
136 lines
4.6 KiB

import re, os, sys
valid_extensions = ['c', 'cpp', 'h', 'hpp', 'mm', 'lua', 'rb', 'proto',
'init', 'init-example', 'rst']
path_blacklist = [
def valid_file(filename):
return len(list(filter(lambda ext: filename.endswith('.' + ext), valid_extensions))) and \
not len(list(filter(lambda path: path.replace('\\', '/') in filename.replace('\\', '/'), path_blacklist)))
success = True
def error(msg):
global success
success = False
sys.stderr.write(msg + '\n')
class LinterError(Exception): pass
class Linter(object):
def check(self, lines):
failures = []
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if not self.check_line(line):
failures.append(i + 1)
if len(failures):
raise LinterError('%s: %s' % (self.msg, self.display_lines(failures, len(lines))))
def fix(self, lines):
for i in range(len(lines)):
lines[i] = self.fix_line(lines[i])
def display_lines(self, lines, total):
if len(lines) == total - 1:
return 'entire file'
if not len(lines):
# should never happen
return 'nowhere'
if len(lines) == 1:
return 'line %i' % lines[0]
s = 'lines '
range_start = range_end = lines[0]
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if line > range_end + 1:
if range_start == range_end:
s += ('%i, ' % range_end)
s += ('%i-%i, ' % (range_start, range_end))
range_start = range_end = line
if i == len(lines) - 1:
s += ('%i' % line)
range_end = line
if i == len(lines) - 1:
s += ('%i-%i, ' % (range_start, range_end))
return s.rstrip(' ').rstrip(',')
class NewlineLinter(Linter):
msg = 'Contains DOS-style newlines'
def __init__(self):
# git supports newline conversion. Catch in CI, ignore on Windows.
self.ignore = sys.platform == 'win32' and not os.environ.get('TRAVIS')
def check_line(self, line):
return self.ignore or '\r' not in line
def fix_line(self, line):
return line.replace('\r', '')
class TrailingWhitespaceLinter(Linter):
msg = 'Contains trailing whitespace'
def check_line(self, line):
line = line.replace('\r', '')
return not line.strip() or (not line.endswith(' ') and not line.endswith('\t'))
def fix_line(self, line):
return line.rstrip('\t ')
class TabLinter(Linter):
msg = 'Contains tabs'
def check_line(self, line):
return '\t' not in line
def fix_line(self, line):
return line.replace('\t', ' ')
linters = [cls() for cls in Linter.__subclasses__()]
def main():
root_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else '.')
if not os.path.exists(root_path):
print('Nonexistent path: %s' % root_path)
fix = (len(sys.argv) > 2 and sys.argv[2] == '--fix')
global path_blacklist
path_blacklist = list(map(lambda s: os.path.join(root_path, s.replace('^', '')) if s.startswith('^') else s, path_blacklist))
for cur, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root_path):
for filename in filenames:
full_path = os.path.join(cur, filename)
rel_path = full_path.replace(root_path, '.')
if not valid_file(full_path):
lines = []
with open(full_path, 'rb') as f:
lines = f.read().split(b'\n')
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
lines[i] = line.decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
error('%s:%i: Invalid UTF-8 (other errors will be ignored)' % (rel_path, i + 1))
lines[i] = ''
for linter in linters:
except LinterError as e:
error('%s: %s' % (rel_path, e))
if fix:
contents = '\n'.join(lines)
with open(full_path, 'wb') as f:
if success:
print('All linters completed successfully')
if __name__ == '__main__':