local _ENV = mkmodule('plugins.logistics') local argparse = require('argparse') local utils = require('utils') local function make_stat(name, stockpile_number, stats, configs) return { enabled=configs[stockpile_number] and configs[stockpile_number][name] == 'true', designated=stats[name..'_designated'][stockpile_number] or 0, can_designate=stats[name..'_can_designate'][stockpile_number] or 0, } end function getStockpileData() local stats, configs = logistics_getStockpileData() local data = {} for _,bld in ipairs(df.global.world.buildings.other.STOCKPILE) do local stockpile_number, name = bld.stockpile_number, bld.name local sort_key = tostring(name):lower() if #name == 0 then name = ('Stockpile #%d'):format(bld.stockpile_number) sort_key = ('stockpile #%09d'):format(bld.stockpile_number) end table.insert(data, { stockpile_number=stockpile_number, name=name, sort_key=sort_key, melt=make_stat('melt', stockpile_number, stats, configs), trade=make_stat('trade', stockpile_number, stats, configs), dump=make_stat('dump', stockpile_number, stats, configs), }) end table.sort(data, function(a, b) return a.sort_key < b.sort_key end) return data end local function print_stockpile_data(data) local name_len = 4 for _,sp in ipairs(data) do name_len = math.min(40, math.max(name_len, #sp.name)) end print('Designated/designatable items in stockpiles:') print() local fmt = '%6s %-' .. name_len .. 's %4s %10s %5s %11s %4s %10s'; print(fmt:format('number', 'name', 'melt', 'melt items', 'trade', 'trade items', 'dump', 'dump items')) local function uline(len) return ('-'):rep(len) end print(fmt:format(uline(6), uline(name_len), uline(4), uline(10), uline(5), uline(11), uline(4), uline(10))) local function get_enab(stats) return ('[%s]'):format(stats.enabled and 'x' or ' ') end local function get_dstat(stats) return ('%d/%d'):format(stats.designated, stats.designated + stats.can_designate) end for _,sp in ipairs(data) do print(fmt:format(sp.stockpile_number, sp.name, get_enab(sp.melt), get_dstat(sp.melt), get_enab(sp.trade), get_dstat(sp.trade), get_enab(sp.dump), get_dstat(sp.dump))) end end local function print_status() print(('logistics is %sactively monitoring stockpiles and marking items') :format(isEnabled() and '' or 'not ')) if df.global.gamemode ~= df.game_mode.DWARF or not dfhack.isMapLoaded() then return end local data = getStockpileData() print() if not data[1] then print 'No stockpiles defined -- go make some!' else print_stockpile_data(data) end local global_stats = logistics_getGlobalCounts() print() print(('Total items marked for melting: %5d'):format(global_stats.total_melt)) print(('Total items marked for trading: %5d'):format(global_stats.total_trade)) print(('Total items marked for dumping: %5d'):format(global_stats.total_dump)) end local function for_stockpiles(opts, fn) if not opts.sp then local selected_sp = dfhack.gui.getSelectedStockpile() if not selected_sp then qerror('please specify or select a stockpile') end fn(selected_sp.stockpile_number) return end for _,sp in ipairs(argparse.stringList(opts.sp)) do fn(sp) end end local function do_add_stockpile_config(features, opts) for_stockpiles(opts, function(sp) local configs = logistics_getStockpileConfigs(tonumber(sp) or sp) if not configs then dfhack.printerr('invalid stockpile: '..sp) else for _,config in ipairs(configs) do logistics_setStockpileConfig(config.stockpile_number, features.melt or config.melt == 1, features.trade or config.trade == 1, features.dump or config.dump == 1) end end end) end local function do_clear_stockpile_config(all, opts) if all then logistics_clearAllStockpileConfigs() return end for_stockpiles(opts, function(sp) logistics_clearStockpileConfig(tonumber(sp) or sp) end) end local function process_args(opts, args) if args[1] == 'help' then opts.help = true return end return argparse.processArgsGetopt(args, { {'h', 'help', handler=function() opts.help = true end}, {'s', 'stockpile', hasArg=true, handler=function(arg) opts.sp = arg end}, }) end function parse_commandline(args) local opts = {} local positionals = process_args(opts, args) if opts.help or not positionals then return false end local command = table.remove(positionals, 1) if not command or command == 'status' then print_status() elseif command == 'now' then logistics_cycle() elseif command == 'add' then do_add_stockpile_config(utils.invert(positionals), opts) elseif command == 'clear' then do_clear_stockpile_config(utils.invert(positionals).all, opts) else return false end return true end return _ENV