ash forbidash
pearlash forbidpearlash
soap forbidsoap
blocks forbidblocks
=========== ==================
Gem stockpile adjustments
=========== ================
Exclusive Forbid
=========== ================
roughgems forbidroughgems
roughglass forbidroughglass
cutgems forbidcutgems
cutglass forbidcutglass
cutstone forbidcutstone
=========== ================
Finished goods stockpile adjustments
======================= ============================= =============================
Exclusive Forbid Permit
======================= ============================= =============================
crafts forbidcrafts permitcrafts
masterworkfinishedgoods forbidmasterworkfinishedgoods permitmasterworkfinishedgoods
artifactfinishedgoods forbidartifactfinishedgoods permitartifactfinishedgoods
======================= ============================= =============================
Cloth stockpile adjustments
| Exclusive |
| thread |
| adamantinethread |
| cloth |
| adamantinecloth |
Weapon stockpile adjustments
================= ======================== =======================
Exclusive Forbid Permit
================= ======================== =======================
\ forbidweapons permitweapons
\ forbidtrapcomponents permittrapcomponents
metalweapons forbidmetalweapons permitmetalweapons
\ forbidstoneweapons permitstoneweapons
\ forbidotherweapons permitotherweapons
ironweapons forbidironweapons permitironweapons
bronzeweapons forbidbronzeweapons permitbronzeweapons
copperweapons forbidcopperweapons permitcopperweapons
steelweapons forbidsteelweapons permitsteelweapons
masterworkweapons forbidmasterworkweapons permitmasterworkweapons
artifactweapons forbidartifactweapons permitartifactweapons
================= ======================== =======================
Armor stockpile adjustments
=============== ====================== =====================
Exclusive Forbid Permit
=============== ====================== =====================
metalarmor forbidmetalarmor permitmetalarmor
otherarmor forbidotherarmor permitotherarmor
ironarmor forbidironarmor permitironarmor
bronzearmor forbidbronzearmor permitbronzearmor
copperarmor forbidcopperarmor permitcopperarmor
steelarmor forbidsteelarmor permitsteelarmor
masterworkarmor forbidmasterworkarmor permitmasterworkarmor
artifactarmor forbidartifactarmor permitartifactarmor
=============== ====================== =====================