local argparse = require('argparse') local guidm = require('gui.dwarfmode') function test.processArgsGetopt_happy_path() local quiet, verbose, name local function process(args, expected_q, expected_v, expected_n) quiet, verbose, name = false, false, nil local nonoptions = argparse.processArgsGetopt(args, { {'q', handler=function() quiet = true end}, {'v', 'verbose', handler=function() verbose = true end}, {'n', 'name', hasArg=true, handler=function(optarg) name = optarg end}, }) expect.eq(expected_q, quiet) expect.eq(expected_v, verbose) expect.eq(expected_n, name) return nonoptions end local args = {} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, false, false, nil)) args = {'-q'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, true, false, nil)) args = {'-v'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, false, true, nil)) args = {'--verbose'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, false, true, nil)) args = {'-n', 'foo'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, false, false, 'foo')) args = {'-n', 'foo'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, false, false, 'foo')) args = {'-nfoo'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, false, false, 'foo')) args = {'--name', 'foo'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, false, false, 'foo')) args = {'--name=foo'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, false, false, 'foo')) args = {'-vqnfoo'} expect.table_eq({}, process(args, true, true, 'foo')) args = {'nonopt1', '-nfoo', 'nonopt2', '-1', '-10', '-0v'} expect.table_eq({'nonopt1', 'nonopt2', '-1', '-10', '-0v'}, process(args, false, false, 'foo')) args = {'nonopt1', '--', '-nfoo', '--nonopt2', 'nonopt3'} expect.table_eq({'nonopt1', '-nfoo', '--nonopt2', 'nonopt3'}, process(args, false, false, nil)) end function test.processArgsGetopt_action_errors() expect.error_match('option letter not found', function() argparse.processArgsGetopt({}, {{handler=function() end}}) end) expect.error_match('option letter not found', function() argparse.processArgsGetopt({}, {{'notoneletter'}}) end) expect.error_match('option letter not found', function() argparse.processArgsGetopt({}, {{function() end}}) end) expect.error_match('long option name', function() argparse.processArgsGetopt({}, {{'', ''}}) end) expect.error_match('long option name', function() argparse.processArgsGetopt({}, {{'a', ''}}) end) expect.error_match('handler missing', function() argparse.processArgsGetopt({}, {{'r'}}) end) end function test.processArgsGetopt_parsing_errors() expect.error_match('Unknown option', function() argparse.processArgsGetopt({'-abc'}, {{'a', handler=function() end}}) end, 'use undefined short option') expect.error_match('Unknown option', function() argparse.processArgsGetopt({'--abc'}, {{'a', handler=function() end}}) end, 'use undefined long option') expect.error_match('Bad usage', function() argparse.processArgsGetopt({'--ab=c'}, {{'a', 'ab', handler=function() end}}) end, 'pass value to param that does not take one') expect.error_match('Missing value', function() argparse.processArgsGetopt({'-a'}, {{'a', 'ab', hasArg=true, handler=function() end}}) end, 'fail to pass value to short param that requires one') expect.error_match('Missing value', function() argparse.processArgsGetopt({'--ab'}, {{'a', 'ab', hasArg=true, handler=function() end}}) end, 'fail to pass value to long param that requires one') end function test.processArgsGetopt_long_opt_without_short_opt() local var = false local nonoptions = argparse.processArgsGetopt( {'--long'}, {{'', 'long', handler=function() var = true end}}) expect.true_(var) expect.table_eq({}, nonoptions) end function test.stringList() expect.table_eq({'happy', 'path'}, argparse.stringList(' happy , path'), 'ensure elements are trimmed') expect.table_eq({'empty', '', 'elem'}, argparse.stringList('empty,,elem'), 'ensure empty elements are preserved') expect.error_match('expected 5 elements', function() argparse.stringList('a,b,c,d', '', 5) end, 'too few elements') expect.error_match('expected 5 elements', function() argparse.stringList('a,b,c,d,e,f', '', 5) end, 'too many elements') expect.error_match('^expected', function() argparse.stringList('', '', 5) end, 'no arg name printed when none supplied') expect.error_match('^argname', function() argparse.stringList('', 'argname', 5) end, 'arg name printed when supplied') end function test.numberList() expect.table_eq({5, 4, 0, -1, 0.5, -0.5}, argparse.numberList(' 5,4, 0, -1 , 000.5000, -0.50'), 'happy path') expect.error_match('invalid number', function() argparse.numberList('1,b,3') end, 'letter not number') expect.error_match('invalid number', function() argparse.numberList('1,,3') end, 'blank number') expect.error_match('invalid number', function() argparse.numberList('1,2,') end, 'blank number at end') expect.error_match('invalid number', function() argparse.numberList('1-1') end, 'bad number format') expect.error_match('^expected', function() argparse.numberList('', '', 5) end, 'no arg name printed when none supplied') expect.error_match('^argname', function() argparse.numberList('', 'argname', 5) end, 'arg name printed when supplied') end function test.coords() mock.patch(dfhack.maps, "isValidTilePos", mock.func(true), function() expect.table_eq({x=0, y=4, z=3}, argparse.coords('0,4 , 3'), 'happy path') expect.error_match('expected non%-negative integer', function() argparse.coords('1,-2,3') end, 'negative coordinate') mock.patch(guidm, 'getCursorPos', mock.func({x=1, y=2, z=3}), function() expect.table_eq({x=1, y=2, z=3}, argparse.coords('here')) end) mock.patch(guidm, 'getCursorPos', mock.func(), function() expect.error_match('cursor is not active', function() argparse.coords('here') end, 'inactive cursor') end) end) mock.patch(dfhack.maps, "isValidTilePos", mock.func(false), function() expect.error_match('not on current map', function() argparse.coords('0,4,300') end) expect.table_eq({x=0, y=4, z=300}, argparse.coords('0,4,300', nil, true)) mock.patch(guidm, 'getCursorPos', mock.func({x=1, y=2, z=300}), function() expect.error_match('not on current map', function() argparse.coords('here') end) end) mock.patch(guidm, 'getCursorPos', mock.func({x=1, y=2, z=300}), function() expect.table_eq({x=1, y=2, z=300}, argparse.coords('here', nil, true)) end) end) end