
89 lines
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When active (via ``enable buildingplan``), this plugin adds a planning mode for
building placement. You can then place furniture, constructions, and other buildings
before the required materials are available, and they will be created in a suspended
state. Buildingplan will periodically scan for appropriate items, and the jobs will
be unsuspended when the items are available.
This is very useful when combined with `workflow` - you can set a constraint
to always have one or two doors/beds/tables/chairs/etc available, and place
as many as you like. The plugins then take over and fulfill the orders,
with minimal space dedicated to stockpiles.
.. _buildingplan-filters:
Item filtering
While placing a building, you can set filters for what materials you want the building made
out of, what quality you want the component items to be, and whether you want the items to
be decorated.
If a building type takes more than one item to construct, use :kbd:`Ctrl`:kbd:`Left` and
:kbd:`Ctrl`:kbd:`Right` to select the item that you want to set filters for. Any filters that
you set will be used for all buildings of the selected type placed from that point onward
(until you set a new filter or clear the current one). Buildings placed before the filters
were changed will keep the filter values that were set when the building was placed.
For example, you can be sure that all your constructed walls are the same color by setting
a filter to accept only certain types of stone.
Quickfort mode
If you use the external Python Quickfort to apply building blueprints instead of the native
DFHack `quickfort` script, you must enable Quickfort mode. This temporarily enables
buildingplan for all building types and adds an extra blank screen after every building
placement. This "dummy" screen is needed for Python Quickfort to interact successfully with
Dwarf Fortress.
Note that Quickfort mode is only for compatibility with the legacy Python Quickfort. The
DFHack `quickfort` script does not need Quickfort mode to be enabled. The `quickfort` script
will successfully integrate with buildingplan as long as the buildingplan plugin is enabled.
.. _buildingplan-settings:
Global settings
The buildingplan plugin has several global settings that can be set from the UI (:kbd:`G`
from any building placement screen, for example: :kbd:`b`:kbd:`a`:kbd:`G`). These settings
can also be set from the ``DFHack#`` prompt once a map is loaded (or from your
``onMapLoad.init`` file) with the syntax::
buildingplan set <setting> <true|false>
and displayed with::
buildingplan set
The available settings are:
| Setting | Default | Persisted | Description |
| all_enabled | false | no | Enable planning mode for all building |
| | | | types. |
| blocks | true | yes | Allow blocks, boulders, logs, or bars |
+----------------+---------+ | to be matched for generic "building |
| boulders | true | | material" items |
+----------------+---------+ | |
| logs | true | | |
+----------------+---------+ | |
| bars | false | | |
| quickfort_mode | false | no | Enable compatibility mode for the |
| | | | legacy Python Quickfort (not required |
| | | | for DFHack quickfort) |
For example, to ensure you only use blocks when a "building material" item is required, you
could add this to your ``onMapLoad.init`` file::
on-new-fortress buildingplan set boulders false; buildingplan set logs false
Persisted settings (i.e. ``blocks``, ``boulders``, ``logs``, and ``bars``) are saved with
your game, so you only need to set them to the values you want once.