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List of authors
The following is a list of people who have contributed to DFHack, in
alphabetical order.
If you should be here and aren't, please get in touch on IRC or the forums,
or make a pull request!
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Name Github Other
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8Z 8Z
Abel abstern
acwatkins acwatkins
Alex Blamey Cubittus
Alexander Collins gearsix
Alexander Gavrilov angavrilov ag
Amber Brown hawkowl
Amostubal Amostubal
Andrea Cattaneo acattaneo88
AndreasPK AndreasPK
Andriel Chaoti AndrielChaoti
Angus Mezick amezick
Antalia tamarakorr
Anuradha Dissanayake falconne
Ariphaos Ariphaos
arzyu arzyu
Atkana Atkana
AtomicChicken AtomicChicken
Batt Mush hobotron-df
Bearskie Bearskie
belal jimhester
Ben Lubar BenLubar
Ben Rosser TC01
Benjamin McKenna britishben
Benjamin Seiller bseiller RedDwarfStepper
billw2012 billw2012
BrickViking brickviking
brndd brndd burneddi
Caldfir caldfir
Cameron Ewell Ozzatron
Carter Bray Qartar
Chris Dombroski cdombroski
Chris Parsons chrismdp
cjhammel cjhammel
Clayton Hughes
Clément Vuchener cvuchener
Corey CoreyJ87
daedsidog daedsidog
Dan Amlund danamlund
Daniel Brooks db48x
David Nilsolm
David Corbett dscorbett
David Seguin dseguin
David Timm dtimm
dikbut Tjudge1
Dmitrii Kurkin Kurkin
DoctorVanGogh DoctorVanGogh
Donald Ruegsegger hashaash
doomchild doomchild
DwarvenM DwarvenM
Eamon Bode eamondo2 Baron Von Munchhausen
EarthPulseAcademy EarthPulseAcademy
ElMendukol ElMendukol
ElsaTheHobo ElsaTheHobo Elsa
Eric Wald eswald
Erik Youngren Artanis
Espen Wiborg
expwnent expwnent
figment figment
Gabe Rau gaberau
Gaelmare Gaelmare
gchristopher gchristopher
George Murray GitOnUp
grubsteak grubsteak
Guilherme Abraham GuilhermeAbraham
Harlan Playford playfordh
Hayati Ayguen hayguen
Herwig Hochleitner bendlas
Hevlikn Hevlikn
Ian S kremlin-
James 20k
James Gilles kazimuth
James Logsdon jlogsdon
Janeene Beeforth dawnmist
Jared Adams
Jeremy Apthorp nornagon
Jim Lisi stonetoad
Jimbo Whales jimbowhales
jimcarreer jimcarreer
jj jjyg jj\`\`
Joel Meador janxious
John Beisley huin
John Cosker johncosker
John Shade gsvslto
Jonas Ask
Jonathan Clark AridTag
Josh Cooper cppcooper coope
jowario jowario
kane-t kane-t
Kelly Kinkade ab9rf
Kelvie Wong kelvie
Kib Arekatír arekatir
KlonZK KlonZK
Kris Parker kaypy
Kristjan Moore kristjanmoore
Kromtec Kromtec
Kurik Amudnil
Kévin Boissonneault KABoissonneault
Lethosor lethosor
LordGolias LordGolias
Mark Nielson pseudodragon
Mason11987 Mason11987
Matt Regul mattregul
Matthew Cline
Matthew Lindner mlindner
Matthew Taylor ymber yutna
Max maxthyme Max^TM
McArcady McArcady
melkor217 melkor217
Michael Casadevall NCommander
Michael Crouch creidieki
Michon van Dooren MaienM
miffedmap miffedmap
Mike Stewart thewonderidiot
Mikko Juola Noeda Adeon
Milo Christiansen milochristiansen
MithrilTuxedo MithrilTuxedo
mizipzor mizipzor
moversti moversti
mrrho mrrho
Murad Beybalaev Erquint
Myk Taylor myk002
napagokc napagokc
Neil Little nmlittle
Nick Rart nickrart comestible
Nicolas Ayala nicolasayala
Nik Nyby nikolas
Nikolay Amiantov abbradar
nocico nocico
NotRexButCaesar NotRexButCaesar
Nuno Fernandes UnknowableCoder
nuvu vallode
oorzkws oorzkws
OwnageIsMagic OwnageIsMagic
palenerd dlmarquis
PassionateAngler PassionateAngler
Patrik Lundell PatrikLundell
Paul Fenwick pjf
PeridexisErrant PeridexisErrant
Peter Hansen previsualconsent
Petr Mrázek peterix
Pfhreak Pfhreak
Pierre Lulé plule
Pierre-David Bélanger pierredavidbelanger
ppaawwll ppaawwll 🐇🐇🐇🐇
Priit Laes plaes
Putnam Putnam3145
quarque2 quarque2
Quietust quietust _Q
Rafał Karczmarczyk CarabusX
Raidau Raidau
Ralph Bisschops ralpha
Ramblurr Ramblurr
Raoul van Putten
Raoul XQ raoulxq
Rich Rauenzahn rrauenza
Rinin Rinin
rndmvar rndmvar
Rob Bailey actionninja
Rob Goodberry robob27
Robert Heinrich rh73
Robert Janetzko robertjanetzko
Rocco Moretti roccomoretti
rofl0r rofl0r
Rose RosaryMala
Roses Pheosics
Ross M RossM
Roxy TealSeer gallowsCalibrator
rubybrowncoat rubybrowncoat
Rumrusher rumrusher
RusAnon RusAnon
Ryan Bennitt ryanbennitt
Ryan Williams Bumber64 Bumber
scamtank scamtank
Scott Ellis StormCrow42
Sebastian Wolfertz Enkrod
SeerSkye SeerSkye
seishuuu seishuuu
Seth Woodworth sethwoodworth
shevernitskiy shevernitskiy
Shim Panze Shim-Panze
Silver silverflyone
Simon Jackson sizeak
Simon Lees simotek
Stoyan Gaydarov sgayda2
Su Moth-Tolias
suokko suokko shrieker
sv-esk sv-esk
Tachytaenius wolfboyft
TaxiService TaxiService
thefriendlyhacker thefriendlyhacker
TheHologram TheHologram
Theo Kalfas teolandon
therahedwig therahedwig
ThiagoLira ThiagoLira
thurin thurin
Tim Siegel softmoth
Tim Walberg twalberg
Timothy Collett danaris
Timur Kelman TymurGubayev
Tom Jobbins TheBloke
Tom Prince
Tommy R tommy
TotallyGatsby TotallyGatsby
Travis Hoppe thoppe orthographic-pedant
txtsd txtsd
Valentin Ochs Cat-Ion
Vitaly Pronkin pronvit mifki
Vjek vjek
Warmist warmist
Wes Malone wesQ3
Will Rogers wjrogers
WoosterUK WoosterUK
XianMaeve XianMaeve
ZechyW ZechyW
Zhentar Zhentar
zilpin zilpin
Zishi Wu zishiwu123
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