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.. _revflood:
.. dfhack-tool::
:summary: Reveals the map.
:tags: adventure fort armok inspection map
.. dfhack-command:: unreveal
:summary: Hides previously hidden tiles again.
.. dfhack-command:: revforget
:summary: Discard records about what was visible before revealing the map.
.. dfhack-command:: revtoggle
:summary: Switch between reveal and unreveal.
.. dfhack-command:: revflood
:summary: Hide everything, then reveal tiles with a path to a unit.
.. dfhack-command:: nopause
:summary: Disable pausing.
This reveals all z-layers in fort mode. It also works in adventure mode, but any
of its effects are negated once you move. When you use it this way, you don't
need to run ``unreveal`` to hide the map again.
``reveal [hell|demon]``
Reveal the whole map. If ``hell`` is specified, also reveal HFS areas, but
you are required to run ``unreveal`` before unpausing is allowed in order
to prevent the demons (or treasures) from spawning. If you really want to
unpause with secrets revealed, specify ``demon`` instead of ``hell``.
Reverts the effects of ``reveal``.
Switches between ``reveal`` and ``unreveal``. Convenient to bind to a
Discard info about what was visible before revealing the map. Only useful
where (for example) you abandoned with the fort revealed and no longer need
the saved map data when you load a new fort.
Hide everything, then reveal tiles with a path to the keyboard cursor (if
enabled) or the selected unit (if a unit is selected) or else a random citizen.
This allows reparing maps that you accidentally saved while they were revealed.
Note that tiles behind constructed walls are also revealed as a workaround for
``nopause 1|0``
Disables pausing (both manual and automatic) with the exception of the pause
forced by `reveal` ``hell``. This is nice for digging under rivers. Use
``nopause 1`` to prevent pausing and ``nopause 0`` to allow pausing like
Sometimes, the map generates secret hollows adjacent to caverns in such a way
that the ceiling of the hollow collapses on the first tick of the embark,
leaving the hollow exposed to the caverns. In this case, the secret event will
be triggered as soon as the cavern is discovered and that tile is unhidden.
This would happen anyway even if you don't use `reveal`, but be aware that it
is possible to trigger *some* events when you run `reveal`, even without the
``hell`` option.