
863 lines
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Copyright (c) 2009 Petr Mrázek (peterix), Kenneth Ferland (Impaler[WrG]), dorf
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must
not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this
software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation
would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
#include "Internal.h"
#include <shms.h>
#include <mod-core.h>
#include <mod-maps.h>
#include "ContextShared.h"
#include "dfhack/modules/Maps.h"
#include "dfhack/DFError.h"
#include "dfhack/VersionInfo.h"
#include "dfhack/DFProcess.h"
#include "dfhack/DFVector.h"
#define SHMMAPSHDR ((Server::Maps::shm_maps_hdr *)d->d->shm_start)
#define SHMCMD(num) ((shm_cmd *)d->d->shm_start)[num]->pingpong
#define SHMHDR ((shm_core_hdr *)d->d->shm_start)
#define SHMDATA(type) ((type *)(d->d->shm_start + SHM_HEADER))
#define MAPS_GUARD if(!d->Started) throw DFHack::Error::ModuleNotInitialized();
using namespace DFHack;
struct Maps::Private
uint32_t * block;
uint32_t x_block_count, y_block_count, z_block_count;
uint32_t regionX, regionY, regionZ;
uint32_t worldSizeX, worldSizeY;
uint32_t maps_module;
Server::Maps::maps_offsets offsets;
DFContextShared *d;
Process * owner;
OffsetGroup *OG_local_features;
OffsetGroup *OG_global_features;
OffsetGroup *OG_vector;
bool Inited;
bool Started;
// map between feature address and the read object
map <uint32_t, t_feature> local_feature_store;
vector<uint16_t> v_geology[eBiomeCount];
Maps::Maps(DFContextShared* _d)
d = new Private;
d->d = _d;
Process *p = d->owner = _d->p;
d->Inited = d->Started = false;
DFHack::VersionInfo * mem = p->getDescriptor();
Server::Maps::maps_offsets &off = d->offsets;
// get the offsets once here
OffsetGroup *OG_Maps = mem->getGroup("Maps");
off.map_offset = OG_Maps->getAddress ("map_data");
off.x_count_offset = OG_Maps->getAddress ("x_count_block");
off.y_count_offset = OG_Maps->getAddress ("y_count_block");
off.z_count_offset = OG_Maps->getAddress ("z_count_block");
off.region_x_offset = OG_Maps->getAddress ("region_x");
off.region_y_offset = OG_Maps->getAddress ("region_y");
off.region_z_offset = OG_Maps->getAddress ("region_z");
off.world_size_x = OG_Maps->getAddress ("world_size_x");
off.world_size_y = OG_Maps->getAddress ("world_size_y");
OffsetGroup *OG_MapBlock = OG_Maps->getGroup("block");
off.tile_type_offset = OG_MapBlock->getOffset ("type");
off.designation_offset = OG_MapBlock->getOffset ("designation");
off.occupancy_offset = OG_MapBlock->getOffset("occupancy");
off.biome_stuffs = OG_MapBlock->getOffset ("biome_stuffs");
off.veinvector = OG_MapBlock->getOffset ("vein_vector");
off.local_feature_offset = OG_MapBlock->getOffset ("feature_local");
off.global_feature_offset = OG_MapBlock->getOffset ("feature_global");
off.temperature1_offset = OG_MapBlock->getOffset ("temperature1");
off.temperature2_offset = OG_MapBlock->getOffset ("temperature2");
OffsetGroup *OG_Geology = OG_Maps->getGroup("geology");
off.world_regions = OG_Geology->getAddress ("ptr2_region_array");
off.region_size = OG_Geology->getHexValue ("region_size");
off.region_geo_index_offset = OG_Geology->getOffset ("region_geo_index_off");
off.geolayer_geoblock_offset = OG_Geology->getOffset ("geolayer_geoblock_offset");
