// plugin liquids // // This is a rewrite of the liquids module which can also be used non-interactively (hotkey). // First the user sets the mode and other parameters with the interactive command liqiudsgo // just like in the original liquids module. // They are stored in statics to allow being used after the interactive session was closed. // After defining an action the non-interactive command liquids-here can be used to call the // execute method without the necessity to go back to the console. This allows convenient painting // of liquids and obsidian using the ingame cursor and a hotkey. // // Commands: // liquids - basically the original liquids with the map changing stuff moved to an execute method // liquids-here - runs the execute method with the last settings from liquids // (intended to be mapped to a hotkey) // Options: // ?, help - print some help // // TODO: // - maybe allow all parameters be passed as command line options? tedious parsing but might be useful // - grab the code from digcircle to get a circle brush - could be nice when painting with obsidian // - maybe store the last parameters in a file to make them persistent after dfhack is closed? #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <set> #include <sstream> #include <stack> #include <vector> using std::vector; using std::string; using std::endl; using std::set; #include "Console.h" #include "Core.h" #include "Export.h" #include "LuaTools.h" #include "PluginManager.h" #include "TileTypes.h" #include "modules/Gui.h" #include "modules/MapCache.h" #include "modules/Maps.h" #include "df/world.h" #include "Brushes.h" using namespace MapExtras; using namespace DFHack; using namespace df::enums; DFHACK_PLUGIN("liquids"); REQUIRE_GLOBAL(world); static const char * HISTORY_FILE = "dfhack-config/liquids.history"; CommandHistory liquids_hist; command_result df_liquids (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters); command_result df_liquids_here (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters); DFhackCExport command_result plugin_init ( color_ostream &out, std::vector <PluginCommand> &commands) { liquids_hist.load(HISTORY_FILE); commands.push_back(PluginCommand( "liquids", "Place magma, water or obsidian.", df_liquids, true)); // interactive, needs console for prompt commands.push_back(PluginCommand( "liquids-here", "Use settings from liquids at cursor position.", df_liquids_here, Gui::cursor_hotkey)); // non-interactive, needs ingame cursor return CR_OK; } DFhackCExport command_result plugin_shutdown ( color_ostream &out ) { liquids_hist.save(HISTORY_FILE); return CR_OK; } enum BrushType { B_POINT, B_RANGE, B_BLOCK, B_COLUMN, B_FLOOD }; static const char *brush_name[] = { "point", "range", "block", "column", "flood", NULL }; enum PaintMode { P_WATER, P_MAGMA, P_OBSIDIAN, P_OBSIDIAN_FLOOR, P_RIVER_SOURCE, P_FLOW_BITS, P_WCLEAN }; static const char *paint_mode_name[] = { "water", "magma", "obsidian", "obsidian_floor", "riversource", "flowbits", "wclean", NULL }; enum ModifyMode { M_INC, M_KEEP, M_DEC }; static const char *modify_mode_name[] = { "+", ".", "-", NULL }; enum PermaflowMode { PF_KEEP, PF_NONE, PF_NORTH, PF_SOUTH, PF_EAST, PF_WEST, PF_NORTHEAST, PF_NORTHWEST, PF_SOUTHEAST, PF_SOUTHWEST }; static const char *permaflow_name[] = { ".", "-", "N", "S", "E", "W", "NE", "NW", "SE", "SW", NULL }; #define X(name) tile_liquid_flow_dir::name static const df::tile_liquid_flow_dir permaflow_id[] = { X(none), X(none), X(north), X(south), X(east), X(west), X(northeast), X(northwest), X(southeast), X(southwest) }; #undef X struct OperationMode { BrushType brush; PaintMode paint; ModifyMode flowmode; ModifyMode setmode; PermaflowMode permaflow; unsigned int amount; df::coord size; OperationMode() : brush(B_POINT), paint(P_MAGMA), flowmode(M_INC), setmode(M_KEEP), permaflow(PF_KEEP), amount(7), size(1,1,1) {} } cur_mode; command_result df_liquids_execute(color_ostream &out); command_result df_liquids_execute(color_ostream &out, OperationMode &mode, df::coord pos); static void print_prompt(std::ostream &str, OperationMode &cur_mode) { str <<"[" << paint_mode_name[cur_mode.paint] << ":" << brush_name[cur_mode.brush]; if (cur_mode.brush == B_RANGE) str << "(w" << cur_mode.size.x << ":h" << cur_mode.size.y << ":z" << cur_mode.size.z << ")"; str << ":" << cur_mode.amount << ":f" << modify_mode_name[cur_mode.flowmode] << ":s" << modify_mode_name[cur_mode.setmode] << ":pf" << permaflow_name[cur_mode.permaflow] << "]"; } command_result df_liquids (color_ostream &out_, vector <string> & parameters) { if(!out_.is_console()) return CR_FAILURE; Console &out = static_cast<Console&>(out_); for(size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size();i++) { if(parameters[i] == "help" || parameters[i] == "?") return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } if (!Maps::IsValid()) { out.printerr("Map is not available!\n"); return CR_FAILURE; } std::vector<std::string> commands; bool end = false; out << "Welcome to the liquid spawner.\nType 'help' or '?' for a list of available commands, 'q' to quit.\nPress return after a command to confirm." << std::endl; while(!end) { string input = ""; std::stringstream str; print_prompt(str, cur_mode); str << "# "; int rv; while ((rv = out.lineedit(str.str(),input,liquids_hist)) == Console::RETRY); if (rv <= Console::FAILURE) return rv == Console::FAILURE ? CR_FAILURE : CR_OK; liquids_hist.add(input); commands.clear(); Core::cheap_tokenise(input, commands); string command = commands.empty() ? "" : commands[0]; if(command=="help" || command == "?") { out << "Modes:" << endl << "m - switch to magma" << endl << "w - switch to water" << endl << "o - make obsidian wall instead" << endl << "of - make obsidian floors" << endl << "rs - make a river source" << endl << "f - flow bits only" << endl << "wclean - remove salt and stagnant flags from tiles" << endl << "Set-Modes (only for magma/water):" << endl << "s+ - only add" << endl << "s. - set" << endl << "s- - only remove" << endl << "Properties (only for magma/water):" << endl << "f+ - make the spawned liquid flow" << endl << "f. - don't change flow state (read state in flow mode)" << endl << "f- - make the spawned liquid static" << endl << "Permaflow (only for water):" << endl << "pf. - don't change permaflow state" << endl << "pf- - make the spawned liquid static" << endl << "pf[NS][EW] - make the spawned liquid permanently flow" << endl << "0-7 - set liquid amount" << endl << "Brush:" << endl << "point - single tile [p]" << endl << "range - block with cursor at bottom north-west [r]" << endl << " (any place, any size)" << endl << "block - DF map block with cursor in it" << endl << " (regular spaced 16x16x1 blocks)" << endl << "column - Column from cursor, up through free space" << endl << "flood - Flood-fill water tiles from cursor" << endl << " (only makes sense with wclean)" << endl << "Other:" << endl << "q - quit" << endl << "help or ? - print this list of commands" << endl << "empty line - put liquid" << endl << endl << "Usage: point the DF cursor at a tile you want to modify" << endl << "and use the commands available :)" << endl; out << endl << "Settings will be remembered until you quit DF. You can call liquids-here to execute the last configured action. Useful in combination with keybindings." << endl; } else if(command == "m") { cur_mode.paint = P_MAGMA; } else if(command == "o") { cur_mode.paint = P_OBSIDIAN; } else if(command == "of") { cur_mode.paint = P_OBSIDIAN_FLOOR; } else if(command == "w") { cur_mode.paint = P_WATER; } else if(command == "f") { cur_mode.paint = P_FLOW_BITS; } else if(command == "rs") { cur_mode.paint = P_RIVER_SOURCE; } else if(command == "wclean") { cur_mode.paint = P_WCLEAN; } else if(command == "point" || command == "p") { cur_mode.brush = B_POINT; } else if(command == "range" || command == "r") { int width = 1, height = 1, z_levels = 1; command_result res = parseRectangle(out, commands, 1, commands.size(), width, height, z_levels); if (res != CR_OK) { return res; } if (width == 1 && height == 1 && z_levels == 1) { cur_mode.brush = B_POINT; cur_mode.size = df::coord(1, 1, 1); } else { cur_mode.brush = B_RANGE; cur_mode.size = df::coord(width, height, z_levels); } } else if(command == "block") { cur_mode.brush = B_BLOCK; } else if(command == "column") { cur_mode.brush = B_COLUMN; } else if(command == "flood") { cur_mode.brush = B_FLOOD; } else if(command == "q") { end = true; } else if(command == "f+") { cur_mode.flowmode = M_INC; } else if(command == "f-") { cur_mode.flowmode = M_DEC; } else if(command == "f.") { cur_mode.flowmode = M_KEEP; } else if(command == "s+") { cur_mode.setmode = M_INC; } else if(command == "s-") { cur_mode.setmode = M_DEC; } else if(command == "s.") { cur_mode.setmode = M_KEEP; } else if (command.size() > 2 && memcmp(command.c_str(), "pf", 2) == 0) { auto *tail = command.c_str()+2; for (int pm = PF_KEEP; pm <= PF_SOUTHWEST; pm++) { if (strcmp(tail, permaflow_name[pm]) != 0) continue; cur_mode.permaflow = PermaflowMode(pm); tail = NULL; break; } if (tail) out << command << " : invalid permaflow mode" << endl; } // blah blah, bad code, bite me. else if(command == "0") cur_mode.amount = 0; else if(command == "1") cur_mode.amount = 1; else if(command == "2") cur_mode.amount = 2; else if(command == "3") cur_mode.amount = 3; else if(command == "4") cur_mode.amount = 4; else if(command == "5") cur_mode.amount = 5; else if(command == "6") cur_mode.amount = 6; else if(command == "7") cur_mode.amount = 7; else if(command.empty()) { df_liquids_execute(out); } else { out << command << " : unknown command." << endl; } } return CR_OK; } command_result df_liquids_here (color_ostream &out, vector <string> & parameters) { for(size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size();i++) { if(parameters[i] == "help" || parameters[i] == "?") return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } out.print("Run liquids-here with these parameters: "); print_prompt(out, cur_mode); out << endl; return df_liquids_execute(out); } command_result df_liquids_execute(color_ostream &out) { CoreSuspender suspend; auto cursor = Gui::getCursorPos(); if (!cursor.isValid()) { out.printerr("Can't get cursor coords! Make sure you have a cursor active in DF.\n"); return CR_WRONG_USAGE; } auto rv = df_liquids_execute(out, cur_mode, cursor); if (rv == CR_OK) out << "OK" << endl; return rv; } command_result df_liquids_execute(color_ostream &out, OperationMode &cur_mode, df::coord cursor) { // create brush type depending on old parameters std::unique_ptr<Brush> brush; switch (cur_mode.brush) { case B_POINT: brush.reset(new RectangleBrush(1,1,1,0,0,0)); break; case B_RANGE: brush.reset(new RectangleBrush(cur_mode.size.x,cur_mode.size.y,cur_mode.size.z,0,0,0)); break; case B_BLOCK: brush.reset(new BlockBrush()); break; case B_COLUMN: brush.reset(new ColumnBrush()); break; case B_FLOOD: brush.reset(new FloodBrush(&Core::getInstance())); break; default: // this should never happen! out << "Old brushtype is invalid! Resetting to point brush.\n"; cur_mode.brush = B_POINT; brush.reset(new RectangleBrush(1,1,1,0,0,0)); } if (!Maps::IsValid()) { out << "Can't see any DF map loaded." << endl; return CR_FAILURE; } MapCache mcache; coord_vec all_tiles = brush->points(mcache,cursor); // Force the game to recompute its walkability cache world->reindex_pathfinding = true; switch (cur_mode.paint) { case P_OBSIDIAN: { coord_vec::iterator iter = all_tiles.begin(); while (iter != all_tiles.end()) { mcache.setTiletypeAt(*iter, tiletype::LavaWall); mcache.setTemp1At(*iter,10015); mcache.setTemp2At(*iter,10015); df::tile_designation des = mcache.designationAt(*iter); des.bits.flow_size = 0; des.bits.flow_forbid = false; mcache.setDesignationAt(*iter, des); iter ++; } break; } case P_OBSIDIAN_FLOOR: { coord_vec::iterator iter = all_tiles.begin(); while (iter != all_tiles.end()) { mcache.setTiletypeAt(*iter, findRandomVariant(tiletype::LavaFloor1)); iter ++; } break; } case P_RIVER_SOURCE: { coord_vec::iterator iter = all_tiles.begin(); while (iter != all_tiles.end()) { mcache.setTiletypeAt(*iter, tiletype::RiverSource); df::tile_designation a = mcache.designationAt(*iter); a.bits.liquid_type = tile_liquid::Water; a.bits.liquid_static = false; a.bits.flow_size = 7; mcache.setTemp1At(*iter,10015); mcache.setTemp2At(*iter,10015); mcache.setDesignationAt(*iter,a); Block * b = mcache.BlockAt((*iter)/16); b->enableBlockUpdates(true); iter++; } break; } case P_WCLEAN: { coord_vec::iterator iter = all_tiles.begin(); while (iter != all_tiles.end()) { DFHack::DFCoord current = *iter; df::tile_designation des = mcache.designationAt(current); des.bits.water_salt = false; des.bits.water_stagnant = false; mcache.setDesignationAt(current,des); iter++; } break; } case P_MAGMA: case P_WATER: case P_FLOW_BITS: { set <Block *> seen_blocks; coord_vec::iterator iter = all_tiles.begin(); while (iter != all_tiles.end()) { DFHack::DFCoord current = *iter; // current tile coord DFHack::DFCoord curblock = current /16; // current block coord // check if the block is actually there auto block = mcache.BlockAt(curblock); if(!block) { iter ++; continue; } auto raw_block = block->getRaw(); df::tile_designation des = mcache.designationAt(current); df::tiletype tt = mcache.tiletypeAt(current); // don't put liquids into places where they don't belong... if(!DFHack::FlowPassable(tt)) { iter++; continue; } if(cur_mode.paint != P_FLOW_BITS) { unsigned old_amount = des.bits.flow_size; unsigned new_amount = old_amount; df::tile_liquid old_liquid = des.bits.liquid_type; df::tile_liquid new_liquid = old_liquid; // Compute new liquid type and amount switch (cur_mode.setmode) { case M_KEEP: new_amount = cur_mode.amount; break; case M_INC: if(old_amount < cur_mode.amount) new_amount = cur_mode.amount; break; case M_DEC: if (old_amount > cur_mode.amount) new_amount = cur_mode.amount; } if (cur_mode.paint == P_MAGMA) new_liquid = tile_liquid::Magma; else if (cur_mode.paint == P_WATER) new_liquid = tile_liquid::Water; // Store new amount and type des.bits.flow_size = new_amount; des.bits.liquid_type = new_liquid; // Compute temperature if (!old_amount) old_liquid = tile_liquid::Water; if (!new_amount) new_liquid = tile_liquid::Water; if (old_liquid != new_liquid) { if (new_liquid == tile_liquid::Water) { mcache.setTemp1At(current,10015); mcache.setTemp2At(current,10015); } else { mcache.setTemp1At(current,12000); mcache.setTemp2At(current,12000); } } // mark the tile passable or impassable like the game does des.bits.flow_forbid = (new_liquid == tile_liquid::Magma || new_amount > 3); mcache.setDesignationAt(current,des); // request flow engine updates block->enableBlockUpdates(new_amount != old_amount, new_liquid != old_liquid); } if (cur_mode.permaflow != PF_KEEP && raw_block) { auto &flow = raw_block->liquid_flow[current.x&15][current.y&15]; flow.bits.perm_flow_dir = permaflow_id[cur_mode.permaflow]; flow.bits.temp_flow_timer = 0; } seen_blocks.insert(block); iter++; } set <Block *>::iterator biter = seen_blocks.begin(); while (biter != seen_blocks.end()) { switch (cur_mode.flowmode) { case M_INC: (*biter)->enableBlockUpdates(true); break; case M_DEC: if (auto block = (*biter)->getRaw()) { block->flags.bits.update_liquid = false; block->flags.bits.update_liquid_twice = false; } break; case M_KEEP: { auto bflags = (*biter)->BlockFlags(); out << "flow bit 1 = " << bflags.bits.update_liquid << endl; out << "flow bit 2 = " << bflags.bits.update_liquid_twice << endl; } } biter ++; } break; } } if(!mcache.WriteAll()) { out << "Something failed horribly! RUN!" << endl; return CR_FAILURE; } return CR_OK; } static int paint(lua_State *L) { df::coord pos; OperationMode mode; lua_settop(L, 8); Lua::CheckDFAssign(L, &pos, 1); if (!pos.isValid()) luaL_argerror(L, 1, "invalid cursor position"); mode.brush = (BrushType)luaL_checkoption(L, 2, NULL, brush_name); mode.paint = (PaintMode)luaL_checkoption(L, 3, NULL, paint_mode_name); mode.amount = luaL_optint(L, 4, 7); if (mode.amount < 0 || mode.amount > 7) luaL_argerror(L, 4, "invalid liquid amount"); if (!lua_isnil(L, 5)) Lua::CheckDFAssign(L, &mode.size, 5); mode.setmode = (ModifyMode)luaL_checkoption(L, 6, ".", modify_mode_name); mode.flowmode = (ModifyMode)luaL_checkoption(L, 7, "+", modify_mode_name); mode.permaflow = (PermaflowMode)luaL_checkoption(L, 8, ".", permaflow_name); lua_pushboolean(L, df_liquids_execute(*Lua::GetOutput(L), mode, pos)); return 1; } DFHACK_PLUGIN_LUA_COMMANDS { DFHACK_LUA_COMMAND(paint), DFHACK_LUA_END };