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Notes by PeridexisErrant, on the needs_porting scripts and plugins:
I deleted:
attachtest.py obsolete
digger.cpp less useful than digger2, replaced by autochop
digger2.cpp replaced by digfort
dfstatus.cpp replaced by dfstatus.lua
drawtile.cpp replaced by tiletypes
fix-3708.cpp obsolete, bug fixed in vanilla
lair.cpp replaced by lair
reveal.py replaced by reveal
treedump.py replaced by prospect & autochop
veinlook.cpp replaced by prospect
veinswap.cpp replaced by changevein
To investigate further:
creaturemanager.cpp modify skills and labors of creatures, kill creatures, etc; impressive but I suspect most functions implemented elsewhere
digpattern.cpp allows multi-Z designations. Obsolete, or is there more here?
incrementalsearch.cpp linux-only memory stuff; unqualified to judge
SegementedFinder.h more memory stuff
To port:
copypaste.cpp high value target - a proof of concept plugin to allow copy-pasting in DF; does both terrain and buildings/constructions
dfbauxtite.cpp changes material of mechanisms to bauxtite (ie magma-safe)
hellhole.cpp instantly creates a hole to the HFS
hotkeynotedump.py outputs a list of hotkeys and names; most useful before keybindings were possible. Trival to port but low value.
itemdesignator.cpp mostly replaced by Falconne's enhanced stocks, but could port the interesting 'set fire to things' function
position.py outputs very detailed time& place info