-- Prepare the current save for devel/find-offsets --[[=begin devel/prepare-save ================== WARNING: THIS SCRIPT IS STRICTLY FOR DFHACK DEVELOPERS. This script prepares the current savegame to be used with `devel/find-offsets`. It CHANGES THE GAME STATE to predefined values, and initiates an immediate `quicksave`, thus PERMANENTLY MODIFYING the save. =end]] local utils = require 'utils' df.global.pause_state = true print[[ WARNING: THIS SCRIPT IS STRICTLY FOR DFHACK DEVELOPERS. This script prepares the current savegame to be used with devel/find-offsets. It CHANGES THE GAME STATE to predefined values, and initiates an immediate quicksave, thus PERMANENTLY MODIFYING the save. ]] if not utils.prompt_yes_no('Proceed?') then return end --[[print('Placing anchor...') do local wp = df.global.ui.waypoints for _,pt in ipairs(wp.points) do if pt.name == 'dfhack_anchor' then print('Already placed.') goto found end end local x,y,z = pos2xyz(df.global.cursor) if not x then error("Place cursor at your preferred anchor point.") end local id = wp.next_point_id wp.next_point_id = id + 1 wp.points:insert('#',{ new = true, id = id, name = 'dfhack_anchor', comment=(x..','..y..','..z), tile = string.byte('!'), fg_color = COLOR_LIGHTRED, bg_color = COLOR_BLUE, pos = xyz2pos(x,y,z) }) ::found:: end]] print('Nicknaming units...') for i,unit in ipairs(df.global.world.units.active) do dfhack.units.setNickname(unit, i..':'..unit.id) end print('Setting weather...') local wbytes = { 2, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2 } for i=0,4 do for j = 0,4 do df.global.current_weather[i][j] = (wbytes[i*5+j+1] or 2) end end local yearstr = df.global.cur_year..','..df.global.cur_year_tick print('Cur year and tick: '..yearstr) dfhack.persistent.save{ key='prepare-save/cur_year', value=yearstr, ints={df.global.cur_year, df.global.cur_year_tick} } -- Save dfhack.run_script('quicksave')