off.world_geoblocks_vector = OG_Geology->getAddress ("geoblock_vector");
off.type_inside_geolayer = OG_Geology->getOffset ("type_inside_geolayer");
d->OG_global_features = OG_Maps->getGroup("features")->getGroup("global");
d->OG_local_features = OG_Maps->getGroup("features")->getGroup("local");
d->OG_vector = mem->getGroup("vector");
// these can (will) fail and will be found when looking at the actual veins later
// basically a cache
off.vein_ice_vptr = 0;
mem->resolveClassnameToVPtr("block_square_event_frozen_liquid", off.vein_ice_vptr);
off.vein_mineral_vptr = 0;
// upload offsets to SHM server if possible
d->maps_module = 0;
// supply the module with offsets so it can work with them
Server::Maps::maps_offsets *off2 = SHMDATA(Server::Maps::maps_offsets);
memcpy(off2, &(d->offsets), sizeof(Server::Maps::maps_offsets));
const uint32_t cmd = Server::Maps::MAP_INIT + (d->maps_module << 16);
d->Inited = true;
delete d;
* Init the mapblock pointer array *
bool Maps::Start()
return false;
Process *p = d->owner;
Server::Maps::maps_offsets &off = d->offsets;
// get the map pointer
uint32_t x_array_loc = p->readDWord (off.map_offset);
if (!x_array_loc)
return false;
// get the size
uint32_t mx, my, mz;
mx = d->x_block_count = p->readDWord (off.x_count_offset);
my = d->y_block_count = p->readDWord (off.y_count_offset);
mz = d->z_block_count = p->readDWord (off.z_count_offset);
// test for wrong map dimensions
if (mx == 0 || mx > 48 || my == 0 || my > 48 || mz == 0)
throw Error::BadMapDimensions(mx, my);
//return false;
// read position of the region inside DF world
p->readDWord (off.region_x_offset, d->regionX);
p->readDWord (off.region_y_offset, d->regionY);
p->readDWord (off.region_z_offset, d->regionZ);
// alloc array for pointers to all blocks
d->block = new uint32_t[mx*my*mz];
uint32_t *temp_x = new uint32_t[mx];
uint32_t *temp_y = new uint32_t[my];
p->read (x_array_loc, mx * sizeof (uint32_t), (uint8_t *) temp_x);
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < mx; x++)
p->read (temp_x[x], my * sizeof (uint32_t), (uint8_t *) temp_y);
// y -> map column
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < my; y++)
p->read (temp_y[y],
mz * sizeof (uint32_t),
(uint8_t *) (d->block + x*my*mz + y*mz));
delete [] temp_x;
delete [] temp_y;
d->Started = true;
return true;
// getter for map size
void Maps::getSize (uint32_t& x, uint32_t& y, uint32_t& z)
x = d->x_block_count;
y = d->y_block_count;
z = d->z_block_count;
// invalidates local and global features!
bool Maps::Finish()
if (d->block != NULL)
delete [] d->block;
d->block = NULL;
return true;
* Block reading
bool Maps::isValidBlock (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z)
if ( x >= d->x_block_count || y >= d->y_block_count || z >= d->z_block_count)
return false;
return d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z] != 0;
uint32_t Maps::getBlockPtr (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z)
if ( x >= d->x_block_count || y >= d->y_block_count || z >= d->z_block_count)
return 0;
return d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
bool Maps::ReadBlock40d(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, mapblock40d * buffer)
Process *p = d->owner;
if(d->d->shm_start && d->maps_module) // ACCELERATE!
