Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Petr Mrázek (peterix@gmail.com)

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damages arising from the use of this software.

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#pragma once
* DF engravings
#include "Export.h"
#include "Module.h"

 * \defgroup grp_engraving Engraving module parts
 * @ingroup grp_modules
namespace DFHack
     * engraving flags
     * \ingroup grp_engraving
    struct flg_engraving
        // there are 9 directions an engraving can have.
        // unfortunately, a tile can't be engraved from more than one direction by the game
        unsigned int floor : 1; // engraved on a floor   0x1
        unsigned int west : 1; // engraved from west     0x2
        unsigned int east : 1; // engraved from east     0x4
        unsigned int north : 1; // engraved from north   0x8
        unsigned int south : 1; // engraved from south   0x10
        unsigned int hidden : 1; // hide the engraving   0x20
        unsigned int northwest : 1; // engraved from...  0x40
        unsigned int northeast : 1; // engraved from...  0x80
        unsigned int southwest : 1; // engraved from...  0x100
        unsigned int southeast : 1; // engraved from...  0x200
        unsigned int rest : 22; // probably unused

     * type the engraving is made of
     * \ingroup grp_engraving
    struct t_engraving
        int32_t artistIdx; /*!< Index of the artist in some global vector */
        // 4
        int32_t unknownIdx; // likes to stay -1
        // 8
        uint32_t unknown1; // likes to stay 1
        // C
        uint16_t x; /*!< X coordinate */
        uint16_t y; /*!< Y coordinate */
        // 10
        uint16_t z; /*!< Z coordinate */
        uint16_t padding; /*!< Could be used for hiding values. */
        // 14
        flg_engraving flags; // 0x20 = hide symbol
        // 18
        uint8_t display_character; // really? 4 bytes for that?
        uint8_t padding2[3];
        // 1C
        uint32_t type; // possibly an enum, decides what vectors to use for imagery
        // 20
        int16_t subtype_idx; // index in a vector kind of deal related to previous value
        uint16_t quality; // from 0 to 5
        // 24
        uint32_t unknown2;
        // 28 = length
     * structure for holding a DF engraving
     * \ingroup grp_engraving
    struct dfh_engraving
        t_engraving s;
        uint32_t origin;
     * The Engravings module - allows reading engravings :D
     * \ingroup grp_modules
     * \ingroup grp_engraving
    class DFHACK_EXPORT Engravings : public Module
        bool Start(uint32_t & numEngravings);
        bool Read (const uint32_t index, dfh_engraving & engr);
        bool Write (const dfh_engraving & engr);
        bool Finish();

        struct Private;
        Private *d;