volatile uint32_t cmd = Server::Maps::MAP_READ_BLOCK_BY_COORDS + (d->maps_module << 16);
return false;
return true;
else // plain old block read
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if (addr)
p->read (addr + d->offsets.tile_type_offset, sizeof (buffer->tiletypes), (uint8_t *) buffer->tiletypes);
p->read (addr + d->offsets.designation_offset, sizeof (buffer->designation), (uint8_t *) buffer->designation);
p->read (addr + d->offsets.occupancy_offset, sizeof (buffer->occupancy), (uint8_t *) buffer->occupancy);
p->read (addr + d->offsets.biome_stuffs, sizeof (biome_indices40d), (uint8_t *) buffer->biome_indices);
p->readWord(addr + d->offsets.global_feature_offset, (uint16_t&) buffer->global_feature);
p->readWord(addr + d->offsets.local_feature_offset, (uint16_t&)buffer->local_feature);
buffer->origin = addr;
uint32_t addr_of_struct = p->readDWord(addr);
buffer->blockflags.whole = p->readDWord(addr_of_struct);
return true;
return false;
* Tiletypes
bool Maps::ReadTileTypes (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, tiletypes40d *buffer)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if (addr)
d->owner->read (addr + d->offsets.tile_type_offset, sizeof (tiletypes40d), (uint8_t *) buffer);
return true;
return false;
bool Maps::WriteTileTypes (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, tiletypes40d *buffer)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if (addr)
d->owner->write (addr + d->offsets.tile_type_offset, sizeof (tiletypes40d), (uint8_t *) buffer);
return true;
return false;
* Dirty bit
bool Maps::ReadDirtyBit(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, bool &dirtybit)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
Process * p = d->owner;
uint32_t addr_of_struct = p->readDWord(addr);
dirtybit = p->readDWord(addr_of_struct) & 1;
return true;
return false;
bool Maps::WriteDirtyBit(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, bool dirtybit)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if (addr)
Process * p = d->owner;
uint32_t addr_of_struct = p->readDWord(addr);
uint32_t dirtydword = p->readDWord(addr_of_struct);
dirtydword &= 0xFFFFFFFE;
dirtydword |= (uint32_t) dirtybit;
p->writeDWord (addr_of_struct, dirtydword);
return true;
return false;
* Block flags
bool Maps::ReadBlockFlags(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, t_blockflags &blockflags)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
Process * p = d->owner;
uint32_t addr_of_struct = p->readDWord(addr);
blockflags.whole = p->readDWord(addr_of_struct);
return true;
return false;
bool Maps::WriteBlockFlags(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, t_blockflags blockflags)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if (addr)
Process * p = d->owner;
uint32_t addr_of_struct = p->readDWord(addr);
p->writeDWord (addr_of_struct, blockflags.whole);
return true;
return false;
* Designations
bool Maps::ReadDesignations (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, designations40d *buffer)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if (addr)
d->owner->read (addr + d->offsets.designation_offset, sizeof (designations40d), (uint8_t *) buffer);
return true;
return false;
bool Maps::WriteDesignations (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, designations40d *buffer)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if (addr)
d->owner->write (addr + d->offsets.designation_offset, sizeof (designations40d), (uint8_t *) buffer);
return true;
return false;
* Occupancies
bool Maps::ReadOccupancy (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, occupancies40d *buffer)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if (addr)
d->owner->read (addr + d->offsets.occupancy_offset, sizeof (occupancies40d), (uint8_t *) buffer);
return true;
return false;
bool Maps::WriteOccupancy (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, occupancies40d *buffer)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if (addr)
d->owner->write (addr + d->offsets.occupancy_offset, sizeof (tiletypes40d), (uint8_t *) buffer);
return true;
return false;
* Temperatures
bool Maps::ReadTemperatures(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, t_temperatures *temp1, t_temperatures *temp2)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if (addr)
d->owner->read (addr + d->offsets.temperature1_offset, sizeof (t_temperatures), (uint8_t *) temp1);
d->owner->read (addr + d->offsets.temperature2_offset, sizeof (t_temperatures), (uint8_t *) temp2);
return true;
return false;
bool Maps::WriteTemperatures (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, t_temperatures *temp1, t_temperatures *temp2)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if (addr)
d->owner->write (addr + d->offsets.temperature1_offset, sizeof (t_temperatures), (uint8_t *) temp1);
d->owner->write (addr + d->offsets.temperature2_offset, sizeof (t_temperatures), (uint8_t *) temp2);
return true;
return false;
* Region Offsets - used for layer geology
bool Maps::ReadRegionOffsets (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, biome_indices40d *buffer)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if (addr)
d->owner->read (addr + d->offsets.biome_stuffs, sizeof (biome_indices40d), (uint8_t *) buffer);
return true;
return false;
bool Maps::ReadFeatures(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, int16_t & local, int16_t & global)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if (addr)
Process * p = d->owner;
p->readWord(addr + d->offsets.global_feature_offset, (uint16_t&) global);
p->readWord(addr + d->offsets.local_feature_offset, (uint16_t&)local);
return true;
return false;
bool Maps::WriteLocalFeature(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, int16_t local)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if (addr)
Process * p = d->owner;
p->writeWord(addr + d->offsets.local_feature_offset, (uint16_t&)local);
return true;
return false;
bool Maps::WriteGlobalFeature(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, int16_t global)
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if (addr)
Process * p = d->owner;
p->writeWord(addr + d->offsets.global_feature_offset, (uint16_t&)global);
return true;
return false;
* Block events
bool Maps::ReadVeins(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, vector <t_vein>* veins, vector <t_frozenliquidvein>* ices, vector <t_spattervein> *splatter)
t_vein v;
t_frozenliquidvein fv;
t_spattervein sv;
Process* p = d->owner;
uint32_t addr = d->block[x*d->y_block_count*d->z_block_count + y*d->z_block_count + z];
if(veins) veins->clear();
if(ices) ices->clear();
if(splatter) splatter->clear();
Server::Maps::maps_offsets &off = d->offsets;
if (addr)
// veins are stored as a vector of pointers to veins
/*pointer is 4 bytes! we work with a 32bit program here, no matter what architecture we compile khazad for*/
DfVector <uint32_t> p_veins (p, addr + off.veinvector);
uint32_t size = p_veins.size();
// read all veins
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size;i++)
// read the vein pointer from the vector
uint32_t temp = p_veins[i];
uint32_t type = p->readDWord(temp);
if(veins && type == off.vein_mineral_vptr)
// read the vein data (dereference pointer)
p->read (temp, sizeof(t_vein), (uint8_t *) &v);
v.address_of = temp;
// store it in the vector
veins->push_back (v);
else if(ices && type == off.vein_ice_vptr)
// read the ice vein data (dereference pointer)
p->read (temp, sizeof(t_frozenliquidvein), (uint8_t *) &fv);
fv.address_of = temp;
// store it in the vector
ices->push_back (fv);
else if(splatter && type == off.vein_spatter_vptr)
// read the splatter vein data (dereference pointer)
p->read (temp, sizeof(t_spattervein), (uint8_t *) &sv);
sv.address_of = temp;
// store it in the vector
splatter->push_back (sv);
string cname = p->readClassName(type);
if(ices && cname == "block_square_event_frozen_liquidst")
off.vein_ice_vptr = type;
goto try_again;
else if(veins && cname == "block_square_event_mineralst")
off.vein_mineral_vptr = type;
goto try_again;
else if(splatter && cname == "block_square_event_material_spatterst")
off.vein_spatter_vptr = type;
goto try_again;
#ifdef DEBUG
cerr << "unknown vein " << cname << endl;
// or it was something we don't care about
return true;
return false;
__int16 __userpurge GetGeologicalRegion<ax>(__int16 block_X<cx>, int X<ebx>, __int16 block_Y<di>, int block_addr<esi>, int Y)
char bio_off; // al@1
int tile_designation; // ecx@1
__int64 corrected_x; // qax@1
__int64 corrected_y; // qax@1
int difY; // eax@9
int difX; // edx@9
signed __int64 bio_off_2; // qax@9
signed __int64 bio_off_2_; // qtt@9
__int16 result; // ax@23
corrected_x = reg_off_x + (block_X + (signed int)*(_WORD *)(block_addr + 0x90)) / 48;
*(_WORD *)X = ((BYTE4(corrected_x) & 0xF) + (_DWORD)corrected_x) >> 4;
corrected_y = reg_off_y + (block_Y + (signed int)*(_WORD *)(block_addr + 0x92)) / 48;
*(_WORD *)Y = ((BYTE4(corrected_y) & 0xF) + (_DWORD)corrected_y) >> 4;
tile_designation = *(_DWORD *)(block_addr + 4 * (block_Y + 16 * block_X) + 0x29C);
bio_off = 0;
if ( tile_designation & 0x20000 )
bio_off = 1;
if ( tile_designation & 0x40000 )
bio_off |= 2u;
if ( tile_designation & 0x80000 )
bio_off |= 4u;
if ( tile_designation & 0x100000 )
bio_off |= 8u;
bio_off_2 = *(_BYTE *)(bio_off + block_addr + 0x1D9C);
bio_off_2_ = bio_off_2;
difY = bio_off_2 / 3;
difX = bio_off_2_ % 3;
if ( !difX )
--*(_WORD *)X;
if ( difX == 2 )
++*(_WORD *)X;
if ( !difY )
--*(_WORD *)Y;
if ( difY == 2 )
++*(_WORD *)Y;
if ( *(_WORD *)X < 0 )
*(_WORD *)X = 0;
if ( *(_WORD *)Y < 0 )
*(_WORD *)Y = 0;
if ( *(_WORD *)X >= (_WORD)World_size )
*(_WORD *)X = World_size - 1;
result = HIWORD(World_size);
if ( *(_WORD *)Y >= HIWORD(World_size) )
result = HIWORD(World_size) - 1;
*(_WORD *)Y = HIWORD(World_size) - 1;
return result;
* Layer geology
bool Maps::ReadGeology (vector < vector <uint16_t> >& assign)
VersionInfo * minfo = d->d->offset_descriptor;
Process *p = d->owner;
// get needed addresses and offsets. Now this is what I call crazy.
uint16_t worldSizeX, worldSizeY;
Server::Maps::maps_offsets &off = d->offsets;
// get world size
p->readWord (off.world_size_x, worldSizeX);
p->readWord (off.world_size_y, worldSizeY);
// get pointer to first part of 2d array of regions
uint32_t regions = p->readDWord (off.world_regions);
// read the geoblock vector
DfVector <uint32_t> geoblocks (d->d->p, off.world_geoblocks_vector);
// iterate over 8 surrounding regions + local region
for (int i = eNorthWest; i < eBiomeCount; i++)
// check against worldmap boundaries, fix if needed
int bioRX = d->regionX / 16 + (i % 3) - 1;
if (bioRX < 0) bioRX = 0;
if (bioRX >= worldSizeX) bioRX = worldSizeX - 1;
int bioRY = d->regionY / 16 + (i / 3) - 1;
if (bioRY < 0) bioRY = 0;
if (bioRY >= worldSizeY) bioRY = worldSizeY - 1;
/// regions are a 2d array. consists of pointers to arrays of regions
/// regions are of region_size size
// get pointer to column of regions
uint32_t geoX;
p->readDWord (regions + bioRX*4, geoX);
// get index into geoblock vector
uint16_t geoindex;
p->readWord (geoX + bioRY*off.region_size + off.region_geo_index_offset, geoindex);
/// geology blocks are assigned to regions from a vector
// get the geoblock from the geoblock vector using the geoindex
// read the matgloss pointer from the vector into temp
uint32_t geoblock_off = geoblocks[geoindex];
/// geology blocks have a vector of layer descriptors
// get the vector with pointer to layers
DfVector <uint32_t> geolayers (p, geoblock_off + off.geolayer_geoblock_offset); // let's hope
// make sure we don't load crap
assert (geolayers.size() > 0 && geolayers.size() <= 16);
/// layer descriptor has a field that determines the type of stone/soil
d->v_geology[i].reserve (geolayers.size());
// finally, read the layer matgloss
for (uint32_t j = 0;j < geolayers.size();j++)
// read pointer to a layer
uint32_t geol_offset = geolayers[j];
// read word at pointer + 2, store in our geology vectors
d->v_geology[i].push_back (p->readWord (geol_offset + off.type_inside_geolayer));
assign.reserve (eBiomeCount);
for (int i = 0; i < eBiomeCount;i++)
assign.push_back (d->v_geology[i]);
return true;
bool Maps::ReadLocalFeatures( std::map <planecoord, std::vector<t_feature *> > & local_features )
// can't be used without a map!
return false;
Process * p = d->owner;
VersionInfo * mem = p->getDescriptor();
// deref pointer to the humongo-structure
uint32_t base = p->readDWord(d->OG_local_features->getAddress("start_ptr"));
return false;
const uint32_t sizeof_vec = d->OG_vector->getHexValue("sizeof");
const uint32_t sizeof_elem = 16;
const uint32_t offset_elem = 4;
const uint32_t main_mat_offset = d->OG_local_features->getOffset("material"); // 0x30
const uint32_t sub_mat_offset = d->OG_local_features->getOffset("submaterial"); // 0x34
for(uint32_t blockX = 0; blockX < d->x_block_count; blockX ++)
for(uint32_t blockY = 0; blockY < d->x_block_count; blockY ++)
// region X coord (48x48 tiles)
uint16_t region_x_local = ( (blockX / 3) + d->regionX ) / 16;
// region Y coord (48x48 tiles)
uint64_t region_y_local = ( (blockY / 3) + d->regionY ) / 16;
// this is just a few pointers to arrays of 16B (4 DWORD) structs
uint32_t array_elem = p->readDWord(base + (region_x_local / 16) * 4);
// 16B structs, second DWORD of the struct is a pointer
uint32_t wtf = p->readDWord(array_elem + ( sizeof_elem * ( (uint32_t)region_y_local/16)) + offset_elem);
// wtf + sizeof(vector<ptr>) * crap;
uint32_t feat_vector = wtf + sizeof_vec * (16 * (region_x_local % 16) + (region_y_local % 16));
DfVector<uint32_t> p_features(p, feat_vector);
uint32_t size = p_features.size();
planecoord pc;
pc.dim.x = blockX;
pc.dim.y = blockY;
std::vector<t_feature *> tempvec;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
uint32_t cur_ptr = p_features[i];
map <uint32_t, t_feature>::iterator it;
it = d->local_feature_store.find(cur_ptr);
// do we already have the feature?
if(it != d->local_feature_store.end())
// push pointer to existing feature
// no?
// create, add to store
t_feature tftemp;
tftemp.discovered = false; //= p->readDWord(cur_ptr + 4);
tftemp.origin = cur_ptr;
string name = p->readClassName(p->readDWord( cur_ptr ));
if(name == "feature_init_deep_special_tubest")
tftemp.main_material = p->readWord( cur_ptr + main_mat_offset );
tftemp.sub_material = p->readDWord( cur_ptr + sub_mat_offset );
tftemp.type = feature_Adamantine_Tube;
else if(name == "feature_init_deep_surface_portalst")
tftemp.main_material = p->readWord( cur_ptr + main_mat_offset );
tftemp.sub_material = p->readDWord( cur_ptr + sub_mat_offset );
tftemp.type = feature_Hell_Temple;
tftemp.main_material = -1;
tftemp.sub_material = -1;
tftemp.type = feature_Other;
d->local_feature_store[cur_ptr] = tftemp;
// push pointer
local_features[pc] = tempvec;
return true;
bool Maps::ReadGlobalFeatures( std::vector <t_feature> & features)
// can't be used without a map!
return false;
Process * p = d->owner;
const uint32_t global_feature_vector = d->OG_global_features->getAddress("vector");
const uint32_t global_feature_funcptr = d->OG_global_features->getOffset("funcptr");
const uint32_t main_mat_offset = d->OG_global_features->getOffset("material"); // 0x34
const uint32_t sub_mat_offset = d->OG_global_features->getOffset("submaterial"); // 0x38
DfVector<uint32_t> p_features (p,global_feature_vector);
uint32_t size = p_features.size();
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
t_feature temp;
uint32_t feat_ptr = p->readDWord(p_features[i] + global_feature_funcptr );
temp.origin = feat_ptr;
//temp.discovered = p->readDWord( feat_ptr + 4 ); // maybe, placeholder
temp.discovered = false;
// FIXME: use the memory_info cache mechanisms
string name = p->readClassName(p->readDWord( feat_ptr));
if(name == "feature_init_underworld_from_layerst")
temp.main_material = p->readWord( feat_ptr + main_mat_offset );
temp.sub_material = p->readDWord( feat_ptr + sub_mat_offset );
temp.type = feature_Underworld;
temp.main_material = -1;
temp.sub_material = -1;
temp.type = feature_Other;
return true;